Title: Every Georgian Counts : Understanding Homelessness in Your Community
1Every Georgian Counts Understanding
Homelessness in Your Community
2Who Are Georgias Homeless?
Unsheltered Homeless Streets Camping Car
Substandard Housing
Sheltered Homeless Emergency Shelter
Transitional Housing Motel Vouchers
Precariously Housed Doubled Up Motels
- Sheltered Homeless Persons
- People who reside in an emergency shelter or in
transitional/supportive housing for homeless
persons - Unsheltered Homeless Persons
- People who reside in a place not meant for human
habitation, such as cars, parks, sidewalks,
abandoned buildings, encampments, dilapidated
buildings or who face eminent homelessness from
eviction - Precariously Housed Persons
- People who are temporarily staying with
- family or friends due to loss of
- housing or economic hardship
- People who are living in motel
- situations due to loss of
- housing or economic hardship
2009 Georgia Homeless Count
4Who is at risk for becoming homeless?
- People with low incomes
- 1.3 million living in poverty in Georgia
- 595,665 people in Georgia have incomes ½ the
poverty level - Georgias Housing Wage 29,084
- People with personal vulnerabilities
- Mental illness
- Substance abuse
- Family violence
5Statewide Estimates
- Data compiled from 2007 and 2008 counts
- Model for unsheltered homeless plus shelter count
- Over 20,000 people at a single point in time
- Estimated that over 75,000 people will be
homeless in Georgia sometime during the year
6Why Does This Matter?
- Reasons to Understand Homelessness in your
Community - Increased Funding/Resources
- Long Term Community Planning
- Development of a Ten Year Plan
- Hidden Costs
- Economic Benefits
- Community Collaboration
- Awareness
7Costs of homelessness
- Study of Athens hospitals (Athens Regional and
St. Mary's) 576 homeless people made 7,000
visits in 2005 - 2.4 million spent in 2005 by Athens hospitals
- Burke County night of January 27, 2008
- 112 inmates/25 were homeless
8Methods for Understanding Homelessness
9Overview of Common Methods to Understand
Homelessness in Your Community
- Service Count
- Surveys collected by service providers over a
designated period of time asking about
homelessness on a certain night - Street Count
- One night census of unsheltered living on streets
and in woods - In-depth Survey
- Administered to a sample of individuals asking
detailed questions - Homeless Management Information Systems
- Collects information about individuals/families
10Service Count Methodology for Unsheltered and
Precariously Housed
- Housing screening surveys administered at service
locations and other places where homeless people
congregate or live - Point In Time
- Surveys collected during the following week
11January 2008 Service Count Dalton-Whitfield
- Collected 417 surveys
- Identified 180 homeless persons
- 40 agencies throughout the county participated
- Part of the work of the Committee for Housing
Stability (created in 2005) - Count part of larger community effort to work
cooperatively to address housing issues - Lead agency Dalton/Whitfield County Community
Development Corporation
12Street Count Methodology Atlanta
- One night canvassing of City
- Volunteers, Service Providers and Formerly
Homeless Individuals participate - Collects a count of any individuals/families that
are obviously unsheltered on the night of the
count - Sleeping on the streets, in cars or in structures
not suitable for human habitation - Individuals/Families are not approached and all
demographics are collected based on observation
13Mixed Methodology Gwinnett County
- Surveys administered at service locations
- Collected surveys at locations where homeless
individuals/families were known to stay - Collected surveys at hotel/motels where they knew
families were living - Planning an in-depth survey with a sample of
individuals/families based on results of service
based count
14January 2008 Homeless Count
15January 2008 Homeless Count Surveys
- 1578 surveys collected (by DCA and in 33
counties) - 2,041 people
Housing Status
162008 Homeless Surveys by Age
17How many are homeless in Georgia?
- Data compiled from 2007 and 2008 counts
- About 20,400 people at a single point in time
- About 75,000 people will be homeless in Georgia
sometime during the year
18Costs of homelessness
- Study of Athens hospitals (Athens Regional and
St. Marys) 576 homeless people made 7,000
visits in 2005 - 2.4 million spent in 2005 by Athens hospitals
- Burke County night of January 27, 2008
- 112 inmates/25 were homeless
192009 Homeless Count
- Objective -- Count of homeless families and
individuals - Understand the scope of
- the problem locally and
- statewide
- HUD requirement for
- McKinney-Vento Programs
2009 Georgia Homeless Count
20January 2009 Homeless Count
21Why Participate? (not in order of importance)
- Learn more about housing issues in your community
- Build a housing and social services team around a
concrete activity - Build your case for funding
- Get ready for the 2010 Census
- Build community support
- Develop data for local comprehensive plans and
consolidated plans (entitlement communities)
2009 Georgia Homeless Count
22Count Methodology for Unsheltered and
Precariously Housed
- Housing screening surveys administered at service
locations and other places where homeless people
congregate or live - Point In Time January 25, 2009
- Surveys collected during the following week
- DCA will arrange for data input and analysis of
2009 Georgia Homeless Count
- Designed to be administered by staff or by
volunteers - No more than 10 minutes
- Questions to help with
- problem of duplication
- Housing status questions
- Family members
- Special circumstances
2009 Georgia Homeless Count
24Who Is Surveyed?
- Screening Question Have you had any difficulty
with housing in the past month?
2009 Georgia Homeless Count
25Where To Survey
- Where people go for services
- Where people congregate
- On the telephone
- Where people live -- Count people living in
dilapidated housing, abandoned trailers, farm
buildings, or encampments
2009 Georgia Homeless Count
26Preparing for the Count
- Potential participating organizations/locations
for administering the survey - DFACS
- Housing Authority
- Food Pantries and Soup Kitchens
- Clothing Programs
- Shelters
- Community Service Boards
- Health Department
- Nonprofits
- Day Labor Sites
2009 Georgia Homeless Count
27Other contacts
- Local government
- Police Chief and Sheriff
- Media
- Churches
- Family Connections
- School and hospital social workers
- Others
2009 Georgia Homeless Count
28What a Successful Count Needs
- All of the identified organizations on-board and
organized to collect the surveys - Trained staff and volunteers
- Community support
- Planning well in advance of PIT
- Incentives for some locations
2009 Georgia Homeless Count
- Decision to Count August 2008
- Count Coordinator Training September 2009
- Monthly Conference Calls October-December 2008
- Training Volunteers January 2009
- Count January 26-January 30 (PIT Jan. 25)
- Submit Data February 2009
- Results Back May 2009
30Contact Lindsey Stillmanlstillma_at_dca.state.ga.u
- Want to be part of the 2009 count?
2009 Georgia Homeless Count