Title: quiz "Australia"
2Australias largest state is
- Queensland ?
- Western Australia ?
- South Australia ?
3The first Europeans who visited Australia were
- Denmark ?
- Holland ?
- England ?
4Where do most Australian people live?
- in the centre of the continent ?
- in the east and south-east ?
- in the north ?
5Aborigines make up about of Australian
- about 2.5 ?
- about 1.5 ?
- about 15 ?
6Speak to your partner.
- What new facts have you learnt about Australia?
7(No Transcript)
8 9 Western Australia is Australia's largest state
with a total land area of 2,529,875 square
kilometres, and the second-largest country
subdivision in the world.
10The first documented and undisputed European
sighting of and landing on Australia was in March
1606, by the Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon
aboard the Duyfken.
11Most of Australias population is concentrated in
the south-east and east as the central western
parts of Australia are occupied by desert.
12Aborigines are Australia's indigenous people.
Recent government statistics counted
approximately 400,000 aboriginal people, or about
2.5 of Australia's total population.Australian
Aborigines migrated from somewhere in Asia at
least 30,000 years ago. Though they comprise
500600 distinct groups, aboriginal people
possess some unifying links. Among these are
strong spiritual beliefs that tie them to the
land a tribal culture of storytelling and art
and, like other indigenous populations, a
difficult colonial history.