Title: Polling the Blogosphere: a RuleBased Approach to Belief Classification
1Polling the Blogosphere a Rule-Based Approach to
Belief Classification
- Jason Kessler
- Indiana University, Bloomington
2Belief Analysis of Blogs
- Polling the blogosphere on a controversial
proposition - Literal search on a proposition (e.g., Obama is
electable) - Which blog entries contain assert it? Which deny
it? - Aggregate results
- 243 bloggers assert it
- 616 bloggers deny it
3Motivating Example
- Polling for the Moon landings were staged
- The theory that the Moon landings were staged is
complete nonsense. - The writer denies the Moon landings were
4Motivating Example
- If Obama is electable, the country is in good
shape. - Writer takes no stance toward Obama is
- When a writer uses a declarative finite clause,
does that writer assert, deny, or take no stance
toward its truth value? - This is the problem of identifying a writers
stance toward a proposition. - Veridicity or facticity of a proposition.
- Everybody is sad that the bar closed.
- The writer asserts the bar closed.
- Belief ! Sentiment
- Negative sentiment toward the bar closed
- Positive stance.
- System Description
- Given a proposition, sentence
- Dependency Parse
- Syntactic Representation
- Hand written patterns over semantic classes
- Veridicality Elements
- Veridicality Transformations
- Evaluation
- Proof of concept
- Promising results
8Dependency Parse
- Pipeline Stages
- Dependency Parse
- Tag Veridicality Elements
- Apply Veridicality Transformations
The theory that the Moon landings were staged is
complete nonsense.
9Veridicality Elements (VEs)
- Pipeline Stages
- Dependency Parse
- Tag Veridicality Elements
- Apply Veridicality Transformations
The theory that the Moon landings were staged is
complete nonsense.
10Veridicality Transformations (VTs)
- Pipeline Stages
- Dependency Parse
- Tag Veridicality Elements
- Apply Veridicality Transformations
The theory that the Moon landings were staged is
complete nonsense.
11Veridicality Transformations (VTs)
- Pipeline Stages
- Dependency Parse
- Tag Veridicality Elements
- Apply Veridicality Transformations
The theory that the Moon landings were staged is
complete nonsense.
12System Structure Veridicality Elements
- Find expressions that have the potential of
changing the truth-value of a proposition or
referring to it - Different classes affect truth values differently
- Examples
- Assertion Positive
- The assertion that the sky is blue
- Nonsense Negative
- The idea that the sky is orange is nonsense
- If Neutral
- Pretend Counter-factive
13Finding Veridicality Elements
- Manually created seed sets
- Search web for patterns likely to contain VEs
- I agree with the assertion that
- I with the assertion that
- I quibble with the assertion that
- I take issue with the assertion that
- Manually classify matches, form new queries
- I take issue with the that
- I take issue with the argument that
- Similar to Brin (1998)
14System StructureVeridicality Transformations
- Relate these expressions to propositions
- Some expressions will not be related to
propositions - Why bag-of-Veridicality-Elements fails
- Templates over dependency graphs
- Select for a VE class and a proposition
15System StructureVeridicality Transformations
- Examples
- Expression is a main verb, proposition is its
comp. clause - John pretended the monkey was harmless.
- Cleft construction, expression is an adjective
- It is inconceivable that two plus two equals five.
16Another Example
- Pipeline Stages
- Dependency Parse
- Tag Veridicality Elements
- Apply Veridicality Transformations
If Bob goes to school, he realizes the Earth is
17Another Example
- Pipeline Stages
- Dependency Parse
- Tag Veridicality Elements
- Apply Veridicality Transformations
If Bob goes to school, he realizes the Earth is
18Another Example
- Pipeline Stages
- Dependency Parse
- Tag Veridicality Elements
- Apply Veridicality Transformations
If Bob goes to school, he realizes the Earth is
- Primitive, proof-of-concept evaluation
- Can we poll the blogosphere?
- Google blog search for abortion is murder
- Unseen data
- Run the system on the first 100 hits.
- See if it does better baseline.
- Exclude a number of results
- Spam blogs
- Long, unparsable sentences
- Trivial sentences (no VEs)
- Abortion is murder!
- Questions
- Corpus Statistics
- 48 Sentences
- 27 positive
- 3 negative
- 18 neutral
- 39 classified correctly (81 accuracy)
- Majority class was positive, giving a baseline of
56 accuracy
22Related Work
- Nairn et al. (2006) focused on main verbs
- Complex behavior under negation
- Work on contextual polarity for sentiment
analysis. - Wilson et al. (2005)
- Statistical approach
- Polanyi and Zaenen (2006)
- Theoretical approach
23Related Work
- Somasundaran et al. (2007)
- Statistical techniques used to detect presence of
arguing in a sentence. - Arguing writer takes a non-neutral stance
toward some content
24Future Work
- Annotate corpus
- Further testing
- Statistical approaches
- Augment VE/VTs
- Integrate Nairn et al. (2006)
- Take into account questions
- Belief analysis is a young field
- Bag-of-words is not enough
- Shallow linguistic methods show promise
- Thank you.
- References
- Brin, S. 1998. Extracting patterns and relations
from the world wide web. In WebDB Workshop at
6th International Conference on Extending
Database Technology, EDBT98. - Nairn, R. Condoravdi, C. and Karttunen, L.
2006. Computing relative polarity for textual
inference. In ICoS-5. - Polanyi, L. and Zaenen, A. 2005. Contextual
valence shifters. In Shanahan, J. G. Qu, Y. and
Wiebe J., eds,. Computing Attitude and Affect in
Text. - Somasundaran, S. Wilson, T. Wiebe, J. and
Stoyanov, V. 2007. QA with attitude Exploiting
opinion type analysis for improving question
answering in on-line discussions and the news. In
ICWSM. - Wilson, T. Wiebe, J. and Hoffmann, P. 2005.
Recognizing contextual polarity in phrase-level
sentiment analysis. In HLT/EMNLP.
Veridicality Element Classes
28Veridicality Transformations