Chapter 18- Foreign Policy (FP) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 18- Foreign Policy (FP)


Chapter 18- Foreign Policy (FP) (1). Outline history of US Foreign Policy (FP) from isolationism thru Cold War to post-Cold War era. (2). Define the following key FP ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 18- Foreign Policy (FP)

Chapter 18- Foreign Policy (FP)
  • (1). Outline history of US Foreign Policy (FP)
    from isolationism thru Cold War to post-Cold War
  • (2). Define the following key FP terms Monroe
    Doctrine, globalism, containment Truman
    Doctrine, NATO, 3rd World, détente, enlargement,
    and neo-isolationism.
  • (3). Define national interest contrast decision
    making for FP w/that for domestic policy.
  • (4). Discuss the enumerated implied powers set
    by the Constitution for making FP.
  • (5). Examine the inherent advantage of the
    President in making foreign policy.
  • (6). Outline the role of the White House, the
    Bureaucracy, the Congress, and the Public in
    shaping American foreign policy.
  • (7). Discuss the US National Security structure
    and key DOD organizations leaders.
  • (8). Discuss Foreign Policy challenges facing the
    U.S. in the Post-Cold War era.
  • (9). Assess the future direction of US National
    Security Policy and Military Strategy, required
    military Force Levels, Mission Creep,
    Multi-nationalism, WMD, and BMD.
  • (10). Discuss current foreign policy issues and
    their political impact on the U.S.
  • - War on Terrorism - War with Iraq
    - North Korea - Arab-Israeli conflict -
    Domestic economic slump - the uncertain

US Foreign Policy (FP)A Brief History
1798-1941 The Isolationist Era
1942-1945 World War II (start of Globalism)
1946-1989 The Cold War
1990-present Post-Cold War
New category after 9/11/2001
Lets examine these periods in greater detail
Brief History of U.S. Foreign Policy
  • Isolationism
  • A foreign policy built on the principle of
    avoiding formal military and political alliances
    with other countries.
  • The Isolationist Era
  • 1st 150 yrs of US History
  • Adherence to guidance of Washingtons Farwell
  • Stressed avoiding political connections overseas
  • Pursue commercial trade ties only
  • US militarily weak focused on expansion
  • Not interested in global role (2 oceans of
  • What FP Doctrine asserted US interests for the
    first time outside America, primarily throughout
    Western Hemisphere (1823)?

The Monroe Doctrine
A basic principle of U.S. foreign policy that
dates back to a warning President James Monroe
issued in 1823 that the United States would
resist further European efforts to intervene in
the affairs of the Western Hemisphere.
Monroe Doctrine (1823)
  • Invoked 1895 early FP involvement outside US
  • Aim Protect US interest in Western Hemisphere
  • US involvement overseas primarily in LATAM
  • US Military Intervention escalated beginning in

World War I
  • US deviated from Isolationism briefly during WWI
  • WW1 (W. Wilson)gt make world safe for democracy
  • After WW1gt isolationism returns w/vengeance
  • Senate rejects League of Nations Versailles
  • Sets the stage for next global war gt ?

World War II
  • WWIIgt US stays out of War as Hitler first
  • Why does US change its mind about involvement?

Air Raid Pearl Harbor 7 December 1941
Impact on American Public Opinion?
Following WWIIgt US rethinks previous isolationism
Globalism Era gt The Cold War
  • Globalism
  • US should be prepared to use military force
    around the globe to protect its political
    economic interests
  • Following WWII gt who emerges as primary thereat
    to US political military interest?
  • Presidential doctrine formulated as a result?
  • Truman Doctrine
  • US would actively oppose communists attempts to
    overthrow or conquer non-communist nations
  • US Foreign Policy that emerged from the Truman

  • A bedrock principle of U.S. foreign policy from
    mid 1940s to early 1990s that emphasized the need
    to contain any further Soviet territorial
    communist ideological expansion.

What was the economic instrument of Containment?
  • Marshall Plan US commitment to rebuild Europe
  • 100 Billion appropriated for task in todays
  • Soviets initially invited to participate

Soviet Threat
What was the military instrument of Containment?
Cold War Military Alliances
Warsaw Pact
Cold War Heats Up
  • As Soviets become more aggressive
  • US becomes more concerned
  • Conduct major National Security reassessment
  • NSC-68 National Security Strategy for
  • Concludes a major increase in defense spending
  • Truman administration balks at high price tag
  • So NSC-68 filed in bottom drawer of someones
  • Then what major military event occurred in June

Korean War
From US perspective, Soviets engaged indirectly
through NK China
US versus USSR- The Indirect Approach
  • Competition at marginsgt the 3rd World
  • US primary Foreign Policy goal
  • Prevent potential falling dominoes
  • Major test of this goal Vietnam War
  • US (Ike) supports French in SE Asia
  • Aim Contain Soviet expansion in SEA
  • US view of most global crises conflicts?
  • Most viewed as Soviet/communist inspired
  • USSR gt China gt North Vietnam gt South Vietnams
    guerilla insurgents
  • How does the US (JFK) initially deal with South
    Vietnams insurgency?

Counter Insurgency (CI)
  • JFK sends Special Forces SEAL advisors to
    conduct CI
  • LBJ expands US involvement following 1964 Tonkin
    Gulf incident

Americanization of Vietnam War(1965-1968)
  • Conventional US Troops take over fighting for SVN
  • Reach high point of 540,000 US troops by 1969

The majority of Americans support US policy the
war until 1968
The Tet Offensive- 1968
  • The light at the end of the tunnel becomes a
    speeding trains headlight
  • Americans become disillusioned with continuing
    the War as its bought home to them up front
  • Look for a way out of Vietnam with honor

Exit Strategy
  • US involvement reached high point by late 1968
  • America became acutely divided over war
  • Following Tet Offensive most Americans just
    wanted out
  • Seeking a way out of quagmire
  • Nixon comes to power with secret plan to get
  • Vietnamization gt allow Peace with Honor
  • February 1973gt Peace Accords signed
  • War turned over to SVN US military forces
  • 1975 Peace w/o Honor the Vietnam Syndrome
  • Nixon sought Soviet help to get US out of Vietnam
  • Aim Get Soviets China to push North Vietnam
    to peace talks
  • Pursues easing of tensions between two
    superpowers- called?

  • A policy of Nixon administration followed to
    develop more cordial relations with the Soviet
  • Aimed in part in enlisting Soviet support to
    assist US in getting North Vietnam back to peace
    table serious negotiations
  • So that US could get out of Vietnam with honor.
  • Détente lasted until 1979
  • Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in late 1979
    (Carter) brought US-Soviet Détente to an abrupt
  • US-Soviet relations declined even more when
    Ronald Reagan took office (Evil Empire Speech)

Reagan The Evil Empire
  • Reagan pursues hard line with the Soviets
  • A corrupt USSR system living on barrowed economic
  • Serious reform long past due to save it from
  • 1985 Mikhail Gorbachevgt comes to power
    attempts reform gt Perestroika Glasnost
  • Problem Soviet system too corrupt broken to
  • Reagans SDIgt outspending the Soviets into
  • Unable to keep up with strategic arms race go
    broke trying
  • Year of Revolution fall of Eastern Europe -
  • Fall of Berlin Wall symbol of Soviet Communism
  • US Military operations in Third World continued
  • Grenada, Panama, Iraq 1
  • (Clear lack of Soviet support for its former
    ally- Iraq)
  • Fall of Soviet Union- 1991 End of Cold War

After the Cold War
  • New World Order
  • Strategic reassessment (Bush I) tries to figure
    out what US should do during the post Cold War
  • Still trying to decide when Clinton is elected in
  • Policy of Enlargement (Clinton)gt
  • Expand democracy free markets globally
  • Also use military force as required ( we did)
  • Somalia 1993
  • Haiti 1994
  • Bosnia NATO peacekeeping- 1995
  • Serbia bombing 1999
  • Kosovo NATO bombing peacekeeping- 2000

Foreign Policy Under George W. Bush
  • Neo-isolationism from 2000 until 9/11/2001
  • Theory US should take a step back
  • Avoid always acting as worlds policeman
  • Reality Campaign rhetoric gives way to real
    world once in office
  • The world is still very dangerous America is
    not immune
  • ON 9/11/2001 that reality hit home hard gt
    revised policy
  • The Bush Doctrine
  • Americas post 9/11/2001 Policy Strategy-
  • Focus Counter Terror Policy National Security
  • Preemptive strikes preventative war
  • US invasion of Afghanistan Iraq II

Foreign Policy (FP) Versus Domestic Policy (DP)
  • National Interest its various degrees levels
  • Vital vs. Important- (who decides?)
  • Text Two presidencies
  • At Home( weak president) vs. Abroad (strong one)-
  • Five Sources of Presidential Foreign Policy
  • 1. The Constitution presidents enumerated vs.
    implied powers
  • 2. Presidents inherent advantages in Foreign
  • 3. Role of precedent in presidential dealings in
    Foreign Policy
  • 4. Supreme Court Rulings regarding presidential
    FP actions
  • 5. Behavior of Congress when the President takes
    decisive action
  • Lets examines these sources of power in greater

1. The Constitution and Foreign Policy
  • Article Igt enumerated Congressional powers
  • Provide for common defense
  • Regulate commerce
  • Define punish Piracies Felonies on high seas
  • Declare War
  • Raise support Armies maintain a Navy
  • Make rules regulations for land naval forces
  • Power of the purse gt (fund or not fund military
  • Article IIgt enumerated Presidential powers
  • Commander in Chief (title or job description?)
  • Power to make treaties (subject to Senates
  • Appoint Ambassadors (Senate also has role- what?)

2. The Presidents Inherent Advantages
  • Foreign Policy success depends on (what?)
  • Speed (quickly seize the initiative)
  • Discretion (secrecy)
  • Flexibility (shift priorities as needed
  • Presidential initiatives depend on the venue
  • Foreign Policy (FP) vs. Domestic Policy (DP)-
  • Difference between the two WRT presidential
    freedom of action?
  • FP Unless Congress acts to halt presidents
  • (Military Force Deployment) it stands- versus
  • DP Until Congress agrees to act presidents
  • (Social Security reform)- nothing happens

3. Precedent
  • Presidents aggressive interpretation of FP
  • Any presidential action establishes precedent
  • If left unchallenged or challenge is
  • Implied power is successfully established as
  • Successors use as spring board for further
  • Truman to presentgt
  • Implied power as CINC (Korean War- Text Box
  • Title confers implied power to order troops into
  • Now accepted as precedent (though grudgingly)
  • Also depends on the perceived power popularity
    (poll numbers) of the president

4. Supreme Court Rulings
  • US v. Curtiss -Wright Export Corporation (1936)
  • Court Decision Presidents FP powers go beyond
  • Impact expanded implied Presidential powers in
    Foreign Policy
  • US v. Belmont (37)gt executive agreement (vs.
  • Result executive agreements trend up- over 90
    (See Box 18-2)
  • Furthermore Court usually refuses to hear
    challenges on FP
  • Effect de facto Court support for presidential
    FP prerogatives
  • Desire to avoid Presidential/Congress political
    disputes in FP
  • Also Court believes FP rulings simply beyond
    their competence

5. Behavior of Congress
  • Partisan institutional divisions in Congressgt
  • Results in their lack of unified action to
  • Belief in strong Presidential leadership in FP
  • Electoral considerations
  • (What if President is right? avoid voters
  • Post WWII vs. post Vietnam Congressional behavior
  • End of Vietnam War Cold War gt
  • More Congressional activism in Foreign Policy
  • Post Iraq II Congressional behavior? (TBD)

Next Assignment
  • Thanksgiving Holiday (Wednesday no class)
  • Travel safely!
  • Chapter 18b Foreign Policy (Next Monday)
  • Learning Objectives 6-10
  • Preparation for Course Review (Wednesday 11/30)
  • Also Department wide standardized test
    administered as well
  • RESEARCH PAPER IS also DUE 11/30!!!
  • Complete Instructor Evals today before you

Who Makes U.S. Foreign Policy?
White House Staff
Foreign Policy Bureaucracies
American Public
How much power influence does each have on FP?
Foreign Policy Power
Lets examine each more closely
The White House NSC
  • Role of President Vice President
  • Varies w/administration
  • Generallygt President has called all the shots
  • Recently VP delegated a great deal of power
  • Certainly true of this Administration
  • National Security Council (NSC)
  • Plays key role in formulating American Foreign
  • NSC advisor his or her staffs role
  • Plays as either Honest broker or policy advocate
  • Depends on Presidents preference NSC advisor
  • Nixon Kissinger vs. Bush II Rice (now Hadley)

National Security Council (NSC)
  • Created in 1947
  • Members include
  • The President Vice President
  • Secretary of State Secretary of Defense
  • Director of CIA Chair of Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • (Advisors to statutory members- subject to
  • The staff is headed up by the National Security
  • Other relevant Cabinet Secretaries invited as

Foreign Policy Bureaucracy
Defense Department
State Department
CIA Intel Community
NSC Staff (Coordinator)
Lets examine their specific Foreign Policy roles
The Foreign Policy Bureaucracy
  • Roles of Department of State (DOS) vs. Defense
  • Current Iraq II example DOD took the lead over
  • Major debate ensued
  • (Winning the Peace vice just Winning the War)
  • Personality driven debate (who has the most
  • Uniformed Armed Svs role
  • Chairman Joint Chiefs
  • (CJCS JCS chiefs)
  • Military judgments in a political world (The

Intelligence community
  • Intelligence community selected agencies
  • Major current power shifts creating disruptions
  • DNI CIA- whos on first? (TBD )
  • Expertise experience must be taken into account
  • Recent Intel failure illustrates problem when
  • Telling the boss always what he wants to hear?
  • Impact? (Tends to downplay unpleasant or hard
  • Also all Agencies compete with each other for
    power, influence, (Budget share)
  • Result Tends to drive US FP to also include what
    in their recommendations?
  • Agencys own interests agenda

Congress Foreign Policy
  • Constitution (Article I) assigns Congress
    explicit powers
  • Result Considerable theoretical influence in
    foreign policy
  • Before WWI II, Congress tended to assert
    greater role in Foreign Policy
  • During the 1950s and 1960s Congress typically
    deferred to the Executive Branch
  • (Since WWII start of Cold War)
  • During 1970s and 1980s Congressional activism in
    foreign policy grew (Post Vietnam Watergate)
  • Post 9/11 Congress tended to defer to President
    (at first)
  • Now appears to be re-asserting itself as war
    becomes unpopular

Congress Foreign Policy (2)
  • So extent of power influence varies over time
  • Cold War vs. post-Watergate post-Vietnam War
  • Post 9/11 (and back to the future)
  • 3 ways Congress influences Foreign Policy
  • 1. Substantive legislation
  • appropriations shape policy gt power
  • 2. Procedural legislation
  • How laws regulations must be applied wrt Policy
  • 3. Efforts to shape Public Opinion
  • (Democrats vs. GOP on success or failure of Iraq

Public Opinion Foreign Policy
  • Two options for the Public to shape Foreign
  • 1. Join interest groups lobby Congress
  • 2. Vote for candidates aligned with their
    political views
  • Public seldom able to effect day to day polices
    (Iraq II)
  • Often policy makers decide with little regard to
    the Public why?
  • Public lack detailed knowledge expertise
  • Apathy (most dont even know or care where crisis
    spot is)
  • More concerned with domestic economic issues
  • Public usually rallies around President once
    conflict starts
  • Initial resistance to deployment gt then active
  • But with time support will wane if casualties
    grow and/or progress seems to take too long at
    too high a price
  • Then the Public makes its concerns known with

Impact of Public Opinion on Foreign Policy
  • Public Opinion provide decision makers with very
    little guidance, but
  • Two indirect effects of Public Opinion
  • 1. Constrains future policies which can be
  • Example Vietnam legacy gt Vietnam syndrome
  • 2. Determines Washingtons FP priorities (with
    the media)
  • Iraq II examplegt looters initially brushed off
    by SECDEF
  • Media alerted public public became concerned
    re. Iraqi Museum
  • As result FBI went to Iraq to track down stolen
  • Recent Public concern for Intel failure wrt WMD
  • Forced Administration to adjust reason for
    invasion (democracy)
  • Then forced to defend itself against critics
    (cherry picking Intel?)

Challenges of the PostCold War Era
  • Major debate continues
  • What should the US role be in the post-Cold War
  • Disagreements over Goals Strategies Change
  • Terror strike of 9/11/2001 changed everything
  • Debate now centers on strategy to prevent 2nd
  • Preventive War pre-emptive strikes (Bush
  • (Containment strategy no longer viable option)-
  • Soviet Union no longer exists suicide bombers
    cant be logically deterred
  • Homeland Security Defense at what expense?
  • Whats at stake Cost in Freedoms

US Defense Spending (in 1962-2010)
Another way to look at Defense Spending?
DOD Budget (as of GDP)
Korean War
of G D P
Vietnam War (High point)
Cold War Ends
Future Challenges to US Foreign Policy
  • Disagreements about the goals and strategies of
    American foreign policy for 21st century
  • An ever changing foreign policy agenda
  • Cold War gt Post Cold War gt Bush Doctrine
  • Unilateral versus multilateral FP approach
  • How are they different?

Unilateralism vs. Multilateralism
  • Unilateralism
  • The tendency of the US to act alone in foreign
    affairs without consulting other countries.
  • Multilateralism
  • Three or more Nations cooperate together to
    solve some common foreign policy problem

Particular approach selected will depend on the
major FP problems the US will face during the
21st Century
Potential Problems in US Foreign Policy for 21st
  • The United States will face complex problems in
  • Nuclear proliferation (North Korea Iran)
  • Military interventions (The Middle East exiting
  • Economic policy (Trade imbalance w/China ME Oil
  • Globalization (Global interdependence domestic
  • Inter-mestic issues (Foreign Policy impact at
  • Human rights (American ideals vs. US National
  • Homeland Security (Balancing security with
  • The unknown threat (Future 9/11s?)

The Last Assignment
  • Review prepare for Final Exam
  • 25 question standardized test will also be
  • Questions answers to Midterm Test II
  • Review come prepared to ask your questions
  • (last chance to clarify any uncertainty)
  • Essay Question Prep Review (Handout last week)
  • Turn in your Research Paper on Wednesday 11/30
  • Include Bibliography and endnotes/sources cited

Chapter 18 KEY TERMS
  • Cold War A phrase used to describe the high
    level of tension and distrust that characterized
    relations between the Soviet Union and the United
    States from the late 1940s until the early 1990s.
  • Containment A bedrock principle of U.S. foreign
    policy from the 1940s to the 1980s that
    emphasized the need to prevent communist
    countries, especially the Soviet Union, from
    expanding the territory they controlled.
  • Detente A policy the Nixon administration
    followed to develop more cordial relations with
    the Soviet Union.
  • Engagement The policy of encouraging U.S. trade
    and investment in a country in an effort to
    encourage it to pursue policies more to Americas
  • Enlargement The policy President Bill Clinton
    proposed as a substitute for containment. It
    calls on the United States to promote the
    emergence of market democracies that is,
    countries that combine a free market economic
    system with a democratic political system.
  • Executive agreements International agreements
    that, unlike treaties, do not require the
    approval of two-thirds of the Senate to become
    binding on the United States.
  • Foreign Service Officers Career professional
    diplomats who work for the Department of State.
  • Free trade An economic policy that holds that
    lowering trade barriers will benefit the
    economies of all the countries involved.
  • Globalism The idea that the United States
    should be prepared to use military force around
    the globe to defend its political and economic
  • Globalization The process by which growing
    economic relations and technological change make
    countries increasingly interdependent.

Chapter 18 KEY TERMS (2)
  • Intermestic issues Issues such as trade, the
    environment, and drug trafficking that affect
    both domestic and foreign interests.
  • Isolationism A foreign policy built on the
    principle of avoiding formal military and
    political alliances with other countries.
  • Marshall Plan A multibillion-dollar U.S. aid
    program in the late 1940s and early 1950s that
    helped Western European countries rebuild their
    economies in the wake of World War.
  • Monroe Doctrine A basic principle of U.S.
    foreign policy that dates back to a warning
    President James Monroe issued in 1823 that the
    United States would resist further European
    efforts to intervene in the affairs of the
    Western Hemisphere.
  • Multilateralism An approach in which three or
    more countries cooperate for the purpose of
    solving some common problem.
  • National interest The idea that the United
    States has certain interests in international
    relations that most Americans agree on.
  • National Missile Defense (NMD) A weapons system
    that, if it can be made to work, would
    potentially protect the United States and
    possibly its allies against attack by long-range
    ballistic missiles.
  • Neo-conservativism Recent resurgence of
    Conservative ideology, especially toward Foreign
  • Neo-isolationism The idea that the United
    States should reduce its role in world affairs
    and return to a foreign policy similar to the one
    it pursued before World War II.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) A
    military alliance founded in 1949 for the purpose
    of defending Western Europe from attack. Members
    of NATO include the United States, Canada, and
    fourteen European countries.

Chapter 18 KEY TERMS (3)
  • Sovereignty The power of self-rule.
  • Third World A term loosely defined to mean the
    developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin
  • Truman Doctrine A policy, announced by
    President Truman in 1947, that the United States
    would oppose communist attempts to overthrow or
    conquer non-communist countries.
  • Two presidencies The argument that presidents
    have much greater influence over the content of
    foreign policy than the content of domestic
  • Unilateralism The tendency of the United States
    to act alone in foreign affairs without
    consulting other countries.
  • World Trade Organization (WTO) The
    international trade agency that began operation
    in 1995 as the successor to the General Agreement
    on Tariffs and Trade.
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