Title: Semantic Web Applications for Modeling and Simulation
1Semantic Web Applications for Modeling and
Lee W. Lacy Dynamics Research Corporation
Captain Joel Pawloski U.S. Army TRAC-M
- July 11, 2001
- DMSO Technical Exchange Meeting
- Web Technology Evolution
- XML MS Applications
- U.S. Army TRAC-M XML Research
- Semantic Web Background
- DARPA Semantic Web Research
- Potential Semantic Web MS and C4I Applications
3The Evolving Web
Web of Knowledge
Proof, Logic and Ontology Languages (e.g.,
Shared terms/terminology Machine-Machine
Resource Description Framework (RDF) eXtensible
Markup Language (XML)
Self-Describing Documents
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) HyperText
Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Formatted Documents Foundation of the Current Web
Based on Berners-Lee, Hendler Nature, 2001
4Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
- Enabled standard communication of content
combined with format - Loosely defined specific (limited) grammar
specified using SGML (specific language) - Started by Tim Berners-Lee
- Standardized by World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
- Ubiquitous method of presenting and communicating
data - Used throughout DoD on both public internet and
SIPRNET and other classified networks - Not useful for machine search
5eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
- Separates content from format (standard syntax)
- Simplified version of SGML (metalanguage) for
defining eXtensible tag sets - Started by Tim Bray et al based on conversations
with Tim Berners-Lee - Standardized by W3C
- Used to define updated HTML grammar (XHTML)
- Used in Modeling and Simulation community
primarily for Data Interchange Formats (DIFs)
that support data sharing
6XML DIF Method
XML-based Data Interchange File (DIF)
7MS and C4I use of XML
- HLA Data Interchange Formats (DIFs)
- JSIMS Common Component Workstation Battlespace
Schema - Combat XXI Scenario Files
- OneSAF Objective System
- Land Warrior User Interface Specifications
- Joint C4ISR Integration Facility (JCIF) Joint
Battlespace Infosphere (JBI) XML Assessment
8Specific U.S. Army MS XML Research Initiatives
- Military Scenario Definition Language (MSDL)
- Computer Generated Forces (CGF) Behaviors
- Equipment Characteristics and Performance (CP)
9MSDL Objectives
- Support Scenario Developers
- Improve Scenario Quality
- Reduce Time to Develop Scenarios
- Reduce Costs of Developing Scenarios
- Support Scenario Generation Tool Developers
- Reduce Tool Development Costs
- Improve Tool Interoperability
10Scenario Content Analysis
- Metadata
- Environment
- Organization
- Simulation Object
- Information Item
- Events
- Unassigned
11MSDL Standard
- Initial work reviewed by Combat XXI
- Combat XXI enhancements merged into Army Modeling
and Simulation Office (AMSO) Standards Nomination
and Approval Process (SNAP) submission - SNAP submission serving as starting point for
OneSAF Objective System (OOS)
12MSDL Schema
- Defined using XML DTD and XML Schema
- Sample scenarios marked up
13CGF Behaviors
- Computer Generated Forces (CGF) systems simulate
units and platforms - CGF systems operate at a variety of fidelity and
resolution levels - Behaviors historically hard coded
- Newer systems represent behaviors in data
- Considerable resources required to develop CGF
systems and their associated behaviors
14Current CGF Systems
15Perfect World Behavior Sharing
System 1
System 2
Behaviors Represented in Common Language Using
System 3
System 4
16CGF Behavioral Representation Logical Data Model
17SIMTECH Demonstration
18Explicit vs. Metamodel Schemas
- XML DTD and/or XML Schema design often involves
decisions over the use of explicit tags or
representation of names in data - ltmaxspeed unitsmphgt45lt/maxspeedgt vs.
- ltparametergt ltnamegtmaxspeedlt/namegt ltunitsgtmphlt/u
nitsgt ltvaluegt45lt/valuegt lt/parametergt
19Semantic Problems for XML
- Synonymy and polysemy
- is ltSPIDERgt an arachnid or software?
- Structural differences
- ltPERSONgtltNAMEgtLee Lacylt/NAMEgtltPERSONgt vs.
- ltPERSONgtltNAMEgt ltFNAMEgtLeelt/FNAMEgt ltLNAMEgtLacylt/
Based on Hendler, 2001
20Resource Description Framework (RDF)
- RDF data consists of nodes and attached
attribute/value pairs - Nodes can be any web resources
- Attributes are named properties of nodes
- Values are either atomic (text strings, numbers,
etc.) or other resources or metadata instances - Supports labeled directed graphs
- XML used as graph serialization syntax for
storing and communicating RDF instances - Provides basic ontological primitives
- Classes and relations (properties)
- Class (and property) hierarchy
- RDF triples assert facts about resources
21Why RDF Is Not Enough
- Expressive inadequacy
- Only range/domain constraints (on properties)
- No properties of properties (unique, transitive,
inverse etc.) - No equivalence, disjointness, coverings etc.
- No necessary and sufficient conditions (for class
membership) - Poorly (un) defined semantics
22Semantic Web (SW)
- Provides agent-readable descriptions of data,
information, and knowledge - Built on top of XML and RDF
- Envisioned by Tim Berners-Lee and researched by
DARPA team and others - W3C is beginning a Semantic Web initiative
- Used to define ontologies and associated instance
data - Huge potential for Modeling and Simulation
23What is an Ontology?
Thesauri narrower term relation
Frames (properties)
General Logical constraints
Formal is-a
Catalog/ ID
Informal is-a
Formal instance
Disjointness, Inverse, part-of
Terms/ glossary
Value Restrs.
Based on McGuinness, 2001 http//www.daml.org/2
24Beyond XMLAgent Semantics
- DARPA developing an Agent Markup Language (DAML)
- A semantic language that ties the information
on a page to machine readable semantics (ontology)
25DARPA DAML Research Team
- Booz-Allen and Hamilton
- Cycorp
- Dynamics Research Corporation (DRC)
- Lockheed Martin Management and Data Systems
- Teknowledge
- Carnegie Melon University
- University of Southern California Information
Sciences Institute - MIT (W3C)
- Stanford University
- University of West Florida
- Yale University
- Standard representation of object-oriented
concepts across the web - Extensibility of ontologies through namespaces
- Support for complex queries involving semantic
joins over multiple data sets
27A new/old model of DoD partnering
- Funds a new generation of www technology
- Works closely with W3C to create a web standard
- Works closely with EU on international acceptance
- Brings DoD users (J2,J3,J6) in as early adopters
Based on Hendler, 2001
28Layered Architecture
Based on Horrocks, 2001 http//www.cs.man.ac.uk/
29DAML Status
- DAMLOIL ontology language released on World Wide
Web - Annotated walkthrough
- Examples
- Full definition
- RDFS Resource Description Framework Schema
- Provides 100 mapping to XML
- Open discussion group run by W3C
www-rdf-logic_at_w3.prg - Denotational (and axiomatic) Semantics published
- First formal semantics for a web language
- Proposal to W3C for standardization ongoing
- Language Specifications
- DAML Newsletter (you can subscribe)
- Collection of web tools
- Ontology library
- 157 ontologies as of July 9, 2001
- DAML crawler
- over 14,000 pages w/2,000,000 DAML statements,
5/15/01 - Web tracking software used for baselining DAML
use - Over 500,000 hits in first 6 months
31DAML Military Examples
- Army CALL Thesaurus
- Army Equipment (based on WARSIM Equipment
Knowledge Acquisition Tool schema) - Military task lists (e.g., UJTL) under
development - Army CALL University After Next (UAN) Warrior
Knowledge Network (WKN) Human Intelligence
(HUMINT) interrogation procedure representation
just started - Intelink (DIA) HUMINT report representation
small sample developed currently extending
32CALL Thesaurus Ontology
33Military Equipment Ontology
- Army Military Equipment Characteristic
Performance (CP) Ontology - Provides framework to compose Army equipment from
the System Unit to individual component (i.e.,
radio) level - Ontology is modeled after data model used by
WARSIM and that housed by the FDB (Functional
Description of the Battlespace)
34DAML Query Demonstration
- Semantic web DAML Demonstration
- Uses Call Thesaurus and Military Equipment CP
ontologies and data to demonstrate the potential
of the semantic web - Demonstration is composed of
- Thesaurus Lookup Term
- Military Equipment Lookup
- Complex query involving multiple ontologies by
using thesaurus lookup results to find military
equipment terms
35DAML Query Demonstration
36HUMINT Report Representation
- Unclassified Force Protection Sample HUMINT
report provided - Classes identified included
- Organization, Person (who)
- Activity, Event (what)
- Timeframe (when)
- Location Area (where)
- Conclusion (why)
37Intelligence Report Ontology
38Ontology Design Issue
- Explicit description of classes vs. encoding of
information as data - Explicit definition
- Requires extensive maintenance of ontology
- Supports complex queries
- Encoding
- Requires companion encoding standard (e.g., DIS
enumeration document, SEDRIS environmental data
coding specification) - Decision will be made on case-by-case basis with
sponsors goals paramount but will affect
usefulness of cross-ontology joins
39Potential Encoding Sources
- Events
- Fineberg Verb Taxonomy
- Kansas Event Data System (KEDS)
- World Events Interaction Survey (WEIS) Codes
- BML operations / tasks
- UJTL / service task lists
- Things
- FDMS taxonomy
- DIS Enumeration Document
40Potential MS Applications of Semantic Web
- Human Behavior Representation (e.g., CHRIS)
- Glossaries / Taxonomies / Thesauri (e.g., CSS)
- CGF Behavior Development (e.g., TRAC-M research
effort) - Knowledge Acquisition (e.g., FDMS)
- METL development (e.g., JTIMS)
- Scenario Development (e.g., MSDL)
- Unit Order of Battle (e.g., UOB DAT)
- Data Provisioning (e.g., AMSO SIMTECH effort)
- HLA FEDEP Tool Architecture (e.g., DIFs)
- Web Services (e.g., fly-out model responsibility)
- AAR / logger data
41CSS Thoughts
- DMSO CSS provides definitions, unlike Army CALL
thesaurus - DAML thesaurus ontology based on ANSI standard
for representing thesauri information - CSS validated and traceable to Authoritative Data
Sources (ADSs) - DAML thesauri ontology could be extended to
support definitions and ADS traceability - CSS could be ported to semantic web instance
data - Once represented as SW content, terms can be
manipulated using standard SW tools and other
MS-related SW applications can link to terms
42Battle Management Language
- Standard verbiage or vocabulary used by
simulation programmers or workstation controllers
to describe planning and executing military
functions currently performed by human
controllers - Key factors supporting automated Course of Action
(COA) analysis - Unit identification (who)
- Operation / Task (what)
- Operation time (when)
- Operation location (where)
- Operation purpose / mission (why)
43BML Thoughts
- BML Users Guide Annex A contains CSS-like
definitions - Value of BML is in knowledge representation
structure developed (i.e., units, timeframe,
etc.) and specified vocabulary (i.e., Users
Guide Annex A) - BML KR structure could be used as the basis for
an ontology for orders - BML vocabulary could be migrated into ontology
instance data similarly to CSS
44Preliminary BML Order Ontology
- Web technology continues to evolve
- XML is being used for MS applications
- Semantic Web technologies emerging that provide
potential solutions to DoD MS challenges - Research and proof-of-concept demonstrations
needed to show benefits
46Questions?Lee LacyLLacy_at_DRC.com