Title: Govt Quiz
1Quiz Show
2The Rules Committee regulates the flow of bills
through the senate?
3Who has the right to advise and consent according
to power given in the Constitution?
4The _____ clause of the constitution made it
possible for people to drive every state with
their Texas driver license.
5The ________ plan put forth at the Constitutional
Convention, favored the small states by proposing
each state had equal representation no matter
their population.
6Match the following
- Final authority over national supremacy
- Principle of limited government
- Regulation of immigration
7What federalism refers to the power of the
national government to influence state policies
through grants?
8For a system to be truly federal, the power of
both the national government and the subnational
government must be specified in Bill of Rights?
9To be elected to the Senate, a person must be at
least _____ years of age?
10The president officer in the Senate is the Vice
President of the United States.
11The Senate tradition of unlimited debate,
undertaken for the purpose of preventing action
on a bill is called ______?
12The president has ____ days to decide whether to
sign a bill or veto it.
13The President Pro Tempore is the _________ leader
of the Senate.
14Each Congress lasts for how many years?
15A vote that results in a tie automatically kills
the bill.
16If a state has thirty-five congressional
districts, it sends 35 representatives to the
17What sets overall revenue goals and spending
targets for the next fiscal year?
18All powers are vested in the national government
is called?
19The pilgrims set up a government and promised to
obey the laws.
20What is been considered Americas first written
- Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
21Under the Articles of Confederation, the central
governing body was the congress of the
confederation and had very limited power.
22Who wrote Common Sense?
23The Connecticut Plan is also known as the Great
24The solution of whether and how slave population
would be counted towards representation was
settled with the ______ rule.
25An example of NEW federalism is the ________.
- Welfare Reform Act of 1996