Anesthesia Machine - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Anesthesia Machine


Anesthesia Machine Presented by Gil Soto C.R.N.A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Bernoulli s Principle ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Anesthesia Machine

Anesthesia Machine
  • Presented by Gil Soto C.R.N.A

  • Unpleasant Surprises

Lecture Outline
  • The Machine
  • Gas Supply Systems Hospital
    pipeline Cylinder
  • High Pressure System (exposed to cylinder
  • Intermediate Pressure System (exposed to pipeline
  • Low Pressure System (distal to flowmeter needle
  • Circle System CO2 Absorber System
    Unidirectional Valves
  • Ventilator
  • Scavenger System

Anesthesia Machine Checkout
  • General
  • Anesthesia Apparatus Checkout Recommendations,
    1993 (Taken from the FDA)
  • This checkout, or a reasonable equivalent, should
    be conducted before administration of anesthesia.
    These recommendations are only valid for an
    anesthesia system that conforms to current and
    relevant standards and includes an ascending
    bellows ventilator and at least the following
    monitors capnograph, pulse oximeter, oxygen
    analyzer, respiratory volume monitor (spirometer)
    and breathing system pressure monitor with high
    and low pressure alarms. This is a guideline
    which users are encouraged to modify to
    accommodate differences in equipment design and
    variations in local clinical practice. Such local
    modifications should have appropriate peer
    review. Users should refer to the operator's
    manual for the manufacturer's specific procedures
    and precautions, especially the manufacturer's
    low pressure leak test (step 5).
  • If an anesthesia provider uses the same machine
    in successive cases, these steps need not be
    repeated or may be abbreviated after the initial

Anesthesia Machine Checkout
  • Steps 1-3
  • Emergency Ventilation Equipment 1.  Verify
    Backup Ventilation Equipment is Available
  • High Pressure System 2.  Check Oxygen Cylinder
    Supply  a.  Open 02 cylinder and verify at least
    half full (about 1000 psi).  b.  Close cylinder.
    3.  Check Central Pipeline Supplies  a.  Check
    that hoses are connected and pipeline gauges read
    about 50 psi.

Anesthesia Machine Checkout
  • Steps 4-7
  • Low Pressure Systems 4.  Check Initial Status
    of Low Pressure System  a.  Close flow control
    valves and turn vaporizers off.  b.  Check fill
    level and tighten vaporizers' filler caps. 5. 
    Perform Leak Check of Machine Low Pressure System
     a.  Verify that the machine master switch and
    flow control valves are OFF.  b.  Attach
    "Suction Bulb" to common Fresh gas outlet.  c. 
    Squeeze bulb repeatedly until fully collapsed.
     d.  Verify bulb stays fully collapsed for at
    least 10 seconds.  e.  Open one vaporizer at a
    time and repeat 'c' and 'd' as above.  f. 
    Remove suction bulb, and reconnect fresh gas
    hose. 6.  Turn On Machine Master Switch and all
    other necessary electrical equipment. 7.  Test
    Flowmeters  a.  Adjust flow of all gases through
    their full range, checking for smooth operation
    of floats and undamaged flowtubes.  b.  Attempt
    to create a hypoxic 02/N20 mixture and verify
    correct changes in flow and/or alarm.

Anesthesia Machine Checkout
  • Scavenging System 8.  Adjust and Check
    Scavenging System  a.  Ensure proper connections
    between the scavenging system and both APL
    (pop-off) valve and ventilator relief valve.
     b.  Adjust waste gas vacuum (if possible).
     c.  Fully open APL valve and occlude Y-piece.
     d.  With minimum 02 flow, allow scavenger
    reservoir bag to collapse completely and verify
    that absorber pressure gauge reads about  zero.
     e.  With the 02 flush activated allow the
    scavenger reservoir bag to distend fully, and
    then verify that absorber pressure gauge reads 
    lt10 cm H20.

Anesthesia Machine Checkout
  • Breathing System 9.  Calibrate 02 Monitor  a. 
    Ensure monitor reads 21 in room air.  b. 
    Verify low 02 alarm is enabled and functioning.
     c.  Reinstall sensor in circuit and flush
    breathing system with 02.  d.  Verify that
    monitor now reads greater than 90. 10.  Check
    Initial Status of Breathing System   a.  Set
    selector switch to "Bag" mode.   b.  Check that
    breathing circuit is complete, undamaged and
    unobstructed.   c.  Verify that C02 absorbent is
    adequate.   d.  Install breathing circuit
    accessory equipment (e.g. humidifier, PEEP valve)
    to be used during the case. 11.  Perform Leak
    Check of the Breathing System   a.  Set all gas
    flows to zero (or minimum).   b.  Close APL
    (pop-off) valve and occlude Y-piece.   c. 
    Pressurize breathing system to about 30 cm H20
    with 02 flush.   d.  Ensure that pressure
    remains fixed for at least 10 seconds.   e. 
    Open APL (Pop-off) valve and ensure that pressure

Anesthesia Machine Checkout
  • Manual and Automatic Ventilation Systems 12. 
    Test Ventilation Systems and Unidirectional
    Valves   a.  Place a second breathing bag on
    Y-piece.   b.  Set appropriate ventilator
    parameters for next patient.   c.  Switch to
    automatic ventilation (Ventilator) mode.   d. 
    Fill bellows and breathing bag with 02 flush and
    then turn ventilator ON.   e.  Set 02 flow to
    minimum, other gas flows to zero.   f.  Verify
    that during inspiration bellows delivers
    appropriate tidal volume and that during
    expiration bellows fills completely.   g.  Set
    fresh gas flow to about 5 L/min.   h.  Verify
    that the ventilator bellows and simulated lungs
    fill and empty appropriately without sustained
    pressure at end expiration.   i.  Check for
    proper action of unidirectional valves.   j. 
    Exercise breathing circuit accessories to ensure
    proper function.   k.  Turn ventilator OFF and
    switch to manual ventilation (Bag/APL) mode.  
    l.  Ventilate manually and assure inflation and
    deflation of artificial lungs and appropriate
    feel of system resistance and compliance.   m. 
    Remove second breathing bag from Y-piece.

Anesthesia Machine Checkout
  • Monitors 13.  Check, Calibrate and/or Set Alarm
    Limits of all Monitors Capnometer, Pulse
    Oximeter, Oxygen Analyzer, Respiratory Volume
    Monitor (Spirometer), Pressure Monitor with High
    and Low Airway Alarms
  • Final Position 14.  Check Final Status of
    Machine   a.  Vaporizers off   b.  AFL valve
    open   c.  Selector switch to "Bag"   d.  All
    flowmeters to zero   e.  Patient suction level
    adequate   f.  Breathing system ready to use

The Anesthesia Machine
  • The anesthesia gas machine is a device which
    delivers a precisely-known but variable gas
    mixture, including anesthetizing and
    life-sustaining gases.

The MachineOhmeda N.A.Drager (Narkomed)
Anesthesia Machine Jackson Memorial Hospital
Manufacturers Names
  • North American Dräger (Telford, PA) is the
    manufacturer of the Narkomed 2C, Narkomed 4,
    Narkomed GS, Narkomed 6000, Narkomed Julian,
    Narkomed MRI and Narkomed Mobile models.
  • Datex-Ohmeda (Madison WI) manufactures the AS/3
    ADU, Aestiva, Modulus SE, Excel 210, and Excel

Some Numbers to Remember
  • The hospital pipeline is the primary gas source
    at 50 psi (normal working pressure of most
  • Cylinders O2 is supplied at around 2000 psi
    (regulated to approximately 45 psi after it
    enters the machine).
  • Oxygen flush is a "straight shot" from supply to
    delivery point, 35-75 L/min.
  • OSHA Fact Sheet (1991) on Waste Anesthetic Gases
    (WAGs) occupational exposure should be limited to
    an eight hour time-weighted average of not more
    than 2 ppm halogenated agents (Halothane,
    Enflurane, Isoflurane, Sevoflurane, Desflurane)
  • If Halogenated agent is used in combination with
    nitrous oxide, then ONLY 0.5 ppm OF THE
  • No more than 25 ppm nitrous oxide can be used at
    all times (with or without Halogenated Agent)

Minimal Components
  • O2 Pipeline N2O Pipeline

  • O2 Flowmeter N2O Flowmeter
  • Container with VAA
  • Bag-valve-mask device
  • Patient

Straight-line model SPDD (Supply/Processing/Deliv
Oxygen has five "tasks
  • It powers the ventilator driving gas
  • O2 flush
  • Activation of low pressure alarms
  • Activation of fail-safe mechanisms (O2
    pressure sensor shut-off )
  • Proceeding through the flowmeter

Other gases One task Only
  • Transported via flowmeter breathing circuit to
  • Anesthetize pt (N2O)
  • Sustain Life (Air)

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Basic Schematics
Gas Supply SystemsHospital Pipeline
  • Pipeline inlets are connected with DISS (diameter
    index safety system) non-interchangeable
  • The check valve, located down stream from the
    pipeline inlet, prevents reverse flow of gases
    (from machine to pipeline, or to atmosphere),
    which allows use of the gas machine when pipeline
    gas sources are unavailable.

PISS (pin-index safety system) prevents
misconnection of a cylinder to the wrong yoke.
Keep cylinders closed except when checking
machine, or while in use (if O2 from pipeline is
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Gas Supply SystemsCylinder
Pin Index Safety System
O2 2,5
N2O 3,5
High Pressure System(parts which receive gas at
cylinder pressure)
  • hanger yoke (including filter and unidirectional
  • yoke block (with check valves)
  • cylinder pressure gauge
  • cylinder pressure regulators

Bourdon Gauge
Hanger Yoke Check Valve
  • Hanger Yoke
  • orients cylinders
  • provides unidirectional flow
  • ensures gas-tight seal.
  • Check Valve
  • minimize trans-filling
  • allows change of cylinders during use
  • minimize leaks to atmosphere if a yoke is empty.

Check Valve
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More on Cylinders
  • The cylinder pressure regulator converts high,
    variable cylinder pressure to a constant pressure
    of approximately 45 psi downstream of the
  • This is intentionally slightly less than pipeline
    pressure, to prevent silent depletion of cylinder
    contents if a cylinder is inadvertently left open
    after checking its pressure.
  • Cylinder pressure gauge indicates pressure in the
    higher-pressure cylinder only (if two are opened

E cylinder Characteristics
  • Gas US (International) PSI
    Capacity (L) PISS
  • O2 Green (white)
    1900 660 2-5
  • N2O Blue (blue) 745
    1590 3-5
  • Air Yellow (B W)
    1900 625 1-5
  • Well use 2000psi for O2 instead of

Intermediate Pressure System
Hospital Pipeline Outlets
Machine piping guts
Hospital Pipeline Inlets
Gauges-pipeline (intermediate press. )
Intermediate Pressure System
  • (receives gases at low, relatively constant
    pressures (37-55 psi, pipeline pressure)
  • (For consistency well use 50 psi)
  • pipeline inlets and pressure gauges
  • ventilator power inlet
  • Oxygen pressure-failure device (fail-safe) and
  • flowmeter valves
  • oxygen second-stage regulator
  • oxygen flush valve

Oxygen pressure-failure device (fail-safe) and
  • What happens if you lose oxygen pipeline
  • The fail safe device ensures that "Whenever
    oxygen pressure is reduced and until flow ceases,
    the set oxygen concentration shall not decrease
    at the common gas outlet" (from ASTM F1161).
  • The loss of oxygen pressure results in alarms,
    audible and visible, at 30 psi pipeline pressure.
  • Fail-safe systems don't prevent hypoxic mixtures.

Fail-safe systems don't prevent hypoxic mixtures
  • as long as there is pressure in the O2 line,
    nothing in the fail safe system prevents you from
    turning on a gas mixture of 100 nitrous oxide
    (however, this should be prevented by the hypoxic
    guard system)
  • or 100 helium (which wouldnt be prevented by
    the hypoxic guard).
  • Datex-Ohmeda terms their fail safe a "pressure
    sensor shut off valve"- at 20 psi oxygen, the
    flow of all other gases are shut off. Dräger's,
    "oxygen failure protection device" (OFPD)
    threshold is proportional, unlike Ohmeda's which
    is off-or-on.

Fail-safe systems don't prevent hypoxic mixtures
  • Ohmeda uses a second-stage O2 pressure regulator
    (ensures constant oxygen flowmeter input until
    supply pressure is less than 12-16 psi). The
    oxygen ratio monitor controller (ORM newer or
    ORMC, both by Dräger) shuts off nitrous oxide
    when oxygen pressure is less than 10 psi

Pipeline Trouble
  • Pipeline sources are not trouble free
    contamination (particles, bacteria, viral,
    moisture), inadequate pressure, excessive
    pressures, and accidental crossover (switch
    between oxygen and some other gas such as nitrous
    oxide or nitrogen) are all reported.

What if you lose oxygen pipeline pressure?
  • Open the emergency oxygen cylinder fully (not
    just the three or four turns used for checking)
  • Disconnect the pipeline connection at the wall
  • Why? Something is wrong with the oxygen pipeline.
  • What if the supply problem evolves into a
    non-oxygen gas in the oxygen pipeline? If so, it
    will flow to the patient (pipeline pressure 50
    psi) rather than your oxygen cylinder source
    (down-regulated to 45 psi).
  • If you are lucky, the oxygen alarm will sound to
    warn you of the change (you do set your alarms,
    don't you?).
  • If for some reason the oxygen analyzer does not
    warn of the crossover, the pulse oximeter will-
    but only after the oxygen has been washed out by
    ventilation from the patient's functional
    residual capacity and vessel-rich group.

  • Disconnect the pipeline connection at the wall if
    oxygen pipeline pressure is lost. It's also
    easier to remember one strategy which works for
    any problem with the pipeline, rather than to
    remember that sometimes you must, and sometimes
    it is optional, to disconnect. And use that
    oxygen analyzer always!
  • Ventilate by hand rather than with the mechanical
    ventilator (which uses cylinder oxygen for the
    driving gas if the pipeline is unavailable)

  • -The time to exhaustion is calculated by
    dividing the remaining O2 volume in the cylinder
    by the rate of consumption of O2.
  • -Remaining volume in liters (L) in an E-cylinder
    is calculated by dividing the cylinder pressure
    in psig by 2000 psig and multiplying by 660 L.

  • If cylinder gauge reads 1,000 psig, this
    represents (1000/2000) X 660 330 L left in that
    tank. The rate of consumption of O2 during
    mechanical ventilation is the sum of the O2 flow
    meter setting and the patients minute
    ventilation (VT in L x RR in breaths/min).
  • If FGF is 0.5 L/min O2 and 1.0 L/min N2O and VT
    is 0.7 L and RR is 10 bpm, then the minute
    ventilation is
  • 7 L/min (0.7L x 10 bpm)
  • The total O2 consumption is 7.5 L/min. The
    expected time to exhaustion is thus approximately
    330 L divided by 7.5 L/min 44 min (ignoring the
    gas sampled by the gas analyzer and leaks)

The Low-pressure system(distal to flowmeter
needle valve)
  • flowmeter tubes
  • vaporizers
  • check valves (if present)
  • common gas outlet

-Thorpe tube is an older term for flowmeters.
-Components needle valve, indicator float,
knobs, valve stops. -Flow increases when the
knob is turned counterclockwise (same as
vaporizers). -At low flows, the annular-shaped
orifice around the float is (relatively) tubular
so (according to Poiseuille's Law) flow is
governed by viscosity. (laminar flow) -At high
flows (indicated on the wider top part of the
float tube), the annular opening is more like an
orifice, and density governs flows. (turbulent
Low Pressure System
  • Distal to Flowmeter Needdle Valve
  • Flow Meters- measures and indicates the
    rate of gas flowing through it. Variable
    orifice/Thorpe tube-constant press. flow meters.
    Rate of
    flow r/t 1) pressure drop across the
    constriction 2) size of annular

    Physical properties of the gas
    (viscosity and
    density) Indicator,
    float or bobbin- 1) rotometers
    2) non-rotating floats
    3) ball floats Sequence of
    flowmeters tubes is very important to
    decrease chance of hypoxic mixture.,
    Gas flow is from left to right, O2 on
    right side. Any leak in flowmeters will
    vent other gas out or
  • entrain air
    before O2 is added to gas mixture decreasing

    chance that O2
    will be lost or diluted.

More on Flowmeters
  • Needle valve can be damaged if it is closed with
  • Flowtube (Thorpe tube) is tapered (narrower at
    bottom) and gas-specific
  • If gas has 2 tubes, they are connected in series
    with a single control valve

Did anyone say Flowmeters??
  • Care of flowmeters includes ensuring that
  • floats spin freely
  • qualified service personnel regularly maintain
    gas machines
  • an O2 analyzer used always (of course, the
    readings are erroneous during use of nasal
  • one never adjusts a flowmeter without looking at
  • one includes flowmeters in visual monitoring
  • one turns flowmeters off before opening
    cylinders, connecting pipelines, or turning
    machine "on".

Low Pressure System
  • Safety Devices-Purpose is to decrease risk of
    hypoxic mixture Mandatory Minimum O2 Flow-
    factory preset minimum O2 flow that always flows
    when machine is on. Minimum O2/N2O Ratio
    13 Device or proportioning system Flow
    valves linked mechanically or pneumatically so O2
    cannot be set below 25. Alarm will signal if
    O2/NO2 ratio falls below preset value
  • O2/NO2 Proportioning Device-Automatically
    mixes O2 and NO2 to setting selected on dial

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Hypoxic breathing is POSSIBLE
  • hypoxic guard systems CAN permit hypoxic
    breathing mixtures IF
  • wrong supply gas in oxygen pipeline or cylinder,
  • defective pneumatic or mechanical components,
  • leaks exist downstream of flow control valves, or
  • if third inert gas (such as helium) is used.

Low Pressure System
  • Vaporizers- Classification A. Method of
    regulating output concentration 1.
    Concentration calibrated 2. Measured
    flow B. Method of vaporization 1.
    Flow over 2. Bubble Through
    3. Injection C. Temperature compensation
    1. Thermocompensation 2.
    Supplied heat D. Specificity 1.
    Agent specific 2. Multiple agent
    E. Resistance 1. Plenum
    2. Low resistance

  • Vapor Pressure (VP) Molecules escape from a
    volatile liquid to the vapor phase, creating a
    saturated vapor pressure at equilibrium
  • VP is independent of Atmospheric Press
  • VP increases with Temperature
  • VP depends ONLY on the Physical Characteristics
    of the Liquid on its Temperature

  • Variable bypass
  • Fresh gas flow from the flowmeters enters the
    inlet of any vaporizer which is on. The
    concentration control dial setting splits this
    stream into bypass gas (which does not enter the
    vaporizing chamber), and carrier gas (also called
    chamber flow, which flows over the liquid agent)

  • Flow over
  • Carrier gas flows over the surface of the liquid
    volatile agent in the vaporizing chamber (as
    opposed to bubbling up through it (as in the
    copper kettle and Vernitrol)

  • Temperature compensated
  • Equipped with automatic devices that ensure
    steady vaporizer output over a wide range of
    ambient temperatures
  • Agent-specific
  • Only calibrated for a single gas, usually with
    keyed fillers that decrease the likelihood of
    filling the vaporizer with the wrong agent
  • Out of circuit
  • As opposed to (much) older models such as the
    Ohio 8 (Boyle's bottle) which were inserted
    within the circle system.

Vaporizer Interlock Mechanism
Safety mechanism that allows ONLY one vaporizer
at a time to be opened
Circle System
Circle System- CO2 absorber housing and absorber,
unidirectional valves, inspiratory and expiratory
ports, fresh gas inlet, APL valve, pressure
gauge, breathing tubes, Y-piece, reservoir bag,
bag/vent switch selector, respiratory gas monitor
Circle System
  • CO2 Absorber System Housing (canister support),
    Absorbent, baffles, side tube
  • Unidirectional Valves-aka Flutter valves, one way
    valves, check valves, directional valves, dome
  • Canister-Air space 50, void space 42, pore
    space 8
  • Soda Lime 4 Sodium Hydroxide, 1 potassium
    hydroxide, 14-19 H2O, and calcium hydroxide to
    make 100, Silica and kielselguhr for
    Indicator for color change with exhaustion of
    CO2 absorption capabilities CO2H2O?H2CO3 2
    NaOH2H2CO3Ca(OH)2 ?CaCO3NaCO34H2O heat
    released 13,700 cal./mole CO2 absorbed
  • Barium Hydroxide Lime 20 Barium hydroxide, 80
    calcium hydroxide, and /-
    potassium hydroxide, Indicator for color
    change with exhaustion of CO2 absorption
    capabilities Ba(OH)2 . 8H2OCO2?BaCO39H2O 9H
    2O9CO2 ?9H2CO3 9H2CO39Ca(OH) 2 ?
    9CaCO318H2O 2KOHH2CO3 ? K2CO32H2O Ca(OH
    )2K2CO3 ? CaCO32KOH Regeneration (color
    change loss) with rest can occur. Appears new but
    is exhausted Granule size 4-8 mesh- 4 mesh equals
    strainer with 4 openings/inch

Circle system CO2 Absorber System
Removing canister soda lime
canisters unlocked
canister locking lever
Removing both canisters soda lime
Replacing fresh soda lime
Exhausted soda lime
Circle system Unidirectional Valves
  • Unidirectional valves-aka flutter valves, one way
    valves, check valves, directional valves, dome
    valves. Found on Inspiratory and Expiratory
    flow ports

Narkomed Machine
Ohmeda Machine
  • Ventilator Components Driving gas supply,
    injector, controls, alarms, safety-release valve,
    bellows assembly, exhaust valve, spill valve,
    connection for ventilator hose

Bellows assembly
Ventilator controls
  • Driving gas supply or power gas supply-O2
    pneumatically drives (compresses) ventilator
  • Injector or Venturi mechanism-Increases the flow
    of driving gas by using the BERNOULLI Principle-
    As a gas flow meets a restriction, its lateral
    pressure drops. Any opening in the tube at this
    constriction will entrain air (suck air in)
  • Controls-Adjusts Flow, Volume, Timing, and
    Pressure of the driving gas that compresses the
    bellows Pneumatic-Uses pressure changes to
    initiate changes in respiratory cycle Fluidic or
    fluid logic-Uses gas streams through channels in
    solid material. Allow for compact
    ventilator Electronic-Electronic control of
    many addition ventilation parameters powered by
    a driving gas on newer machines. Must have both
    power and pnuematics.
  • Alarms-ASTM standards group alarms into three
    levels High, Medium, Low Priority correlates
    tooperator immediate action, prompt action,or
    awareness. Loss of main power is the only
    required alarm with a required duration of at
    least 2 minutes
  • Safety relief valve-aka pressure limiting valve,
    drving gas pressure relief valve. Vents driving
    gas if factory pre-set pressure is reached (65-80
    cm H2O) or adjustable set pressure is reached.

Bernoullis Principle
  • At constriction
  • Flow is higher
  • Pressure is lower

  • Bellows Assembly Housing- Usually made of
    hard rigid clear plastic Bellows
    ASCENDING-standing, upright. Compressed downward
    during inspiration. ASCEND DURING EXPIRATION
  • Pressure is always positive. PEEP 2-4 cm
    H2O. DESCENDING-hanging, inverted. Compressed
    upward during inspiration. DESCEND DURING
    EXPIRATION. Weight of bellows results in negative
    airway pressure during exhalation until bellow

  • IMPORTANT difference between ascending and
    descending is that when there is a major leak
    or disconnect, the ascending bellows will
    collapse (unless prevented by scavenging system).
    When a disconnection occurs with a descending
    bellows system, the ventilator will continue
    its upward movement and downward movements,
    drawing in room air and driving gas during its
    descent and discharging it during the upward
    movement. Gas flow during upward movement may
    generate enough pressure such that the low
    pressure alarm is not activated.

What type is shown?
Remember that the type is described by how the
bellows move during EXPIRATION
Scavenger System
  • Scavenger System consists of 1) gas collecting
    assembly, 2) a transfer means, 3) the interface,
    4) gas disposal tubing, 5) gas disposal assembly.
    (some or all components may be combined). AS
    TM standard fitting size for scavenger hoses 19
    mm ( international standard 30mm) to prevent
    incorrect connection to breathing hoses (22mm).

  • NZ pg 247-252
  • MM pg 35-49
  • DD pg 3-74
  • http//
  • http//

The essence of intelligence is skill in
extracting meaning from
everyday experience
Anesthesia Machine
  • What is the PISS numbers for O2, for N2O?
  • What is the line pressure for O2 for N2O?
  • What is the tank pressure for O2 for N2O?

Anesthesia Machine
  • The O2 pressure alarm goes off, you should
  • It is not possible to deliver a hypoxic mixture.
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