TRAINING PROGRAM - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Date Time Initials LEL % Benzene H2S Other (Specify) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes



Objectives Of This Training
  • Identify the purpose and the job requires
    Permit to work
  • Train/Refresh employees on the Permit to Work
  • Full commitment and compliance to Permit To
    Work procedure
  • Enhance Safety Awareness

What is a Work Permit
  • A Work Permit is an Agreement which gives
    authorization for specific work activities to be
    undertaken ( Machine, Facility, Equipment or
    Structure ) the location and the time required to
    complete the assigned work
  • It is an agreement between the Issuer receiver
    that the work to be done will be carried out in
    accordance with the provisions stated in the

Why a Work Permit ?
  • In the petrochemical industry, work must be done
    under controlled conditions to ensure the safety
    of workers and facilities. The Work Permit system
    was developed to provide safety in the workplace
    by controlling potential hazards inherent to the

  • Communication tool for understanding nature of
    the job and Identify related hazards
  • Safety checklist that ensures proper
    procedures,equipment and precautions are in place
  • Minimize risks to personnel and equipment

Cancellation of Work Permit
  • Plant Emergency Alarm sounds
  • Safe Conditions Changes
  • Scope of job changes
  • Incident/Accident on the job
  • Job exceeds the permit deadline

Cold Work
  • Work activity that does not produce a source of
    ignition for flammable mixtures
  • Examples
  • Any work which require opening vessels,
    pipes, manholes etc.
  • Erection / Removal of scaffolds
  • Insulation painting jobs
  • Equipment greasing and lubrication
  • Machinery monitoring including vibration
  • Cutting of lines ( hacksaw/cold cutting )

Hot Work
  • Work activity capable of supplying ignition
    source for flammable mixtures
  • Examples
  • Process of joining together two pieces of
    metal ( Welding, brazing )
  • Breaking of metal into two pieces
  • ( Cutting) by means of extreme heat
  • Metal grinding
  • Use of IC engines
  • Sand Blasting
  • Drilling, Chipping
  • Photography
  • Torches and other open flames

Confined Space Entry
  • Is large enough and configured so that an
    individual can bodily enter and perform assigned
  • Has limited or restricted means for entry or
    exit such as tanks, vessels, furnaces, boilers,
    excavations, pits, sumps, stacks, pipes etc.
  • Is not designed for continuous employee
  • May contain flammable, explosives, toxic or other
    harmful substance or oxygen deficient

Excavation Work
  • Use of Manual tools or mechanical excavator in
    digging a hole, pit, trench or any opening on the
    ground that is within the area covered and under
    the jurisdiction.

Vehicle Equipment Entry
  • Is the entry if Internal Combustion Engine
    vehicle or equipment in a designated hazardous
    area or at areas where there are potential
    presence of combustible or flammable gases or
    liquids, explosive dusts and other materials
    which are declared hazardous

Electrical Work
  • Any work which requires a worker to do job on a
    dead or live electrical equipment, system,network
    or facility.
  • Electrical Works include
  • Energization De-Energization
  • Trouble shooting
  • Preventive Corrective Maintenance
  • Other such activities that are related
    to any source of electrical power

Hot Tapping
  • The work that applies to welding connection
    made to pipeline or a vessel under pressure or
    has de-pressurized but has not been cleared for
    conventional construction method.It is also to be
    used where it is impractical to take equipment
    out of service

  • Gas Test An instrumentation test of an
    atmosphere to determine oxygen, flammable gas,
    and/or toxic substance ( Benzene, hydrogen
    sulphide, carbon dioxide ) concentrations. A
    properly calibrated direct reading monitor shall
    be used for gas testing
  • Hazardous Atmosphere An atmsophere that may
    expose individuals to risk of harm from flammable
    gas or vapor Airborne combustible dust Toxic
    Gas or oxygen levels lt 19.5 or gt 23

  • Hot Work Job activities that include
    welding, torch cutting, open flame and /or
    grinding, or any other activity in the operating
    area that could be an ignition source
  • Operations In most cases operations are the
    owners and the Team Leader, Asst. Team Leader or
    operator will communicate with the lead worker
    about the job. All operators will be certified in
    work permit compliance training
  • Exemptions The Maintenance workshop is exempted
    from the work permit requirements as they pertain
    to source of ignition. It is the responsibility
    of the Maintenance Supervisor to ensure the work
    is done safely

Entry Authorization
  • A personnel Vehicle entry/work authorization
    form will be located in each Field Information
    Centre ( FIC )_
  • All personnel ( Other than operations staff )
    entering an operating area/process shall be
    identified in the entry log
  • Personnel performing work under same order can be
    signed in by one person. Work orders associated
    with job assignments and brief description should
    be included in the sign-in.
  • The operator will inform worker(s) if additional
    work permit is required or if there are any
    active permits associated with or relevant to
    work to be done.

Entry Authorization
  • The operator will assign a vehicle pass number (
    if needed )
  • Sign out is required when departing due to work

Obtaining Work Permit
  • Work permits are initiated by the department
    performing the job then authorized and approved
    by operations of the unit.
  • Operations is always the issuing authority and
    responsible for ensuring the plant/area is safe
    for the work to proceed
  • The work permit issued by operations releases
    equipment control from operations to those
    performing the work
  • Issuer and Receiver cannot be the same person

Work Permit Section A
  • Filled in by Lead Worker and Maintenance
    Supervisor prior to work permit approval
  • Type of permit ( Hot or Cold )
  • Date
  • Work Order Number
  • Unit/Area
  • Equipment Number/Location
  • Description of work

Work Permit- Initiator of Permit ( Section B )
  • Filled in by Maintenance Supervisor prior to work
    permit approval
  • Permit initiated by
  • Signature
  • Telephone

Work Permit- Job Category ( Section C )
  • Filled in by Lead Worker prior to work permit
  • Identify the type of work ( category ) to be
    performed and check off the appropriate box(es)
  • Non Hazardous Vessel/Line opening(
    Hydrcarbons /Chemical Use of open flames
    Toxic Gas )
  • Hot Tap/Stopple Use of
    Electric, Pneumatic and /or buffing tools
  • Use of IC Engine
  • Radio Active sources Welding, Cutting ,
    Grinding, Drilling
  • Vehicle Entry Use of Electronic
    Equipment not intrinsically
  • Work on Energized Equipment safe
  • Confined Space Entry
  • Note If work requires confined space entry, a
    Confined Space Entry Permit must be used along
    with the work permit

Work Permit- Permit Validation Report ( Section
D )
  • Filled in by Operations
  • Normal valid period maximum of 1 x 12 hour
    operations shift.
  • Permits may be extended for extra shift
    additional 12 hours if determined safe following
    gas test
  • Work permits in other locations other than
    operating areas 24 hours but no extension
  • Renewal of permit Responsibility of Issuer
    receiver who have renewed the permit to ensure
    that all permits conditions are complied with in
    full at all times. Any non compliance to
    instruction results in immediate suspension of
    Work permit

Work Permit- Other Instructions( Section E )
  • Filled in by Operations Lead Worker
  • Is a written approved procedure
    required, if yes,attach the procedure
  • Other Instructions
  • None Required

Work Permit- Personal Protective equipment(
Section F )
  • Operations Lead Worker will identify the PPE
    required to carry out the job
  • Rubber gloves
  • Life Line
  • Rubber boots
  • High Voltage gloves
  • Safety Harness
  • Face Shield
  • SCBA
  • Airline breathing apparatus
  • Slicker suits
  • Flash Suits
  • Acid suits
  • Goggles
  • Dust Masks
  • Respirators
  • Others
  • None

Work Permit- Safe Work Checklist( Section G )
  • At work site, Operations Lead Worker will
    complete the checklist. Each item to be confirmed
    Yes unless N/A
  • Has the pertinent MSDS been reviewed
  • Is the equipment isolated and visually checked
  • Has the lock, Tag, and Try Procedure been
  • Lock Box Number
  • Has the blinding procedure been followed
  • Is the equipment depressurized and/or drained and
  • Is the equipment decontaminated
  • Is the are taped or barricaded off
  • Is there safe to/from the work location
  • Scaffold

Work Permit- Additional Requirements at Job Site
( Section H )
  • At work site, Operations Lead Worker will
    complete the checklist.
  • Pressurized Fire Hose
  • Non Sparking Tools
  • Fire Watch/Safety Operator
  • Spark Proof sheeting/Fire Blanket
  • Radio contact for workmen
  • Cover drains ( Within 15 mts )
  • Fire Extinguishers
  • Steam Lance
  • Fire Blankets
  • Portable eyewash
  • Spill Containment
  • None

Work Permit- Gas Testing ( Section I )
  • At work site, Operations will do the gas test and
    make necessary entries
  • Gas testing required ?
  • Frequency
  • Continuous
  • Type of monitoring
  • Gas Testing Mandatory for all hot works
    confine space entries
  • Operations Decide the frequency of gas test
  • Vessels, Pipes , Equipments opening LEL nominal
    10 and below
  • H2S 10 PPM or less Benzene 0.5 PPM or less
  • Hot Work LEL must be 0
  • Work commence within on hour after gas test any
    delays require gas test again
  • Retest before extension of Work Permit

Work Permit- Approval Acceptance to begin work
( Section J)
  • Operation Lead worker both ensure that all
    requirements which they have to comply with are
    completed and provided. Both sign with date
    time for approval acceptance and job starts
  • The original permit shall be posted at the work
    site in a transparent plastic pouch
  • Maintenance personnel arriving at the job site
    after a permit is issued are required to read,
    understand and sign the original. Or the lead
    worker should explain the job to be carried out
    and the hazards involved

Distribution of Permit Copies
  • Original ( Field Copy ) The original copy
    shall be posted at work site in a transparent
    pouch. The permit to be returned to the CCR
    following job completion or permit expiration and
    retained for a period of three months
  • FIC ( Field Information Copy ) will be
    displayed in appropriate FIC. These copies
    should be disposed off properly when the
    original is returned
  • Team Leader Copy will be taken by the Team
    Leader as soon as possible after permit is
    issued and used for posting in the appropriate
    units TL office in the CCR. These copies to be
    disposed off when the original is returned

Work Permit- Job Completion ( Section K)
  • When work is completed or permit has expired,
    Lead worker will notify operations and both will
    inspect work site and determine the following
    before work permit is signed off as complete
  • Is work complete? If not, state condition
  • Has maintenance locks been removed
  • Is area clean and safe

Explosive Range
Too Much Fuel

Upper Explosive Limit ( U.E.L )
of gas or vapor in air
Lower Explosive Limit ( L.E.L )
Too Little Fuel
Authorized Representative
  • Operations Team Leader, Assistant Team Leader
    or Operator currently certified in both work
    permit compliance and gas testing
  • Maintenance( Lead Worker ) The person
    designated by maintenance or construction
    supervisor or supervisor of any other section to
    represent a group of people who will be
    performing a job.The Lead worker should be
    certified in work permit compliance.

Duties of Issuer
  • Clean and purge the area/equipment to remove
    hazardous chemicals and residues
  • Isolate equipment and follow Lock , Tag Try
  • Conduct gas test
  • Perform a joint visit with the person doing the
  • Make sure area is physically safe for work
    to begin
  • Identify the exact location of the equipment
    to be worked on and the scope of the work
  • Point the emergency equipment like safety
    shower fire extinguisher
  • Provide warnings of any local safety hazards
  • Explain actions to be taken during emergency
  • Communicate safety policies / rules
  • Explain permit closure procedure

Duties of Receiver
  • Make sure you understand all aspects of the safe
    work permit
  • Explain details of permit to other crew members
  • Notify permit issuer if job scope changes
  • Report of any hazards
  • Clean up job site when work is completed
  • Complete permit close-out section and return to
    the issuer

Potential Problems with the Work permit System
  • Permits are being prepared too far in advance,
    or the work has commenced
  • The workers are not following, or do not
    understand the requirements of the permit system
    and the reason for it
  • The person signing the permit has not
    inspected the job site to see if all the
    necessary procedures ( Lock, Tag Try,
    Isolation, testing etc )
  • Supervisors are not enforcing or monitoring
    the work permit system
  • The type or format of the permit does not
    conform with task to be completed

The Role of Safety Watch
  • The safety watch must be knowledgeable in
  • The Emergency Response Plan
  • The communication Procedure
  • The Safe Operating Procedure
  • The activities surrounding the work site

The Role of Safety Watch
  • The safety watch must
  • Keep himself from imminent danger
  • Be knowledgeable about all aspects of the
  • Monitor atmosphere levels
  • Stay alert at all times
  • Remains at designated post at all times when
    personnel have entered in confined space
  • Watch for potential hazards and alert the
    workers inside
  • Maintain entry log

Work Permit Flow Chart
  • SECTION A - General ( Filled in by Lead Worker
    and Maintenance Supervisor )
  • Type of permit, Date, Equipment Number,
    Unit/Area, Work order Number Description
    of Work
  • SECTION D - Permit Validation ( Filled in by
    Operations )
  • The Permit Validity, Expiry Extension,
    Extension Approval with Date Time
  • SECTION H Additional Requirement at Job Site (
    Filled in by Lead worker Operations )
  • Identify any other requirements needed for
    work to be performed and tick the appropriate
  • SECTION B Initiator of Permit ( Filled in by
    Maintenance Supervisor )
  • Permit Initiated By, Signature
  • SECTION E Other Instruction ( Filled in by Lead
    Worker Operations )
  • Determine if any additional instruction
    required and take action
  • SECTION I Gas Testing ( Filled in by authorized
    representative from Operations )
  • Gas test results are filled and certifies that
    the area is safe to carry out the job
  • SECTION F Personal Protective Clothing
    ( Filed in by Lead Worker Operations )
  • Identify the required PPE for the job and
    tick the appropriate box
  • SECTION J Approval Acceptance to begin work (
    Filled in by lead worker Operations )
  • Both ensure that all requirements which they
    have to comply with are completed provided.
    Both signs for Approval Acceptance and job
  • Permit copies to be distributed
  • SECTION C ( Job Category ( Filled in by Lead
    Worker )
  • Identifies and ticks the appropriate Job
    category box.
  • Note If work permit requires confined space
    entry, confined space permit to be filled in
    along with work permit
  • SECTION G Safe Work Checklist ( Filled in by
    Lead Worker Operations )
  • At work site, both will identify and complete
    the checklist
  • SECTION K Job Completion ( Filled in by Lead
    Worker Operations )
  • Both checks the status of the job and ticks
    the appropriate box and signs for permit
    closure.After three months, the work permits can
    be disposed off

Work Permit Copy
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