Title: Lectures on Calculus
1Lectures on Calculus
- Multivariable Differentiation
2by William M. Faucette
- University of West Georgia
3Adapted from Calculus on Manifolds
4Multivariable Differentiation
- Recall that a function f R?R is differentiable
at a in R if there is a number f ?(a) such that
5Multivariable Differentiation
- This definition makes no sense for functions
fRn?Rm for several reasons, not the least of
which is that you cannot divide by a vector.
6Multivariable Differentiation
- However, we can rewrite this definition so that
it can be generalized to several variables.
First, rewrite the definition this way
7Multivariable Differentiation
- Notice that the function taking h to f ?(a)h is a
linear transformation from R to R. So we can
view f ?(a) as being a linear transformation, at
least in the one dimensional case.
8Multivariable Differentiation
- So, we define a function fRn?Rm to be
differentiable at a in Rn if there exists a
linear transformation ? from Rn to Rm so that
9Multivariable Differentiation
- Notice that taking the length here is essential
since the numerator is a vector in Rm and
denominator is a vector in Rn.
10Multivariable Differentiation
- Definition The linear transformation ? is
denoted Df(a) and called the derivative of f at
a, provided
11Multivariable Differentiation
- Notice that for fRn?Rm, the derivative
Df(a)Rn?Rm is a linear transformation. Df(a) is
the linear transformation most closely
approximating the map f at a, in the sense that
12Multivariable Differentiation
- For a function fRn?Rm, the derivative Df(a) is
unique if it exists. - This result will follow from what we do later.
13Multivariable Differentiation
- Since Df(a) is a linear transformation, we can
give its matrix with respect to the standard
bases on Rn and Rm. This matrix is an mxn matrix
called the Jacobian matrix of f at a. - We will see how to compute this matrix shortly.
14Our First Lemma
15Lemma 1
- Lemma If fRn?Rm is a linear transformation,
then Df(a)f.
16Lemma 1
17Our Second Lemma
18Lemma 2
- Lemma Let TRm?Rn be a linear transformation.
Then there is a number M such that T(h)Mh
for h2Rm.
19Lemma 2
- Proof Let A be the matrix of T with respect to
the standard bases for Rm and Rn. So A is an nxm
matrix aij - If A is the zero matrix, then T is the zero
linear transformation and there is nothing to
prove. So assume A?0. - Let Kmaxaijgt0.
20Lemma 2
- Proof Then
- So, we need only let MKm. QED
21The Chain Rule
22The Chain Rule
- Theorem (Chain Rule) If f Rn?Rm is
differentiable at a, and g Rm?Rp is
differentiable at f(a), then the composition g?f
Rn?Rp is differentiable at a and
23The Chain Rule
- In this expression, the right side is the
composition of linear transformations, which, of
course, corresponds to the product of the
corresponding Jacobians at the respective points.
24The Chain Rule
- Proof Let bf(a), let ?Df(a), and let
?Dg(f(a)). Define
25The Chain Rule
- Since f is differentiable at a, and ? is the
derivative of f at a, we have
26The Chain Rule
- Similarly, since g is differentiable at b, and ?
is the derivative of g at b, we have
27The Chain Rule
- To show that g?f is differentiable with
derivative ???, we must show that
28The Chain Rule
- Recall that
- and that ? is a linear transformation. Then we
29The Chain Rule
- Next, recall that
- Then we have
30The Chain Rule
- From the preceding slide, we have
- So, we must show that
31The Chain Rule
- Recall that
- Given ?gt0, we can find ?gt0 so that
- which is true provided that x-alt?1, since f
must be continuous at a.
32The Chain Rule
- Then
- Here, weve used Lemma 2 to find M so that
33The Chain Rule
- Dividing by x-a and taking a limit, we get
34The Chain Rule
- Since ?gt0 is arbitrary, we have
- which is what we needed to show first.
35The Chain Rule
- Recall that
- Given ?gt0, we can find ?2gt0 so that
36The Chain Rule
- By Lemma 2, we can find M so that
- Hence
37The Chain Rule
- Since ?gt0 is arbitrary, we have
- which is what we needed to show second. QED
38The Derivative of fRn?Rm
39The Derivative of fRn?Rm
- Let f be given by m coordinate functions f 1, .
. . , f m. - We can first make a reduction to the case where
m1 using the following theorem.
40The Derivative of fRn?Rm
- Theorem If fRn?Rm, then f is differentiable at
a2Rn if and only if each f i is differentiable at
a2Rn, and
41The Derivative of fRn?Rm
- Proof One direction is easy. Suppose f is
differentiable. Let ?iRm?R be projection onto
the ith coordinate. Then f i ?i?f. Since ?i
is a linear transformation, by Lemma 1 it is
differentiable and is its own derivative. Hence,
by the Chain Rule, we have f i ?i?f is
differentiable and Df i(a) is the ith component
of Df(a).
42The Derivative of fRn?Rm
- Proof Conversely, suppose each f i is
differentiable at a with derivative Df i(a). - Set
- Then
43The Derivative of fRn?Rm
- Proof By the definition of the derivative, we
have, for each i,
44The Derivative of fRn?Rm
- Proof Then
- This concludes the proof. QED
45The Derivative of fRn?Rm
- The preceding theorem reduces differentiating
fRn?Rm to finding the derivative of each
component function f iRn?R. Now well work on
this problem.
46Partial Derivatives
47Partial Derivatives
- Let f Rn?R and a2Rn. We define the ith partial
derivative of f at a by
48The Derivative of fRn?Rm
- Theorem If fRn?Rm is differentiable at a, then
Djf i(a) exists for 1 i m, 1 j n and f?(a) is
the mxn matrix (Djf i(a)).
49The Derivative of fRn?Rm
- Proof Suppose first that m1, so that fRn?R.
Define hR?Rn by - h(x)(a1, . . . , x, . . . ,an),
- with x in the jth place. Then
50The Derivative of fRn?Rm
- Proof Hence, by the Chain Rule, we have
51The Derivative of fRn?Rm
- Proof Since (f?h)?(aj) has the single entry
Djf(a), this shows that Djf(a) exists and is the
jth entry of the 1xn matrix f ?(a). - The theorem now follows for arbitrary m since, by
our previous theorem, each f i is differentiable
and the ith row of f ?(a) is (f i)?(a). QED
- Now we know that a function f is differentiable
if and only if each component function f i is and
that if f is differentiable, Df(a) is given by
the matrix of partial derivatives of the
component functions f i. - What we need is a condition to ensure that f is
53When is f differentiable?
- Theorem If fRn?Rm, then Df(a) exists if all
Djf i(x) exist in an open set containing a and if
each function Djf i is continuous at a. - (Such a function f is called continuously
54When is f differentiable?
- Proof As before, it suffices to consider the
case when m1, so that fRn?R. Then
55When is f differentiable?
- Proof Applying the Mean Value Theorem, we have
- for some b1 between a1 and a1h1.
56When is f differentiable?
- Proof Applying the Mean Value Theorem in the
ith place, we have - for some bi between ai and aihi.
57When is f differentiable?
- Proof Then
- since Dif is continuous at a. QED
- We have learned that
- A function fRn ?Rm is differentiable if and only
if each component function f iRn ?R is
- We have learned that
- If fRn ?Rm is differentiable, all the partial
derivatives of all the component functions exist
and the matrix Df(a) is given by
- We have learned that
- If fRn ?Rm and all the partial derivatives Djf
i(a) exist in a neighborhood of a and are
continuous at a, then f is differentiable at a.