Inclusion in Practice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Inclusion in Practice


Inclusion in Practice Meeting diverse student needs: Solomon Schechter Day School of Bergen County Middle School, 1997-2005 Presented by Benjamin Mann – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Inclusion in Practice

Inclusion in Practice
  • Meeting diverse student needs Solomon Schechter
    Day School of
  • Bergen County Middle School, 1997-2005

Presented by Benjamin Mann Head, Middle School
and Jewish Studies Coordinator- Solomon Schechter
School of Manhattan Solomon Schechter Day School
Association Conference December 10, 2006
  • 1988-1998 school doubles in size bringing in a
    more diverse student body (600 students preK-8)
  • Students labeled LD, ADD, or ADHD. Students
    struggling academically.
  • School opens resource room for elementary school

History Middle School
  • Middle School 8 classes
  • General- Language Arts, Social Studies, Math,
  • Judaic- Hebrew, Humash, Navi, Rabbinics
  • Small group instruction in (1997-2001)
  • Math Language Arts
  • Applied small group model to
  • Judaic Studies Humash Hebrew

Small Group - Challenges
  • Overlap between low achieving students and
    students with behavior problems - learning was
  • Students were often brought down by their peers
    as opposed to lifted up
  • Groups too large to work one on one
  • Stigma- students often referred to themselves as
    the stupid class and many students felt
    isolated from the mainstream classes

Move to Inclusion (2001-2004)
  • April 2001- committee of middle school faculty
    reviewed special education services model
  • Recommendations
  • Phasing out the Small Group Model
  • Creating Inclusion Model of services
  • Moving special educators into regular classrooms
  • Employing collaborative teaching approach

Educational Philosophy Inclusion
  • Heterogeneous groups All students are valued
    members of the learning community.
  • Differentiation One size does not fit all.
  • Collaboration Together we can do what we could
    never do alone.

Students With Special Needs Who?
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Attention Deficit Disorder / Attention Deficit
    Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Emotional Issues
  • Developmentally Disabled
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Down Syndrome

Inclusion Model
  • Phased in
  • 2001-2002, Grade 6
  • 2002-2003, Grades 6 7
  • 2003-2004, Grades 6, 7, 8
  • Heterogeneous groups social and academic
    factors. No Tracking
  • Co-teaching two teachers in half of the
  • Math, Language Arts, Hebrew, Humash
  • Differentiated Instruction- professional
    development for all teachers

Inclusion Model
  • All aspects of school life
  • Student Council
  • School Play
  • Basketball

Students With Special NeedsHow?
  • Co-teaching two teachers in half of the
  • Math, Language Arts, Hebrew, Humash

Defining Co-teaching
Coteaching has been described in a variety of
ways, but here we define it as the collaboration
between general and special education teachers
for all of the teaching responsibilities of all
students assigned to a classroom. In a cotaught
classroom, two teachers, general and special
educators, work together to develop a
differentiated curriculum that meets the needs of
a diverse population of students. In a cotaught
classroom, teachers share the planning,
presentation, evaluation, and classroom
management in an effort to enhance the learning
environment for all students. In this way, the
teachers can provide more integrated services for
all students, regardless of learning
needs. Gately, S. E. Gately Jr., F. J. (2001)
Understanding coteaching components. Teaching
exceptional children, 33(4), pp.40-47.  
Co-teaching Roles
  • Content Area Teacher curricular goals,
    standards, expertise in content
  • Special Education Teacher modification,
    enrichment, support
  • In ideal co-teaching teams the roles are blurred

Regular meetings with Coordinator of Special
Services to discuss progress of collaboration and
meeting co-teaching goals.
Students With Special NeedsDifferentiated
  • Diverse group of students- strengths and
    weaknesses, interests, experiences, cultural
    backgrounds, language spoken at home, etc.
  • Requires diverse instruction- different students
    cannot all be expected to learn the same.

Differentiated InstructionOverview
  • In one classroom, different students doing
    different things according to their individual
    learning needs.
  • Teachers adjust content, process, and product in
    response to students readiness, interests, and
    learning profile.
  • ALL students working at an appropriate level of

Differentiated InstructionProfessional
Development for All Teachers
  • In 2002-2003 school year 6 teachers participated
    in webcast through National Middle School
    Association and developed their own
    differentiated curricular units.
  • Summer 2003 all middle school faculty read How to
    Differentiate Instruction in Mixed Ability
    Classrooms, by Carol Ann Tomlinson.
  • 2003-2004, ongoing professional development
    workshops based on the Tomlinson book during
    middle school faculty meetings.
  • Two educational consultants worked with
    individual teachers and teacher teams to help
    them develop differentiated lesson plans and
    instructional units.

Students With Special NeedsModifications
  • Supports and instructional changes that promote
    the academic success of students with special
    learning needs
  • No direct services in Social Studies, Science,
    Rabbinics, Navi
  • Regular consultation with Special Educators and
    Coordinator of Special Services to make
  • Background information by grade level
  • Modifications Lists by class
  • Report on Modifications Checklist

Students With Special NeedsOther Support Systems
  • Advisory System- each teacher tracked the
    progress of 8-10 students, communicated with
    parents, and supported students in school
    efforts to complete assignments.
  • Student Review- weekly grade level meetings to
    discuss students progress, share information,
    and strategize to better meet students needs.

Students With Special NeedsOther Support Systems
  • Administrative Coordination of Services- weekly
    meeting of Middle School Principal, School
    Psychologist, Coordinator of Student Services,
    and Coordinator of Special Services to discuss
    students suffering academic failure, plan
    interventions, and strategize ways to support
    student success.
  • Parent Conferences- parents were regularly asked
    to become partners in the process of helping
    students find success. Meetings involved sharing
    information, strategizing approaches to students
    difficulties, and planning interventions.

Students With Special NeedsOther Support Systems
  • Formal Evaluations- students were referred for
    psycho-educational evaluations in order to
    provide a more clinical analysis of students
    strengths and weaknesses as learners. Parents
    consent to either a private evaluation or a state
    funded evaluation through Bergen County Special
    Services. Bergen County evaluations took place
    in school and were scheduled through the Middle
    School Coordinator of Special Services.

Students With Special NeedsOther Support Systems
  • Documentation- files were kept by the Middle
    School Coordinator of Special Services that
    include any testing results, anecdotal
    information, or communications between faculty or
    the school and parents regarding students
    receiving special services. These records were
    confidential and were used only by students
    teachers in order to tailor instruction to meet
    students needs.

Para-Professional (2004-2005)
  • One on one and small group work with students in
    need of academic support.
  • Students pulled out of non-academic periods
    (specials, PE, lunch/recess, tefliot)
  • Met with 10 to 15 students 1,2 or 3 times a week.
  • Students received support in any of these areas
  • work completion
  • test preparation
  • organization- materials, time
  • remediation of Hebrew language skills
  • remediation of English language skills (Israeli

  • No more Stupid Class.
  • Fewer students falling through the cracks.
    Inclusion raised the consciousness of the entire
    faculty- We are responsible for the education of
  • Many students were getting the supports and
    instruction that they needed to succeed.
  • Culture of Collaboration- teachers working
    together to improve instruction

  • Hiring Special Educators
  • Hard to come by
  • Classroom experience- usually pull out / resource
  • Content knowledge- effective collaboration with
    content area teachers
  • Personality conflicts- hard to overcome
  • Professional development
  • never enough time
  • Co-teaching strategies
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Incorporating remediation
  • Costly- two teachers per class high salary costs

In education, fair is not when everyone gets the
same thing. Fair is when everyone gets what they
need in order to learn.
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