Title: B2B Lead Generation: Empower Sales Reps & Avoid Deals Buster
1B2B Lead Generation
Empower Sales Reps Avoid Deals Buster
2Crunching Secrets Hacking Lead Generation
Generation refers to proactively creating,
nurturing, and discovering interest among
prospective B2B buyers in solutions that are
offered, so that sales team can engage in a sales
conversation .
3Are you finding the Leads or the Leads Find You
4- Tired of visitors leaving website without
checking - products or services ?
- Feeling huge investments of time and effort on
- site going to waste?
- Struggling with low ROI and sinking patience?
Its a Lead Technique Problem !!
5Sound Familiar...?
CEO Asks How did the XYZ lead generation
campaign go?
VP Marketing Responds
Great! We generated more than 200 leads at lower
than our average cost per lead. And two sales
people told me they had some really good
6VP Sales Responds
Ugh. What a total waste of time. The leads are
all a bunch of downloader. My team is wasting
their time following up on hundreds of leads that
arent ready to buy.
7Lead Gen Challenges
8Tougher than Sales Mapping Difficulties
52 of Organization confirms that Lead
generation is their 1 marketing challenges
9Crack the Process Get More Leads for Less
Buckle up your Marketing team and plan out
10Off Track from Traditional
DEVELOP not just GENERATE leads !!
11Desire More Qualified Leads Follow Steps
Lead Forms Data Capture
- The basic completion of almost 80 of updates
bought more than 40 of qualified leads . -
12Score Position
Lead Scoring
- Are they Suspect, Prospect or Lead ?
13Route to Road Lead Routing
- The likelihood of reaching a prospect on a
follow-on call goes down by 90 within one week
from the initial inquiry . -
- Over 7x improvement in sales if leads are
responded to within 48 hours . -
- Automate lead routing decreases follow-up times
. -
14Nurture to Prosper Lead Nurturing
- Leverage a rules-based marketing engine to
set-up and deliver multi-track, multi-touch,
multi-channel communications. -
- Well-executed multi-channel marketing campaigns
generate a sales lift ranging from 7 - 34 . -
- Understand your sales cycle and map your
communications to your sales cycle. -
15Use Automation to
- And focus on converting 70
- long-term leads to near-term
16Lead Generation Master the Trade, Conquer Sales
- Sell the fire, not the fire extinguisher. In
other words, use a soft sell approach. Just keep
your leads engaged and your major battle is
won!! -
17Thank You
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