Ethics for Macro Practice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ethics for Macro Practice


Ethics for Macro Practice Promoting Social Justice and Cultural Diversity through Advocacy Ethical issues in formal organizations (as specified in the NASW Code of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ethics for Macro Practice

Ethics for Macro Practice
  • Promoting Social Justice and Cultural Diversity
    through Advocacy

Ethical issues in formal organizations (as
specified in the NASW Code of Ethics) include
  • Relationships between workers and clients.
  • Relationships between administrators/supervisors
    and workers.
  • Relationships among colleagues.
  • Ethical issues in conducting research.
  • Confidentiality (client records).
  • Informed Consent
  • Client self-determination.
  • Responsibility to intervene when colleagues are
    unethical or incompetent.
  • Payment for services/conflicts of interest.

The NASW Code of Ethics identifies important
principles including
  • Relationships between workers and clients.
  • Relationships between administrators/supervisors
    and workers.
  • Relationships among colleagues.
  • Ethical issues in conducting research.
  • Confidentiality (client records).
  • Client self-determination.
  • Responsibility of individual social workers to
    advocate for improvements in policies, services,
    and resources for clients.
  • Responsibilities of social workers to engage in
    and promote culturally competent service
  • Responsibility to intervene when colleagues are
    unethical or incompetent.
  • Payment for services/conflicts of interest.
  • Advocacy (helping clients get the resources they

There are a number of ethical issues can be
especially problematic in organization practice
  • Reporting unethical conduct or harassment.
  • Sexual relationships with co-workers.
  • Accepting goods and services from clients.
  • Advocacy on behalf of clients when agency
    practices are oppressive or otherwise detrimental
    to clients.
  • Internal or external advocacy on social issues
    when the workers position varies from the

Social workers may seek consultation on ethical
issues from
  • 1) Beneficiaries of Social Change Processes.
  • 2) Peers.
  • 3) Agency Supervisory Staff.
  • 4) Board Members.
  • 5) Mentors.
  • 6) Professional Organizations.

Ethical issues faced by administrations that are
not covered by the code of ethics include
  • Acceptance of funding from sources with who
    represent different values or who have different
    agendas from the organizations.
  • Involvement in protest activities that are not
    sanctioned by the organization or by society.
  • Hiring and firing staff.
  • Providing services to clients who may be members
    of social stigmatized groups.

The decision to advocate is especially
problematic for many social workers. It may
involve risks to the social worker or the
intended beneficiaries.
  • Lack of resources with which to advocate.
  • Rigid or inadequate rules or policies limit ones
    ability to advocate.
  • Losing ones job, a promotion, or benefits.
  • Social ostracism/lack of support from co-workers
  • Harassment.
  • Harassment of or harm to intended beneficiaries.
  • Burn-out or demoralization of advocate.
  • Limited results

Benefits of Advocacy include
  • Achieving positive change.
  • Personal feelings of empowerment or competence.
  • Achieving a sense of hopefulness
  • Educating/empowering clients to advocate for
  • Reducing burnout.

Types of advocacy practice include
Do you think it is ethical for social workers to
be involved in
  • Lobbying for Legislation
  • Political Campaigns
  • Protests?

According to the NASW Code of Ethics
  • Social workers should promote conditions that
    encourage respect for cultural and social
    diversity within the United States and globally.
    Social workers should promote policies and
    practices that demonstrate respect for
    difference, support the expansion of cultural
    knowledge and resources, advocate for programs
    and institutions that demonstrate cultural
    competence, and promote policies that safeguard
    the rights of and confirm equity and social
    justice for all people.

Involvement in Social Action can vary among
social workers
  • Most organizations that employ social workers
    lobby government officials and agencies for
    funding and for changes in laws and policies.
  • Many social workers work on political campaigns
    or donate money to candidates. Some social
    workers run for office. However, laws prohibit
    employees of public agencies from campaigning
    while on the job and also prohibit nonprofit
    organizations from donating money to political
    campaigns or candidates. (However, social workers
    may engage in these activities off-the job).

  • Involvement in political groups and protests is a
    fundamental right.
  • Some social workers engage in protest as part of
    their jobs if they are involved in an issue of
    concern to their organization.
  • Many social service organizations do not permit
    workers to engage in protest on-the job. Federal
    regulations limit the amount of money most
    nonprofit organizations can spend in lobbying
    government for changes in policies and laws.

The achievement of social justice is why we
engage in social action.
  • Social justice can be defined as equal access to
    resources such as jobs, education, services, and
    voting rights.
  • Many groups in society have difficulties
    obtaining these resources, are denied their
    rights, or have limited political power.
  • The purpose of community organization practice is
    to help people to gain access to resources,
    voting rights, or political power.

Ethical Conduct in Social Work also requires that
we promote diversity in our agency
  • This means that we should do everything we can to
    make sure we promote diversity in terms of age,
    gender, social class, disability status, race,
    and ethnicity, and sexual orientation
  • We need to make sure we promote fair practices in
    hiring, firing, promoting, and retaining staff.

Federal and State regulations also require this
  • Affirmative Action
  • Equal Pay Act
  • Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Civil Rights Act
  • Age Discrimination Act
  • Vietnam-Era Veterans Readjustment Act
  • California Fair Employment Act
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
    Guidelines Prohibiting Sexual Harassment
  • (Note California law also prohibits
    discrimination based on sexual orientation)

Affirmative Action
  • Applies to organizations with Federal contracts
  • Provides guidelines that prohibits employment
    practices that may result in discrimination.
  • Does not require organizations to use hiring
  • Does require that the employer recruit applicants
    from a diverse group of employees.
  • Does require employers to hire a member of a
    protected group (women or people of color) but
    only in situations in which two employees are
    equally qualified.
  • Requires some employers to file annual
    affirmative action plans.

Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Prohibits employment discrimination against
    persons with disabilities.
  • Requires employers to provide reasonable
    accommodation in some situations to disabled

Sexual Harassment is
  • Can be either quid pro quo harassment
    (employee/student) asked for sex in return for
    promotion, job, good grades, etc.
  • Hostile Work Environment behaviors that create
    a work place that is so hostile that interferes
    with a persons ability to work or learn.
  • Note Harassment based on race, ethnicity, age,
    disability, or religion are also strictly

Some states including California
  • Prohibit the use of affirmative action in state
    hiring and university admissions,
  • However, Federal laws on Affirmative Action still
    cover nonprofit organizations that receive funds
    from the Federal government.

Problems with enforcement of Federal and State
anti-discrimination laws
  • Harassment is considered a civil violation rather
    than a criminal act unless it involves violence.
  • For the most part, harassment is addressed
    through either the EEOC or through the courts.
    Individuals or groups of people affected must
    bring complaints.
  • Case (court) law often determines how the act is
    interpreted and changes constantly.
  • Federal government does monitor federal
    contractors but primarily makes sure that
    contractors have workplace policies.
  • Private employers basically have policies
    primarily to give them protection from lawsuits

In addition to staff hiring, services to clients
should be culturally competent.
  • Cultural competency is the ability to work
    effectively with people who are culturally
    different from the social worker. Culture
    includes values and beliefs and lifestyle
    practices associated with ethnic and other
    marginalized groups
  • A culturally competent social worker obtains
    knowledge about the various cultural groups that
    he or she works with, understands cultural
    identity, and can communicate effectively across
    cultural differences.
  • An organization is culturally competent when its
    policies and practices help client/consumers feel
    comfortable when they request or obtain services
    for the organization.

Cross and Friesen (2005) identify 5
characteristics of organizations that engage in
culturally competent practice
  • Value diversity and embrace culture as a
  • Be capable of cultural self-assessment.
  • Be conscious of the dynamics, risks, and
    potential conflicts inherent when different
    cultures intersect.
  • Have institutionalized knowledge about various
    cultures and cultural issues.
  • Have services that can be adapted to fit the
    culture of the community served (p. 445).

A number of actions that should be taken by
culturally competent organizations
  • Develop written cultural competency plans.
  • Establish boards with diverse members.
  • Provide applications and other materials in
    different languages and Braille pre-test
    material to make sure its usable.
  • Provide translation services (including sign
  • Provide culturally acceptable treatments.
  • Provide cultural competency training.
  • Provide staff from a variety of cultural groups.

These organizations should also
  • Hire staff members that are competent in a
    variety of languages in response to client needs.
  • Provide applications and forms in appropriate
  • Make sure service providers have specialized
    assessment and treatment skills needed to treat
    diverse clients (in terms of ethnicity, sexual
    orientation, ability, age, social class, and
  • Ensure accessibility for people with physical and
    mental disabilities.
  • Examine the use of language and concepts in
    assessment tools and intervention plans.
  • Engage in intervention on multiple systems levels
    (for example, with individuals, families, groups,
    communities, and the socio-political system).
  • Display and disseminate agency materials (such as
    brochures, art work, toys, and games) that
    portray members of a variety of ethnic groups.
    These materials should not be racist, sexist, or

Community Organization can be used to
  • Increase political power.
  • Change social policies that perpetuate social
    inequities between the haves and have nots.
  • Conduct needs assessments to identify problems
    that people have in obtaining access to care.
  • Develop new service agencies or programs.
  • Advocate for change in existing services or
    service delivery systems.

In community organization, cultural competence
  • Conducting research to gain knowledge about other
  • Acknowledging ones own biases and beliefs.
  • The ability to communicate cross-culturally
  • Participation in cultural events and the daily
    life of a community.
  • Respect for cultural values and traditional
  • Recognition of barriers to community
    participation that originate in institutional

Culturally Competent Community Practice also
includes the following activities
  • Identify community strengths that can be used to
    affect social change.
  • Identify power holders and those people who
    influence policy decisions.
  • Work with constituents to identify strategies and
    tactics that can be used to achieve power and
    change institutional arrangements that are not
    beneficial to communities of color.

Successful Organizing Includes
  • An understanding of the culture of beneficiaries
    and participants in the change process.
  • An understanding of the power dynamics that
    support existing policies and sources of power
    that can be used to change policies.
  • An intervention plan that includes goals,
    objectives, strategies, and tactics that can be
    used in the change process.

Remember People Have the Power
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