Title: COST Telecommunications and Information Science and Technologies
1COSTTelecommunications andInformation Science
and Technologies
2What is COST ?
- Intergovernmental Cooperation
- Created in 1971
- 17 Scientific and Technical Domains
- Participation
- 35 COST Countries
- European Commission
- International Organisations
- Organisations from Non-COST Countries on Mutual
Benefit Basis - COST Actions
- Concerted Actions of Nationally Funded RD
- Memorandum of Understanding
3The (34 1) member states
- COST Member States
- ? The 25 EU Member States
- EFTA Member States ? Iceland ? Norway ?
Switzerland ? Candidate Countries ? Bulgaria ?
Croatia1 ? Romania ? Turkey? Other
Countries ? Serbia and Montenegro1 ? FYR of
Macedonia (FYROM)1 - COST Co-operating States ? Israel
1 Not Associated to FP
4What is a COST Action?
- Concerted Action
- Pan-European
- RD Financed Nationally
- Flexibility
- Bottom-up
- A la carte participation
- COST funds only coordination activities
5Yearly Evolution of Running and Starting COST
Actions (Status on 31st December 2004)
Number of Actions
6COST _at_ FP6
- Funded under FP6 Strengthening the European
Research Area 50-80 M for 2003-2007 - One of the major Tools for Implementing ERA
- Managed by the European Science Foundation (ESF)
at the COST Office
7Positioning of COST, Nature of Research
Innovation/ Exploitation
Applied Research
8COST Structure
COST Secretariat at the Council
COST Office
Technical Committees (TC)
Actions Management Committees (MC)
9COST Senior Officials (CSO)
- Responsible for the overall strategy of COST
- Decides on the launching of each individual COST
Action - Approves participation from non-COST countries
institutes - Approves prolongation of COST Actions
- Chair Professor Francesco Fedi
10Technical Committee (TC)
- Selection Proposal of new COST Actions
- Monitoring of ongoing COST Actions
- Evaluation of completed COST Actions
- Dissemination and Exploitation of COST activities
- Provide Advice to COST on Budget Planning
- Chair of TIST Professor Gert Brussaard
11TIST Quality Control
- Assessment of proposals for new Actions
- Peer review by an Assessment Panel
- Assessment Report approved by the TC
- Monitoring of Actions in Progress
- Progress Report
- Presentation by the Action Chair at Annual Review
Meeting (June) - Evaluation of completed Actions
- Peer review by the Evaluation Panel
- Evaluation Report approved by the TC
12Management Committee (MC)
- Supervises and coordinates the implementation of
the Action - It is the only legal basis
- Composed of
- Maximum two representatives of each signatory
country - they ensure the scientific coordination at
national level - One representative of any non-COST institution
admitted to participate - Each signatory has one vote
13Working Group (WG)
- Small number of researchers per working group
- Working group members may be
- Management Committee members
- Other scientists from the signatory countries
14COST TIST (Telecoms IST)
- 25 Actions, 2500 Organisations
- Covering Long Term Research on
- Algorithm Technologies
- Antennas and Radio Propagation
- Knowledge and Information Management
- Network Design Analysis
- New Internet Multimedia Services
- Optical Networking and Photonics
- Satellite and Mobile Communication
- Special Needs and User Requirements
- Strong Relationship with IST Programme
15COST TISTResearch Domains Actions
Antennas,Radio Propagation, and
InterferenceCOST 280, 284,286, 296
16COST TIST Stand Point
- Bottom-up approach
- Flexible research themes participation
- Community building
- Long term research
- Predominantly basic RD
- Voluntary cooperation model (High motivation)
- High impact on FPs
17Evolution of COST TIST Actions
18Annual Grant Contracts
- COST TIST support Annual Grant Contracts with
Grant-Holder organisation - Contract covers costs for
- Secretariat (administration charges)
- Meetings (MC and WGs)
- Seminars, workshops, and training schools
- Short Term Scientific Missions
- Dissemination activities
- Publications are funded by specific COST funds
- Managed by the COST Office
- Staff
- Science Officer Afonso Ferreira
- Afonso.Ferreira_at_cost.esf.org
- Administrative Officer Brigid Bradley
- bbradley_at_cost.esf.org
- COST WWW Site http//cost.cordis.lu
- TC Chair Prof. Gert Brussaard
- Were here to help