Title: BEST Dysphagia Management Services, Inc.
1BEST Dysphagia Management Services, Inc.
Barriers to Functional Dysphagia Management In
the SNF Setting
- Carol G. Winchester
- President
2It starts at the beginning!
- Accurate Historical Patient Information is
difficult to find or missing - Face Sheet
- Patient Hospital Notes
- Consultations
- Time Barrier in Reporting
3It starts at the beginning!
- Solution
- Interview the family to assure accuracy in
reporting - Look at the patientis this the same patient as
described? - Check back later in the week to confirm initial
impressions - Check with medical records to see if the chart
was thinned
4Misinformation is dangerous!
- One Patient, Four Admissions
- Diet changes missed
- Diagnosis changed
- Consistency in care absent
- It is the responsibility of every therapist to
know what and why you are treating the patient - Without accurate historical reporting.is this
5Misinformation is dangerous!
- Soultion
- Review the chart again after each admission
- Ask of the chart has been thinned
- Interview the family again to find out what has
changed - If a patient comes from another facility.assume
that information is missing! - When something does not make senseASK ASK ASK!!!
6One Patient4 SNF Admissions No
Instrumentation for Dysphagia
7Stay 1
- Patient admitted to the Nursing home with a
diagnosis of pneumonia. - Patient was on O2 at 3L.
- Patient stayed 36 days
- Patient returned to the hospital with pneumonia .
- Patient was on a honey thick liquid consistency
during stay number one.
8Costs associated with Stay 1
- Liquid thickener per month 60.00
- Therapy Costs at Ultra High RUG 3240.00
- Antibiotic Treatment 336
- Respiratory Drugs 73.44
- Oxygen _at_ 3L 1260
- Total Pneumonia Costs 4969.44
9Stay 2
- The patient returned to the facility for 88 days
- G-tube placed for nutrition and hydration
- Placed in a specialty bed for decubitus.
- On a thickened liquid of a pudding thick
- Patient fell and fractured a hip
- Returned to the hospital for repair.
10Costs associated with Stay 2
- Liquid thickener per month
- 90.00
- Therapy Costs at Ultra High RUG 5760.00
- Antibiotic Treatment 336
- Respiratory Drugs 122.40
- Oxygen _at_ 3L 2100.00
- G-Tube Pump 266.64
- Wound Care 15,400.00
- Specialty Beds 1125.00
- Total Repeat Pneumonia Costs 25,200.04
11Stay 3
- FX Hip repaired at the hospital
- Patient returned to the facility with a diet
order including thin liquids. - Patient stay 13 days
- Returned to the hospital with DX of increasing
congestion and dehydration.
12Costs associated with Stay 3
- Itemized Costs Associated with Stay 3
- DX of Fx Hip
- Liquid thickener per month0. ( p on thin
liquids again) - Therapy Costs 0
- Antibiotic Treatment 168.00
- Respiratory Drugs 26.52
- Oxygen at 3L 455.00
- G-tube 0
- Wound Care 2275.00
- Specialty Bed 0
- Total Additional Costs 2924.52
13Stay 4
- Diagnosis upon return to the facility was
Bronchitis. - Patient was placed on a pudding thick liquid for
the course of this stay. - Pt Died on day 61 of Stay 4
14Costs associated with Stay 4
- Itemized Costs Associated with Stay 4
- Dx of Bronchitis
- Liquid thickener per month120
- Therapy Costs 4270
- Antibiotic Treatment 168.00
- Respiratory Drugs 61.12
- Oxygen at 3L 1050.00
- G-Tube 0
- Wound Care 10,675.00
- Specialty Bed 1525
- Total Additional Costs 33,094.00
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17He Said, She Said!
- Family dynamics are a powerful source of
happiness and stress - Understanding your patients
- reaction to family situations can
inhibit rehab potential - Sometimes the patient isnt the sickest one in
the group dynamic.
18He Said, She Said!
- Solution
- Listen and Learn from the interactions you
witness. - Incorporate the dynamics into the therapy
recommendations, taking note of the caregivers
personality. - A recommendation is only as functional as the
person charged with its use and/or supervision - The patient may not have been the patient prior
to the medical incident. - Plan to try out your recommendations!
19Know Your Audience!
- Its hard to have a battle of wits with an
unarmed man! - Aspiration is an old persons best friend
(anonymous DON) - Speech therapy? He can talk just fine!
(anonymous nurse) - Speech? You people put everyone on thickened
liquids, I can do that! (anonymous physician)
20Know Your Audience!
- Solution
- Arm yourself with information
- Inservice, Inservice, Inservice
- Visibility, Visibility, Visibility
- Praise, Plead, and Perform!
21You cant get water from a rock!
- Every SNF is different in some aspects, small and
large! - Dietary goals, policies, procedures and theories
are a reality in your facility. - Policies are written at the corporate level and
take months of negotiations to complete.
22You cant get water from a rock!
- Solution
- Become a part of the team
- Be interested and sincere
- Be cognizant of the cost of dietary care
- Pick your battles at first!
23We are the only SLPs in the facility!
- SLPs are the experts in dysphagia management for
the SNF. - Some realities
- Other disciplines are not as interested as you
are in dysphagia - Very few people understand how precarious the
anatomy of the swallow really is - Physicians rely on your expertise
- Nursing may cringe every time you impose another
constraint on how they perform their work - 7.00 per hour help spends the most time with any
patient on any given day
24We are the only SLPs in the facility!
- Solution
- Dont try to make SLPs out of everyone in the
building - Disseminate information in a neat, need to know
package - Dont be shy about your credentials
- Praise when its right, go to the supervisor when
its wrong.. - Never, Never, Never discipline anyone yourself.
Its not your job!
25Patient and Facility Culture
- What is the culture of the facility owners?
- Geographically, is there an identifiable culture?
- Is this a city or a small town?
- Are you from a town of similar size and culture?
- How do you modify your behavior to fit in?
- Why does it matter?
26Patient and Facility Culture
- Solution
- Learn about the community in which you work
- Are there local Rotary or Kiwani Clubs that would
donate to your program? - Take home the local paper now and then and try to
get a feel for the issues important to the
community - Knowing how things work can make the difference
between a so-so program and one that focuses on
quality patient care - Why does it matter? These people had vibrant
lives before illnessrespect that!
27Religious Variables
- Even though its politically incorrect to discuss
it.religious values matter in patient care - What is the religious culture of the area? How
does it affect therapy goals? Diet modifications?
Compensatory strategies and equipment? - Catholic?
- Jewish?
- Mormon?
- Amish?
28Religious Variables
- Solution
- Ask questions if you are unsure of culture and
expectations - Make sure to adhere to the peculiarities of their
religious practices - Dont assume that it no longer matters!
29The American Diet
- Something close to 80 of men over the age of 65
have GERD - Women are fast approaching that figure
- Stress of modern life
- The good ol American Diet
30Monilial Esophagitis
31Esophageal Candidiasis
32Reflux Esophagitis II
33Reflux Esophagitis III
34Reflux Esophagitis IV
35Esophagitis Squels / Stenosis
36Zenkers Diverticula
37Sliding Hiatal Hernia
38The American Diet
- Solution
- Understand the signs of reflux
- Know the function of GERD and the associated
results - Be prepared to speak to the nurse/physician as to
why reflux management is important to dysphagia
management - Follow up in 3-4 weeks for results
39Pharmaceutical Effects
- Dysphagia can sometimes be the result of
medications for the primary diseases - Pharmaceutical effects can be mysterious to both
the patient and the therapist - The effects of medications can be transient
throughout the day
40Pharmaceutical Effects
- Solution
- Become Educated!
- New book Drugs and Dysphagia by Drs Lynette
Carl and Peter Johnson - Chart reviews are VITAL!
- Repeated visits to the medical chart as
medications change - BE INFORMED and STAY INFORMED!
- Reality Sometimes you cant teach and old dog
new tricks - A non-compliant personality will not suddenly
become compliant - A man who has a lifelong hatred of women will not
perform well with a female therapist - A woman who is intimidated by men will react
differently with a male and female therapist - Depression can, and will affect therapy
- Solution
- Interview family
- Dont assume that depression equals
non-compliance - Give the patient time to react to the illness
- Work WITH the personality, dont try to change
it. - Never reprimand for personality traits.
- Functional Dysphagia Management is more than an
evaluation and identification of disease - Other issues can and will negatively affect the
outcome unless you incorporate them into your
realm of understanding
- Handouts can be downloaded from the BEST website
and used to inservice your facilities! - www.BESTDMS.com
- Available May 30th