Title: Presentation to Reliance Group (ADAE) By Haribhakti Group
1Outsourcing Opportunity Strategic Operational
Mr.Shailesh Haribhakti Managing Partner CEO
Haribhakti Group
2What is Outsourcing
- Bank's use of a third party to perform
activities on a continuing basis that would
normally be undertaken by the bank itself, now or
in the future. - Specific feature of outsourcing is that the
direct control of these operations is shifted to
an external service provider.
3Emergence of Outsourcing Industry in India
Pioneers Size Driven Factors
Increasing adopters strategy factors
Bandwagon Competition Factors
Phase II 2000s
Phase I 1996-2000
Phase III 2003 - 2008
AXA, Ford, HSBC, Citibank
Captive BPOs American Express, GE Capital,
British Airways
4Banks are under increasing pressure today.
Pressures on Banks
5Types of Outsourcing in Banks
Types of Outsourcing
Core activities
Non-core activities
6Draft Guidelines by RBI dated 06.12.2005
Corporate Planning
Activities that should NOT be outsourced
Management control
Compliance with KYC norms for account opening
Sanction for loans
Management of investment portfolio
7Management Structure for outsourcing
8Outsourcing Opportunities for Banks
9Evaluation of Risks
- Poor service from the service provider, its
customer interaction not being consistent with
the overall standards of the bank
- The service provider may conduct business on his
own behalf, which is inconsistent with the
overall strategic goals of the bank
Strategic Risk
Reputation Risk
Types of Risks
Compliance Risk
Systemic Risk
- Privacy, consumer and prudential laws not
adequately complied with
- Due to lack of control of individual banks over a
service provider, more so when overall banking
industry has considerable exposure to one service
Operational Risk
- Arising due to technology failure, fraud, error,
inadequate financial capacity to fulfill
obligations and/or provide remedies
10The Whole Range Of Core Banking And Support
- Retail banking (account maintenance, opening,
check processing)
Consumer banking
Core business
- Fund administration
- Reference data management
Wholesale banking
Back office
- Benefits administration
- Payroll processing
HR/ Admin
Business process off-shoring services
- A/R and A/P management
- Reconciliation
Finance Acctg.
- Database integration analytical services
- Secondary research
- Telemarketing
- Collections (bucket one)
- Telesales
- Customer service
- Technical support help desk
Customer facing
- E-mail support
- Fax responses
- Live interaction
11Key Initiatives
12Thank You
The Question is Not Whether to Outsource But What
to Outsource
Mr. Shailesh Haribhakti Managing Partner
CEO Haribhakti Group svh_at_haribhaktigroup.com
Tel 91-22-5630 8232 Fax 91-22-2287
6249 E-mail crg_at_haribhaktigroup.com
Address 42-43, Free Press House 215, Nariman
Point, Mumbai 400 021 URL http//www.haribhakti