Alternative Forecasting Methods: Bootstrapping - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Alternative Forecasting Methods: Bootstrapping


Alternative Forecasting Methods: Bootstrapping Bryce Bucknell Jim Burke Ken Flores Tim Metts Scenario Monte Carlo methods randomly select values to create scenarios ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Alternative Forecasting Methods: Bootstrapping

Alternative Forecasting Methods Bootstrapping
  • Bryce Bucknell
  • Jim Burke
  • Ken Flores
  • Tim Metts

Regression Model
Applications and Uses
You have been recently hired as the statistician
for the University of Notre Dame football team.
You are tasked with performing a statistical
analysis for the first year of the Charlie Weis
era. Specifically, you have been asked to
develop a regression model that explains the
relationship between key statistical categories
and the number of points scored by the offense.
You have a limited number of data points, so you
must also find a way to ensure that the
regression results generated by the model are
reliable and significant.
  • Central Limit Theorem
  • Replication of data
  • Sampling
  • Variance of error terms

Constrained by the Central Limit Theorem
In selecting simple random samples of size n from
a population, the sampling distribution of the
sample mean x can be approximated by a normal
probability distribution as the sample size
becomes large. It is generally accepted that the
sample size must be 30 or greater to satisfy the
large-sample condition of the theorem.
Sample N 1
Sample N 2
Sample N 3
Sample N 4
1. http//
Central Limit Theorem
Central Limit theorem is the foundation for many
statistical procedures, because the distribution
of the phenomenon under study does NOT have to be
Normal because its average WILL tend to be
Why is the assumption of a normal distribution
  • A normal distribution allows for the application
    of the empirical rule 68, 95 and 99.7
  • Chebyshevs Theorem no more than 1/4 of the
    values are more than 2 standard deviations away
    from the mean, no more than 1/9 are more than 3
    standard deviations away, no more than 1/25 are
    more than 5 standard deviations away, and so on.
  • The assumption of a normally distributed data
    allows descriptive statistics to be used to
    explain the nature of the population

Not enough data available?
Monte Carlo simulation, a type of spreadsheet
simulation, is used to randomly generate values
for uncertain variables over and over to simulate
a model.
  • Monte Carlo methods randomly select values to
    create scenarios
  • The random selection process is repeated many
    times to create multiple scenarios
  • Through the random selection process, the
    scenarios give a range of possible solutions,
    some of which are more probable and some less
  • As the process is repeated multiple times, 10,000
    or more, the average solution will give an
    approximate answer to the problem
  • The accuracy can be improved by increasing the
    number of scenarios selected

Sampling without Replacement
Simple Random Sampling
  • A simple random sample from a population is a
    sample chosen randomly, so that each possible
    sample has the same probability of being chosen.
  • In small populations such sampling is typically
    done "without replacement
  • Sampling without replacement results in
    deliberate avoidance of choosing any member of
    the population more than once
  • This process should be used when outcomes are
    mutually exclusive, i.e. poker hands

Sampling with Replacement
  • Initial data set is not sufficiently large enough
    to use simple random sampling without replacement
  • Through Monte Carlo simulation we have been able
    to replicate the original population
  • Units are sampled from the population one at a
    time, with each unit being replaced before the
    next is sampled.
  • One outcome does not affect the other outcomes
  • Allows a greater number of potential outcomes
    than sampling without replacement
  • If observations were not replaced there would not
    be enough independent observations to create a
    sample size of n 30

Hetroscedasticity vs. Homoscedasticity
Homoscedasticity constant variance
Hetroscedasticity nonconstant variance
  • All random variables have the same finite
  • Simplifies mathematical and computational
  • Leads to good estimation results in data mining
    and regression
  • Random variables may have different variances
  • Standard errors of regression coefficients may be
  • T-ratios may be larger than actual
  • More common with cross sectional data

Regression Model For ND Points Scored
ND Points 38.54 0.079b1 - 0.170b2 -
0.662b3 - 3.16b4
b1 Total Yards Gained
b3 Total Plays
b2 Penalty Yards
b4 Turnovers
4 Checks of a Regression Model
1. Do the coefficients have the correct sign?
2. Are the slope terms statistically significant?
3. How well does the model fit the data?
4. Is there any serial correlation?
4 Checks of a Regression Model
1. Do the coefficients have the correct sign?
Could this represent a big play factor?
4 Checks of a Regression Model
2. Are the slope terms statistically significant?
3. How well does the model fit the data?
4. Is there any serial correlation?
4 Checks of a Regression Model
3. How well does the model fit the data?
Adjusted R2 74.22
4 Checks of a Regression Model
4. Is there any serial correlation?
Data is cross sectional
With limited data points, how useful is this
regression in describing how well the model fits
the actual data? Is there a way to tests its
How to test the significance of the analysis
What happens when the sample size is not large
enough (n 30)?
Bootstrapping is a method for estimating the
sampling distribution of an estimator by
resampling with replacement from the original
  • Commonly used statistical significance tests are
    used to determine the likelihood of a result
    given a random sample and a sample size of n.
  • If the population is not random and does not
    allow a large enough sample to be drawn, the
    central limit theorem would not hold true
  • Thus, the statistical significance of the data
    would not hold
  • Bootstrapping uses replication of the original
    data to simulate a larger population, thus
    allowing many samples to be drawn and statistical
    tests to be calculated

How It Works
Bootstrapping is a method for estimating the
sampling distribution of an estimator by
resampling with replacement from the original
  • The bootstrap procedure is a means of estimating
    the statistical accuracy . . . from the data in a
    single sample.
  • Bootstrapping is used to mimic the process of
    selecting many samples when the population is too
    small to do otherwise
  • The samples are generated from the data in the
    original sample by copying it many number of
    times (Monte Carlo Simulation)
  • Samples can then selected at random and
    descriptive statistics calculated or regressions
    run for each sample
  • The results generated from the bootstrap samples
    can be treated as if it they were the result of
    actual sampling from the original population

Characteristics of Bootstrapping
Full Sample
Sampling with Replacement
Bootstrapping Example
Random sampling with replacement can be employed
to create multiple independent samples for
Limited number of observations
1st Random Sample
Original Data Set
109 Copies of each observation
Creating a much larger sample with which to work
When it should be used
Bootstrapping is especially useful in situations
when no analytic formula for the sampling
distribution is available.
  • Traditional forecasting methods, like exponential
    smoothing, work well when demand is constant
    patterns easily recognized by software
  • In contrast, when demand is irregular, patterns
    may be difficult to recognize.
  • Therefore, when faced with irregular demand,
    bootstrapping may be used to provide more
    accurate forecasts, making some important

Assumptions and Methodology
  • Bootstrapping makes no assumption regarding the
  • No normality of error terms
  • No equal variance
  • Allows for accurate forecasts of intermittent
  • If the sample is a good approximation of the
    population, the sampling distribution may be
    estimated by generating a large number of new
  • For small data sets, taking a small
    representative sample of the data and replicating
    it will yield superior results

Applications and Uses
  • Statistical significance testing is important in
    criminology and criminal justice
  • Six of the most popular journals in criminology
    and criminal justice are dominated by
    quantitative methods that rely on statistical
    significance testing
  • However, it poses two potential problems
    tautology and violations of assumptions

Applications and Uses
  • Tautology the null hypothesis is always false
    because virtually all null hypothesis may be
    rejected at some sample size
  • Violation of assumptions of regression errors
    are homogeneous and errors of independent
    variables are normally distributed
  • Bootstrapping provides a user-friendly
    alternative to cross-validation and jackknife to
    augment statistical significance testing

Applications and Uses
Actuarial Practice
  • Process of developing an actuarial model begins
    with the creation of probability distributions of
    input variables
  • Input variables are generally asset-side
    generated cash flows (financial) or cash flows
    generated from the liabilities side
  • Traditional actuarial methodologies are rooted in
    parametric approaches, which fit prescribed
    distribution of losses to the data

Applications and Uses
Actuarial Practice
  • However, experience from the last two decades has
    shown greater interdependence of loss variables
    with asset variables
  • Increased complexity has been accompanied by
    increased competitive pressures and more frequent
  • There is a need to use nonparametric methods in
    modeling loss distributions
  • Bootstrap standard errors and confidence
    intervals are used to derive the distribution

Applications and Uses
Classifications Used by Ecologists
  • Ecologists often use cluster analysis as a tool
    in the classification and mapping of entities
    such as communities or landscapes
  • However, the researcher has to choose an adequate
    group partition level and in addition, cluster
    analysis techniques will always reveal groups
  • Use bootstrap to test statistically for fuzziness
    of the partitions in cluster analysis
  • Partitions found in bootstrap samples are
    compared to the observed partition by the
    similarity of the sampling units that form the

Applications and Uses
Human Nutrition
  • Inverse regression used to estimate vitamin B-6
    requirement of young women
  • Standard statistical methods were used to
    estimate the mean vitamin B-6 requirement
  • Used bootstrap procedure as a further check for
    the mean vitamin B-6 requirement by looking at
    the standard error estimates and confidence

Application and Uses
  • Agilent Technologies determined it was time to
    transfer manufacturing of its 3070 in-circuit
    test systems from Colorado to Singapore
  • Major concern was the change in environmental
    test conditions (dry vs humid)
  • Because Agilent tests to tighter factory limits
    (guard banding), they needed to adjust the
    guard band for Singapore
  • Bootstrap was used to determine the appropriate
    guard band for Singapore facility

An Alternative to the bootstrap
  • A statistical method for estimating and removing
    bias and for deriving robust estimates of
    standard errors and confidence intervals
  • Created by systematically dropping out subsets of
    data one at a time and assessing the resulting

Bias A statistical sampling or testing error
caused by systematically favoring some outcomes
over others
A comparison of the Bootstrap Jackknife
  • Bootstrap
  • Yields slightly different results when repeated
    on the same data (when estimating the standard
  • Not bound to theoretical distributions
  • Jackknife
  • Less general technique
  • Explores sample variation differently
  • Yields the same result each time
  • Similar data requirements

Another alternative method
  • The practice of partitioning data into a sample
    of data into sub-samples such that the initial
    analysis is conducted on a single sub-sample
    (training data), while further sub-samples (test
    or validation data) are retained blind in order
    for subsequent use in confirming and validating
    the initial analysis

Bootstrap vs. Cross-Validation
  • Bootstrap
  • Requires a small of data
  • More complex technique time consuming
  • Cross-Validation
  • Not a resampling technique
  • Requires large amounts of data
  • Extremely useful in data mining and artificial

Methodology for ND Points Model
  • Use bootstrapping on ND points scored regression
  • Goal determine the reliability of the model
  • Replication, random sampling, and numerous
    independent regression
  • Calculation of a confidence interval for adjusted

R2 Data
Bootstrapping Results
Sample Adjusted R2
1 0.7351
2 0.7545
3 0.7438
4 0.7968
5 0.5164
6 0.6449
7 0.9951
8 0.9253
9 0.8144
10 0.7631
11 0.8257
12 0.9099
Sample Adjusted R2
13 0.7482
14 0.8719
15 0.7391
16 0.9025
17 0.8634
18 0.7927
19 0.6797
20 0.6765
21 0.8226
22 0.9902
23 0.8812
24 0.9169
The Mean, Standard Dev., 95 and 99 confidence
intervals are then calculated in excel from the
24 observations
Bootstrapping Results
R2 Data
  • Mean 0.8046
  • STDEV 0.1131
  • Conf 95 0.0453 or 75.93 - 84.98
  • Conf 99 0.0595 or 74.51 - 86.41

So what does this mean for the results of the
Can we rely on this model to help predict the
number of points per game that will be scored by
the 2006 team?
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