Title: LCD Computing Setup
1LCD Computing Setup
Server Specs and Setup Desktop Cluster
Organization Physics Software Distribution Plans
and Schemes
Jeremy McCormick, Sergey Uzunyan, Guilherme Lima,
et al
2Server Hardware Specs
- Dual-CPU Athlon 2.133 GHz
- 2 Gb RAM
- HD 1 master disk, 1 secondary, 4 RAID
- 1 TB total storage
3Server Configuration
- Red Hat 9
- kernel 2.4.20-13.9smp
- hostname k2
- IP
- accessible via SSH
4Server Filesystem
5Conceptual Diagram
6NFS Structure
7Physics Software Distribution
- simulation, analysis event generation
- shared binaries, libraries, scripts, includes,
etc. - usable from any node in desktop cluster
- common environment setup scripts
- /k2work/USERNAME application builds possible
- /k2dist isolates physics apps from Linux fs
8/k2dist directory structure
Analysis jas, root Event Generation pandora-pythia
, peg Libraries aida, boost, cernlib, clhep,
freehep, g4phys, geant4, lcio, Mesa, pegs4,
xml4c Simulation lcdg4, mokka, tbeam Utilities dav
id, dawn
10Useful /k2dist/bin Scripts
- prjenv.sh
- project env
- add . /k2dist/prjenv.sh to /.bash_profile or
/.cshrc - appenv.sh
- application env
- setup java vars, PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc.
- included by prjenv.sh
- g4_5_2_p01env.sh
- Geant4 env vars
- included by prjenv.sh
- nodes.sh
- print node names, IPs, host
- ex. for n in nodes.sh hn do
- ping n
- done
11Simple Remote Job
test_job.sh set project environment .
/k2dist/bin/prjenv.sh run job nohup testbeam -m
/k2work/jeremy/run10.mac -o /k2data/jeremy/tb-test
.txt gt /k2work/jeremy/tb-test.log start job
on node dvk jeremy_at_lepton-physics jeremy ssh
rio /k2work/jeremy/test_job.sh get
pid jeremy_at_lepton-physics jeremy ssh rio pgrep
testbeam 22742 kill the job jeremy_at_lepton-physic
s jeremy ssh rio kill 22742
12k2 Desktop Cluster
- new user setup
- common development platform
- standard NICADD physics apps
- no more desktop installs
- ample storage area
- shared datasets
- centralized authentication
- distributed computing
13Plans and Schemes
- no more development on nicadd individual
desktops - setup packaging scripts
- migrate SIO-Server
- batch computing (fbs, pbs)
- physics software packages
- framework applications
- add more cluster nodes
- world hegemony (or at least Western hemisphere)
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