Title: Particulate Matter Seminar
1Particulate Matter Seminar
John Kush Texas Genco Rice University Shell
Center for Sustainability November 9, 2004
2Who is Texas Genco?
- Texas Genco
- Formerly HLP/Reliant Energy power plants
- 11 facilities in TX using natural gas, oil,
coal, lignite and uranium fuels - 14,400 megawatts total, 12,000 in Houston area
- Created as result of Texas electric power
industry restructuring - Currently a subsidiary of CenterPoint Energy
sale to GC Power Acquisition, LLC in progress
3W. A. Parish Station
4W. A. Parish Unit Information
5W. A. Parish Coal Facts
- Coal Supply and Delivery
- Low sulfur western coal from the Powder River
Basin in Wyoming - Delivery by rail car
- Approx. 27,000 tons burned per day
- Approx. 10 million tons burned per year
Arch Coal, Inc. Black Thunder Mine
6W. A. Parish Station
- Emission Control Equipment
- Baghouse systems for particulate control
- Low sulfur coal (plus flue gas desulfurization
system (FGD) on Unit 8) - Combustion modifications for NOx control on
gas-fired Units 1-4 - Low NOx burner/overfire air systems on Units 5-8
- Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems
installed on Units 5-8 (planned for Unit 4)
7W. A. Parish Emission Control Equipment
- Baghouse systems for fly ash removal
- Utilize fiberglass bags to trap fly ash
- gt99.9 removal efficiency
- Original equipment on Unit 8 retrofit in 1988-89
on Units 5-7 to replace electrostatic
Unit 5 Baghouse contains 15,000 bags
8W. A. Parish Emission Control Equipment
- Flue Gas desulfurization system (FGD) for SO2
removal on Unit 8 - Spray tower design
- Limestone slurry reagent
- SO2 removal of 80
Unit 8 FGD System
9W.A. Parish Coal Combustion Product Management
- Ash Uses
- 73 of CCPs are sold
- 90 of all fly ash
- 100 of all FGD material
- 25 of all bottom ash
- CCPs are utilized as a concrete additive,
stabilization and road base/foundation materials - Ash Disposal
- Ash is classified as Class II non-hazardous waste
- Ash disposal in two on-site 30-acre industrial
landfills. Design includes clay liner, cap, and
groundwater monitoring
10W. A. Parish NOx Control Equipment
- Advanced LNB/OFA systems installed on all coal
units - 1st commercial installation of BW LNBs on Unit 6
- 1st commercial installation of Alstom LNB/OFA
system guaranteed to meet 0.15 lb/MMBtu on WAP 7 - 50-60 NOx reductions achieved
11W. A. Parish SCR Construction
12W. A. Parish Emission Control Equipment
- Coal unit SCR's
- Vanadium-titanium catalyst
- Aqueous NH3 reagent
- 80-85 reduction to meet 0.03 lb/MMBtu
- All 4 SCRs operational by Spring, 2004
13The Steady Downward March of NOx Emission Rates
14Texas Genco Emission Reduction Results
- W.A. Parish Emission Reductions
- Unit 8 SO2 emissions reduced by 80 (FGD system)
- Coal-unit particulate emissions reduced by gt99.9
(Baghouse system) - Coal-unit NOx emissions reduced by 90 (LNB/OFA
SCR systems) - The Texas Genco system operates with one of the
lowest NOx production rates in U.S. - W. A. Parish coal units are now likely the lowest
NOx emitting coal units in the nation. -
15Questions and Answers