Radiation Protection Review Film-Screen Combinations Faster - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Radiation Protection Review Film-Screen Combinations Faster


Radiation Protection Review Film-Screen Combinations Faster film-screen combinations reduce exposure to the patient because they use less radiation to create an image. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Radiation Protection Review Film-Screen Combinations Faster

Radiation Protection
  • Review

  • Learn and/or review basic facts of radiation
  • Critically think about radiation protection.

  • The technologist is responsible for protecting
    the patient.
  • - Avoid repeating exposures.
  • - Use safe exposure factors
    (understanding of technique).
  • The radiologist and referring physicians should
    communicate in order to properly care for
    patients and ensure proper exams.
  • The benefit must outweigh the risk

Ionizing Radiation
  • Ionization The ability to remove electrons from
  • Results of Ionization Unstable atoms, free
    electrons, low energy x-rays, creation of harmful
    cellular elements, cell death/damage.
  • Cell Damage 2 Types
  • - Somatic Damage to the exposed
  • - Genetic Damage to the DNA which may
    be passed on.

Sources of Ionizing Radiation
  • Natural Background
  • The environment
  • 82 of human exposure (295 mrem per person)
  • Radon 55 (198 mrem)
  • Human Body radionuclides in the tissue
    (potassium 40, carbon 14, strontium 90, hydrogen
  • Cosmic rays 30 mrem annually
  • Man-Made
  • 18 of human exposure to radiation.
  • 66 mrem annually
  • - 55 mrem imaging
  • - 11 mrem consumer products
  • - 1 mrem nuclear weapons testing

  • Primary Radiation Radiation exiting the tube.
  • Exit Radiation X-rays that emerge from the
    patient to produce the image.
  • Attenuation Absorption and scatter of the x-ray
    beam as it passes through the patient.
  • Heterogeneous Beam X-ray beam that contains
    photons of many different energies.

Photon-Tissue Interactions
  • The most common interactions are photoelectric
    and compton.
  • Photoelectric Associated with photon absorption
    and contrast.
  • Compton Associated with scatter.

Coherent Scattering
Also referred to as Classical Scattering and
Thompson Scattering. A low energy (10keV)
incident x-ray interacts with a target atom which
then becomes excited and immediately releases
the excess energy in a different direction than
the incident x-ray. The result is a change in
the direction of the x-ray without a change in
energy. Very little coherent scattering occurs
in diagnostic imaging. No ionization occurs.
Photoelectric Effect
Results in total absorption of the incident
x-ray. Occurs in the diagnostic range. An
incident x-ray ionizes a k-shell electron. This
results in total absorption of the incident
x-ray and results in an ejected photoelectron.
Characteristic radiation occurs when outer
shell electrons drop to fill the vacancy left by
the ejected electron. These rays act like
scatter. Photoelectric effect equates to the
creation of contrast in the image due to
differential absorption of the incoming photons
in the tissues.
Compton Effect
Equates to scatter radiation. Also called
Compton Scattering. An incident x-ray
interacts with an outer shell electron and ejects
it. The x-ray continues in another direction
with less energy. The x-ray traveling in a new
direction offers nothing good to the image and
often results in exposure to others, especially
in fluoroscopy.
Pair Production
  • Does not occur in diagnostic radiography.
  • Produced at photon energies above 1.02 million
    electron volts.
  • Involves interaction between incoming x-ray and
    the nucleus.

RAD Units
  • Quantity Name Symbol
    SI Unit
  • Exposure roentgen R
    air kerma (Gya)

  • C/kg
  • Absorbed Dose rad rad
    gray (Gy1)
  • Effective Dose rem rem
    seivert (Sv)
  • Radioactivity curie Ci
    becquerel (Bq)

RAD Units
  • Calculating SI units
  • R x 0.01 Gy a
  • rad x 0.01 Gy 1
  • rem x 0.01 Sv
  • Ci x 3.7 x10 (10) Bq
  • R 2.58 x 10 (- 4) C/kg

RAD Units
  • Exposure in air 1R 2.58 x 10 (- 4)
  • Absorbed Dose The amount absorbed which could
    equate to biologic damage. Rad measures absorbed
    dose. 1gray 100 rad
  • Absorbed Dose Equivalent Takes into account
    different biologic effects caused by different
    types of radiation.
  • A quality factor is used to express the
    damage of specific
  • types of radiation.
  • QF takes into account linear energy
    transfer (LET) which equates to
  • the damaging effect of radiation as
    it travels through tissue.

Quality Factor
  • High ionization radiations have a high LET which
    means that they cause more biologic damage.
  • Alpha/beta have high LET, while x and gamma rays
    have a low LET.
  • QF for x/gamma rays 1
  • 100 rads of x-rays 100 rem of x-rays
  • QF for neutrons 20, so 100 rads of neutrons
    2000 rem
  • X/Gamma rays QF 1 roentgen 1 rad 1 rem

Absorbed Dose
  • Agencies that set limits
  • - NCRP ICRP NRC (enforces standards at
    federal level)
  • Effective absorbed dose equivalent The upper
    boundary dose
  • that can be absorbed with little risk of
    somatic/genetic damage.
  • ALARA Keep exposure minimal.

Dose Response
States that no level of exposure is safe, and
that the degree of response is directly related
to the amount of exposure received.
Dose Response
States that a dose exists below which a response
does not occur. In other words there is a safe
threshold before which damage will occur. Again,
after that point response is directly
proportional to exposure.
Dose Response
States that there is a safe threshold of
exposure, but when exceeded results in responses
that are not directly proportional to the
exposure received.
Dose Response
States that no exposure is safe, and that
response is not directly proportional to the
exposure received.
  • Stochastic Effects The randomly occurring
    effects of radiation which increase with
  • Nonstochastic(Deterministic) Effects Effects
    that become more severe at high levels of
    exposure and do not occur below a certain

NCRP Report 116
  • The benefits must outweigh the risks when using
  • Occupational limit Stochastic effects 5 rem
  • Occupational limit Nonstochastic effects Eye
    15rem, Organs 50rem
  • Occupational cumulative exposure Age x 1 rem
  • Students over 18 5 rem annually
  • General public Infrequent exposure 0.5
    Frequent exposure 0.1
  • General public Extremities, skin, eyes 5 rem
  • Embryo-fetus Total gestation 0.5 rem
  • Embryo-fetus Per month 0.05 rem
  • Somatic and genetic effects must be kept to a

The Cell
  • Three Main Parts 1. Cell Membrane 2. Cytoplasm
    3. Nucleus
  • Cell Membrane Protects the cell, holds
    water/nutrients and is semipermeable.
  • Cytoplasm Composed mostly of water, Conducts
    cell metabolism, and contains organelles.
  • Organelles 1. Centrosomes Participate
    in cell division.
  • 2. Ribosomes
    Synthesize protein.
  • 3. Lysosomes
    Intracellular digestion.
  • 4. Mitochondria
    Produce energy.
  • 5. Golgi Apparatus
    Combines proteins carbohydrates.
  • 6. Endoplasmic
    Reticulum Moves food/molecules in cell.
  • Nucleus Contains DNA and RNA DNA controls
    cell function.

Biologic Effects
  • As LET rises, so does biologic damage.
  • RBE Relative biologic effectiveness Ability
    to produce biologic damage.
  • Ionizing radiation can change a cells molecular
    structure, affecting its ability to function
  • Germ cell exposure can result in mutations being
    passed to the next generation (genetic).

Biologic Effects
  • Most radiation passes through the body without
    interaction because matter is composed mainly of
    empty space.
  • 2 Interactions
  • 1. Direct Effect When radiation transfers
    its energy directly to the DNA.
  • 2. Indirect Effect When radiation
    transfers its energy to the water in the

Direct Effect
  • Occurs when radiation transfers its energy
    directly to the DNA or RNA.
  • Damage may repair itself.
  • Damage may cause mutations that can be passed on.
  • Results of the Direct Effect
  • 1. No effect most often.
  • 2. Alterations to cell function/structure.
  • 3. Cell death
  • 4. Death of tissues/organs that depend on
    destroyed cells.
  • 5. Faulty information passed on resulting
    in cancer etc.

Indirect Effect
  • Occurs when radiation is deposited into the water
    of the cell.
  • Radiolysis of Water Results in ion pair (water
    molecule / free electron)
  • - If the ion pair recombines no damage
  • - Free radicals may be formed that damage
    the cell, or form hydrogen peroxide in the cell
    which is a poison in the cell.
  • Results of Indirect Effect
  • 1. No effect Most common response.
  • 2. Formation of free radicals.
  • 3. Formation of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Most damage that occurs to the body is from
    the indirect effect.

  • Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau Cells are most
    sensitive to radiation when they are immature,
    undifferentiated, and rapidly dividing.
  • If cells are more oxygenated, they are more
    susceptible to radiation damage which is known as
    oxygen enhancement ratio.
  • As cells mature and become specialized they are
    less sensitive to radiation.
  • A whole body dose of 25 rads depresses blood
    count. This is caused by exposure of bone marrow.
    Lymphocytes are the most radiosensitive blood
    cells in the body. Stem cells in bone marrow are
    very sensitive as well.

  • Epithelial Tissue Lines body and divides
    rapidly making it highly sensitive.
  • Muscle Relatively insensitive.
  • Adult Nerve Tissue Relatively insensitive as
  • Reproductive Cells Very radiosensitive cells

Beam Limitation
  • Beam limitation protects the patient by limiting
    the area being irradiated.
  • Lead shutters and PBL are used today.
  • In the past, cylindrical cones and aperture
    diaphragms were used to limit the beam size.

  • A filter placed between the beam and the patient
    which absorbs low energy (soft) x-rays making the
    overall beam harder (short wavelength, high
  • Inherent Glass envelope and insulating oil in
  • Added Aluminum in the path of the beam. The
  • Total Filtration The sum of added/inherent
    filtration. Must equal 2.5 mm aluminum
  • Half value layer The amount of filtration
    needed to reduce the intensity of the x-ray beam
    to half its original value.

Gonadal Shields
  • Gonadal shielding may reduce female gonad dose by
    50, and male gonad dose by 95.
  • Types Flat contact shadow shields.

Exposure Factors
  • Exposure factors determine the quantity and
    quality of the x-rays striking the patient.
  • Use the optimum kVp for the part being imaged.
  • Use the lowest possible mAs to reduce the amount
    of radiation striking the patient.

Film-Screen Combinations
  • Faster film-screen combinations reduce exposure
    to the patient because they use less radiation to
    create an image. They have high conversion
  • Slow film-screen combinations use more exposure,
    but create higher detail images.

  • Retakes are eliminated by strict quality control
    of all chemical processors.
  • Care should be given to gentle handling of film
    and cassettes when loading and unloading.
  • Avoid overexposing film to safelight.

  • Grids require higher exposure, but may lower
    overall exposure to patient by eliminating
    retakes associated with poor contrast.

Repeat Radiographs
  • Repeats result in higher patient exposure.
  • Repeats should be tracked to understand why
    technologists are repeating and eliminate reasons
    if possible.

Technical Standards for Patient Protection
  • Minimum source to skin distance for Portables
    12 inches.
  • Intermittent fluoroscopy.
  • Close collimation.
  • Source to tabletop distance for fixed fluoro.
    15 inches or more.
  • Source to tabletop distance for portable
    fluoroscopy is not less than 12 inches (15
  • Proper filtration.
  • 5-minute fluoro timer.
  • Limit dose at tabletop to less than 10 R per
    minute (fluoro).

Patient Dose Factors
  • Measuring patient dose 1. Skin entrance dose 2.
    Mean Marrow dose
  • Genetically Significant Dose (GSD) Radiation
    dose that, if received by the entire population,
    would cause the same genetic injury.
  • Observe the 10-day rule. X-rays should be
    performed during the first ten days following the
    onset of menstruation. The 10-day rule is based
    on the fact that most females are not pregnant
    during that time.
  • Radiation doses to the embryo fetus of less than
    15 to 20 rads are considered low risk..

Cardinal Principles of Radiation Protection
  • Time Exposure is proportional to duration.
  • Distance Governed by the inverse square law.
  • Example If the dose is 5 R at 3 feet, stepping
    back to a distance of 6 feet will cause the dose
    to decrease to 1.25 R.
  • Shielding A lead apron of at least 0.5-mm lead
    equivalence should be worn when exposed scatter
    (0.5 for a thyroid shield also).
  • Radiographers should not be exposed to the
    primary beam. Non-radiation workers should be
    used to aid patients during exposure.

Radiographers Source of Exposure
  • The Radiographers primary source of radiation
    exposure is Compton interactions that occur in
    the patient.
  • Greatest exposure to technologists occur during
    fluoroscopy, portables, and surgery.
  • Scattered beam intensity is about 1/1000 the
    intensity of the primary beam at a 90 degree
    angle at a distance of 1 meter from the patient.
  • Collimation reduces the incidence of Compton

Protective Barriers
  • Primary Barrier 1/16 inch lead equivalence
    located where primary beam strikes Extends from
    floor up to 7 feet high.
  • Secondary Barrier 1/32 inch lead equivalence
    Extends from where primary barrier ends to
    ceiling with 1/2 inch overlap.
  • X-ray control booth is a secondary barrier.
    Exposure switch must be short enough that the
    radiographer has to stand behind it.
  • Lead window of booth is usually 1.5 mm lead
  • Uncontrolled Area General public areas (0.5
    rem) Controlled Rad personnel (5 rem)

Tube Housing
  • X-rays may leak from the housing during exposure.
  • Leakage may not exceed 100mR per hour at a
    distance of 1 meter from the housing.

Fluoroscopic Equipment
  • Exposure Switch Dead man type.
  • Protective Curtain 0.25-mm lead equivalent.
  • Bucky Slot Shield 0.25-mm lead equivalent.
  • Five-minute timer
  • Portable units cord should be at least 6 ft long.

  • Film Badges Plastic case, film, and filters
    measures doses as low as 10 mrem aluminum
    copper filters measure radiation intensity.
  • Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLD) Lithium
    crystals record dose Crystals electrons become
    excited upon exposure and release this exposure
    on heating in the form of visible light.
    Exposures as low as 5 mrem.
  • Pocket Ionization Chamber Small cylinder
    containing gas. Gas is ionized as it is struck by
    radiation After exposure, unit is held up to
    light and exposure scale can be viewed. Measures
    from 0-200 mR on its scale. Must be reset.
  • Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter (OSL)
    Uses aluminum oxide to record dose It is then
    stimulated by a laser to release energy as
    visible light which indicates level of exposure.
    Exposures as low as 1 mrem. Can be worn up to 3

Area Monitoring
  • Cutie Pie Meter Measures radiation in an area
    like a pocket ionization chamber using gas.
    Exposure rates as low as 1 mR per hour.
  • Geiger-Mueller Detector Used to detect
    radioactive particles in nuclear medicine. Sounds
    audible alarm when struck by radiation.

The End
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