Title: Chinese Program in Livingston Public Schools
1Chinese Program in Livingston Public Schools
Liz Sanchez, Supervisor of World Languages Dept.
Barbara Kauderer, Teacher of ChineseLucy Lee,
Teacher of Chinese
2 ?? Welcome ??
- Information Session
- Chinese Program
- offered by
- Livingston Public Schools
3The Chinese Program
- Initiated in 1990 by Livingston Chinese Schools
- Board members
- Administrators
- Parents
- As a half-year Chinese Study course.
4High School Chinese Program Livingston High
- Chinese 1
- Chinese 2
- Chinese 3 Honors
- Chinese 4 Honors
- Chinese AP
5Middle School Chinese Program Heritage Middle
- 7th Grade Chinese
- 8th Grade Chinese
6Highlight in 1992
- A For Kids Disseminator Award
- A teaching unit on Chinese holidays and
- festivals, developed by the Chinese teacher
- Lucy Lee was selected by the A for Kids
- Teacher Network in New Jersey.
7Highlight in 1995
- A Grant awarded by DOD
- Livingston Chinese Program was awarded a
- grant from the Department of Defence
- (DOD) in 1995 through the National Foreign
- Language Center at the University of Maryland for
it - high quality of language instruction and
leadership in - the profession of K-12 Chinese language
8Highlight in 1996
- Professional Development
- for Chinese Teachers
- The DOD grant enabled Livingston High School to
offer professional development opportunity to
forty K-12 Chinese teachers from New York, New
Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts in April
9Highlight in 2000
- GAINS Project
- (Gaining Achievement in the New Standards)
- Chinese classes were selected as models of
standards-based instruction and were included in
the GAINS in world languages video, a parent and
community advocacy video sponsored by the New
Jersey State Department of Education.
10Highlight in 2002
- Visitors form China
- Twenty-five secondary school principals and
mater teachers from China listened to the
district superintendent Mr. Robert Grady
explaining the American educational system,
observed classes in different subjects and got
the chance to talk to our students directly. - Our staff and students also exchanged questions
with the Chinese visitors about schools in China.
It marked a memorable experience for our students
and staff. Students of Chinese classes were using
the language they learn in our Chinese classes
and tried to sustain a conversation with Chinese
visitors in a culturally appropriate manner.
11Highlight in 2005
- http//www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?story
Id4497023 - National Public Radio (NPR)
- American Students Brush Up on Their Chinese
- All Things Considered, February 12, 2005 More
and more young Americans are aware of China's
rising strength in the world economy and are
studying Chinese. We heard from several Chinese
language students at Livingston High School in
Livingston, N.J. - Adam Cohen 12th grade Chinese 4 HonorsDave
Krause 12th grade Chinese 3 HonorsKristina Hon
11th grade Chinese 2 Justin Pak 9th
grade Chinese 1
12Highlight in 2006
- Chinese AP Course
- LHS was selected by the College Board
- to administrate the
- First AP Try-out Exam
13Highlight in 2006
- Expanding the existing high school
- Chinese program to offer
- 7th Grade Chinese
- 8th Grade Chinese
- At Heritage Middle School
14Highlight in 2007
- Chinese AP Exam in May
- 6 Students took the AP exam
- All 6 Students scored 5
15Highlight in 2008
- Chinese AP Exam on in May
- 5 Students took the AP exam
- 4 Students scored 5
- 1 Student scored 4
- Alignment with the
- New Jersey Core Curriculum
- Content Standardsfor World Languages
17NJ World Languages Standards
- 7.1 World Languages All students will be able to
use a world language in addition to English to
engage in meaningful conversation, to understand
and interpret spoken and written language, and to
present information, concepts, and ideas, while
also gaining an understanding of the perspectives
of other cultures. Through language study, they
will make connections with other content areas,
compare the language and culture studied with
their own, and participate in home and global
- The sounds of Chinese language
- Greetings and Civilities
- Biographical Information
- Time and Dates
- Parts of the Body
- Family
- School
- Pets / Animals
- Daily Activities
- Sports
- Meal Taking / Food / Drink
- Weather / Seasons
- Clothing / Colors
- Major Cities and Places in China
- Family and Relatives
- Personal Identification
- School Life
- House and Home
- Around Town
- Shopping and Currency
- Professions / At work
- Travel to China
- Chinese Written Language
- Family and Interpersonal Relationship
- Daily life
- Education
- Health
- Lodging
- Community and Professions
- Travel
- Pastimes
- Reading and Writing Characters
- Integrated performance-based instruction
- Interpretive communication- Reading and
- Listening Development
- Interpersonal communication- Speaking, Listening,
Reading and Writing Development - Presentational communication - Writing
- and Speaking Development
- Civilization and Social Conventions
22AP Chinese Language and Culture
- The AP Chinese Language and Culture course is
designed to provide students with varied
opportunities to further develop their
proficiencies across the three communicative
modes interpersonal (speaking, listening,
reading and writing skills), interpretive
(listening and reading skills), and
presentational (speaking and writing skills) and
the five goal areas (communication, cultures,
connections, comparisons, and communities).
23AP Chinese Course Content
- Course content could best reflect intellectual
interests shared by the students and the teacher
(cultural celebrations, beliefs and attitudes,
interests and career, teen life/self and global
community, famous people, social issues and
current events, art and music appreciation,
literature and poetry, geography/climate/
political divisions, etc.).
24AP Chinese Instructional Materials
- Instructional materials might include signs,
advertisements, e-mails, posters, video clips,
films, news broadcasts, announcements made in
public places of the Chinese speaking
communities, and written texts excerpted or
adapted from newspapers, magazine articles,
contemporary literature, letters, and reports.
25AP Chinese
- the equivalent of
- a second-year
- (and /or the fourth semester)
- college course
- Proficiency level
- Intermediate Range
26National Survey on the Number of Students who
are taking Chinese at K-12 Schools
- 2003 CLASS Survey
- Responded Total 163
- Elementary 4,668
- Middle Sch/Jr. HS 2394
- High School 9029
- Total 16,091
- 2007 CLASS Survey
- Responded Total 228
- Elementary 5,873
- Middle Sch/Jr. HS 3579
- High School 12,130
- Total 21,580
27Phonetic Transcription Used
- 2007 CLASS National Survey
- Responded Total 244
- Pinyin Only 223 (91)
- Bopomofo only 21 (9)
28??? / ???
2007 CLASS National Survey Responded Total
244 Simplified and Traditional 100
(44) Simplified Only 101 (44)
Traditional only 27 (12)
29Livingston Chinese Program
- Students learn both traditional and simplified
characters. - Students choose to write in either traditional or
simplified characters. - Students learn to recognize and read both
traditional and simplified characters.
30Livingston Chinese Program
- Thank You for
- Your Continuing Support!