- Jeffrey T. Seabourn, M.D.
- Gem State Radiology
4Radiation Dose Considerations in CT
ImagingLearning Objectives
- Learn the reasons for heightened concern about
radiation exposure from CT - Learn basic concepts of radiobiology, CT
radiation measurement, and range of exposures for
various exams - Understand the consensus opinions on the risks of
radiation - Learn about strategies Radiologists employ to
minimize radiation exposure from CT
5Radiation Dose Considerations in CT
ImagingLearning Objectives
- Learn the reasons for heightened concern about
radiation exposure from CT - Learn basic concepts of radiobiology, CT
radiation measurement, and range of exposures for
various exams - Understand the consensus opinions on the risks of
radiation - Learn about strategies Radiologists employ to
minimize radiation exposure from CT
6Radiation fear Why Now?
- Rapid rise in population radiation exposure from
medical imaging - NEJM article 11/07 by Brenner Hall
- Lay press activity USA Today, Time, Washington
Post, NY Times - X-rays classified as carcinogens by WHO, CDC, and
7Radiation exposure from CT
- 60 million CTs/yr in 2006 c/w 3 million in
1980. - Estimated at between 69-72 million in 2007.
- 4-7 million CTs performed annually on Peds
- Increasing by 10 per year
- 33 under age 10
- 10 times more sensitive to radiation
- Rate has doubled in last 5 years
- CT has become the largest source of medical
radiation dose
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9Radiation Fear
10Radiation Fear Recent developments
- Radiation over-exposures reported at Cedars-Sinai
Medical Center involving brain CT perfusion scans - Prompts FDA investigation 10/09
- Initially reveals 206 cases of over-exposure (8x
expected level) over an 18 month period. - FDA finds additional cases in LA area and in
Alabama - Class action lawsuit filed
11Radiation Fear Recent developments
- FDA launches initiative to rein in medical
radiation 2/9/10 - Congressional sub-committee hearings on radiation
safety 2/26/10 - FDA hearings on radiation safety 3/30/10
12Radiation Fear Recent Publications
- Exposure to Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation from
Medical Imaging Procedures. NEJM, August 27,
2009 Number 9 Volume 361849-857 Reza Fazel,
M.D., et. al. - Collected CT data from 5 Healthcare markets from
2005-2007 - Categorized effective radiation doses into 4
categories - Low (lt3mSv)
- Moderate (gt3-20mSv) 19.4 of enrollees
- High (gt20-50mSv) 1.9 of enrollees
- Very high (gt50mSv) .19 of enrollees
- Conclusions Imaging procedures are an important
source of exposure to ionizing radiation and can
result in high cumulative effective doses
13Radiation Fear Recent Publications
- Projected Cancer Risks From Computed Tomographic
Scans Performed in the United States in 2007.
Amy Berrington de González, Dphil et. al. - Arch Intern Med. 2009169(22)2071-2077.
- Sponsored by NIH and NCI
- Estimated 29,000 new cancers from CTs performed
in 2007 - Estimates based on BEIR VII risk modeling
14Radiation Fear Recent Publications
- Radiation Dose Associated With Common Computed
Tomography Examinations and the Associated
Lifetime Attributable Risk of Cancer. Arch Intern
Med. 2009169(22)2078-2086. Rebecca
Smith-Bindman, MD et. al. - Radiation doses from common CT exams were higher
and far more variable than previous estimates. - Up to a 13-fold variation between highest and
lowest dose for each study type - Attempted to measure LAR of cancer based on age,
sex and CT dose estimates.
15Radiation Dose Considerations in CT
ImagingLearning Objectives
- Learn the reasons for heightened concern about
radiation exposure from CT - Learn basic concepts of radiobiology, CT
radiation measurement, and range of exposures for
various exams - Understand the consensus opinions on the risks of
radiation - Learn about strategies Radiologists employ to
minimize radiation exposure from CT
16Radiation Bio-effects
- Direct interaction
- Cellular macromolecules (proteins or DNA) are hit
by ionizing radiation - Cell death
- DNA mutation
- Indirect interaction
- Radiation interacts with cellular water
- Hydrolysis of H20 resulting in a OH- free radical
- Formation of unstable H2O2 stable organic
peroxide lack of essential enzyme cell
death - Anti-oxidants block recombination into H2O2
preventing stable organic H2O2 compounds from
17Radiation terms and definitions
- Radiation exposure (R) ionization of air by
photons (x-rays). - Absorbed dose (Gy) energy absorbed due to
ionizing radiation. - Equivalent dose (Sv) takes into account the
type of radiation involved (gamma vs. x-rays) - Effective dose (Sv) accounts for tissue
radiosensitivity in determining equivalent whole
body dose.
18Organ Radio-sensitivity
19Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation
- Stochastic Effects
- Deterministic Effects
20Stochastic Effects
- Exposure to low-dose radiation
- Severity is independent of dose
- No safe threshold dose
- Probability of a biological effect increases with
dose - May take a lifetime to manifest (or more)
- Results in carcinogenesis and genetic effects
21Deterministic Effects
- Result from high radiation doses
- Generally not an issue in diagnostic imaging
- Severity is dose dependent
- Higher dose increased severity
- There is a threshold
- Examples hair loss, cataracts, skin changes,
sterility, nausea, CNS damage, death
22Deterministic effect Band alopecia CTA Brain
- CTDI CT dose index (mGy)
- DLP Dose length product (mGy-cm)
- CTDI (mGy)
- CTDI100
- CTDIW Weighted avg. of center (1/3) and
peripheral (2/3) contributions of dose. - CTDIVOL CTDIW/pitch
- For the same tube current and voltage,
- Decrease in diameter will increase effective
dose - Smaller pitch will increase CTDI
- DLP (mGy-cm)
- CTDIVOL x scan length
- Represents the integrated dose across the scan
length. - Can be multiplied by a conversion factor to yield
an effective dose estimate
- CTDIVOL and DLP are displayed on newer CT
scanners. - Useful for comparing CT protocols between
scanners. - Do NOT represent effective dose measurements
(mSv). - Represent calculations from phantom measurements.
- Can be used to estimate effective dose using
conversion factors.
- Effective dose estimates can be calculated using
anatomic region specific conversion factors and
multiplying them by the DLP. - Effective dose (mSv) DLP k(E/DLP)
- Representative adult values for k(E/DLP) are
- Head/Neck .0031
- Head .0021
- Neck .0059
- Chest .014
- A/P .015
- Trunk .015
28Comparison of Adult and Pediatric k-values
- Head CT
- CTDIVOL 118.4 mGy
- DLP 1183 mGy-cm
- Effective dose estimate DLP x 0.0021
- 2.5 mSv
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31Radiation Dose Considerations in CT
ImagingLearning Objectives
- Learn the reasons for heightened concern about
radiation exposure from CT - Learn basic concepts of radiobiology, CT
radiation measurement, and range of exposures for
various exams - Understand the consensus opinions on the risks of
radiation - Learn about strategies Radiologists employ to
minimize radiation exposure from CT
32Risks of Ionizing Radiation from Diagnostic
- No published studies have directly attributed
cancer to CT scanning - Relationship between radiation exposure and
cancer risk at low radiation doses is less clear - Proving this definitively and accurately would
require hundreds of thousands to millions of
subjects - Therefore, assumptions must be made based on
other forms of ionizing radiation exposure - Most widely used source Atomic bomb survivors
- Additional sources of risk estimates come from
expert panel reviews - BEIR reports
- UN Subcommittee on Atomic Radiation
33Atomic Bomb Survivor Data
- Largest longitudinal study to date
- 35,000 survivors exposed to doses lt 150mSv
- Followed for cancer incidence over 55 years
- Direct, statistically significant evidence for
risk in the dose range from 5-150 mSv - Instantaneous WB exposure to x-rays, particulate
radiation, neutrons - Pierce, DA and Preston, DL. Radiation-related
cancer risks at low doses among atomic bomb
survivors. Radiation Research, 200, 154(2) p.
34Radiation Exposure
- Background 3 mSv/ year at sea level
- Transcontinental Flight 1mSv/hour
- Chest X-Ray 0.02 mSv
- MDCT Abdomen and Pelvis 10 mSv
- Hiroshima Survivors showing excess cancer deaths
2 to 20 mSv
35Radiation Dose Comparisons
36Adults age 45 or older
- Very low risk of excess cancer for one scan
- High prevalence of cancer in patients over 45
- May not live long enough to express mutation
- Usually past reproductive age
37But for a 10 year old
- Long lifespan in which to manifest mutation
- Immature, rapidly developing body systems, more
radiosensitive - May pass mutations to progeny
38Compare the Risk
39Compare the Risk
Estimated radiation-induced cancer risk is 3-5
times greater in children than in adults
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41Radiation Risk in Context
- Baseline risk of cancer 20-25 (1 in 4-5)
- Late middle aged adult getting average CT has
lifetime risk of cancer increased from 20 to
42Comparable non-radiation risks
- Assume 10 mSv CT scan
- Smoking 140 cigarettes in lifetime (lung CA)
- Spending 7 months in NYC (air pollution- lung CA)
- Driving 4,000 miles in a car (accident)
- Flying 250,000 miles in a jet (accident)
43Risks of Ionizing Radiation from Diagnostic
ImagingBottom Line
- No direct cause-effect relationship established
between low-dose radiation and cancer - Although the risk is small, it is also cumulative
- Statistically significant increase in cancer
risks above 50mSv - The benefits of an indicated CT far outweigh the
44Radiation Dose Considerations in CT
ImagingLearning Objectives
- Learn the reasons for heightened concern about
radiation exposure from CT - Learn basic concepts of radiobiology, CT
radiation measurement, and range of exposures for
various exams - Understand the consensus opinions on the risks of
radiation - Learn about strategies Radiologists employ to
minimize radiation exposure from CT
45Radiation exposure from CT
- Collective dose to population is rising
- High radiation dose per exam
- Increasing number of indications
- Increasing availability
- Easier to perform
- Faster
46Two Pillars of CT Dose Reduction
47Appropriate Utilization
- Causes of over-utilization
- Defensive medicine practices
- Estimated that up to 30 of imaging is
unneccessary - Physician self-referral
- Imaging the worried well
- Inappropriate recommendations for CT imaging by
Radiologists - ACR appropriateness criteria
- Whole Body CT screening
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50Appropriate Utilization
- Strategies to reduce radiation exposure from CT
exams - CT vs. other imaging tests
- Avoid repetitive studies
- Tailor the exam to the patient
- Tailor the exam to the application
- Reduce dose as much as possible
- Limit the scan range
51Appropriate Utilization
- CT should be avoided when an US or MRI is of
comparable diagnostic utility - Body MR Liver, Pancreatic, and Renal imaging
- US vs. CT for appendicitis in children
- ACR appropriateness criteria
- US 8/9 RRL none
- CT 7/9 RRL high
52Appropriate Utilization
- CT should be avoided when prior diagnostic
radiation exposure is excessive - Repeat visits to ED
- Chest pain CTPA
- Abdominal pain A/P CT
53Optimization of CT protocols
- CT technique should be tailored to the patient
and his/her body habitus - Use of pediatric specific imaging protocols
(Image Gently campaign) - Reduction of peak KvP relative organ dose
reductions range from 30-55 - Use of AEC programs
- Patients with a larger body habitus will receive
a larger dose, but still have issues with image
54Optimization of CT protocols
- CT technique should be monitored and controlled
to ensure that the dose is as low as reasonably
achievable (ALARA principle) - Peak KvP optimization BMI or weight-based
protocols - Tube current adjustment (mAs) AEC software
- Adjust pitch in pitch, decrease in dose
- Develop and use a chart or table of tube-current
settings based on patient weight or diameter and
anatomical region of interest. - Reduce the number of multi-phasic scans with
contrast - Limit the scan range
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56Sure Exposure Dose Reduction System
After the operator sets plan on scanogram, the
scanner will calculate the absorption of patient
body, and decide appropriate scan technique
. During scanning, the scanner modulates mA with
every gantry rotation. (right)
As a result, detector output is maintained.
Therefore, the image noise of each slice is also
maintained, providing the same Image Quality at a
lower patient dose. (left)
57Future efforts at CT dose reduction
- Hardware improvements from vendors
- Shift away from slice wars with a renewed
emphasis on dose reduction strategies - Volume scanning- Aquilion One
- Dual energy- Siemens Definition Flash
- More efficient detectors- GEMS
- Software Iterative reconstruction techniques
- IRIS- Siemens
58Technological Advancements in CT Dose Reduction
59Future efforts at CT dose reduction Dose
- Requirements to list CTDIvol and DLP with the
patients image data - Pilot program to integrate patient dose profile
at order entry level - Would require the ordering provider to break the
glass if patient has exceeded agreed upon
cumulative dose thresholds
60Future efforts at CT dose reduction Dose
- Dose Index Registry (DIR)
- Part of National Radiology data Registry (NRDR)
- Will collect and provide feedback on dose
estimate information from various modalities - Allows fine tuning of protocols and increases
61Future efforts at CT dose reduction Legislative
and Regulatory reform
- Congressional oversight and legislation to reduce
medical radiation errors - Intelligently attempt to modify the currently
fragmented oversight, accreditation, licensing
and QA requirements for medical use of radiation - Rep. Waxman astonished that no federal agency
has authority over medical radiation safety
issues - FDA regulations
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63What can patients do?
- Keep accurate health records to document exposure
to ionizing radiation - Google Health
- EMR patient portals
- Seek out facilities that are committed to
radiation safety - ACR accredited facilities
- Independent audit of CT utilization
- Protocols
- Tech training
- Image quality
64What can patients do?
- Ask questions
- Why do I need this exam?
- How will having this exam improve my
healthcare? - Do you have an ownership interest in the CT
scanner? - Be an advocate for your children
- Is CT the best test for this indication?
- Will the exam be adjusted based on the size of my
65What Providers can do
- Become dose aware
- Education
- Lectures
- Websites
- www.acr.org
- www.radiologyinfo.org
- www.imagegently.org
- Appropriate utilization
- ACR appropriateness criteria with RRLs
- Utilize Radiologists as a resource
66Physician Education
- Useful websites
- www.acr.org
- Radiation safety
- ACR appropriateness criteria
- www.radiologyinfo.org
- Jointly sponsored by ACR/RSNA
- Information for patients
- www.imagegently.org
- Image gently campaign
- Sponsored by the alliance for Radiation Safety in
Pediatric Imaging
67What GSR does
- Standardization of CT protocols across facilities
- Reduce dose for or eliminate multi-phasic exams
- Individually protocol every CT exam that gets
ordered - Change to a different modality
- Limit or modify the scan range
- Review outside CTs to determine whether a follow
up CT is indicated
68What GSR does
- ACR accreditation
- All IMI sites
- Medicaire requirement 1/2012
- Implementation of dose reduction strategies
- Requires detailed knowledge of CT technology
- Ongoing efforts at tech education and training
- Advancements in CT imaging have revolutionized
the practice of medicine - Increasing utilization has led to an increase in
population exposure, of particular concern for
children. - Radiologists have role as principal gatekeepers
- ALARA principal
- Educate and counsel regarding risks