Revenue administration reforms - recent trends and developments in the East AFRITAC region Andrew Okello Revenue administration Advisor - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Revenue administration reforms - recent trends and developments in the East AFRITAC region Andrew Okello Revenue administration Advisor


Revenue administration reforms - recent trends and developments in the East AFRITAC region Andrew Okello Revenue administration Advisor What is the East AFRITAC? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Revenue administration reforms - recent trends and developments in the East AFRITAC region Andrew Okello Revenue administration Advisor

Revenue administration reforms - recent trends
and developments in the East AFRITAC
regionAndrew OkelloRevenue administration
What is the East AFRITAC?
  • A tripartite undertaking to strengthen capacity
    in East Africa in the areas of the IMFs
  • An effort to promote closeness and strengthen
    field presence for effective technical assistance
  • A result-oriented approach and an enhanced
    governance structure

Areas of East AFRITAC Assistance
  • East AFRITAC delivers technical assistance on a
    grant basis in the following areas
  • Banking supervision
  • Monetary operations
  • Revenue administration
  • Macroeconomic statistics
  • Public financial reform
  • Macroeconomic analysis

Membership and Funding
  • East AFRITAC covers 7 countries in East Africa
  • Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda,
    Tanzania, and Uganda
  • The Center is funded by 15 bi- and multi-lateral
    donors, two member countries, and the IMF
  • AfDB, Canada, China PR, Denmark, Finland, France,
    Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Russia,
    Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, and United
  • 25 sub-Saharan countries covered by 3 AFRITACs

Tax policy and administration
  • Reform agendas full of undertakings that require
    major funding allocations
  • Tax policy and tax administration are the means
    by which governments raise revenue to finance
    spending on public goods and services
  • Tax policy the choice of tax instruments
  • Tax administration the implementation of tax
  • Policy change without administrative change is
    nothingMilka Casanegra, 1992
  • An efficient tax system will provide the most
    sustainable source of government funding in the
    long term

Revenue Agency

Improved Compliance
Excellent Service
Increased Revenue
Taxpaying Public and other Stakeholders
Taxpayer expectations. leveraging partnerships
Fair Enforcement
Tax revenue performance for selected countries
Revenue administration reform drivers
  • Enhance revenue
  • Modernize administration/improve service
  • Reduce compliance burden
  • Reduce administration costs
  • Facilitate trade and investment
  • Improve integrity

Establishment of semi-autonomous revenue
collection agencies
  • The advert of the semi-autonomous revenue
    authorities (RA) over the past 2 decades has been
    a distinguishing feature of revenue
    administration Anglophone Africa Ghana, Nigeria
  • In the region, Uganda established, (1991) the
    first incarnation of the model that became widely
    emulated over the next 15 years in East and
    Southern Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Malawi)
  • This RA model brings all major central government
    revenue collection activities, particularly tax
    and customs administration under one umbrella

Establishment of semi-autonomous revenue
collection agencies cont
  • The RA model broadly provides a degree of
    operational autonomy through a governance
    arrangement that is distinct from the ministry of
    finance unlike the traditional government
  • Key issues
  • Reforms without RA
  • Autonomy??
  • Independent funding
  • Reduce corruption??
  • Internal audit function

Outsourcing revenue administration
  • Uncommon in the region, however in the pursuit of
    savings and efficiency gains some functions have
    been outsourced.
  • Core tax administration functions rarely
    outsourced audit of refund claims,
  • Private sector support in customs on the decline,
    PSI services phased out, only Tanzania replaced
    PSI services with DI services

Integrated customs and tax administration
  • Degree of integration varies
  • Shared functions planning, HR, administration,
    finance, legal, IT, taxpayer service?,
  • Separate functions debt collection, audit,
  • Pros and cons of integrated tax and customs
  • LTU

Revenue authorities other issues
  • Tax policy formulation
  • Delegation to sub-national levels

A modern tax administration is characterized by
  • An integrated organization with a function-based
  • A strong headquarters function
  • Effective businesses processes, based on self
  • Risk-based compliance programs
  • Skilled and professional staff acting with
    fairness, honesty, and transparency

How the structure of tax administration has
Development of self-assessment
  • Self-assessment -
  • A system where taxpayers comply with their basic
    tax obligations without intervention of a tax
  • Tax officials provide taxpayer with information
    and education about their obligations
  • Taxpayers complete their return accurately and
    submit them voluntarily with their payments
  • Failing that, enforcement actions is taken and
    penalties applied
  • VAT was the impetus
  • Income tax now mostly self-assessed
  • However, while most countries have adopted
    self-assessment, the practice in reality falls
    far short

Conditions for self assessment
  • Simple and stable tax law
  • Good services to taxpayers
  • Simple filing and payment procedures
  • Effective collection enforcement
  • Selective risk-based audit programs
  • Fairly applied penalties
  • Fair and timely dispute resolution

Integration of domestic tax administration
  • Traditional Anglophone influence in the region -
    split of direct and indirect tax administration
  • RA and VAT missed integration opportunities
  • VAT, income tax, and excise domestic operations
    have been merged in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania,
    Uganda, Malawi
  • The revenue agencies have established fully
    integrated domestic tax administrations that are
    organized around the key functions at the
    operational and headquarters level
  • Advantages of integrating domestic tax
  • Reduces tax administration and taxpayers
    compliance costs
  • Allows implementation of a unified,
    function-based organization
  • Increases effectiveness of tax administration
    (common registration, collection, and audit
  • Head office/field office functions

Integration of domestic tax administration
international perspective
  • In early 2007
  • 122 had an integrated department for all domestic
  • 7 had a special VAT department
  • VAT was administered by customs in 1 country

Integration of domestic tax administration key
  • Legislative review and development of common tax
    procedures code
  • Business process review and improvement
  • Integrated tax administration system (ITAS)
  • Change management, training and capacity building

Taxpayer segmentation
  • Taxpayers are not homogeneous
  • In the past decade, many tax administrations have
    moved away from a one-size fits all approach and
    developed organizational structures on the basis
    of taxpayer segments
  • Initially in the OECD countries (the Netherlands
    in 1990, New Zealand in 1994, and more recently
    Australia, France, and the UK)
  • Several countries in the region have also
    developed the concept to improve their
    organization and tax compliance programs (Kenya,
    Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda)
  • Tax administrations categorize their taxpayer
    population into 4 main categories large
    business, medium businesses, small businesses and
    micro businesses

Distribution of taxpayers and revenue
Number of... Tax revenue
Large enterprises
Medium-size enterprises
Small enterprises
Why the move towards taxpayer segmentation?
  • Developing compliance strategies that take into
    account risk management concepts
  • Providing services to taxpayers according to
    their needs (better focus on client needs)
  • Allocating enforcement and audit resources to
    areas of greatest risks

Creation of large taxpayers units (LTU)
  • Large taxpayers units established in all
    countries, as a first step in adopting a taxpayer
    segmentation approach
  • Secure 60 percent of total tax revenue
  • Expected benefits of LTUs
  • Reduce level of non compliance among large
  • Provide better services to large taxpayers
  • Use LTU as a pilot to introduce major changes
    (e.g., integration and self-assessment)
  • Use LTU to secure implementation of major policy
  • Signal governments commitment to enforce tax
    laws to the taxpayer community
  • Centers of excellence???
  • Functional and integrated organization
  • Simplified procedures
  • New approaches risk analysis, self-assessment
  • Computerization

Revenue contribution of large taxpayers - 2006
Creation of medium taxpayers units
  • Definition
  • Early steps taken in identifying taxpayers in the
    next most important group by revenue potential
    i.e. medium-size enterprises
  • Some countries are developing dedicated offices
    and/or programs for the administration of
    medium-size taxpayers
  • However, management of medium taxpayers still
    weak and concept of medium tax offices not yet
  • Critical focal area for the medium term

Administration of small and micro taxpayers
  • The very large number of small and
    micro-businesses pose many challenges for tax
  • Is a key sector that must be tapped if tax base
    is to be expanded
  • Simplified tax administration regime for small
    businesses Eritrea, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda,
    Tanzania, Kenya
  • Use of withholding systems
  • Block management system in Tanzania
  • Issues design, resource allocation, cost....

Customs Administration reforms
  • Key issues
  • The changing role of customs
  • Traditional versus modern customs
  • Performance indicators for customs services
  • Integrity issues in customs
  • Links to risk management

Customs Administration reform strategies
  • Reorganization of program delivery in customs
    distinction between policy and operations
  • A service orientation including greater
    information to and engagement of the private
  • Automation of transactions processing and
    management information support
  • Self-assessment and use of risk-based approached
    to compliance management

Customs Administration reform strategies
  • Use of trader segmentation to implement
    appropriate compliance and trade facilitation
  • Simplified procedures for authorized economic
    operators/traders (Tanzania, initiatives in other
  • Pre-approved traders deemed to be highly
    compliant and low risk
  • Formal application by these traders for the
  • Trader required to keep books and records that
    are periodically audited by customs
  • An agreement is signed between customs and the
    trader detailing responsibilities and obligation
    of BOTH parties revocable for non-compliance

Customs Administration reform strategies
  • Use audit-based controls
  • Post clearance audits of trader records and
    systems is superior to transactions-based
  • Joint audits with VAT and income take place
  • Training and capacity building - accounting
    systems, IT systems and auditing techniques

Focal areas
  • Revenue administration reform has taken hold in
    the region
  • RAs were a major development
  • Reforms have been steady, sometimes based on
    international experience
  • Not effective without system and procedural
    modernization, integration, and segmentation
  • Challenge To increase the tax-to-GDP ratio
    while reducing cost of collection, and improving
    services and support to taxpayers
  • Requires achieving higher levels of voluntary
    compliance of taxpayers
  • Development of compliance management programs
    that are structured around taxpayer segments the
    focal area

Compliance Management program for medium
Other issues
  • Taxation of small business - a challenge
  • Other emerging issues - transfer to RAs of the
    collection responsibility of other government
    levies such as social contributions, natural
    resource taxation and accountability issues
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