Title: Final Revision part Eight
1Final Revision part Eight
2Adam Eve the story of the Creation in the
Book of Genesis in the Bible. Necessary for the
environment and suffering
3In Genesis chapter 2, God created a Paradise for
mankind to live in. It was called Eden.
4The Story of Adam Eve It is a symbolic story
about The place people have in the creation.
Their responsibility Their free will Their
5The world described in Genesis is ordered by God.
It is not a mistake. Into a garden he placed
mankind. He called then Adam Eve
6The Creation is good and blessed by God
7Adam was given responsibility or dominion over
the creatures in the garden. He was alone. Later
he was lonely and God made Eve from Adams rib.
8Adam Eve are there to learn to love God
9The couple choose badly and ended up excluded
from Gods presence. This is called the FALL
10They were naked and innocent created to enjoy the
11Adam Eve were placed in a paradise. They were
given choice. They were an amazing experiment for
God. God took a chance.
12This utopia was beautiful and there was no
suffering there. This is a symbolic story. We
cannot imagine a world without suffering.
13 They were forbidden to eat from The Tree of life
14Adam Eve ate from the tree and then God found
out. The explanation is that nothing was perfect
from then on. Mankind were basically selfish.
They had turned away form God.
15You must discuss Adam Eve and free will in the
suffering question.
16This moment of taking the apple is symbolic of
going against God. This is called sin.
17After they were excluded from the Garden they
were punished with painful childbirth and man
having to toil on the land for the rest of his
18Adam Eve were the hope of all. They choose to
abuse their free will
19Is it fair for Adam to blame Eve?
20Adam had a choice to obey the will of God or not
21Adam Eve were sent out of the Garden. This was
their punishment for their sin.
22Once they were punished for their disobedience
Christianity used this story to explain how sin
entered the world.
23THE FALL from Paradise. Excluded for ever.