????:98N2502E1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ????:98N2502E1

  • ????????
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  • ????98N2502E1
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  • ????96-97-98-99?

  • ????
  • 98?????
  • ????
  • ??????????????
  • ????????
  • ????
  • 98?????
  • Sub-project 1
  • Sub-project 2
  • Sub-project 3
  • ???????????
  • 98???????
  • 99?????
  • 99???????
  • ?????

  • The Internet is in everyones life. Conducting
    research and development related to the Internet
    is mostly likely to have major scientific and
    social impacts on the people in the world.
  • Switching Technologies
  • The main research topics in sub-project 1
    include high speed switching (load balanced
    Birkhoff-von Neumann switches) and the
    constructions of optical queues.
  • Wireless and Sensor Networks
  • The theme of sub-project 2 is the integration
    of heterogeneous wireless networks that would
    make it possible to roam anywhere at anytime
    through any type of access networks.
  • Wireless Communications
  • The target of sub-project 3 is on MB-OFDM UWB
    wireless communication systems (or better known
    as the 4G wireless communication systems),
    including signal processing, coding and system

98?????-????????? (1/2)
  • ????
  • Switching Technologies
  • ????????????????????????????????????? ?
  • Wireless and Sensor Networks
  • ????????????????????????????????????????????
  • Wireless Communications
  • ??????????????????????????????????????????
  • ????
  • ?????????Optical OFDM communication system???
  • ????????????????????????????????
  • ????Evry TELECOM SudParis?????????????????
  • ??????Davis???????????????????????????
  • Quasar, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA High
    Throughput, Low Latency, Low Power, Reliable
    Communication Protocol

98?????-???? (2/2)
  • Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois and
    University of Michigan (USA) Sensor Network
  • University of New Hampshire (USA) and Delft
    University (Netherlands) Smart Sediment Grains
    and the Motion and Transport of Heterogeneous
    Sediment in Unsteady Forcing Environments
  • UC Irvine??????GCRC??Eco?????????????????????
  • Eco Wireless Sensor Platform (a) UC Irvine, USA
    (b) University of Zaragoza, Spain
  • University of Waterloo, Canada Repacking and
    Borrowing-Based Constant-Time Resource Scheduling
    for IEEE 802.16j Multihop Relay Wireless Networks
  • UC Davis, USA Data-Centric and Bio-Inspired
    Communications for Sensor Networks
  • University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
    USA Opportunistic Multicasting in Cellular
    Networks and Game Theoretic Studies on Physical
    Layer Secrecy
  • Communications Research Centre, Canada 60GHz
    Cognitive Radio Networks
  • ??????????????????????????????????
  • ????????????????????????????????????????????????
  • ????????????????Analysis and Design of Error
    Control for Network-Coded Network Transmission

  • ?????????????????????,?????????
  • ??????????????????????
  • ????????????
  • ???????????,?????
  • ??????,?????????????????????

98?????-???? (1/3)
  • ?????Multi-functional Optical Packet Switch
  • Multifunction All Optical Packet Switch by
    Periodic Wavelength Arrangement

5 R. Srivastava et al., Photon. Technol. Lett.
20, 1581-1583
1 Y. N. Singh et al., J. Lightw. Technol. 21,
3 C. Guillemot et al., J. Lightw. Technol. 16,
2 F. S. Choa et al., J. Lightw. Technol. 23,
4 M. C. Chia et al., J. lightw. Technol. 19,
98?????-???? (2/3)
  • ????? Optical OFDM Study
  • Spectrally Efficient Direct-Detected Optical OFDM

2009 ?PSCI?? 3 ? IEEE/OSA JLT 1 ? Optical
Express 2 ? IEEE PTL
98?????-???? (3/3)
  • ?????32-Gbps Feedback Based 44 Switch Fabric IC
    for with Low Propagation Delay
  • 4x4 switch with 32 Gbps
  • data rate (8Gbps/ch)
  • 80 reduced area
  • 80 reduced power
  • consumption
  • 97 reduced propagation
  • delay for much better
  • network scalability

98?????-???? (1/3)
  • Soft handoff mechanism for SIP-NEMO
  • The experimental results indicate that our
    SIP-NEMO with soft handoff support can
    effectively reduce the handoff disruption time
    from those of SIP-NEMO without soft handoff and
    MIPv4-NEMO with fast handover.
  • NGNAS-SIOTP test system
  • based on the TTCN-3 specifications for the
    conformance testing of next generation network
    applications and systems.

98?????-???? (2/3)
  • ??????????????
  • Quality of Service
  • Q-SIP (SIP with QoS extension) is proposed to
    integrate among
  • heterogeneous networks.
  • A primitive UMTS/WiMAX/WiFi integrated testbed is
  • implemented.
  • A cross-layer random access mechanism based on
    channel conditions
  • and a distributed peer selection schemes are
    proposed to exploit
  • cooperative communications with the
    integrated wireless system.
  • Mobility Management
  • We design a soft handoff mechanism for SIP-NEMO
    and implement a
  • test-bed for it with soft handoff support.
  • SIP-NEMO with soft handoff support can
    effectively reduce the handoff disruption time
    from those of SIP-NEMO without soft handoff and
    MIPv4-NEMO with fast handover.
  • Security
  • We propose a SIP-based Mobile Virtual
  • Private Network (MVPN).
  • SIP-based MVPN can achieve better
  • performance than the IETF MVPN.
  • Novel Services
  • We develop a mobile tour guide for moving cars.
  • We design a test system NGNAS-SIOTP which is
    designed based on the Testing and Test Control
    Notation Version 3 (TTCN-3) specifications.

98?????-???? (3/3)
  • ?????Eco Wireless Sensor Network Platform
  • Enix - A lightweight OS for WSN
  • Every component of Enix is configurable
  • In 8051/8052 compatible architecture
  • Designed for light weight platform
  • Dual Mode Operation
  • Wireless Reprogramming
  • Cooperative Thread with Priority Based Scheduling
  • Dynamic loading using ELIB
  • Virtual Memory
  • File system
  • EcoSpire - new hardware prototype for next
    generation Eco platform
  • Nordic nRF24LE1 Microcontroller with 2.4GHz RF
  • Multi-storage Capability 32Mbit Flash and
  • Three Options for On-board Antenna
  • Two On-board Accelerometers Options (HDK HAAM-372
    or ST LIS331)
  • Two I/O Controlled LED, One Input Button
  • One Module Expansion Interface with SPI, I2C,
    UART or 4-CH ADC Input
  • Battery Voltage Input Range 4V to 12V
  • EPL Programming Interface, Easy to Program and

98?????-???? (1/4)
  • ?????Mobile Position Technologies in Urban Areas

Mobile positioning problem has drawn much
attention owing to its numerous applications.
The difficulty of this problem comes from the
non-line-of-sight (NLOS) radio propagations due
to obstructions. We have proposed a mixed-norm
optimization approach to handle this situation.
Figure (a) shows the true trajectory of the MS,
whereas figure (b) shows the corresponding
estimated result by the mixed-norm approach.
98?????-???? (2/4)
  • ?????A Linear Fractional Semidefinite
    Relaxation Approach to Maximum-Likelihood (ML)
    Detection of Higher-Order QAM OSTBC in Unknown
  • Motivation Noncoherent MIMO detection has higher
    spectral efficiency than training based methods
    in block fading channels with short channel
    coherence time.
  • Contribution Noncoherent higher-order QAM OSTBC
    detection is a difficult discrete optimization
    problem without effective and computationally
    efficient methods so far.
  • We propose an effective approximation method,
    linear-fractional semidefinite relaxation
    (LF-SDR) technique.
  • The LF-SDR method can be efficiently implemented
    by solving a convex semidefinite program (SDP),
    and can yield near ML performance.
  • Publications
  • T.-H.Chang, C.-W. Hsin, W.-K. Ma and C.-Y. Chi,
    A linear fractional semidefinite relaxation
    approach to maximum-likelihood detection of
    higher-order QAM OSTBC in unknown channels,
    submitted to IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing
    (regular paper, AQ).
  • C.-W. Hsin, T.-H. Chang, W.-K. Ma and C.-Y. Chi,
    A linear fractional semidefinite relaxed ML
    approach to blind detection of 16-QAM orthogonal
    space-time block dodes, IEEE ICC-2008, Beijing,
    China, May 19-23, 2008, pp. 790-794.

98?????-???? (3/4)
  • ???????closed-loop MIMO ????????FPGA??
  • ??
  • ??GMD????Antenna selection?????????,?ML?1.5
  • ?6 dB????
  • ??? Antenna selection????50
  • ??????
  • ?feedback???????(4x4???
  • ??,????80 bit ??7 bit)
  • ???????????QR???
  • ???FPGA??????????
  • 50 MHz???120Mbps ??????
  • ??2010 ASP-DAC university design contest winner

98?????-???? (4/4)
  • ?????????????(Space-Time-Trellis-Coded)???????(MI
  • ??????STTC Coded MISO???
  • ?????STTC Viterbi????????
  • ????????????
  • ?????????,?????????
  • ?????4x1, 3x1, 2x1?4/8/16-
  • state?4PSK/8PSK/16QAM STTC-
  • Coded MISO??
  • ?????4.18Mbps11.14Mbps
  • ??????
  • ??????2.45mW,??????????,??????????2.0mW
  • ????????????
  • ?IEEE Transaction on Circuits
  • and Systems-I Regular Papers
  • ???,???2010?4??
  • ?

  • IEEE INFOCOM 2009 regular papers
  • INFOCOM is the most prestigious conference in the
    networking area and it is often used as an
    indicator to rank the research activity in a
    university or a research institute in the
    networking area.
  • In 2009, a total of 282 regular papers were
    accepted among 1,453 submissions, which
    represents an acceptance rate of approximately
    20. There are only 7 regular papers from Taiwan
    this year and 4 of them are from our team.
  • SCI??

  • ??
  • P. K. Sahoo and J. P. Sheu, Performance
    Evaluation of Contention-based MAC in Wireless
    Sensor Networks, Y. Xiao, H. Chen, and F. H. Li
    (Eds) Handbook on Sensor Networks, to be
    published by World Scientific Publishing Co.,
  • C. Y. Chang and J. P. Sheu, Obstacle-Aware
    Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks,
    Y. Xiao, H. Chen, and F. H. Li (Eds) Handbook on
    Sensor Networks, to be published by World
    Scientific Publishing Co., 2009.
  • ??
  • M. Kao, C.H. Jen, J. Wu, C.T Chiu and S.H. Hsu
    High Speed Current Model Logic I/O Interface,
    Patent No. I275246. (Taiwan), US7443210B2 (U.S.)
  • ???,?????????????(??)
  • ???????,???????????????(??)
  • J.-C. Chen, L.-W. Lin and Y.-W. Liu Apparatus of
    dynamically assigning external home agent for
    mobile virtual private networks and method for
    the same, US 7,486,951, Feb. 3, 2009.
  • J.-C. Chen, L.-W. Lin, and Y.-W. Liu Apparatus
    of dynamically assigning external home agent for
    mobile virtual private networks and method for
    the same, US 7,477,626, Jan. 13, 2009.
  • Y.-W. Hong and A. Scaglione Methods and systems
    for cooperative transmission in multi-hop ad-hoc
    networks, US Patent 7493080, issued February 17,
  • ???,???????????????QR??????????QR????????(?????)
  • ???,??RS-LDPC???????????(?????)
  • ??
  • ????????,??????????(NT 500,000)
  • ???????????,?????????(NT 200,000)

  • ???????????????????????
  • ?????INFOCOM 2009?ICCCAS 2009?PIMRC
    2009?Allerton Conference 2009

  • Optical Approach (???)
  • Switching
  • Optical
  • Theoretical study of mathematical theory for the
    construction of optical queues.
  • Experimental implementation
  • Upgrading experimental testbed to 40 Gb/s.
  • Developing new technologies to all optical label
  • Developing fully automatic All-Optical FIFO
  • Electrical
  • Chip design and implementation of high speed
    switching fabrics,
  • Design and implementation of 40Gbps serial link
  • Wide range, fast locking, 40Gbps clock data
  • Optical Interconnect driver circuits for
    high-speed switch applications,
  • Research and implementation for low propagation
    delay switch design for network scalability.
  • Optical Communication Systems Developing all
    optical real-time OFDM communication systems.
    (Collaboration with Subproject 3)

  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Capture stroke track using multiple tiny sensors
  • Power saving routing protocols in wireless sensor
  • Next-Generation Broadband Wireless Networks
  • Cooperative Communication and Cognitive Radio
  • Vehicular Networks and Telematics Services
  • 4G Heterogeneous Networks
  • Smart Grid

  • Establish the theoretical results on indoor
    positioning scheme
  • Develop advanced MIMO techniques (including
    noncoherent detection, cooperative
    communications) for signal processing in wireless
  • Devise energy saving protocols for distributed
    detection in wireless sensor networks
  • Develop high performance spectrum sensing and
    detection algorithm in cognitive radio
  • Design and implementation of STTC Coded MIMO
  • Design of coded non-coherent MIMO systems for
    fast block fading channels
  • Performance analysis and system design of UWB
    transmitted-reference communication systems
  • Design and analysis of the optimal concatenation
    of outer LDPC codes with inner space-time codes
    under a low-rate feedback

????? (1/2)
  • ??
  • ????
  • ???(Optical Queues)?????????????????????IEEE
    INFOCOM 2009???(???????,????????????)?????????????
  • ???????????????50???????,????????????,?????????
  • ????????????????????98?????????????
  • ??????2009???????????????
  • ????
  • ??????????????????????????,????????IEEE
    Transactions on Mobile Computing??????????IEEE/ACM
    Transactions on Networking,?????impact
  • ?????????????IEEE Fellow,??????????????

????? (2/2)
  • ????
  • ????????????????????????
  • ????????????????
  • ???????????STTC 4x1 MISO????????,??????????STTC
    4x4 MIMO??????????closed-loop MIMO?????FPGA??????,
  • ????
  • ?????????????????,?????????????????
  • ????????????????????????????????
  • ????????????????????????MIMO-OFDM?????????????
  • ????????????????????????????????,?????????????????
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