Title: Services Offered At Killeen Vision Source
1Services Offered At Killeen Vision Source
- Killeen, Texas, March 2013/ Press Release
Killeen Vision Source, a trusted eye care clinic
in Killeen, Texas provides a broad range of
general eye care services, from routine eye
examinations to expert diagnosis of complex and
rare eye conditions. Some of these eye problems
include glaucoma, dry eye, muscular degeneration,
cataracts, hypertension, learning-related vision
disorders, color vision disorders, infections,
dry eye, amblyopia, strabismus, eye turns,
corneal/conjunctival foreign body removal,
eyelash removal and specialty contact lenses. - Killeen Vision Source is staffed by professional
optometrists with access to all the latest
technological developments. The eye doctors at
Killeen Vision Source are experienced in
correctly diagnosing eye problems and determining
the right treatment for each case.
2Killeen Vision Source aims at providing the
patients with Comprehensive eye and visual
examinations. Eye wear and optical devices
(eyeglasses and contact lenses) at a reasonable
cost in a comfortable, caring environment. Provid
e the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders
using the appropriate technologies and
therapeutic treatments.
3Killeen Vision Source provides you with the most
comprehensive eye tests in Killeen TX. The fully
qualified opticians can recommend the best
optical solutions and advise you on other eye and
health related issues, ranging from high blood
pressure, diabetes to identifying early signs of
eye disease. Besides these, the eye doctors at
Killeen Vision Source give proper attention and
care to all their patients and advice them on
various ways to keep their eyes healthy. They
also suggest the right kind of nutrition and
exercises to help keep eyes healthy and stress
4For information about various eye problems and
disorders, including the treatment options
available at Killeen Vision Source, call them
today at 254- 634- 7805 or visit their eye clinic
at 416, North Gray Street, Killeen, TX 76541,
Downtown Killeen. You can also request an
appointment by visiting their website