Title: Blood Gases and Related Tests
1Blood Gases and Related Tests
- RET 2414
- Pulmonary Function Testing
- Module 6.0
- Describe how pH and PCO2 are used to assess
acid-base balance - Interpret PO2 and oxygen saturation to assess
oxygenation - Identify the correct procedure for obtaining an
arterial blood gas specimen - List situation in which pulse oximetry can be
used to evaluate a patients oxygenation
- Describe the use of capnography to assess changes
in ventilatory-perfusion patterns of the lung - Describe at least two limitation of pulse
4Reasons for Obtaining an ABG
- Assessment of ventilatory status
- Assessment of acid-base balance
- Assessment of arterial oxygenation
5Acid Base Balance
- The maintenance of cellular function depends on
an exacting environment. - One of the most important environmental factors
is the hydrogen ion concentration (H), commonly
expressed as pH.
6Acid Base Balance
- The pH is a function of the relation of HCO3-
(base) to PCO2 (acid) in the blood in the
following fashion
pH HCO3- (base) metabolic component
kidney 20 CO2 (acid) respiratory
component lungs 1
Normal pH
7Acid Base Balance
- Acidemia an acidic condition of the blood
- pH lt 7.35
- Alkalemia an alkaline condition of the blood
- pH gt7.45
8Acid Base Balance
- Respiratory Component (PCO2)
Red Blood Cell
9Acid Base Balance
- Excretion of CO2 is one of the lungs main
PA CO2 40 mmHg
46 mmHg
40 mmHg
Pc CO2
10Acid Base Balance
- Respiratory Component (PCO2)
- Ventilation PCO2 pH
- Respiratory Acidosis
11Acid Base Balance
- Respiratory Component (PCO2)
- Ventilation PCO2 pH
- Respiratory Alkalosis
12Acid Base Balance
- Metabolic Component (HCO3- and BE)
- Bicarbonate (HCO3-) is the primary blood base and
is regulated by the kidneys and not the lungs. - Normal HCO3- 24 mEq/L
13Acid Base Balance
- Metabolic Component (HCO3- and BE)
- Base Excess (BE) is a measure of metabolic
alkalosis or metabolic acidosis expressed as the
mEq of strong acid or strong alkali required to
titrate one liter of blood to a pH of 7.40 - Normal B.E. -2 to 2 mEq/L
14Acid Base Balance
- Metabolic Component (HCO3- and BE)
- HCO3- or B.E.
- Metabolic Acidosis
15Acid Base Balance
- Metabolic Component (HCO3- and BE)
- HCO3- or B.E.
- Metabolic Alkalosis
16Acid Base Balance
- Combined Respiratory / Metabolic
- Respiratory and metabolic component moving
toward the same acid/base status - PCO2 HCO3- Acidosis
- PCO2 HCO3- Alkalosis
17Acid Base Balance
- Compensation
- Abnormal pH is returned toward normal by
altering the component NOT primarily affected,
i.e., if PCO2 is high, HCO3- is retained to
compensate -
- PCO2 HCO3-
- HCO3- PCO2
18Acid Base Balance
- Normal metabolism produces approximately 12,000
mEq of hydrogen ions per day. Less than 1 is
excreted by the kidneys, because the normal
metabolite is CO2 which is excreted by the lungs.
19Acid Base Balance
- Acid-Base imbalance is not life-threatening for
several hours to days following renal shutdown
but becomes critical within minutes following
cessation of breathing.
20Normal Values
- pH PCO2 (mmHg) HCO3-
(mEq/L) - 7.40 40 24
21Acceptable Ranges (2 SD)
- pH PCO2
HCO3- - Normal 7.35 7.45 35 45 22 -
26 - Acidotic lt7.35 gt45 lt22
- Alkalotic gt7.45 lt35 gt26
22Arterial Oxygenation
- Tissue hypoxemia exists when cellular oxygen
tensions are inadequate to meet cellular oxygen
demands. - PaO2 has become the primary tool for clinical
evaluation of the arterial oxygenation status.
23Arterial Oxygenation
- Hypoxemia an arterial oxygen tension (PaO2)
below an acceptable range. - Arterial Oxygen Tensions for Adult and Child
- Normal 97 mm Hg
- Acceptable Range 80 mm Hg (range decreases with
age) - Hypoxemia lt80 mm Hg
24Systematic Interpretation
- Assessment of ventilatory status
- Assessment of acid-base balance
- Assessment of arterial oxygenation
25Exercise 1
- Acceptable Range ABG Result
- 7.35 - 7.45 pH 7.26
- 35 - 45 PCO2 56
- 22 - 26 HCO3- 24
- -2 - 2 BE -4
- gt80 PO2 50
Acute ventilatory failure with hypoxemia (Acute
respiratory acidosis with hypoxemia)
26Exercise 2
- Acceptable Range ABG Result
- 7.35 - 7.45 pH 7.56
- 35 - 45 PCO2 29
- 22 - 26 HCO3- 24
- -2 - 2 BE 3
- gt80 PO2 90
Acute alveolar hyperventilation without
hypoxemia (Acute respiratory alkalosis without
27Exercise 3
- Acceptable Range ABG Result
- 7.35 - 7.45 pH 7.56
- 35 - 45 PCO2 44
- 22 - 26 HCO3- 38
- -2 - 2 BE 14
- gt80 PO2 75
Uncompensated metabolic alkalosis with hypoxemia
28Exercise 4
- Acceptable Range ABG Result
- 7.35 - 7.45 pH 7.20
- 35 - 45 PCO2 38
- 22 - 26 HCO3- 15
- -2 - 2 BE -13
- gt80 PO2 90
Uncompensated metabolic acidosis without hypoxemia
29Exercise 5
- Acceptable Range ABG Result
- 7.35 - 7.45 pH 7.45
- 35 - 45 PCO2 20
- 22 - 26 HCO3- 16
- -2 - 2 BE -7
- gt80 PO2 90
Chronic alveolar hyperventilation without
hypoxemia (Compensated respiratory alkalosis
without hypoxemia)
30Exercise 6
- Acceptable Range ABG Result
- 7.35 - 7.45 pH 7.42
- 35 - 45 PCO2 72
- 22 - 26 HCO3- 46
- -2 - 2 BE 18
- gt80 PO2 45
Chronic ventilatory failure with
hypoxemia (Compensated respiratory acidosis with
31Exercise 6
- A 76-year-old man with a long history of
symptomatic COPD entered the hospital with
basilar pneumonia. He was alert, oriented, and
cooperative. - Acceptable Range ABG Result
- 7.35 - 7.45 pH 7.58
- 35 - 45 PCO2 45
- 22 - 26 HCO3- 42
- -2 - 2 BE 17
- gt80 PO2 38
32Exercise 6
- Acceptable Range ABG Result
- 7.35 - 7.45 pH 7.58
- 35 - 45 PCO2 45
- 22 - 26 HCO3- 42
- -2 - 2 BE 17
- gt80 PO2 38
Question Is this uncompensated metabolic
alkalosis with severe hypoxemia?
33Exercise 6
- Acceptable Range ABG Result
- 7.35 - 7.45 pH 7.58
- 35 - 45 PCO2 45
- 22 - 26 HCO3- 42
- -2 - 2 BE 17
- gt80 PO2 38
Uncompensated metabolic alkalosis with severe
34Exercise 6
- Acceptable Range ABG Result
- 7.35 - 7.45 pH 7.58
- 35 - 45 PCO2 45
- 22 - 26 HCO3- 42
- -2 - 2 BE 17
- gt80 PO2 38
A metabolic alkalosis with hypoxemia must be
clinically correlated because a disease process
causing metabolic alkalosis would not be expected
to produce severe hypoxemia.
35Exercise 6
- Acceptable Range ABG Result
- 7.35 - 7.45 pH 7.58
- 35 - 45 PCO2 45
- 22 - 26 HCO3- 42
- -2 - 2 BE 17
- gt80 PO2 38
Correct Interpretation Acute alveolar
hyperventilation (respiratory alkalosis)
superimposed on chronic hypercapnia (chronic
ventilatory failure) with severe hypoxemia.
36Exercise 7
- A 67-year-old man admitted to the Emergency
Department with exacerbated COPD. He was alert,
oriented, and cooperative. - Acceptable Range ABG Result
- 7.35 - 7.45 pH 7.25
- 35 - 45 PCO2 90
- 22 - 26 HCO3- 38
- -2 - 2 BE 12
- gt80 PO2 34
37Exercise 7
- Acceptable Range ABG Result
- 7.35 - 7.45 pH 7.25
- 35 - 45 PCO2 90
- 22 - 26 HCO3- 38
- -2 - 2 BE 12
- gt80 PO2 34
Acute ventilatory failure superimposed on chronic
hypercapnia (chronic ventilatory failure) with
severe hypoxemia.
38Pulse Oximetry
- Pulse oximetry (SpO2) is the noninvasive
estimation of SaO2
39Pulse Oximetry
40Pulse Oximetry
41Pulse Oximetry
42Pulse Oximetry
43Pulse Oximetry
- Pulse oximetry may be used in any setting in
which a noninvasive measure of oxygenation status
is sufficient. - O2 therapy
- Surgery
- Ventilator management
- Diagnostic procedures
- Bronchoscopy
- Sleep studies
- Stress testing
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation
44Pulse Oximetry
- Pulse oximetry uses light to work out oxygen
saturation. Light is emitted from light sources
which goes across the pulse oximeter probe and
reaches the light detector.
45Pulse Oximetry
- If a finger is placed in between the light source
and the light detector, the light will now have
to pass through the finger to reach the detector.
Part of the light will be absorbed by the finger
and the part not absorbed reaches the light
46Pulse Oximetry
- Hemoglobin (Hb) absorbs light. The amount of
light absorbed is proportional to the
concentration of Hb in the blood vessel. By
measuring how much light reaches the light
detector, the pulse oximeter knows how much light
has been absorbed. The more Hb in the finger ,
the more light is absorbed.
47Pulse Oximetry
48Pulse Oximetry
- The pulse oximeter uses two lights to analyze
hemoglobin, red and infared, to detect the amount
of oxyhemoglobin (O2Hb) and deoxyhemoglobin (rHb)
49Pulse Oximetry
- The pulse oximeter works out the oxygen
saturation by comparing how much red light and
infra red light is absorbed by the blood.
Depending on the amounts of oxy Hb and deoxy Hb
present, the ratio of the amount of red light
absorbed compared to the amount of infrared light
absorbed changes.
50Pulse Oximetry
51Pulse Oximetry
52Pulse Oximetry
- Using this ratio, the pulse oximeter can then
work out the oxygen saturation.
53Pulse Oximetry
- Using this ratio, the pulse oximeter can then
work out the oxygen saturation.
54Pulse Oximetry
- Pulse oximeters often show the pulsatile change
in absorbance in a graphical form. This is called
the "plethysmographic trace " or more
conveniently, as "pleth".
55Pulse Oximetry
- If the quality of the pulsatile signal is poor,
then the calculation of the oxygen saturation may
be wrong. Always look at pleth before looking at
oxygen saturation.
56Pulse Oximetry
- Never look only at oxygen saturation !
57Pulse Oximetry
- Always look at pleth before looking at oxygen
58Pulse Oximetry
- Interfering Substances
- COHb
- MetHb
- Intravascular dyes (indocyanine green)
- Nail polish or coverings
59Pulse Oximetry
- Interfering Factors
- Motion artifact, shivering
- Bright ambient lighting
- Hypotension, low perfusion (sensor site)
- Hypothermia
- Vasoconstriction drugs
- Dark skin pigmentation
60Pulse Oximetry
- Criteria for Acceptability
- Correlation with measured SaO2
- SpO2 and SaO2 should be within 2 from 85-100
- Elevated levels of COHB (gt3) or MetHb (gt5) may
invalidate SpO2
61Pulse Oximetry
- Criteria for Acceptability
- Adequate profusion of the sensor site as seen in
the plethysmographic tracing and correlation with
patients heart rate
62Pulse Oximetry
- Criteria for Acceptability
- Know interfering substances or agents should be
eliminated, e.g., nail polishes, acrylic nails,
etc. - Readings should be consistent with the patients
clinical history and presentation.
63Oxygen Saturation
- Oxygen saturation is the ratio of either
oxygenated Hb (Oxyhemoglobin or O2Hb) to total
available Hb (reduced Hb or rHb O2Hb) or total
Hb (O2Hb rHb COHb MetHb), depending on the
instrumentation used to measure and report values
64Oxygen Saturation
- Co oximeters actually measures SaO2 using
spectrophotometry -
- Ratio of oxyhemoglobin to total Hb
- SaO2 ___ O2Hb
X 100 - (O2Hb rHb COHb MetHb)
- Pulse oximeters estimate the SaO2 by using a
noninvasive probe that measures absorption or red
and near-infrared light - Ratio of oxyhemoglobin to available Hb
- SpO2 O2Hb__ X 100
- (O2Hb rHb)
65Oxygen Saturation
Oxyhemoglobin (O2Hb)
Reduced Hb (rHb)
COHb MetHb
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14
10 13
Pulse Oximeter
76 SpO2
O2Hb rHb
10 14
CO- Oximeter
71 SaO2
O2Hb rHb COHb MetHb
66Oxygen Saturation
- SaO2 is calculated by some blood gas analyzers
based on PaO2 and PH -
- Convenient but inaccurate!
- SvO2 can be measured by a reflective
spectrophotometer in the pulmonary artery
catheter (Swanz-Ganz)
67Oxygen Saturation
- Normal Values
- SaO2 97
- SvO2 75
- COHb .5 - 2 of Total Hb
- MetHb 1.5 of Total Hb
- Total Hb 14 16 gm (males)
- 13 15 gm (females)
- Capnography is the continuous, noninvasive
monitoring or expired CO2 and analysis of the
single-breath CO2 waveform
- Capnography
- Allows trending of changes in alveolar and dead
space ventilation - End-tidal PCO2 (PetCO2) is reported in mm Hg
Normal Arterial ETCO2 Values
Normal PaCO2 Values
Normal ETCO2 Values
35 - 45 mmHg
30 - 43 mmHg
- Arterial - End Tidal CO2 Gradient
- In healthy lungs the normal PaCO2 to ETCO2
gradient is 2-5 mmHg - In diseased lungs, the gradient will increase due
to ventilation/perfusion mismatch
. - Normal (ventilation) is 4 L of air per minute
- Normal (perfusion) is 5L of blood per minute.
- So Normal ratio is 4/5 or 0.8
- When the is higher than 0.8, it means
ventilation exceeds perfusion -
- When the is lt 0.8, there is a mismatch
caused by poor ventilation.
- Ventilation-Perfusion Relationships
- Relationship between ventilated alveoli and blood
flow in the pulmonary capillaries
Deadspace Ventilation Alveoli ventilated but not
74Normal V/Q
ETCO2 - PaCO2 Gradient 2 to 5 mmHg
75Shunt Perfusion Low V/Q
- Mucus plugging
- ET tube in right or left
- main stem bronchus
- Atelectasis
- Pneumonia
- Pulmonary edema
- In short anything that causes the alveoli
tocollapse or alveolar filling
ETCO2 - PaCO2 Gradient 4 to 10 mmHg
No exchange of O2 or CO2
76Dead Space Ventilation
ETCO2 - PaCO2 Gradient is large
High V/Q
Ventilation is not the problem!
Perfusion is the problem No exchange of O2 or
77Dead Space Ventilation
ETCO2 33 mmHg
PaCO2 53 mmHg
Alveoli that do not take part in gas exchange
will still have no CO2 Therefore they will
dilute the CO2 from the alveoli that
were perfused
The result is a widened ETCO2 to PaCO2 Gradient
- Dead Space Ventilation
- Disease processes that may cause Dead Space
Ventilation - Pulmonary embolism
- Hypovolemia
- Cardiac arrest
- Shock
- In short, anything that causes a significant
drop in pulmonary blood flow
79Normal Capnogram - Phase I
CO2 mmHg
80Anatomical Dead Space
- Anatomical Dead Space
- Internal volume of the upper airways
- Nose
- Pharynx
- Trachea
- Bronchi
Anatomical Deadspace Conducting Airway - No Gas
81Normal Capnogram - Phase II
CO2 mmHg
Mixed CO2, rapid rise in CO2 concentration
82Normal Capnogram - Phase III
CO2 mmHg
83Normal Capnogram - Phase IV
Inspiration starts, CO2 drops off rapidly
CO2 mmHg
84Normal Capnogram
Stable trend
- Hyperventilation - Decrease in ETCO2
- Possible Causes
- Increase in respiratory rate
- Increase in tidal volume
- Decrease in metabolic rate
- Fall in body temperature
- Hypoventilation - Increase in ETCO2
- Possible Causes
- Decrease in respiratory rate
- Decrease in tidal volume
- Increase in metabolic rate
- Rapid rise in body temperature
- Possible Causes
- Expiratory filter that is saturated or clogged,
expiratory valve that is sticking - Inadequate inspiratory flow, or insufficient
expiratory time - Anything that causes resistance to expired flow
- Endotracheal Tube in Esophagus
- Possible Causes
- Missed Intubation - when the ET tube is in the
esophagus, little or no CO2 is present - NOTE A normal capnogram is the best evidence
that the ET tube correctly positioned.
89Case Study
- A 29 year old male with head injury, and a
compound fracture of his femur sustained in a
motorcycle accident - 2 weeks post trauma on mechanical ventilation
with the following physiological values - PaCO2 42 mmHg PaO2 95 mmHg
- ETCO2 38 mmHg Total Rate 14 bpm
- Minute Ventilation 7 L/Min
90Case Study
Normal capnogram, stable trend ETCO2/PaCO2
gradient 4 mmHg
91Case Study
Sudden decrease in ETCO2 from 38 mmHg to 18 mmHg
and remains there RR increases to 24 bpm
Minute Volume increases to 12 Lpm
92Case Study
ABG was drawn with the following
results PaCO2 38 mmHg PaO2 59
mmHgPaCO2/ETCO2 gradient 20 mmHg
93Case Study
- Ventilation /perfusion lung scan was consistent
with a pulmonary embolism - A sudden drop in ETCO2, associated with a large
increase in the PaCO2/ETCO2 gradient, is often
associated with pulmonary embolism
94Blood Gases and Related Tests
Thank You!