Title: Generalized Estimating Equations (GEEs)
1Generalized Estimating Equations (GEEs)
- Purpose to introduce GEEs
- These are used to model correlated data from
- Longitudinal/ repeated measures studies
- Clustered/ multilevel studies
- Examples of correlated data
- Successive generalizations
- Normal linear model
- Generalized linear model
- Estimation
- Example stroke data
- exploratory analysis
- modelling
3Correlated data
- Repeated measures same subjects, same measure,
successive times expect successive measurements
to be correlated
4Correlated data
- Clustered/multilevel studies
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
E.g., Level 3 populations Level 2 age -
sex groups Level 1 blood pressure
measurements in sample of people in each age -
sex group We expect correlations within
populations and within age-sex groups due to
genetic, environmental and measurement effects
- Repeated measurements yij, i 1, N, subjects
j 1, ni, times for subject i - Clustered data yij, i 1, N, clusters j
1, ni, measurements within cluster i - Use unit for subject or cluster
6Normal Linear Model
For unit i E(yi)?iXi? yiN(?i, Vi) Xi
ni?p design matrix ? p?1 parameter
vector Vi ni?ni variance-covariance
matrix, e.g., Vi?2I if measurements are
For all units E(y)?X?, yN(?,V)
This V is suitable if the units are independent
7Normal linear model estimation
We want to estimate and V Use
Solve this set of score equations to estimate
8Generalized linear model (GLM)
9Generalized estimating equations (GEE)
10Generalized estimating equations
Di is the matrix of derivatives ??i/??j Vi is the
working covariance matrix of Yi Aidiagvar(Yik)
, Ri is the correlation matrix for Yi ? is an
overdispersion parameter
11Overdispersion parameter
- Estimated using the formula
Where N is the total number of measurements and
p is the number of regression parameters The
square root of the overdispersion parameter is
called the scale parameter
12Estimation (1)
- More generally, unless Vi is known, need
iteration to solve - Guess Vi and estimate ? by b and hence ?
- Calculate residuals, rijyij-?ij
- Estimate Vi from the residuals
- Re-estimate b using the new estimate of Vi
- Repeat steps 2-4 until convergence
13Estimation (2) For GEEs
14Iterative process for GEEs
- Start with Riidentity (ie independence) and ?1
estimate ? - Use estimates to calculated fitted values
- And residuals
- These are used to estimate Ai, Ri and ?
- Then the GEEs are solved again to obtain
improved estimates of ?
For unit i For repeated measures correl
between times l and m For clustered data
correl between measures l and m For all models
considered here Vi is assumed to be same for all
16Types of correlation
- Independent Vi is diagonal
- 2. Exchangeable All measurements on the same
unit are equally correlated -
- Plausible for clustered data
- Other terms spherical and compound symmetry
17Types of correlation
3. Correlation depends on time or distance
between measurements l and m e.g. first order
auto-regressive model has terms ?, ?2, ?3 and so
on Plausible for repeated measures where
correlation is known to decline over time 4.
Unstructured correlation no assumptions about
the correlations Lots of parameters to estimate
may not converge
18Missing Data
- For missing data, can estimate the working
correlation using the all available pairs method,
in which all non-missing pairs of data are used
in the estimators of the working correlation
19Choosing the Best Model
- Standard Regression (GLM)
- AIC - 2log likelihood 2(parameters)
- Values closer to zero indicate better fit and
greater parsimony.
20Choosing the Best Model
- QIC(V) function of V, so can use to choose best
correlation structure. - QICu measure that can be used to determine the
best subsets of covariates for a particular
model. - the best model is the one with the smallest value!
21Other approaches alternatives to GEEs
- Multivariate modelling treat all measurements
on same unit as dependent variables (even though
they are measurements of the same variable) and
model them simultaneously - (Hand and Crowder, 1996)
- e.g., SPSS uses this approach (with exchangeable
correlation) for repeated measures ANOVA
22Other approaches alternatives to GEEs
- Mixed models fixed and random effects
- e.g., y X? Zu e
- ? fixed effects u random effects N(0,G)
- e error terms N(0,R)
- var(y)ZGTZT R
- so correlation between the elements of y is due
to random effects
Verbeke and Molenberghs (1997)
23Example of correlation from random effects
- Cluster sampling randomly select areas (PSUs)
then households within areas - Yij ? ui eij
- Yij income of household j in area i
- ? average income for population
- ui is random effect of area i N(0, ) eij
error N(0, ) - E(Yij) ? var(Yij)
- cov(Yij,Ykm) , provided ik, cov(Yij,Ykm)0,
otherwise. - So Vi is exchangeable with elements
(ICC intraclass correlation coefficient)
24Numerical example Recovery from stroke
- Treatment groups
- A new OT intervention
- B special stroke unit, same hospital
- C usual care in different hospital
- 8 patients per group
- Measurements of functional ability Barthel
index - measured weekly for 8 weeks
- Yijk patients i, groups j, times k
- Exploratory analyses plots
- Naïve analyses
- Modelling
25Numerical example time plots
- Individual patients and overall regression line
26Numerical example time plots for groups
27Numerical example research questions
- Primary question do slopes differ (i.e. do
treatments have different effects)? - Secondary question do intercepts differ (i.e.
are groups same initially)?
28Numerical example Scatter plot matrix
29Numerical example
week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 0.93
3 0.88 0.92
4 0.83 0.88 0.95
5 0.79 0.85 0.91 0.92
6 0.71 0.79 0.85 0.88 0.97
7 0.62 0.70 0.77 0.83 0.92 0.96
8 0.55 0.64 0.70 0.77 0.88 0.93 0.98
30Numerical example 1. Pooled analysis ignoring
correlation within patients
31Numerical example 2. Data reduction
32Numerical example 2. Repeated measures analyses
using various variance-covariance structures
For the stroke data, from scatter plot matrix and
correlations, an auto-regressive structure (e.g.
AR(1)) seems most appropriate Use GEEs to fit
33Numerical example 4. Mixed/Random effects model
- Use model
- Yijk (?j aij) (?j bij)k eijk
- ?j and ?j are fixed effects for groups
- other effects are random
- and all are independent
- Fit model and use estimates of fixed effects to
compare ?js and ?js
34Numerical example Results for intercepts
Intercept A Asymp SE Robust SE
Pooled 29.821 5.772
Data reduction 29.821 7.572
GEE, independent 29.821 5.683 10.395
GEE, exchangeable 29.821 7.047 10.395
GEE, AR(1) 33.492 7.624 9.924
GEE, unstructured 30.703 7.406 10.297
Random effects 29.821 7.047
Results from Stata 8
35Numerical example Results for intercepts
B - A Asymp SE Robust SE
Pooled 3.348 8.166
Data reduction 3.348 10.709
GEE, independent 3.348 8.037 11.884
GEE, exchangeable 3.348 9.966 11.884
GEE, AR(1) -0.270 10.782 11.139
GEE, unstructured 2.058 10.474 11.564
Random effects 3.348 9.966
Results from Stata 8
36Numerical example Results for intercepts
C - A Asymp SE Robust SE
Pooled -0.022 8.166
Data reduction -0.018 10.709
GEE, independent -0.022 8.037 11.130
GEE, exchangeable -0.022 9.966 11.130
GEE, AR(1) -6.396 10.782 10.551
GEE, unstructured -1.403 10.474 10.906
Random effects -0.022 9.966
Results from Stata 8
37Numerical example Results for slopes
Slope A Asymp SE Robust SE
Pooled 6.324 1.143
Data reduction 6.324 1.080
GEE, independent 6.324 1.125 1.156
GEE, exchangeable 6.324 0.463 1.156
GEE, AR(1) 6.074 0.740 1.057
GEE, unstructured 7.126 0.879 1.272
Random effects 6.324 0. 463
Results from Stata 8
38Numerical example Results for slopes
B - A Asymp SE Robust SE
Pooled -1.994 1.617
Data reduction -1.994 1.528
GEE, independent -1.994 1.592 1.509
GEE, exchangeable -1.994 0.655 1.509
GEE, AR(1) -2.142 1.047 1.360
GEE, unstructured -3.556 1.243 1.563
Random effects -1.994 0.655
Results from Stata 8
39Numerical example Results for slopes
C - A Asymp SE Robust SE
Pooled -2.686 1.617
Data reduction -2.686 1.528
GEE, independent -2.686 1.592 1.502
GEE, exchangeable -2.686 0.655 1.509
GEE, AR(1) -2.236 1.047 1.504
GEE, unstructured -4.012 1.243 1.598
Random effects -2.686 0.655
Results from Stata 8
40Numerical example Summary of results
- All models produced similar results leading to
the same conclusion no treatment differences - Pooled analysis and data reduction are useful
for exploratory analysis easy to follow, give
good approximations for estimates but variances
may be inaccurate - Random effects models give very similar results
to GEEs - dont need to specify variance-covariance matrix
- model specification may/may not be more natural