Title: Historical New Orleans
1Historical New Orleans
The Crescent City
- By Camille Stern
- LT 130
- Spring 2006
2Historical New Orleans
1st 100 Years -Foreign Colonial Outpost
1542 - DeSoto for Spain
1682 France for Crown Church
1800 Napoleon
1763 - To Spain
3Historical New Orleans
1803 - Louisiana Purchase
Increased U.S. size 1/3 More immigrants
arrive Central economic hub
Raising the flag
4Historical New Orleans
King Cotton
Commercial port center Richest American
city Occupied by North
5Historical New Orleans
Gateway to The Mighty Mississippi
6Historical New Orleans
New Orleans Glory - Her slaves cotton
7Historical New Orleans
A city more European than American
Early French encouraged mixing Spanish, French,
Native Americans, Africans, Acadians, Caribbean
peoples, Irish, Germans, Italians More foreign
born residents
8Historical New Orleans
A city too fond of dance to be governed
African-Caribbean influences Origin of unique
music styles Jazz
Early Mardi Gras
9Historical New Orleans
Spanish style French Quarter
10Historical New Orleans
First Hurricane recorded late 1700s City
affected every 3.5 years Major landfall effects
every 12 years Regular levee failures
Storm Tracks 1851 -1906
11Historical New Orleans
Epidemics Yellow Fever Cholera Ground water
old cemeteries Extensive historical archives
12Historical New Orleans
- http//louisdl.louislibraries.org/
- http//freepages.history.rootsweb.com
- http//lsm.crt.state.la.us/
- http//www.nps.gov/jazz/
- http//www.npr.org/programs/morning/features/patc/
frenchquarter/ - http//www.csc.noaa.gov/bins/mapping.html