Title: Angiosarcoma of the Breast
1Angiosarcoma of the Breast
Dhafir Alazawi
2Case 1
- HS 37 yr GP referral 2 day history of Left
breast lump. - No relevant past medical history
- OPD - Palpable lump in the central part of left
breast just below the areola (S4) -
- Right breast axillae NAD.
- Risk factor OCP x 4 years.
3- Mammogram no mass/calcifications.
- US - 9 oclock position 35mm hyperechoic mass,
?haematoma but no Hx of trauma. Axillary LN NAD.
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6- Core Bx extensive infiltration of atypical
endothelial cells - Low Grade Angiosarcoma (B5)
7Breast parenchyma
8Breast parenchyma
Vasoformative pattern (well formed vascular
channels, lined by a single layer of endothelial
cells). Tumour infiltrates the breast
parenchyma Sieve-like pattern. (Vascular
channels are lined by a Predominantly single
layer of plump, hyperchromatic endothelial
cells.) The endothelial cells are bland. No
significant mitoses.
Breast lobule
9Case 1
- MRI Left Breast bulk of mass in lower inner
quadrant extending deep to nipple. - Axillary LN NAD.
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13- Grade I Primary Angiosarcoma resected tumour with
clear margins.
14Gross description
- Tumour Retro-areolar. Size 6.9 x 3.4 x 2.8cm.
- Moderately poorly circumscribed, firm, white,
dense cut surface with focal areas of
haemorrhage, adjacent to breast tissue.
15Case 1
- Prof. Chris Fletcher Centre for Sarcoma Bone
Oncology Bringham Womens Hosp Boston USA - American Journal of Pathology (Dec 2008)
- Primary angiosarcoma of the breast
clinicopathologic analysis of 49 cases,
suggesting that grade is not prognostic.
16American Journal of Surgical Pathology
- 49 female patients with Primary Angiosarcoma.
- Graded using Rosens 3 tier system into Low (I)
Intermediate (II) and High (III) grades. - 3 patients Hx of Breast Ca
- Of these, 2 had prior RTX
- 8 lost to follow up
- Conclusion Lack of correlation between
histologic grade and outcome.
- Low Grade 3 (median 36mnths post Dx)
- Intermediate Grade 5 (42.5mnths)
- High Grade 2 (23mnths)
- Low Grade 6 (21 months)
- Intermediate Grade 11 (43 months)
- High Grade 6 (17.5mnths)
- Unkown 1
18Case 2
- HS 68 yr old female
- Previous Hx of Left Breast Ca WLE RTX in 2002
- Presented with increasing change to a Haemangioma
on surface of left breast despite previous biopsy
of the lesion in 2007 was benign.
Angiosarcoma, high grade Large vascular
cisterns (blood lakes) Areas of necrosis (pink
20- MRI Left Breast mass in medial part of Left
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23- Mastectomy revealed a high grade Angiosarcoma .
- The majority of the tumour is in the dermis and
subcutaneous tissue, with extension into adjacent
breast parenchyma. - Margins are clear by at least 10mm.
24 Vascular lesion, 2.5 x 2cm 1.5cm from the
nipple between 7 9 oclock. Tumour, 4 x 4.5 x
4.4cm in the medial breast, the tumour is
haemorrhagic and sclerotic, poorly
circumscribed, firm and invading epidermis.
Focal necrosis is present.
25Breast Angiosarcoma
- lt0.05 of all malignant neoplasms of breast.
- Divided into 2 main catagories
- Primary mammary angiosarcoma
- Cutaneous angiosarcoma assoc with prior radiation
to breast or persistent lymphoedema.
26- Primary is defined as malignant vascular
neoplasm arising within breast parenchyma with or
without minor extension into overlying skin. - Usually diagnosed in young females.
- Aggressive tumour - 5 year disease free survival
- Definitive Dx can be difficult.
- Mammography non specific mass can be confused
with a benign lesion as uncalcified. - MRI best imaging modality gadolinium enhanced
images. - FNA Punch Bx generally not diagnostic.
- Full thickness incisional or excisional Bx should
be conclusive.
- Simple mastectomy.
- Accompanied by hyperfractionated radiation
therapy - Increasing role for adjuvant neo-adjuvant
therapy. - Data suggest that multidisciplinary therapeutic
approach should be employed in high-risk patients
with large primary tumours.
29Thank you....
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