Chapter 19 & 20 Image Quality & Techniques - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 19 & 20 Image Quality & Techniques


Chapter 19 & 20 Image Quality & Techniques There are three geometric factors that affect radiographic quality. Magnification Distortion Focal Spot Blur – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 19 & 20 Image Quality & Techniques

Chapter 19 20 Image Quality Techniques
  • There are three geometric factors that affect
    radiographic quality.
  • Magnification
  • Distortion
  • Focal Spot Blur
  • We have explored these factors in the laboratory.

  • All objects on the radiograph are larger that
    their actual size. This is called magnification.
  • The magnification factor is the image size
    divided by the object size.
  • At 40 (100 cm) factor is 1.1
  • At 72 (180 cm) factor is 1.05

  • Usually we do not know the size of the object so
    we must determine the magnification factor
    another way.
  • Image size S0D
  • MF ----------------
  • Object Size SID

Minimizing Magnification
  • Large SID Use the less divergent beam.
  • Chest X-rays are done at 72 SID to minimize
  • Lateral C-spine done at 72
  • Small OID Get patient as close to the film as
  • Basic principle for positioning.

  • Distortion is the misrepresentation of the true
    size and shape of the object being radiographed.
  • The amount of distortion depends upon the
    thickness, position and shape.

  • Thick objects are more distorted than thin
    objects because of the greater change in Object
    Image Distance.

  • The position of the object relative to the
    central axis will cause greater distortion with
    thick and/or irregular shaped objects.

Object Position
  • If the object plane and image plane are parallel
    the image will not be distorted.
  • If the object plane and image plane are not
    parallel, distortion will occur.

Spatial Distortion
  • When multiple objects at different OIDs occur,
    we get spatial distortion due to unequal
  • Two arrows appear as one.
  • When shifted laterally more distortion occurs

Object Shape Distortion
  • When the object plane is not parallel to the
    image plane as when inclined, shape distortion
  • This will result in foreshortening.

Focal Spot Blur
  • Focal spot blur is caused by the effective size
    of the focal spot, which is larger at the cathode
  • Focal spot blur is the most important factor in
    determining spatial resolution.

Focal Spot Blur
  • Focal spot blur is impacted by the Object to
    Image Distance.

Focal Spot Blur Heel Effect
  • There is more to the heel affect than just the
    attenuation of the beam by the anode.
  • The focal spot blur is smaller at the anode side
    and larger at the cathode side.

Taking advantage of the Anode Heel Effect
Did you see a problem ?
  • If the tube is mounted correctly for the AP Full
    spine, Chest and A-P Thoracic Spine, the patient
    must stand on his head for the lateral thoracic
  • For erect radiography, the use of the anode heel
    affect is limited.

Object Factors that Affect Quality
  • Subject Contrast
  • Patient or part thickness
  • Tissue mass density
  • Affective atomic number
  • Object shape
  • kVp

Radiographic Contrast
  • Radiographic Contrast is how the film looks.
  • It is the combination of receptor contrast and
    subject contrast.
  • Contrast occurs between structures of different

  • The thicker the body part or body section, the
    greater attenuation of the beam. Contrast is
    relative to the number of x-rays leaving the
  • Remember that x-rays are merely shadows of the
    anatomy based upon attentation of the beam.

  • Radiographs of thin patients will have more
    contrast than those of large patients.
  • Thicker object absorb more rays and will appear
    lighter than thin objects.

Tissue Mass Density
  • Different sections of the body have may equal
    thickness yet different mass density.
  • Two wrist may be the same thickness but the one
    that is swollen will have greater mass density
    due to water in the tissues.

Effective Atomic Number
  • While Compton interactions with tissues are not
    impacted by the relative atomic number of
    tissues, the photoelectric effect vary with the
    cube of the atomic number.
  • When the effective atomic number of adjacent
    tissues is very different, subject contrast is
    very high.

Object shape
  • The object shape not only influences the geometry
    but also through its contribution to subject
  • A vessel on end has high contrast while other
    have lower contrast.

Varying tissue densities
  • Bone absorbs most x-rays leaving a white shadow.
  • Water absorbs less x-rays leaving a light gray
  • Fat absorbs fewer x-rays leaving a dark gray
  • Air absorbs little x-rays and is black on the

Varying densities in the Body
  • Air, oil, water and metal (natural) absorb
    different degrees of the x-rays and produce
  • Heavy metals are used as contrast media to
    enhance contrast in the body in medical
    radiology. Principle ones are Barium and Iodine.

  • We have little control over the previous factors
    controlling subject contrast.
  • BUT!!!!!
  • The absolute magnitude of subject contrast is
    greatly influenced by the kVp of operation.

  • kVp also influences film contrast but not to the
    extend it controls subject contrast.
  • Low kVp high contrast short scale
  • High kVp low contrast broad scale

Motion Blur
  • If any element of the x-ray moves during
    exposure, we get motion blur.
  • Patient motion is the most common cause of motion
  • Motion blur is more common in erect radiography.

Ways to Control Motion Blur
  • Use the shortest possible exposure time
  • Restrict patient motion by instructions or
    restraining device.
  • Use a large SID
  • Use a small OID

Tools to Improve Quality
  • Patient Positioning
  • Get the patient close to the film reduce OID.
  • Center the beam to the area of interest.
  • Get the area of interest parallel to the beam or
  • Restrain motion and communicate with the patient.
  • Use short exposure times.

Tools to Improve Quality
  • Image receptors
  • Use the correct film screen combination for the
    examination. Extremity for wrist. Regular for
  • Intensifying screens reduce patient exposure at
    least 20 times.
  • As the speed of the image receptor increases,
    radiographic noise and contrast resolution

Tools to Improve Quality
  • Image receptors
  • Low contrast imaging procedures have wider
    latitude and a larger margin of error in
    producing acceptable radiographs.
  • Use the highest speed system that will provide
    adequate contrast and density over the entire
    spectrum of examinations.

Tools to Improve Quality
  • Technique selection
  • We must select the optimum technical factors.
  • We must get the exposure time as low as possible
    so high frequency machine are important.
  • Contrast controlled by the kVp used
  • Density controlled by the mAs used.

Tools to Improve Quality
  • kVp has a greater influence than mAs.
  • Technique selection is a balancing act. Balancing
    contrast, density and exposure.

Chapter 20 Radiographic Technique
  • Several factors influence the selection of
    technical factors. The primary factors that
    impact exposure and image quality are
  • SID
  • mAs
  • kVp

Patient Factors
  • The anatomic thickness and body composition
    greatly impact the technical factors.
  • The technique chart is based upon the Sthenic
    Body Type.

Patient Factors
  • Sthenic is strong active
  • Hyposthenic is thin but healthy
  • Hyperstenic is obese
  • Astenic is small, frail sometime emaciated, and
    often elderly

Patient Thickness
  • The thickness of the patient should not be
  • It should be measured with calipers.
  • Patient thickness is measured in cm.

Body composition
  • The type of tissue in the area of exposure will
    impact the technical factors.
  • The tissue types in the chest are different from
    the abdomen.
  • Disease processes will also impact the exposure
    factors. Obtaining a good clinical history is
    important. History must be communicated to the

Classifying Pathology
  • Radiolucent (Destructive)
  • Active TB
  • Atrophy
  • Bowel obstruction
  • Cancer
  • Degenerative arthritis
  • Emphysema
  • Osteoporosis
  • Pneumothorax
  • Radiopaque Constructive)
  • Aortic aneurysm
  • Ascites
  • Atelectasis
  • Cirrosis
  • Hypertrophy
  • Metastasis
  • Pleural Effusion
  • Pneumonia
  • Sclerosis

Image Quality Factors
  • Image quality factors include
  • OD
  • Contrast
  • Image Detail
  • Image Distortion
  • OD is the optical density or radiographic
    density. OD is controlled by the mAs and SID.

Optical Density
  • Numerically low OD is a low number like 0.25.
  • Dark is a high number like 2.20 to 4.0
  • Light is underexposed
  • Dark is over exposed
  • If density is the only factor that needs to be
    changed, change the mAs.

Optical Density
  • A 30 change in mAs is needed to make a
    perceptible change in optical density.
  • Usually when a change in optical density is
    needed, the mAs is either doubled or halved.
  • kVp must be changed by 4 to produce the same
    change in optical density.
  • Changing kVp will also impact penetration and

30 - 50 Rule
  • If the film is under exposed, double the mAs.
  • If the film is over exposed, cut the mAs in half.
  • If the film is slightly underexposed, increase
    the mAs 30.
  • If the film is slightly overexposed, reduce the
    mAs 30.

30 Density Change
  • The lower image was the first image taken. It was
    dark but normally would be acceptable.
  • The top image was the mAs reduced 30. The air
    fluid levels in the sinus is easier to see.

15 Rule
  • The OD can be changed with kVp but it will also
    impact exposure and contrast also.
  • Increase of 15 in kVp is equal to cutting the
    mAs in half.
  • Decrease of 15 in kVp is equal to doubling the
  • If the film is underexposed, increase kVp 15.
  • If the film is overexposed, decrease kVp 15.

  • The function of contrast is to make the anatomy
    more visible.
  • Contrast is the difference in density of adjacent
  • The relative penetrability of the x-ray through
    different tissues determines the image contrast.

  • Contrast can be measured as the Gray Scale of
    Contrast. It is the range of optical density from
    white to black on the image.
  • Contrast is controlled by kVp.

Adjusting Contrast with 15 Rule
  • An 15 increase in kVp and a reduction of mAs by
    50 will produce the same OD but lower contrast.
  • Used to reduce exposure or reduce exposure time/
  • An 15 decrease in kVp and doubling the mAs will
    produce the same OD but higher contrast.

Image Detail
  • The sharpness of image detail refers to the
    ability to see structural lines or borders of
    tissue in the image.
  • The visibility of image detail is best measured
    by the contrast resolution.
  • The geometric factors of focal spot selection,
    SID and OID will impact sharpness.

Image Detail
  • Visibility of image detail is impacted by
    factors such as image fog.
  • Scatter radiation reduces the ability to
    visualize lines of detail.
  • Light fog or processing can impact the visibility
    of structures.
  • Collimation, screen combination and the use of a
    grid are other factors that impact image detail.

  • The position of the x-ray tube greatly impacts
    distortion of the image. The image may be
    elongated or foreshortened.
  • The proper Positioning of the tube, anatomic part
    and image receptor greatly impacts distortion.

Types of Technique Charts
  • There are four primary means to establish
  • Variable kVp Fixed mAs
  • Fixed kVp with varying mAs.
  • High kVp with varying mAs
  • Automatic Exposure Charts when AEC is used.

Variable kVp Charts
  • The mAs is fixed and the kVp is varied based upon
    patient thickness.
  • Usually by a formula such as 2 x thickness 30
    kVp for single phase
  • 24 cm patient 2423078kVp
  • For high frequency use 23 and for three phase
    use 25.
  • Small patient used low kVp high contrast
  • Large patient used high kVp low contrast

Variable kVp Charts
  • Contrast was very inconsistent.
  • Very little latitude on smaller patients.
  • Higher radiation exposure
  • This type of chart should be avoided.

Fixed kVp Technique
  • kVp is fixed and mAs varies by patient thickness.
    Usually 30 per two cm.
  • Uses Optimum kVp for the body part
  • Contrast is constant.
  • Wider latitude
  • Lower exposure

Fixed kVp Technique Variations
  • High kVp technique uses over 100 kVp
  • No longer used for bone.
  • Long ago used for spine but images are too gray.
    Low contrast
  • Mostly used for chest and barium contrast studies.

Fixed kVp Technique Variations
  • Automatic Exposure Technique Charts
  • Uses optimum kVp and high backup mAs.
  • Ion chamber or photo cell determines when correct
    density is achieved on film and terminates
  • Proper positioning is critical to get the area of
    interest over the ion chamber.

Using the Technique Chart
  • The chart is not the Bible but is a guide.
  • Works about 85 of the time so it is a great
    starting point.
  • Lists factors used for each view based upon
    measurement of the patient.
  • Can include as much as you want to include.

Using the Technique Chart
  • Recommended factors for chart
  • optimum kVp for view
  • mAs based upon cm measurement
  • filters used
  • SID tube angle used
  • Bucky or non-Bucky
  • Cassette film type

Using the Technique Chart
  • Charts should be
  • accessible
  • easy to read
  • not hand written
  • based upon the type of machine and machine
  • mAs or mA and time

Technique Variables
  • Variable machine electrical output
  • Incoming power and ability of machine to
    compensate for variations in incoming power.
  • Type of High-voltage Power
  • Single phase to High Frequency reduce mAs 50
  • High Frequency to Single phase double mAs
  • Grid ratio
  • Non-Bucky Holder

Technique Variables
  • Variable machine electrical output
  • Relative Speed Value of cassettes film
  • 400 speed to 200 speed double mAs
  • 200 speed to 400 speed reduce mAs 50

mAs kVp Relationship
  • There are some basic rules for mAs and kVp that
    are used to adjust the technical factors.
  • Remember x-rays are like toast.
  • Dark is too dense
  • Light has inadequate density
  • This tells you which was to go.

mAs Rules
  • Since mAs controls density, it is usually used to
    adjust density.
  • 30 increase needed to make a noticeable change
    in density.
  • 50 mAs reduction will reduce density 50
  • Doubling mAs will doubles density.

mAs Rules
  • If image is too dark reduce mAs 50.
  • If image is too light double mAs.
  • Doubling mAs can be done by doubling mA or time.
  • Doubling time increases chance for motion blur.

kVp Rule
  • kVp will also change density.
  • A light film from low kVp is called under exposed
    or under penetrated.
  • Very white image because no x-rays reached the
  • Too dark is over exposed, some say over
    penetrated. They are different.

kVp Rule
  • Over penetrated will result only if the kVp used
    is too high for the view. It will be dark and
    very flat (lacking contrast)
  • Density is very sensitive to changes in kVp.
  • A 2 kVp (HF) to 4 kVp change is noticeable. About
  • The 15 rule works with density adjustment.

kVp Rule
  • 15 increase in kVp will double density.
  • 15 decrease in kVp will reduce density 50.
  • 15 increase in kVp doubling mAs
  • 15 decrease in kVp half the mAs
  • 10 kVp 15 change in the 60 to 90 kVp range.

Optimum kVp
  • Optimum kVp will provide the best contrast with
    the least amount of radiation.
  • If using the optimum kVp you should not need to
    adjust kVp.
  • kVp can be changed based upon body habitus and

Optimum kVp
  • Small Extremity
  • Large Extremity
  • Cervical Spine AP or Lat
  • APOM
  • Thoracic AP
  • Thoracic Lat
  • Lumbar AP
  • Lumbar Oblique
  • Lumbar Lateral
  • Pelvis
  • Abdomen
  • Ribs
  • Chest
  • 55-65
  • 65-70
  • 70-74
  • 75-78
  • 75
  • 80
  • 74
  • 80
  • 90
  • 80
  • 70
  • 70
  • 110

Dark film
  • Dark No contrast reduce kVp no change to mAs
  • Black no structures seen reduce both.
  • Dark look at the optimum kVp range.
  • If reducing kVp goes beyond optimum kVp
  • reduce mAs 50

Light Film
  • If film is so light that no structures are seen
    then it is under penetrated so increase kVp.
  • kVp controls penetration.
  • If structures seen but lacks density increase
    double mAs.

Patient Factors
  • Very muscular or large boned increase mAs by 50
  • Very muscular and large boned increase mAs 50
    and kVp 4 to 6 kVp.
  • Obese increase mAs 50
  • Edema increase mAs 30
  • Frail decrease kVp 5 to 15

Patient Factors
  • Osteoporotic patient over 60 years old decrease
    mAs 30 to 50
  • 6 to 12 years old reduce mAs 30 to 50
  • Infants to 6 years old decrease mAs 75

Item that Affect Detail
  • Spatial Resolution controlled by focal spot size
    and image receptor.
  • Detail influenced by
  • SID
  • OID
  • Motion Blur
  • Density Contrast of Image

Items that Affect OD
  • Optical density is controlled by mAs
  • OD influenced by
  • kVp
  • SID
  • Thickness
  • Density
  • Collimation

Items that Affect OD
  • OD influenced by
  • Grid Ratio
  • Development time and temperature
  • Image receptor speed

Items that Affect Contrast
  • Contrast controlled by kVp
  • Contrast influenced by
  • mAs
  • Development Time Temperature
  • Collimation
  • Grid ratio
  • Image receptor

End of Lecture
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