The Dystocia Epidemic in Nulliparous Women - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Dystocia Epidemic in Nulliparous Women


June 12, 2005 Nancy K. Lowe, CNM, PhD, FACNM, FAAN Professor, Division of Nurse-Midwifery School of Nursing Oregon Health & Science University Evidence for the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Dystocia Epidemic in Nulliparous Women

The Dystocia Epidemic in Nulliparous Women
  • June 12, 2005
  • Nancy K. Lowe, CNM, PhD, FACNM, FAAN
  • Professor, Division of Nurse-Midwifery
  • School of Nursing
  • Oregon Health Science University

Evidence for the problem
  • Cesarean Section rates
  • Healthy People 2000 goals
  • Healthy People 2010 goals

Healthy People 2000
  • Background rise in overall c/sec rate from 5.5
    in 1970 to 24.4 in 1987
  • Healthy People 2000 goal was a 15 overall
    national c/sec rate

Progress toward 2000 Goal
  • Early 1990s progressive improvement occurred
  • 20.7 in 1996
  • Later 1990s this trend reversed
  • 22.9 in 2000

Essentially the Feds gave up
  • Goal for overall c/sec rate was abandoned in
    Healthy People 2010 and the rate continues to
  • 24.4 in 2001
  • 26.1 in 2002
  • 27.6 in 2003

Percentage of All Births by Cesarean Section
Percentage of Total and Primary C/Sec and VBAC
Healthy People 2010
  • One goal related to cesarean section
  • 16-9. Reduce cesarean births among low-risk (full
    term, singleton, vertex presentation) women.
  • 16-9a. Women giving birth for the first time.
  • 16-9b. Prior cesarean birth.

16-9 Reduce Cesarean Births among Low-Risk Women.
Progress toward goals
16-9 Reduce Cesarean Births among Low-Risk,
First-Birth Women.
16.9a Reduce Cesarean Births among Low-Risk Women
Giving Birth for the First Time Projection
based on trend
State Specific Statistics
  • 1998 16 states (32) met the 15 target
  • 2000 only 9 states (17.6) met the 15 target
  • 2001 only 3 states (Utah, New Mexico and Idaho)
    remain at or below the 15 target
  • 2002 only 2 states (Utah NM) remain at or
    below the 15 target

2002 State First Birth C/Section rates
  • lt 15 2 states (Utah NM)
  • 16 19 11 states
  • 20 24 27 states
  • gt 25 9 states (including D.C.)

Significance of the problem
  • 1998 estimate that gt 40 of cesareans were
    unnecessary a 25 reduction would save 750
    million annually
  • ACOG 2000 Report
  • Greatest variation in primary c/sec rates occur
    among nulliparous women at term with singleton
    fetus in vertex presentation without complications

  • Why is the rate increasing rather than decreasing
    among the lowest risk women giving birth for the
  • What can be done to reverse the trend?

Why do low-risk women giving birth for the
first-time have cesareans?
  • Breech Approximately 3 incidence
  • Preeclampsia - Approximately 7.5 incidence
  • Dystocia Accounts for at least 2/3 of cesareans
  • Fetal Distress (Labor intolerance with non
    reassuring heart rate tracings)
  • Elective social intolerance for labor

Primary Cesarean Indications
Gregory et al. (1998). Changes in indications for
Cesarean delivery United States, 1985 and 1994.
American Journal of Public Health, 88, 1384-1387.
Why do low-risk women giving birth for the
first-time have cesareans?
  • Breech
  • Preeclampsia
  • Dystocia
  • Fetal Distress (Labor Intolerance)
  • Elective

Dystocia What is it?
  • General term for difficult or abnormal labor
  • Clinical terms
  • Dysfunctional labor
  • Failure to progress
  • Cephalopelvic or fetopelvic disproportion
  • Malposition

ACOG Diagnostic Criteria
Are these criteria valid?
  • Zhang, J., Troendle, J. F., Yancey, M. K.
    (2002). Reassessing the labor curve in
    nulliparous women. American Journal of Obstetrics
    Gynecology, 187, 824-828.
  • Sample 1329 nulliparous women with a term,
    singleton, vertex fetus of normal birth weight
    after spontaneous onset of labor 1992-1996.
    Cesarean deliveries were excluded, n1162.

Zhang et al.s findings
  • Medium labor admission to complete 7.3 hrs (3.3
    hrs 10th and 13.7 hrs 90th)
  • Transition from latent to active labor appears
    more gradual than the Friedman curve
  • No deceleration phase was observed
  • Median complete to birth 53 minutes (18 min
    10th and 138 min 90th)

Friedman (1955 1978) Zhang et al. (2002)
Average dilatation descent curves for nullips
Dystocia Cesarean
  • 50 70 of ALL cesareans can be attributed to
    this single diagnosis
  • The criteria for dystocia are NOT met in 16 30
    of cases
  • In gt 15 of cases, women were actually in latent
    labor when failure to progress was diagnosed
  • In 36 of cesareans for failure to progress after
    full dilatation, the second stage was NOT
  • (Gifford et al, 2000).

Reasons for Dystocia in Healthy Nulliparous Women
  • Clinical decision-making
  • Inherent labor inefficiency
  • Aging of nulliparous population
  • Genetic factors
  • Anthropomorphic characteristics
  • Fetal factors
  • Psychophysiologic factors
  • Labor management and care practices

Reasons for Dystocia in Healthy Nulliparous Women
  • Clinical decision-making leading to questionable
  • What are the parameters of normal labor?

Labor inefficiency
  • Labor is on average longer in the nulliparous
  • Influence of the active management protocol on
    the concept of uterine function
  • Is the nulliparous uterus by nature
    inefficient? Or is its activity simply

Active Management 1970s
  • Dublin Maternity Hospital
  • Specifically developed for restricted to
    first-time mothers
  • Basic premiseaggressive response to the early
    correction of myometrial dysfunction ineffective
    in promoting cervical dilatation according to
    pre-set criteria

Components of Active Management
  • Strict criteria for admission in spontaneous
  • Early amniotomy
  • Early recognition of dystocia
  • Intravenous pitocin administration for dystocia
  • Midwifery care

Dublin Results
  • Total length of labor kept under 12 hours for the
    majority of nulliparous women
  • Cesarean section rate remained low at just over
  • Operative vaginal births remained at 19
  • (ODriscoll et al., 1973)

Subsequent reviews re Active Management
  • Only a modest effect on cesarean section and the
    primary ingredient is supportive care rather than
    medical intervention (Thornton Lilford, 1994).
  • Meta-analysis concluded that active management is
    associated with a 34 decrease in the rate of
    cesarean delivery for dystocia in nulliparas
    (Glantz McNanley, 1997).

Other potential causes of dystocia in nulliparas
  • Maternal age
  • Genetics
  • Maternal anthropomorphic characteristics
  • Fetal factors
  • Psychophysiologic factors
  • Labor environment and care practices

Maternal Age
  • Nulliparas gt 35 yrs experience cesarean at twice
    the rate
  • Dystocia is the cause at 30 200 higher rate
  • Nulliparas gt 35 are more likely to be white,
    married have private insurance

Average age at first birth
  • Mean age at first birth in the U.S.
  • 21.4 years in 1970
  • 24.6 years in 2000
  • 25.1 years in 2002

Maternal Age
  • Ecker et al, 2001 Main et al., 2000
  • Two large nulliparous cohorts with women grouped
    in 5-yr age brackets
  • Incidences of FTP, fetal distress, and c/sec
    during labor increased progressively after age
    25, with large increases after 35 and 40

Maternal Age
  • Do these observations point to a progressive,
    age-related deterioration in myometrial function?
  • and/or
  • Are other maternal characteristics and provider
    behaviors functioning?

  • Potential genetic mechanism of inefficient
    uterine action
  • Sweden Berg-Lekas, Hogberg Winkvist, 1998
  • Utah Varner, Fraser, Hunter, Corneli, Ward,

Anthropomorphic Characteristics
  • Short-stature, particularly lt 150 cm.
  • Maternal overweight (BMI gt 26) and obesity (BMI gt
    29) prior to pregnancy
  • Pregnancy weight gain in excess of 35 40 pounds
  • Key is that the incidences of overweight,
    obesity and high pregnancy weight gain are
    increasing in the U.S.

Fetal factors
  • Fetal weight and C/sec rate
  • lt 20 with birth weight lt 4000 g
  • gt 30 at 4000 4499 g
  • 60 at gt 4500 g
  • Persistent occipitoposterior position
  • Occurrence of 2.4 7.2 in nulliparas
  • 2 to 3-fold increase in operative delivery
  • 3 to 4-fold increase in cesarean section
  • Unengaged head at labor onset

Reasons for Dystocia in Healthy Nulliparous Women
  • Clinical decision-making leading to inaccurate
  • Inherent inefficiency of nulliparous labor

Maternal Psychophysiology Dystocia The Stress
  • Fears of childbirth in pregnancy negatively
    correlated with uterine function in Montevideo
    units anxiety and EPI during labor and length of
  • NEP EPI rise significantly and independently
    during labor
  • EPI positively correlated with state anxiety and
    to total length of labor
  • EPI negatively correlated with uterine function.

Catecholamines uterine function
  • Human myometrium richly supplied with
    beta-adrenergic receptors
  • High levels of EPI (or other beta-sympathomimetic
    agents) stimulate these receptors and decrease
    uterine contractility
  • Chronic stress, stress responsivity, acute stress
  • Coping and situation-specific psychological

Environment Dystocia
  • Location of birth
  • Provider characteristics
  • Care practices
  • Continuous supportive care

Care Practices dystocia
  • Admission to hospital
  • Induction of labor
  • Epidural analgesia
  • Maternal nutrition
  • Information
  • Comfort measures
  • Coping strategies
  • Advocacy
  • Techniques to support physiologic labor

Questions about Dystocia
  • Is there an epidemic of social intolerance for
    labor? (Is FTP really FTT?)
  • Do we need new norms for the progress of labor
    for older first-time mothers? For women who are
    overweight or obese?
  • Are the boundaries of dystocia becoming blurred
    so that clinical decision-making is affected?

Questions about Dystocia
  • Is the social acceptability of cesarean section
    making the concept of dystocia an archaic
  • Will national goals to reduce cesarean section
    rates persist beyond 2010?

? Individual Dystocia Risk ?
What is needed to stop the epidemic?
  • A re-examination of labor norms and diagnostic
    criteria for dystocia for first-time mothers
  • A social reconstruction of the process and
    experience of childbirth

What is needed to stop the epidemic?
  • A revolution in the acute care system of care for
    birthing women
  • Application of the midwifery model of care as the
    standard of care for all healthy women
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