Title: Michigan’s Certificate of Need Program
1Michigans Certificate of Need Program
- Michigan Department
- of Community Health
2Federal Certificate of Need Background
- Dist. of Columbia and New York developed CON in
1964. - Federally mandated CON programs were established
as a national health care cost containment
strategy. The 1974 National Health Planning and
Resources Development Act mandated that states
have CON programs to be eligible for certain
public health funds. - In 1986, the federal mandate for CON was not
renewed. - CON regulations are structured, in principle, to
improve access to quality health care services
while containing costs. Health care
organizations are required to demonstrate need
before investing in a regulated facility, service
or equipment. - Since the repeal of the federal mandate, 37
states have retained some form of a CON program.
3Certificate of Need ProgramsRange of Services
Reviewed Under State CON Programs
Source 2002 National Directory of Health
Planning, Policy and Regulatory Agencies,
American Health Planning Association.
4Michigan CON Legislation
- Public Act 368 of 1978 mandated the Michigan CON
program. - The CON Reform Act of 1988 was passed to create a
systematic way to develop standards and reduce
the number of services requiring a CON. The act
also created the CON Commission. The commission,
whose membership is appointed by the Governor, is
responsible for developing and approving CON
review standards. - Public Act 619 of 2002 modified several sections
the Public Health Code pertaining to CON
including, but not limited to, - No CON required for non-clinical capital
expenditure projects - Redefined rural county
- Expanded exceptions to CON under MCL 333.22209
- Expanded the CON Commission
- Requires review of standards every three years
and changes method for developing standards
5Michigan CON ProgramRequirements and Standards
- The following projects must obtain a CON M.C.L.
333.22209(1) - Acquire an existing health facility or begin
operation of a health facility at a site that is
not currently licensed for that type - Make a change in the bed capacity of a health
facility - Initiate, replace, or expand a covered clinical
service - Make a covered capital expenditure
- Capital expenditure projects (i.e., construction,
renovation) must obtain a CON if the projects
exceeds M.C.L. 333.22203 - 2,622,500 for clinical service areas, as of
January 2004 - Note Thresholds are indexed annually by the
department based on the Consumer Price Index.
6Michigan CON ProgramRequirements and Standards
Covered Items, Clinical Services and Equipment
- Open heart surgery
- Positron emission tomography (PET)
- Psychiatric beds acute inpatient
- Surgical services hospital and free-standing
- Transplantation services bone marrow, including
peripheral stem cell, heart, heart-lung, lung,
liver, and pancreas - Urinary lithotripters
- Air ambulances (helicopters)
- Cardiac catheterization, including diagnostic,
therapeutic, angioplasty, PCI, and
electrophysiology - Computed tomography (CT) scanners
- Hospital beds general acute care
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Megavoltage radiation therapy (MRT)
- Neonatal intensive care units (NICU)
- Nursing home/hospital long-term care beds
7Michigan CON ProgramApplication Review Process
8Michigan CON ProgramApplication Review Process
9Michigan CON ProgramApplication Review Process
10Michigan CON ProgramApplication Review Process
11Michigan CON ProgramApplication Review Process
12Michigan CON CommissionStandards Development
MDCH and the Office of the Attorney General
provide input (administrative feasibility and
legality) regarding any proposed standards.
13Michigan CON ProgramSurveillance Tools
Michigan CON Authority Act 368, P.A. 1978 A
health facility or agency shall provide the
department with data and statistics required to
enable the department to carry out functions
required by federal and state law, including
rules and regulations.
- Tools
- Annual Hospital Statistical Questionnaire
- Hospitals, freestanding surgical facilities,
freestanding MRT facilities, and freestanding CT
facilities - Annual PET scanner survey
- MRI electronic database
- Michigan Inpatient Data Base (MIDB)
- General Measures Measures for Select Services
- Infrastructure (i.e., equipment) ? Wait
times - Procedures ? Staffing
- Weighted volumes ? Certifications
14Michigan CON ProgramWeb Site www.michigan.gov/co
- Highlights
- Listserv
- Standards
- Laws
- Rules
- Forms
- Notices
- Contact Info
- Updates
15Question Answers
Contact Information Certificate of Need
Program Lewis Cass Building 320 S. Walnut
Street, 3rd Floor Lansing, Michigan
48913 Phone 517/241-3344 Web Site