Title: What Did You Do In School Today
1What Did You Do In School Today?
- A three-year research and development initiative
of the Canadian Education Association (CEA), the
Canadian Council on Learning (CCL) and several
Canadian School Districts.
2Who Will Conduct the Research?
- The research will be conducted through a
partnership between - Dr. Sharon Friesen of the Galileo Educational
Network and Dr. Doug Willms and Patrick Flanagan
of The Learning Bar Inc.
3What is the Purpose of the CEA/CCL Study?
- To improve student achievement by
- ? determining the factors that promote adolescent
student engagement - ? developing a framework that describes classroom
effectiveness - ? assisting with strategies that enhance
classroom effectiveness.
4What Will the Study Examine?
- what students are actually doing in their
classrooms - whether and how these activities affect their
learning, engagement and achievement and, - how classroom practices could be improved to
create more effective learning environments.
5Who Will Benefit From the Findings?
- Students
- Teachers
- Parents
- Administrators
- Pre-service programs
- In-service programs
- Policy-makers, and
- School Districts
6Why Conduct this Research Now?
- There is a growing concern across Canada about
the number of students who are dropping out or
tuning out of school. - The 2002 Youth in Transition survey and School
Leavers Survey indicate that students leave
because of boredom or because of school-related
academic or personal problems.
7How is This Research Different?
- There is mounting evidence that effective
teacher practice is key to student engagement. - ? Attention has been paid to school climate,
socio-economic status and many other variables
but not to students reports of their learning
activities and their connection to engagement.
8Who is Involved in the Research?
- In the first year
- 10 Boards of Education from across Canada with a
total of 30 000 students - up to 10 schools from each board
- Directors of Education
- Board Contacts
- School Principals
- School Coordinators (1 per school)
- Students (all in grades 6-12)
- Teachers
9How Will the Research Be Conducted?
- Students will complete anonymous on-line surveys
twice a year for three years.
10What are the Student Surveys Like?
- Student surveys contain 100 questions in Likert
format, and up to three open-ended questions. - They take approximately 30 min. to complete.
- ? They include 18 indicators describing Student
Wellness - Student Engagement
- And five indicators of
- School Climate
11What is an Example of an Open-ended Question?
- All students are asked
- Please tell us some of the things you really
like about your school, or things that would make
it even better.
12What are the Indicators for Student Engagement?
- Academic Engagement
- Academic Challenge
- Sense of Belonging
- Aspirations
- Truancy Rate
- Participation in Sports Clubs
- Time on Homework, Leisure Reading, TV, Computers
and Video Games, Volunteering and Part-time Jobs
13What are the Indicators for Student Wellness?
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Smoking
- Time on Physical Activity
14What are the Indicators for School Climate?
- Effective learning time
- Disciplinary climate of the classroom
- Expectations for academic success
- Teacher-student relations
15What About Anonymity?
- ? The research employs a secure, data collection
procedure that guarantees anonymity. Schools are
not able to identify individual results. - ? All survey results are aggregated into groups
comprising no fewer than ten responses.
16What About Parental Consent?
- This research employs a passive consent model.
- Schools send a letter home, letting parents know
about the study. - Participation is voluntary. Parents can withdraw
their children if they wish.
17Can Students With Special Needs Participate?
- Yes, if schools advise parents beforehand that
their child will be taking the survey with
assistance. - This is done because of the studys commitment
to anonymity.
18How Do Schools Access Their Data?
- Schools are able to access their data on-line
almost immediately. - Student results aggregated to the school level
are shared with designated Divisional staff.
These can be drilled-down by grade and gender,
but not by classroom. - Data from the open-ended student responses and
all teacher survey results are only shared at the
school level.
19How Will the School Data Be Used?
- Schools will use their data to inform their
practice. - Individual school data will provide schools with
valuable feedback on student wellness, student
engagement and school climate.
20How Will the Aggregate Data Be Used?
- The CEA will publish its findings however,
these reports will not release or compare results
for any identifiable school or school district.
21How Do Schools Implement the Survey?
- Evergreens Continuous Monitoring" approach
- A snapshot of the entire grade 6-12 student body
is taken twice yearly, fall and spring. - Designed for schools with fewer than 300
22For more information
- Contact Fay Cassidy
- WDYDIST District Coordinator for Evergreen School
Division - fcassidy_at_esd.mb.ca
- (? With special thanks to the Kawartha Pine Ridge
District School Board for this PowerPoint