Title: Data, File, and Storage Concepts
1Data, File, and Storage Concepts
- What is data?
- What is information?
- What is a file?
- What is a database?
- What is a database management system?
- Basic data structures
- User-defined data types
- Files and file structures
- Database technology
- Database management systems
- Physical processing of data
3Data versus Information
- Data a collection of facts
- Information data organized and presented in a
format such that it can be used for analysis
and/or decision making
Data and information are different!
4What is a file?
- Physical structure
- Size
- Definition (type)
- Resident on secondary storage
- Magnetic
- Optical
- Managed by the operating system
- FMS File Management Subsystem
5What is a database?
- Physical structure that contains data
- Organized template to facilitate operations on
data - Connotations of structure and access methods
- Static capability of information systems
- Exists within a file (set of files) defined to
the operating system
6What is a database management system?
- Set of software that
- Defines the structure of a database
- Provides tools for access to stored data
- Provides tools to store data
- Defines accessibility for utilization of stored
data - Provides a record of processing operations
utilizing a database - Provides a set of utilities for supporting
operations - Executes in memory as an executive software
application at a very high priority - Service capability utilized and shared by
applications (problem programs)
7Basic Data Structures
- Array two-dimensional construct consisting of
rows and columns (a/k/a table) - Homogeneous all entries of same type
- Heterogeneous entries of different types
- List a collection of entries arranged
sequentially - Queue a list arranged in such a way that the
first item placed in the list is the first item
to be removed (FIFO algorithm) - Stack a list arranged in such a way that the
last item placed on the list is the first item to
be removed (LIFO algorithm) - Tree a collection of entries arranged in such a
way as to have a clearly defined hierarchy - Ring a collection of entries arranged in such a
way as to continuously point to the next entry
8Data Structures Representation
9Storage based on data structures - arrays
A one-dimensional array. Each cell has an (x,1)
A two-dimensional array.
Expansion in the y-direction asnew rows are
Each cell has an (x,y) address
10Arrays in memory
An array data structureexists in memory as
Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 etc
. . .
11Storage based on data structures queues and
Item is removed from the top
- Queue list structure based on a first in,
first out algorithm - Stack list structure based on a last in, first
out algorithm
Aged items move to topof list for service
Aged items move to topof list for service
New item is added after the last entry
Item is removed from the top
Aged items move to bottom of list for service
New item is added above the first entry
12Linked lists as a data structure concept
- Generalized name applicable to
- Hierarchies
- Rings
- Utilizes a pointer to establish the order of the
list - Pointer address
- Identifies next in sequence
13Storage based on data structures - hierarchies
- Hierarchy unidirectional data structure based
on higher-order precedence - Characterized by the concept of persistence
- Attributes of higher level elements are retained
by lower level dependents - Explicit dependency
subordinate addresses
14Storage based on data structures - rings
Head (if headed)
- Ring elliptical data structure representation
- May or may not include concepts of precedence and
persistence - May be either unidirectional or bidirectional
present only if bidirectional
present only if headed
always present
15Storage with linked lists
CASE 1 Insert a new record between the head
and first record
CASE 2 Insert a new record between the head
and first record with back pointers
16Storage with linked lists
CASE 1 Insert a new record between the root
and first record
17Custom data types
- Specific items of data
- Support problem solution
- User-defined
- Represents a processing variable
- Programmatic structures aligned with data
structure types
18Files and File Structures
- Sequential
- ISAM Indexed Sequential Access Method
- IDAM Indexed Direct Access Method
- HISAM Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access
Method - HIDAM Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access Method
19Database Technology
- Mechanism for storing data based on inherent
relationships - Historical significance
- Where it began
- The grand vision
- Todays reality
- The subject approach data as a reflection of
the enterprise
20Basic Concepts
- Data - set/collection of facts
- Information data organized and presented in a
way that supports analysis and/or decision making - Database logical structure for organizing the
storage of data - Data
- Storage structures
- Database Management System software application
that permits the definition of and access to
stored data - Data definition
- Data manipulation
- Data control
- File physical structure for storing data
21Files and Databases
Databases exist within files
22Static and Dynamic Elements
- Static elements incapable of self-change
- Dynamic elements cause changes
- Files static element
- Database static element
- Software dynamic element
- Database management system
- Applications
23Static and Dynamic Elements
FMS File Management System DBMS
Database Management System For the
Database Management System For the
24Spreadsheets and Databases
- Spreadsheet set of rows and columns expressed
as a one-dimensional table - Database set of data expressed as entities and
attributes that contains included relationships - Can be thought of as multi-dimensional
25Spreadsheets and Databases
26Database, Not Spreadsheet
- Accuracy
- Completeness
- Consistency
27Data Essentials
- Attribute an atomic element of data
- Entity set of related attributes
- Relationships intersections among entities
Data Model
28Data Model
- Representation of (an enterprises) data and the
relationships among them - Conceptual schema
- External schema
- Constraints
- Operations on data
- Storage Definition Language (SDL)
- Influence physical definitions
Data Definition Language (DDL)
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
29Database Design Process
- Computer Analysts and User Community
- Describe physical characteristics of data
- Identify database and DBMS considerations
- Update data representations
- Modify entity-relationship diagram
- User Community
- Identifies business problem
- Identifies business functions
- Identifies participating data
- Computer Analysts
- Understands business problem
- Understands business functions
- Understands participating data
- Prepares entity-relationship diagram
- Computer Analysts
- Reviews application requirements
- Reviews workload projections
- Models systems performance (simulations)
- Modifies logical database design
- Reviews security requirements
- Creates physical database design
- Implements database schema
- Computer Analysts and User Community
- Refines schema f (processing requirements)
- Adapts design to meet workload and capacity
requirements - Integrates database design with applications
- Develops security plan
- Develops test plans identifies test data
requirements - Prepares test data
Logical Database Design Physical Database
30Levels of Abstraction in a DBMS
External Model f (User View)
External Schema 1
External Schema 3
External Schema 2
Conceptual Schema
- Data independence - Logical - Physical
Conceptual Model Describes data model f
Physical Schema
Physical Model Describes data model
f (physical characteristics)
31Database in the scheme of things
Users Application
Database Management System
- Coded logic to solve users need
- includes DML to instruct DBMS access
32Structure of a DBMS
33The Physical Environment
34DBMS Internals
Physical I/O performed by OS
Operating System
DBMS Executive
DBMS Work Area
Database Schema
Schema provides view of enterprise data
Application Program Work Area
35Memory Map
Operating System
Network Manager
Database Manager
Application Programs
36Retrieving a Logical Record from Disk Storage
37Storing a New Logical Record
38Changing Data in an Existing Logical Record
39Database Types
- Inverted List
- Internal data dictionary
- Course index
- Fine index bit map
- Network
- Ring structure
- Multi-directional
- Physical addressing
- Sets
- Master
- Detail
- Hierarchy
- Hierarchical structure
- Uni-directional
- Physical addressing
- Roots and leaves
- Relational
- Table (array) structure
- Logical addressing
- Ability to model network or ring structures
- Object
- Based on business item
- Logical addressing
- Access based on interface to object
- Object-Relational
- Hybrid
- Characteristics
- Object
- Relational
40Database Components
User data
Indexes Overhead data
Application Metadata
41Database Models
- Network
- Hierarchical
- Inverted List
- Relational
- Object
- Object Relational
42Network Model
- Characterized by establish a network of data
components - Master
- Detail
- Physical addresses and pointers
- Next
- Prior
- Master
- Linkages
- Forward
- Backward
- Retrieval
- Random based on primary key
- Direct based on a known value
43Network Model basic structure
44Hierarchical Model
- Characterized by establish a network of data
components - Root
- Leaf
- Physical addresses and pointers
- Linkages
- Downward from root
- Retrieval
- Sequential search from root
- Random based on primary key value
- Direct based on a known value
45Hierarchical Model
46Inverted List Model
- Identifies records with specified key values
- Few records with a given value
Coarse Index
- Data
- sets of files containing records
Runtime Data Dictionary
- Identifies records with specified key values
- Many records with a given value - Bit map
Fine Index
- Describes data items
- Identifies location - Implied relationships
47Relational Model (1)
- Tabular format
- Columns
- Rows
- Cell
- Intersection of a row and column
- Relationships based on data values
- Points to specific row(s)
48Relational Model (2)
Identifies row with specific key value(s)
Identifies row with specific key value(s)
Table 1
Table 2
49Relational Model
Presentation of data
Preparation and processing of data
Enforcement of business and integrity rules
Management of access to data
50Object Model
Presentation of data
Preparation and processing of data
Enforcement of business and integrity rules
Management of access to data
51Relational versus Object
Purchase Order
Purchase Order
In an object database, the data isstored as the
business object itself,encapsulated from the
software so thataccess is via an interface
In a relational database, the datais stored in
several structures andrelated to the business
object via software
- Hybrid
- Relational model
- Object model
- Evolved from competing camps
- Technology state-of-the-practice
- Marketplace realities
53Language of Database
- Data Definition Language (DDL) used to define
the structure and characteristics of the database - Data Manipulation Language (DML) used to
operate on the data stored in the data base - Data Control Language (DCL) used to manage
access to and use of the database and its data
- Lingua franca of relational databases
- Incorporates data management languages as
sub-elements - DDL