Historia de Espa - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Historia de Espa


Historia de Espa a Based mainly on Encarta Articles Presentaci n Jeanine Carr Hannibal The Carthaginian general Hannibal is considered one of the greatest military ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Historia de Espa

Historia de España
Based mainly on Encarta Articles
Presentación Jeanine Carr
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Bison and other animals, painted mostly in red,
black, and mauve, form a spectacular ensemble on
a ceiling within the prehistoric cave at
Altamira, in Northern Spain. These drawings are
estimated to date from approximately 13,000 to
14,000 years ago. Characteristic of prehistoric
cave paintings, drawings, and engravings is the
absence of a painted horizon line and the
apparent lack of relationship between one image
and those adjacent to it.
About 1100-800 BC Phoenicians began colonizing Spain. Modern cities such as Cádiz and Málaga were founded by the Phoenicians during this time.
400s BC The Carthaginians conquered much of Spain.
Spain ranks as a world leader in both wine grape and olive production. These grape vines and olive trees grow near Lérida, a city in eastern Spain. Most grapes and olives are raised in the countrys east or south, the most intensively irrigated regions of the largely hot and arid country.

Photo Researchers, Inc./Porterfield-Chickering
  • The Carthaginian general Hannibal is
    considered one of the greatest military
    commanders in history. In 218 BC Hannibal
    traveled from Spain across the Alps to attack
    Rome. He inflicted crushing defeats on Roman
    armies as he marched, but lacked the
    reinforcements necessary to take the city. In 202
    BC Hannibal was called back to Africa to defend
    Carthage against invading Roman forces, and there
    he was finally defeated at the Battle of Zama.

200s BC Spain became an important part of the
Roman Empire following the Punic Wars.
As Carthage expanded into the Iberian peninsula,
or what is now mostly Spain, Rome became
increasingly concerned. During the Second Punic
War of the second century BC, Romans finally
drove the Carthaginians out of the peninsula. The
area, divided into Hispania Citerior and Hispania
Ulterior, yielded rich agriculture and mining
resources. Although the Roman influence in Spain
largely dissolved after the 4th century AD, much
of its presence can still be seen in ruins such
as these aqueducts in Segovia.
Roman Iberia

Beginning with the Second Punic War (218-201 BC),
the Roman army spent about 200 years gaining
control of the Iberian Peninsula. At the height
of the Roman Empire in the 2nd century, the
territory now comprising Spain and Portugal was
divided into three provinces. The Roman Senate
controlled Baetica, in the southernmost region of
the peninsula. Lusitania and Tarraconensis were
Imperial provinces controlled by the emperor.
AD 573 The Visigoths completed their conquest of the Iberian Peninsula.

The medieval city of Toledo is situated on a high
hill above the Tajo River in central Spain.
Toledo was the capital of the Visigothic kingdom
in Spain. The city has narrow winding streets and
contains many historic sites.
LOS MOROS 711-1492
711-718 The Moors conquered most of Spain. Many Spaniards converted to Islam, and Moorish culture began to flourish.
1000s The Christian reconquest of Spain began.
Moorish architecture Horseshoe arc (arco de
herradura) Geometrical designs
Mosaics (cut tile design)
Arabic scriptures from the Koran or
from famous pets
Arco de herradura
The Moorish influence in Córdoba, Spain, dates
from the 8th century, when it became a Muslim
caliphate. The citys Moorish architecture
includes the cathedral, originally an impressive
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La Alhambra
  • The Alhambra complex sits on a hill at the
    base of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in
    Granada, Spain. The Alhambra is made up of three
    distinct areas a fortress known as the Alcazaba,
    extensive gardens called the Generalife, and the
    royal palace. The Alcazaba, parts of which date
    to the 11th century, is the oldest part of the
    complex. During the 13th and 14th centuries,
    Spains Moorish rulers built the Generalife and
    the royal palace in the Islamic architectural
    style. This photo faces the Alcazaba, with parts
    of the royal palace showing in the background.

Spread of Islam In the 7th and 8th centuries the religion of Islam spread through conversion and military conquest throughout the Middle East and North Africa. By 733, just 100 years after the death of Muhammad, the founder of Islam, an ordered Islamic state stretched from India in the east to Spain in the west.


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Isabella I
  • In 1469 Isabella of Castile, heiress to the
    Castilian crown, married her cousin, Ferdinand of
    Aragón (later known as Ferdinand V). As Queen
    Isabella I, she and Ferdinand ruled the kingdoms
    of Castile and Aragón. Their rule brought about
    the permanent union of Spain and saw the
    beginning of an overseas empire in the Americas

Ferdinand V
  • King Ferdinand V was a gifted statesman.
    Ferdinand used foreign policy to expand the
    domains controlled by the kingdoms of Aragón and
    Castille, which he and his wife Queen Isabella I
    ruled jointly. When Ferdinand died, both of their
    crowns went to their grandson, Charles I, later
    known as Charles V.

Cristóbal Colón
  • Sponsored by Spain, explorer Christopher
    Columbus sailed west from Europe in an attempt to
    find a shorter route to India and China. He
    landed in The Bahamas in 1492. Soon after, Spain
    began to colonize areas of the West Indies.

By colonizing the Americas, Spain became one of
the richest and most powerful countries of the
16th century. At the height of its power in 1588,
the Spanish Empire included the West Indies,
Cuba, Florida, Mexico, Central America, much of
South America, and the Philippines.
1479 Aragón and Castile were united under Ferdinand V and Isabella I. The following year the Spanish Inquisition was established.
1492 The Kingdom of Granada was conquered, ending Moorish rule in Spain. Christopher Columbus initiated Spanish claims in the Americas, where Spain quickly established a huge colonial empire.
Carlos V
Charles V was born Charles I, the grandson of
Ferdinand of Castile and Isabella I and heir to
Burgundy and Spain. He then acquired Austria,
Hungary, and Bohemia through succession. He
bribed the electors of the Holy Roman Empire to
name him emperor, crowning him Charles V and
giving him rule over more countries than any
other European monarch.
1512 The Kingdom of Navarre was absorbed into the unified Kingdom of Spain. Spanish culture flourished and Spain became a world power.
1588 The English navy defeated the Spanish Armada, beginning a period of slow decline for Spain.
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Spanish churchman Ignatius of Loyola founded a pious fraternal order in Paris in 1534, that received papal confirmation as the Order of the Jesuits in 1540. Motivated by the desire to restore piety, Loyola and the Jesuits were later strong proponents of the Counter Reformation.

Philip II Felipe II
  • The Spanish Empire reached its height during
    the reign of Philip II (1556-1598), and Spains
    great Golden Age of art, literature, and learning
    began under him. However, Philips efforts to
    stamp out Protestantism in Europe, including
    attempts to conquer England, permanently impaired
    the financial resources of Spain.

Spanish Armada
Spanish king Philip II planned to build a fleet
unequaled in power in the 1580s in hopes of not
only ending English raids on Spanish towns and
ships but also to invade and conquer England.
Eight years later, 130 large battleships sailed
for England. The English failed to stop the fleet
in long-range cannon duels. They next used ships
laden with gunpowder and set afire to attack the
Armada. The Spanish force eluded the fire ships
by sailing out to sea, but strong gales wrecked
most of the ships off the coast of Ireland, and
only 67 ships returned to Spain.
Madrids Plaza Mayor

Built during the reign of Philip III in the early
17th century, the Plaza Mayor was used for a
variety of activities, including bullfights,
executions during the Inquisition, and festivals.
Today it is one of Madrids main tourist
  • Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes
    changed the face of fiction with his early 17th
    century masterpiece, Don Quixote (part I, 1605
    part II, 1615). In the book, a distinguished
    country gentleman becomes a knight after reading
    too many chivalric novels. Intended as a spoof on
    the romantic literature of the time, Don Quixote
    exposed and satirized Spanish society, medieval
    romance, and the pastoral novel. Don Quixote
    reveals the essential humanity of its complex,
    crazed characters and has influenced many
    subsequent works.

Windmills dot the landscape in the region of La Mancha, Spain. The area is known as the land of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, characters in a novel by Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Considered the first modern novel, it was published in the early 17th century and was set in La Mancha.

Felipe IV
Philip IV (of Spain, Naples, and Sicily)
Insurrection and the loss of territory marked the
reign of Philip IV. While ruler of Spain, Naples,
and Sicily during the 17th century, the weak
monarch lost Portugal (1640) and then experienced
rebellion in Catalonia (1640-53) and Naples
(1647). He precipitated the decline of his native
country, Spain, through exhaustive wars with
Portugal, the Netherlands, and France. As a
result, Philip IV was forced to cede Spanish
territory to both the Netherlands and France in
1648 and 1649.
1714 Great Britain gained Gibraltar from Spain.
1808 Napoleon I of France invaded Spain and captured Madrid. Spanish, English, and Portuguese forces did not drive the French from Spain until 1814.
Ferdinand VII
Ferdinand VII, king of Spain, instituted an
oppressive reign, revoking the liberal
constitution drafted in 1812 and ruling as an
absolute monarch. He was forced from his throne
by French Emperor Napoleon I in 1808 and, in
1820, by his own people, who opposed his harsh
Spanish artist Francisco de Goya painted Third of
May, 1808 in 1814. His purpose was to commemorate
the Spanish war of liberation, during which a
number of innocent civilians were shot by
soldiers from Napoleons army.

El tres de mayo, 1808
1810-1825 Most of Spain's American colonies won their independence. 1- Simon Bolívar el Libertador de Venezuela y Colombia 2- José de San Martín, el Libertador de Chile y Argentina
Simón Bolívar (1783-1830), el Libertador
  • Six nations Venezuela, Colombia, Panama,
    Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia venerate Simón Bolívar
    as their liberator from the rule of Spain. This
    great statesman, writer, and revolutionary
    general is known as the George Washington of
    South America. He inspired men to follow him
    through trackless wilderness to fight and die for
    liberty. Bolívar's followers, however, did not
    support him as loyally in his struggle to set up
    stable governments. Simón Bolívar was born in
    Caracas (now in Venezuela) on July 24, 1783, of a
    noble Spanish family. Orphaned in boyhood, the
    youth was educated in Europe. He absorbed the
    spirit of revolution then widespread in Europe
    and vowed to free Venezuela. When Napoleón
    Bonaparte overran Spain, the restive colonies of
    Spanish America seized the opportunity to revolt.
    Venezuela was the first to declare its
    independence, in 1811. The revolt failed and in
    1812 the colony was again under stern Spanish
    rule. For 20 years Bolívar led the fight to free
    northern South America. His small, poorly
    equipped forces won amazing victories and met
    overwhelming defeats. At one time he might be a
    conquering hero, with honors and autocratic power
    at another, a fugitive in exile. At his height,
    between 1825 and 1828, he was president or
    protector of Gran Colombia (now Venezuela,
    Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador), Peru, and the
    newly formed Bolivia.The spirit of disunion and
    opposition, however, was strong. Bitter and
    broken in health, he died at a friend's estate in
    Colombia on Dec. 17,1830 seven months after he
    resigned his offices. Bolívar was a sincere
    patriot, devoted to the cause of liberty and
    equality. While ruler of Venezuela he proclaimed
    the liberation of slaves. He also was a pioneer
    in urging the formation of a union of American

José de San Martín - El Libertador
  • By the 1820s, the cumbersome methods by which
    taxation was extracted by a stagnant and
    complacent Spain allowed a flowering pan-American
    identity to blossom into a push for full
    independence. Simón Bolívar and José de San
    Martín led armies of freedom fighters from
    Venezuela to Peru, and from Argentina into Chile.
    Bernardo O'Higgins, son of an Irish immigrant and
    erstwhile viceroy of Peru, became supreme
    director of the new Chilean republic. The newly
    independent Chile was a fraction of its eventual
    size, consisting of Santiago and Concepción, and
    with fuzzy borders with Bolivia and Argentina.
    The coming of the railways and military triumphs
    over Peru and Bolivia in the War of the Pacific
    (1879-83) incorporated the mineral-rich Atacama
    desert to the north and the southern temperate
    territories. Chile quickly achieved a degree of
    political stability and relative democracy,
    enabling rapid agricultural development and the
    advancement of mining, industry and commerce. The
    now empowered working class and the nouveau riche
    both challenged the political power of the
    landowning oligarchy in a brief but bloody civil
    war in the 1890s.

Isabella II
  • The reign of Isabella II, queen of Spain, was
    marred by intrigues and political instability.
    She was deposed in the Revolution of 1868.

1898 Spain lost the rest of its important overseas possessions following the Spanish-American War.
Cuba Puerto Rico Guam The Phillipines
1931 King Alfonso XIII fled from Spain, and the country became a republic.
In 1936 a group of military leaders tried to
overthrow Spains elected government, beginning
the Spanish Civil War. Together with their
supporters, such as the troops shown here, they
became known as the Nationalists.

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Republican Soldiers in BattleSoldier Killed in

Republicans in the Trenches
This series of photographs was taken by Hungarian-American photographer Robert Capa during the Spanish Civil War. Capa supported the Republican forces who fought durign 1936 through 1939 to defend Spain's elected government from an attempted military coup. As he documented the Republicans efforts, Capa became the first to capture on film a soldier being killed in action.
1936-1939 Spanish Nationalist forces led by General Francisco Franco defeated Republican forces during the Spanish Civil War.
During the Spanish Civil War, General Francisco
Franco was the leader of the Nationalist forces
that fought to overthrow Spains elected
government. As a result of the Nationalist
victory in 1939, Franco became el Caudillo (the
leader) of Spain and ruled the country until his
death in 1975.

Francisco Franco Salutes a Crowd
La Guerra Civil 1936 -1939
SPANISH CIVIL WAR 1936 - 1939.
  • King Alfonso XIII abdicated the throne and went
    in exile in Rome.
  • The country chose in favor of a Republic rather
    than continue the Monarchy.
  • Two parties emerge in Spain, the Nationalists and
    the Republicans / Loyalists.
  • The Civil War saw both sides in fierce battles
  • - The Nationalists with the help of Italy and
    Germany, headed by General Francisco
  • - The Republicans / Loyalists with the help of
    Russia, France and the U.S.
  • The Germans destroyed Guernica with their
    bombers. This was immortalized by Picasso in his
    painting of the same name, Guernica. The
    Republicans lost.
  • Franco became Presidente / Dictator of the
    country, (el país) for almost 40 years. Franco
    repressed freedom of speech and expression. Most
    artists were imprisoned or had fled to France.
  • Franco appointed Juán Carlos, grandson of
    Alphonso XIII, as his successor to the leadership
    of Spain. The Monarchy was restored at his death
    in 1975. El Rey Juán Carlos y la Reina Sofía de
    Grecia tienen 3 hijos Elena, Cristina and
    Felipe. Felipe, Príncipe de Asturias should later
    inherit the throne.
  • The Memorial to the victims of the Civil War (la
    Guerra Civil) is El Valle de los Caídos, not far
    from El Escorial

1968 Buoyed by strong economic growth, the government eased censorship restrictions. Protests erupted in Barcelona and Madrid, and regional separatist groups gained strength.
The Basque Country own language
Euskara Cataluña own language
Catalán Galicia own language Gallego
S.M. El Rey de España
  • el Rey Don Juán Carlos de Borbon
  • Roma, el 5 de enero 1938
  • Rey de España en 1975

1975 Franco died and was succeeded by King Juan Carlos. Spain began the transition to a democratic government.
Shown here are disguised members of the Basque
separatist group known as the ETA (Euskadi Ta
Askatasuna, Basque for Basque Homeland and
Liberty). The ETA has used terrorist tactics to
push for the Basque Countrys independence from

ETA Basque Separatists
1980s Spain joined
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
the European Community (now the European Union
increasing its ties with the rest of Europe.
Spanish politician José María Aznar became prime
minister of Spain in 1996.
  • 1992 The Summer Olympic Games were held in
  • Los Olímpicos de 1992
  • Es un estadio muy grande
  • Celebración frente al Palacio Nacional

1994 1999 Spain threatened to block expansion of the European Union until a compromise guaranteed protection of Spanish fishing rights. Agreements were reached in March and December giving Spain wider access. January no more pesetas! Spain adopts the uro currency.
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