Title: Mark Bernstein Framingham MA is A Result-Oriented Professional
1Mark Bernstein Framingham MA is A Result-Oriented
2Mark Bernstein has many years of experience in
field support of broadband equipment, systems and
subscriber products. He has completed his
education from Coyne Electrical School and
received a degree in advanced electrical
engineering. He has worked for Anjo Electric for
two years. He worked in residential, commercial
and industrial fields and specialized in the
field of troubleshooting basic wiring, HVAC and
control wiring.
3He presently serves as a communications engineer.
Over the years, he has gained excellent knowledge
about operating systems like MS-DOS, Windows NT,
Linux and UNIX. He has understanding of languages
such as Quick basic and Visual basic 4. His
technical training provided him an overview of
LAN/WAN, networking fundamentals and TCP/IP
custom course global knowledge, network topology
and design of broad band concepts and broadband
theory and design.
4A successful professional, Mark Bernstein
Framingham MA performs his job responsibilities
with complete dedication. He makes sure that the
company is able to achieve desired goals. He pays
special emphasis on quality works and makes sure
that the projects are completed on time and
within budget. Over the years, he has gained
extensive technical skills and performs his works
with sheer commitment.
5He is an electrician by trade and he enjoys
troubleshooting technology while figuring out
errors to an issue to solve. He has served as
Senior Converter Prepare Technician with
Cablevision of Boston Allston, MA. There, he
received Pride and Performance Award. He
supported converter repair and warehouse
department in Microsoft Windows 95. He also
created reports and spreadsheets for converter
prepare and designed converter test racks.
6Thank You!