Psychology of Addiction (The models) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Psychology of Addiction (The models)


Psychology of Addiction (The models) The disease model Neurotransmitters The chemical that moves between nerve cells to transmit messages. If the message is blocked ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Psychology of Addiction (The models)

Psychology of Addiction(The models)
The disease model
  • Neurotransmitters
  • The chemical that moves between nerve cells to
    transmit messages.
  • If the message is blocked or replaced there will
    be a change to the physiological system and this
    in turn will effect mood behaviour and cognition.

The disease model-Dopamine.
  • Dopamine is the most commonly associated
    neurotransmitter with addiction.
  • Dopamine is similar to adrenaline in that it
    affects brain processes that control movement,
    emotional response, and ability to experience
    pleasure and pain.
  • Cocaine and other drugs of abuse can alter
    dopamine function
  • Some drugs are known as dopamine agonists.
  • These drugs bind to dopamine receptors in place
    of dopamine
  • directly stimulate those receptors.

The disease model- Dopamine.
  • Drugs such as cocaine and amphetamine produce
    their effects by changing the flow of
    neurotransmitters. These drugs are defined as
    indirect acting because they depend on the
    activity of neurons.
  • In contrast, some drugs bypass neurotransmitters
    altogether and act directly on receptors. Such
    drugs are direct acting.
  • However, some drugs increase dopamine by
    preventing dopamine reuptake, leaving more
    dopamine in the synapse.
  • An example is the widely abused stimulant drug,
    cocaine. Another is methylphenidate, used
    therapeutically to treat childhood hyperkinesis
    and symptoms of schizophrenia.

Thinking point At this point think about the
role of dopamine in relation to addiction e.g.
what about gambling/gaming...could you describe
how dopamine can be used as a viable theory to
explain these addictions?
The disease model-Genetics
There is no single addiction Gene.
Scientists will never find just one single
addiction gene. Susceptibility to addiction is
the result of many interacting genes
Dr Glen Hanson suggests
  • "Just because you are prone to addiction doesn't
    mean you're going to become addicted. It just
    means you've got to be careful."
  • Researchers construct pedigrees of large families
    with addiction as a first step to understanding
    the disease.
  • A pedigree can reveal whether or not a trait has
    a genetic component. That is, whether or not it
    is passed down from parent to child by way of

Using pedigree data, researchers can begin to
hunt down genes. They begin by comparing DNA
sequences of individuals who have the disease
with those who do not. They can then narrow down
the possibilities to identify a small number of
so-called "candidate genes" for addiction.
Glen Hanson cont
  • There are many ways that genes could cause one
    person to be more vulnerable to addiction than
  • Starting addictive behaviour.
  • Continuing with additive behaviour.
  • Activating the reward system.
  • Feelings of pleasure.
  • There could well be a specific gene for each!
    Remember Scientists will never find just one
    single addiction gene. Susceptibility to
    addiction is the result of many interacting genes
  • Like other behavioural diseases, addiction
    vulnerability is a very complex trait. Many
    factors determine the likelihood that someone
    will become an addict

The story of John James.
  • John Crawford has an identical twin. His
    16-year-old brother, James, is his mirror image.
    John has brown hair, brown eyes, and a slightly
    crooked smile. So does James. John weighs about
    160 pounds. Ditto for James. The brothers walk
    the same, talk the sametheir friends tease them
    because they even bowl the same.

The reason, of course, is that identical twins
share exactly the same genes, those tiny units
of hereditary material (DNA) that carry
instructions for forming all the cells in the
body and directing their activity.
Can addiction run in families? Let us assume John
James have a parent who struggles with
  • Q Are they destined by genetics to face the same
  • A The good news is that no single factor
    determines whether a person will become addicted
    to drugs. Thats because genetics, biology, and
    environment all influence a persons risk for
    addiction, defined as a chronic yet treatable
    brain disease characterized by compulsive seeking
    and use.
  • So, while the saying may be that substance abuse
    in particular runs in the family, a whole list
    of other risk factors in addition to genes come
    into play to determine whether a person gets
  • Genetics
  • Age,
  • Presence of other diseases,
  • Diet
  • Stress,
  • Peer pressure.

Genetics aka addictive inheritance
  • Separates the genetic and environmental factors
    of addictive behaviour.
  • Studies have been done to control for
    environmental components to determine if genetics
    plays a greater role.
  • Most studies looking at alcoholism have
    determined that children born from alcoholic
    parents who are adopted into non-alcoholic
    families have a three to four fold increase in
    the rate of alcoholism over the rest of the
  • Indeed, children born and raised by alcoholic
    parents have an even greater rate of alcoholism.
    This suggests that there is some genetic
    predisposition to alcoholic addiction.

Several questions we must consider at this point.
  • Is it the addictive behaviour that is encoded or
    a biological mechanism that drives the behaviour?
  • Are there differences in the metabolism of
    various addictive substances that allow an
    individual to have varying levels of a drug in
    the blood stream and have a psychological
    experience different someone else?
  • Is there some genetic difference that perhaps
    allows some to realise when an elevated blood
    alcohol level has been reached and transmits a
    message to the brain to stop drinking that others
    do not have?

Things that make you go hmm??
What evidence is available.
  • The strongest correlation between addiction and
    genetics comes when evaluating the pattern of
    inheritance. All studies show that it is sons,
    not daughters, who most often inherit the risk of

You should at this point be critically analysing
the findings by thinking..
Could it be that sons model themselves more after
their fathers? .
Or is there a sex-linked genetic mechanism at
play that is contributing to this phenomenon?
How much of this phenomenon has its basis in
Further evidence
  • A study using 300 MZ twins approx 200 DZ twins
    estimated the contribution of genetic factors
    environmental factors to substance use in
  • Findings
  • Major influence on the decision was
    environmental rather than genetic (Hans et al
  • 2. Link between personality addictive
  • 300 MZ 300 DZ looked at relationship between
    alcohol use personality.
  • Findings
  • Connection between genetics anti social
    personality characteristics between personality
    changes alcoholism (Jang et al 2000)

3. Comings et al (1996) also found
similar findings in the investigation looking
into behavioural addictions such as gambling
Let us review.
  • So far we have learned there are several
    components to addiction and that defining
    addiction has not always been easy. We have begun
    to look at the disease model of addiction and
    have discussed the role of neurotransmitters
  • Now would be a good time to check our

Over to you In pairs answer the following
questions on your mini whiteboards.
  • According to Griffiths (2005), what are the six
    components of addictive behaviour?
  • What neurotransmitter is most commonly associated
    with addictive behaviour and why?
  • Why are twin studies a good method for examining
    the role of genetics in addictive behaviour.

Usual rules apply!
You have 10 mins to complete this task.
Q What about the effects of reinforcement?..Isn't
that behaviourism?
  • A Technically yes!!!
  • The rule/definition Anything that increases the
    probability of a behaviour occurring in similar

Reinforcement biology! There is a crossover!
  • Think classical operant conditioning.....think
    pleasure centres in the brain.
  • Research 1 Olds Milner (1954) discovered rats
    would press a lever for the reward of mild
    electrical stimulation in specific areas of the
    brain. They also pressed the lever for
    stimulation of other rewards such as food or
    sexual activity.

Plug em in Rat Shock Pleasure. A type of
reinforcement...there is our tedious link!!
Things that make you go hmmm!!!
  • Pleasure is an important factor in healthy
    development. Would you eat McDonalds/Chocolate
    again if it were not pleasurable?
  • These feelings act as reinforcers...therefore
    pleasure encourages essential behaviours or in
    some cases unhealthy behaviours......we all have
    our crosses to bear..Is addiction is the price we

Evaluation of biological explanations.
  • Foes
  • Neurotransmitters complex effects are not fully
    understood. Which neurotransmitters produces
    which reward? Nicotine can effect memory
    learning and increase arousal but reduce
    stress...thus difficult to pinpoint exactly what
    is going on!!!
  • Social interaction is underrated. Social
    contexts- The pleasures/escapism..depending on
    the context Vietnam soldiers took drugs but
    stopped when back home (Robins et al 1975)
  • Genotypes are not the full story. Emphasis on
    genetics rather than environment.
  • Friends
  • Biological explanations help explain disposition.
  • Helps to account for Vulnerabilities
    susceptibilities' and also provides information
    on why some may relapse more than others.

Don't forget other evaluative points
too! Method, Ethics, AID, Keywords etc.
Cognitive explanations of addictive behaviour.
  • Faulty Thinking
  • Irrational biases
  • Example Gambling
  • I will win, I can control the odds, if I use my
    lucky numbers I'll be rich one day.
  • Overestimate the extent to which they can predict
    or influence the outcomes. This also leads to a
    under estimation of how much has been lost/won.
  • See Griffiths (1994) Gamblers irrational
    cognitive biases.

Evaluation of cognitive explanation
  • Foes
  • Friends
  • Skill perception varies across individuals Cannot
    establish cause effect because skill is not
    consistent among gamblers or irrational.
  • Experiential factors play a role too. Many
    gamblers on automatic pilot..suggesting cognitive
    processes did not play major role in maintenance
    of behaviour.
  • Cognitive explanations may be limited to specific
    addictions May have less of an effect in chemical
    addicitions such as Heroin but better in
    understanding gambling.
  • Helps explain individual differences During
    development of maintenance stage faulty biases
    may be more likely to develop problems.

How do Heuristics apply to addictions e.g.
  • Rule of thumb The usual rules apply.
  • Hindsight BiasI knew that would happen
  • Flexible attributionIm really good at
    Blackjack, I lost on the roulette because of the
    other bloke
  • Absolute frequency biasI dont thinkl about the
    losses...I won loadsa money.....
  • Availability bias Look how many people have won
    the lottery....loads!!

In review....
  • Components of addiction....Check
  • Models of addiction....Check
  • Biological/Cognitive.....Check
  • A little of behavioural too....a little check!
  • Evaluation of two models...Check

Try these questions to check your understanding
so pairs on whiteboards..10 mins.
  • What are heuristics why do they helps us
    understand addictive behaviour?
  • Outline three criticisms of biological approach o
    addictive behaviour?
  • Outline three criticisms of cognitive approach to
    addictive behaviour
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