Chaucer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chaucer s General Prologue ENGL 203 Dr. Fike Review on Your Own List some major characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon/Old English period of British literature. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chaucer

Chaucers General Prologue
  • ENGL 203
  • Dr. Fike

Review on Your Own
  • List some major characteristics of the
    Anglo-Saxon/Old English period of British
  • What problems are built into the comitatus
  • What was the role of Christianity in England's
  • What is the difference between ethopoeia and

What We Are Leaving Out
  • Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Arthurian
  • Everyman morality play, allegory
  • The Second Shepherds Play mystery play (vs.
    miracle play), pageant wagons, cyclic drama,
  • Margery Kempe, The Book of Margery Kempe
  • Julian of Norwich, Showings (Jesus as Mother)
  • Chaucer, "The Miller's Tale," "The Nun's Priest's
    Tale fabliau, beast fable

Look Up These Terms in Harmon and Holman
  • Romance
  • Morality play
  • Allegory
  • Miracle play
  • Fabliau

  • In common usage, it refers to works with
    extravagant characters, remote and exotic places,
    highly exciting and heroic events, passionate
    love, or mysterious or supernatural experiences.
    In another and more sophisticated sense, romance
    refers to works relatively free of the more
    restrictive aspects of realistic verisimilitude
    (Harmon and Holman).

  • The Millers Tale is a fabliau.
  • Fabliau A humorous tale popular in medieval
    Francehumorous, sly satire. These stories,
    often bawdy, dealt familiarly with the clergy,
    ridiculed womanhood, and were pitched in a key
    that made them readily understandable to anybody
    (Harmon and Holman).

  • One day this Frank went home and found a man
    with his wife in the same bed. He asked him,
    What could have made thee enter into my wifes
    room? The man replied, I was tired, so I went
    in to rest. But how, asked he, didst thou
    get into my bed? The other replied, Well, I
    found a bed that was spread, so I slept in it.
    But, said he, my wife was sleeping together
    with thee! The other replied, Well, the bed is
    hers. How could I therefore have prevented her
    from using her own bed? By the truth of my
    religion, said the husband, if thou shouldst do
    it again, thou and I would have a quarrel.
  • --qtd. in Harrison, Galic Salt

Norman Conquest
  • Battle of Hastings 1066.
  • William the Conquerer won.
  • Edward the Confessor lost.
  • How William stacked up against the four criteria
    for kingship
  • Genealogy (no)
  • The voice of the dying king (no)
  • The vote of the Witan or wise men (no)
  • Who was closest and had the biggest army (army,
    yes, but in France)
  • William had only two dubious promises one not
    written down, the other extorted under duress.

More on Norman Conquest
  • Not an immediate take-over Wm gradually worked
    his way north, and he strengthened existing
    institutions and added his own rather than
    stamping them out (cf. St. Augustines strategy
    in an earlier century).
  • Wm strengthened the throne and became head of
    state and chief lord that is, he introduced
    feudalism every man was a man of the kingif
    you owned land, you owned it by the king's
  • Mutual respect, cooperation, intermarriage.
  • 1204 King John lost Normandy to France, leading
    to psychological unity of English people.
  • 1337-1453 The Hundred Years War with France led
    to English nationalism.

Linguistic Change
  • For 200 years French was the language of the
    upper classes. Low folk still spoke English.
  • Around 1200 lots of upper-class folks knew
    English, and low folk were familiar with French.
  • The language decayed. No literature written in
    English from the conquest till after 1349.
  • In 1300s English was adopted in courts and
  • By the 15th century, little knowledge of French
    but French had transformed Old English into
    Middle English.

Particulars Re. This Transformation
  • More than 10,000 French words were adopted.
  • Many inflections were lost (endings that indicate
    grammatical features like number, person, and
  • Literature was disseminated by scribes and
  • But then in 1476 William Caxton set up the
    first printing press in London. His standard
    the English spoken by Chaucer.
  • English was now poised for a resurgence.

  • The center of the Roman church in England.
  • Point church a major force in Middle English

St. Thomas à Becket
  • St. Thomas à Becket was Archbishop of Canterbury
    (appointed by King Henry II).
  • He and the king disagreed on the authority of
    church courts and church law. The king wanted to
    curb the clergy's special privileges. Becket
    defied him.
  • After being condemned by the royal court, he fled
    the country. King called home all students in
    Paris to deny Becket support. They founded
    Oxford University in 1167. A group split off in
    1209 and founded Cambridge University.
  • After Becket got backed up by the Pope and
    excommunicated some of Henry's chief counselors,
    four of his soldiers killed Becket in Canterbury
  • Cf. Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral. Thus Becket
    became a martyr, and his shrine was frequently
    visited. That's where Chaucer's pilgrims are

Most Famous Quotation from Eliots Play
  • The last temptation is the greatest treason
  • to do the right deed for the wrong reason.

Look up on your own in Harmon and Holman
  • Chivalry Knighthood was glamorized and
    idealized knights were supposed to embody a
    variety of virtues like courage, piety, and
    generosity. See SGGK.
  • Courtly love the kind of love you'd associate
    with chivalry (called "fin amour" or "fine love"
    in the middle ages "amour courtois, or courtly
    love, was a term coined in 1883 by Gaston Paris).
  • Man obeys his beloved.
  • Emotional disturbance.
  • Secret, illicit love (think Guinevere and
  • Marriage does not prevent romantic involvement
    with another.
  • The beloved woman is chaste and cruel (remember
    this when we get to Shakespeares Sonnets).
  • Point You dont see romantic love in
    Anglo-Saxon literature. This is something new.

Terms Directly Related to Chaucer
  • Reverdie Old French, regreening
  • Zephyrus the west wind
  • Gentilese gentleness, gentility, nobility of
  • Breton lay a short romance
  • Curtain lecture lecture given by a woman to her
    husband in bed (i.e., behind the bed curtain)
  • April 17th first day of pilgrimage to
    Canterbury and the date of Noahs flood (the
    latter is relevant to The Millers Tale)

Get and Read This Handout
  • http//
  • This document summarizes a lot of important
    information on the General Prologue.

Group Activity
  • http//
  • Compare and contrast the beginning of the
    General Prologue and the beginning of The
  • Question What points emerge from a comparison
    of Chaucers opening lines with Eliots? How
    does Western Wind illuminate Chaucers opening?

  • Chaucer
  • Renewal is natural, psychological, and
    spiritualnature and supernature.
  • Life is a pilgrimage ending in heaven (see The
    Parsons Prologue).
  • April not just spring (eros) but the month of
    Christs crucifixion and resurrection (agape)
    these types of love animate the tales.
  • Eliot
  • Renewal is in nature only.
  • Folks go south in the winter, but theres nothing
    spiritual about avoiding lousy weather.
  • April is the cruellest month because nature is
    coming back to life, but the human psyche and
    spirit are not.
  • Note that the participles and enjambment at the
    ends of lines, suggest that there is energy in
    natural processes this is appropriate to spring.

  • Chaucer
  • Zephyrus, the west wind, calls the earth back to
    life (small rain in Western Wind is the
    healing rain that comes in spring).
  • March is not a dry month in England the drought
    is metaphorical, and it harkens back to classical
    literatures references to March as dry in
    Mediterranean countries.
  • A female March vs. a male April And pierce the
    drought of March.
  • Phallicism
  • A hint of Christian baptism
  • Eliot
  • There is a shower of rain here, but it is
    merely an opportunity to stop for coffee.

Still More
  • Chaucer
  • One long sentence 18 lines
  • High style (Whenthen, etc.)
  • Subordinate clause ? main clause.
  • Transition to low style at line 19.
  • Western tradition of celebrating spring ? a local
    event general ? particular.
  • Healthful physical vigor ? sickness in line 18.
  • Spring restores the earth as the saint restores
    the sick (Christian healing is physical AND
  • Eliot
  • Whereas Chaucers opening is subordinated,
    Eliots opening is merely additive.
  • Whereas Chaucers long sentence suggests order,
    Eliots style just piles one experience on top of
  • The repetition of the word Andit is used five
    timessuggests that the intelligence that speaks
    the opening is fragmented.
  • Whereas Chaucer draws in European tradition and
    then focuses on a local English event, Eliot
    seems to begin in one place and then branch out
    linguistically and geographicallyagain,

The Ecclesiastical Group
  • Question Whats wrong with the following
    characters? Is one of them positive?
  • Prioress (122ff.)
  • Monk (169ff.)
  • Friar (212ff.)
  • Parson (487ff.)
  • Summoner (641ff.)
  • Pardoner (689ff.)
  • As you try to figure this out, remember that
    Chaucer the poet is not Chaucer the pilgrim.
    In fact, the poet Chaucer places the pilgrim
    Chaucer in with the prologues rogues.

PrioressMadam Eglantyne
  • She does not understand her duties, which do not
  • Being elegantly feminine
  • Having pets (she feeds them better than the widow
    in the Nuns Priests tale eats)
  • Going on pilgrimages
  • In short, she should not be doing anything for
    which the pilgrim Chaucer admires her, and the
    poet Chaucer knows this.
  • The poet took her etiquette from Le Roman de la
    Rose, in which an old woman offers shrewd advice
    on how a girl can snare a man.
  • Amor vincit omnia eros or agape?
  • The nuns of Stratford ran a brothel, the Unicorn,
    in Southwark. Chaucers Prioress is from this

  • His virility appeals to the pilgrim Chaucer.
  • Violates the rules of his order
  • By hunting
  • By dressing lavishly
  • By not staying in his cloister
  • He should serve God, not the world.
  • POINT Irony results when a character deviates
    from a known standard.

Friar Hubert
  • Violates the moral standards of his profession
  • Avoids the sick and the poor.
  • Cultivates friendships with franklins (land
    owners), tavern owners, and women.
  • Knocks up young women and then marries them to
    cover his tracks.
  • Hears confession and sells absolution this
    interferes with the work of the parish priest and
    degrades the penitential system of the Church.
    He is supposed to be a Limiter, a begging
  • Faux-Semblant, a hypocrite in Roman, contributed
    to Chaucers portrait of the Friar.

Pardoner and Summoner
  • Summoner summons people to justice and judgment.
  • Pardoner offers divine forgiveness, mercy, love.

  • a gelding or a mareline 710.
  • A eunuch physical deformity signals spiritual
    deformity. He perverts love, both human and
  • Homosexual relationship with the Summoner (?)
    Come hither, love, to me! Lechery in line 644
    describes the Summoner.
  • Associated with animals rat, hare, goat, pigs
    bones and he makes monkeys out of victims at
    line 726.

  • An ideal figure
  • Who truly knew Christs gospel and would preach
    it (491)
  • The true example that a priest should give
  • He stayed at home and watched over his fold
  • He was a shepherd and no mercenary. / Holy and
    virtuous he was (524-25).
  • I think there never was a better priest (534).
  • Christ and His Twelve Apostles and their lore /
    He taught, but followed it himself before

Critical Quotation Re. Pardoner Summoner vs.
  • The songbecomes both a promiscuous and
    perverted invitation and an unconscious symbolic
    acknowledgement of the absence of the need for
    love, love that comes neither to the grasping
    physical endeavor of the Summoner nor to the
    physical incapacity of the Pardonernor to their
    perverted spiritsthe song of the Summoner and
    the Pardoner is a superb dramatic irony
    acknowledging the full extent of their need and
    loss, the love of God which they ought to strive
    for, the love which they desperately need.
  • --Arthur Hoffman, Chaucers Prologue to
    Pilgrimage The Two Voices, in Edward
    Wagenknechts Chaucer Modern Essays in
    Criticism, page 41

Types of Love
  • Physical Love
  • Squire
  • Prioress
  • Wife
  • Friar
  • Pardoner
  • Summoner
  • Divine Love
  • The shrine of Becket
  • Knight
  • Parson
  • Plowman
  • These guys suggest divine love most closely.

Types of Love
  • Agapespiritual love, sacrificial love, love of
    the other in spite of ugliness.
  • Philiabrotherly/sisterly love.
  • Eroserotic love, love of the other for the sake
    of oneself.
  • END
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