Title: Endoscopy and Radiology for Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction
1Endoscopy and Radiology for Lower Urinary Tract
- Hann-Chorng Kuo
- Department of Urology
- Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital
2Lower Urinary Tract
- Urinary bladder
- Ureteral orifices
- Trigone
- Bladder neck
- Prostate and prostatic urethra
- Urethral sphincter
- Urethra (posterior, bulbous, anterior)
3Bladder wall in Cystoscopy
- Smooth bladder wall
- Trabeculated bladder wall
- Diverticulum
- Pseudodiverticulum
- Bladder tumor
- External compression
4Smooth Bladder Wall
5Trabeculation of Bladder Wall
6Bladder Tumor
7Bladder mucosa
- Normal mucosa and vasculature
- Hyperemia
- Ischemia
- Hemorrhagic cystitis
- Cystitis cystica
- Pseudomembranous trigonitis
- Granulomatous cystitis
8Normal Mucosal Vasculature
9Hyperemia and Inflammation
10Hemorrhagic cystitis
11Cystitis Cystica
12Pseudomembranous Trigonitis
13Granulomatous Cystitis
14Tuberculosis Cystitis
15Prostatic enlargement
- Benign prostatic enlargement
- Prostatic cancer
16Bladder Neck Obstruction
17Urethral Stricture
- Bladder neck contracture
- Membranous urethral stricture
- Anterior urethral stricture
- Anterior urethral valve
- Meatal stenosis
18Urethral Stricture
19Ureteral Orifice
- Normal cone shape
- Horseshoe shape
- Stadium shape
- Golf hole shape
- Short submucosal ureteral tunnel
20Ureteral Orifice
21Chronic Inflammation of Female Bladder Neck
22Female Urethral Incompetence
- Bladder neck incompetence
- Urethral incompetence
23Interstitial Cystitis
24Painful Bladder Syndrome
25Bladder Stone
26Bladder musculature
27Uroradiology in Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction
- Intravenous pyelography (IVP)
- Retrograde pyelography
- Cystography
- Voiding cystourethrography
- Retrograde urethrography
- Beaded chain cystourethrograph
- Magnetic resonance image (MRI)
28Intravenous pyelography inBenign Prostatic
29Inravenous Pyelography in High Grade Cystocele
30Retrograde Pyelography inUreteral stricture
31Voiding Cystourethrography
- Bladder neck dysfunction
- Prostatic obstruction
- Urethral stricture
- Anterior urethral valve
- Vesicoureteral reflux
- Bladder diverticulum
32Cystography on Straining
33Urethral Incompetence
34Bladder Base IndentationProstate Enlargement
35Voiding CystourethrographyProstatic Obstruction
36Voiding Cystourethrography inDESD and after
37Voiding CystourethrographyAnterior urethral valve
38Voiding CystourethrographyDysfunctional voiding
39Voiding CystourethrographyUrethral meatal
40Transrectal sonography
- Prostatic configuration
- Urethral stricture
- Bladder neck incompetence
- Bladder base hypermobility
- Intravesical pathology
41Prostate Configuration
- Prostatic urethra
- Transition zone of prostate
- Seminal vesicle
- Ejaculatory duct
- Peripheral zone of prostate
- Bladder neck
42Transrectal sonography of the Prostate, Seminal
vesicle, Urethra
43Prostatic Enlargement
44Transition Zone Index (TZI)
- Transition zone vol/ total prostate vol
- A TZI of lt0.3 indicates low possibility of
prostatic obstruction, a TZI of gt0.5 indicates
highly suspicious prostatic obstruction - TZI correlates poorly with total prostatic volume
45Measurement of TZI
46Female Urethral Structure
47Female Urethra in SUI
48Hypermobility of Bladder Base
49Beaded-Chain Cystourethrography
50MRI of Cystocele
51MRI of Large Cystocele Enterocele
52MRI of Rectocele
53MRI of Uterine Prolapse