Sale Of Goods Act 1930

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Sale Of Goods Act 1930


Sale Of Goods Act 1930 Section 4 Sale and Agreement to Sale The contract of sale of goods is a contract whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sale Of Goods Act 1930

Sale Of Goods Act 1930
Section 4 Sale and Agreement to Sale
  • The contract of sale of goods is a contract
    whereby the seller transfers or agrees to
    transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a
    price. There may be a contract of sale between
    one part owner and another.
  • A contract of sale may be absolute or
  • Where under a contract of sale the property in
    the goods is transferred from the seller to the
    buyer, the contract is called a sale, but where
    the transfer of property in the goods is to take
    place at a future time or subject to some
    conditions thereafter to be fulfilled, the
    contract is called an agreement to sell.
  • An agreement to sell becomes a sale when the time
    elapses all the conditions are fulfilled subject
    to which the property in the goods is to be

Section 4 Sale and Agreement to Sale
  • Examples
  • The Section may be illustrated by the following
  • A agrees to buy a haystack from B on Bs land
    with liberty to come on Bs land to take it away.
    This is a sale and B cannot revoke the licence
    given to A to woo on his land. (Wood Vs Manley
  • Agreement by A to buy 20 tonnes of oil from the
    sellers cisterns. The seller has many cisterns,
    with more than 20 tonnes in them. This is merely
    an agreement to sale. (White Vs Wilks, 1813)
  • Agreement for sale of a quantity of nitrate of
    soda to arrive at a certain ship. This is an
    agreement to sell at a future date subject to the
    double condition of the arrival of the ship with
    the specified cargo on board. (Johnson Vs
    Macdonald 1842)
  • A customer who picks up goods in a self-service
    shop is merely offering to buy them and the sale
    is not complete until they are paid for.
    (Pharmaceutical Society Vs Boots, 1952)

Essential Requisites of Sale
  • In the case of (state of Madras Vs Gannon
    Dunkerley and Company Limited, 1958) the Supreme
    Court has held that according to the law, both of
    England and India, in order to constitute a sale,
    it is necessary that there should be an agreement
    between the parties for the purpose of
    transferring title to goods, which of course
    presupposed capacity to contract, that it must be
    supported by money consideration, that as a
    result of transaction, the property must actually
    pass in the goods. Unless all these elements are
    present there would be no sale.

  • The essential object of the contract of sale is
    the exchange of property for a money price. There
    must be a transfer of property or an agreement to
    transfer it, from one party, the seller, to the
    other, the buyer, in consideration of a money
    payment or of a promise thereof by the buyer
    thereof. Both under the common law and the
    statute law relating to sale of goods England and
    in India, to constitute a transaction of sale,
    there should be an agreement, expressed or
    implied relating to goods to be completed by
    passing of title in those goods. It is the
    essence of the concept that both the agreement
    and the sale should relate to the same subject
    matter. Transfer of property in goods for a price
    is the linch pine of the definition. It is,
    however, not an inevitable rule that the price
    must be fixed. An allotment of goods among
    partners on dissolution of partnerships is not a
    sale. Exchange of property for something other
    than money is not a sale. The difference between
    a sale and an exchange is that in the former the
    price is paid in money while in the latter it is
    paid in good by way of barter. But if the
    exchange is made partly for goods and partly for
    a price, the contract is probably one of a sale.

Sale and Agreement to Sale
  • An agreement to sell, which is also called an
    executive contract of sale, is a contract simply,
    and creates only a jus in personance the
    property in the goods which forms subject matter
    of the contract remains in the seller, so that
    they may be taken in execution of his debts, and
    belongs on his bankruptcy to his trusty in
    bankruptcy if they are destroyed the loss will,
    in the absence of excess agreement, have to be
    borne by him and a breach by either party of the
    agreement will normally only give the other party
    a right to sue for damages.
  • The term contract of sale includes both actual
    sales and agreement for sale.

  • The Supreme Court distinguished these two classes
    of contract thus
  • An agreement to sell is a contact pure and simple
    whereas a sale is a contract plus conveyance. By
    an agreement to sale a jus in personance is
    caused by a sale a jus in rem also is
    transferred. Where goods have been sold and the
    buyer makes the fault, the seller may sue for the
    contract price on the count of goods bargained
    and sold but when an agreement to buy is broken,
    the sellers normal remedy is an action for
    unliquidity damages. If an agreement to sell be
    broken, by the seller, the buyer has only a
    personal remedy against the seller. The goods are
    still the property of the seller, and he can
    dispose of them as he likes, but if there has
    been a sale and a seller breaks his engagement to
    deliver the goods, the buyer has not only a
    personal remedy against the seller but also the
    usual proprietary remedies in respect of the
    goods themselves. In many cases, too, he can
    follow the goods into the hands of third parties.
    Again, if there be an agreement of sale, and the
    goods are destroyed the loss as a rule falls on
    the seller, while if there has been a sale, the
    loss as a rule falls up on the buyer though the
    goods may have never come to his position. (The
    Instalment Supply Limited Vs STO Ahmedabad and
    others, 1974.)

Formalities of a contract of sale
  • Section 5 Contract of Sale - how made
  • A contract of sale is made by an offer to buy or
    sell goods for a price and the acceptance of such
    price. A contract may provide for the immediate
    delivery of goods or immediate payment of the
    price or both, or for the delivery or payment by
    instalments. Or that the delivery of payments or
    both shall be postponed.
  • Subject to the provisions of any law for the time
    being enforced, a contract of sale may be in
    writing or by the word of mouth or may be
    impliedly or may be implied from the conduct of
    the parties.

Formalities of a contract of sale
  • A statement or conduct inviting the making of an
    offer such as by display of goods in a shop does
    not buy itself bind the shopkeeper to accept the
    customers offer even at the price displayed or
    advertised. Such invitation to treat therefore
    differs from an offer, which is intended to be
    binding on the person making it and is capable of
    being accepted without any further negotiation.
    Where, however, the accessibility to goods in
    intended to an offer capable of acceptance by
    customers act such as filling the petrol tank of
    a car from a self service pump or choosing items
    in a self service shop or taking goods intended
    for sale for an automatic vending machine the
    question of obtaining sellers assent does not

Formalities of a contract of sale
  • Sub-section 1 emphasis the consensual nature of a
    contract of sale the parties may agree to such
    terms as they think fit. A sale can be complete
    even without effecting immediate delivery and
    immediate payment. In a contract of sale, the
    title in goods passes immediately on the payment
    of price while in an agreement to sale the title
    in goods passes at a future time subject to
    conditions to be fulfilled thereafter however,
    when the goods are accepted by the buyer and the
    price is received by the seller the sale is
    deemed to be complete.

  • Earnest
  • The conclusion of a contract of sale is sometimes
    marked by the giving of earnest this was
    expressly referred to in Sec. 78 of the Contract
    Act with regard to the giving of earnest Fry L.J.
    said in Howe V.s Smith (1884). The practice of
    giving something to signify the conclusion of the
    contract, sometimes a sum of money, sometimes a
    ring or other object, to be repaid or redelivered
    on the completion of the contract, appears to be
    one of great antiquity and very general
    prevalence.. It was familiar to the law of Roam
    ( where the rule was that a defaulting buyer
    forfeited the earnest money and a defaulting
    seller was bound to restore it two fold.
  • Earnest whether given in money or not must be
    something of value really given by the buyer and
    kept by the seller A mere symbolic ceremony
    such as one party drawing a coin across the
    others hand will not do.
  • When a deposit in the nature of earnest is paid
    for the same of immovable property in India, a
    vendor by whose default the sale goes off must
    return the sum so paid, but if the default is the
    purchasers the purchaser must loose it.

Conditions and Warranties
  • Sec. 11 - Stipulation as to time Unless a
    different intention appears from the terms of the
    contract, stipulation as to time of payment are
    not deemed to be of the essence of a contract of
    sale. Whether any other stipulation as to time is
    of the essence of the contract or not depends on
    the terms of the contract. Examples The section
    may be illustrated by the following examples
  • 1) Sale of some stacks of oak on the sellers
    ground, upon the terms that they might remain
    there for four months and the buyer should pay
    within 12 weeks of the contract. The seller on
    the expiration of 12 weeks demanded the price
    which the buyer failed to pay. Later the buyer
    asked for further time which the seller refused
    to give, and said that as the buyer had not paid
    he should not have the stacks. The buyer later
    tendered the price, but the seller refused to
    accept it and subsequently resold the stacks. The
    Buyer was held entitled to recover in an action
    of trover. ( Martin Dale V/s. Smith 1841)
  • 2) Sale of goods to be shipped and bill of lading
    to be dated December January. Goods were
    shipped on 30th January but the bill of lading
    was dated 2nd February the buyer was held
    entitled to reject.

Stipulations as to time of payment
  • As punctual payment does not go to the whole
    consideration of the sale, the failure by the
    buyer to pay on the appointed day does not as a
    rule, entitle the seller to treat the contract as
    repudiated, though he may be entitled to withhold
    delivery until the price is paid and to resell
    the goods if the buyer does not pay or tender the
    price within a reasonable time. Consequently, if
    before such resale the buyer tenders the price,
    even though it be on a date after the date name
    in the contract the seller cannot, in the absence
    of a stipulation to the contrary, treat the
    contract as at an end and refuse to allow the
    buyer to have the goods and a subsequent resale
    by him will be tortious. The time cannot be taken
    to be the essence of the contract in case where
    the contract itself does not stipulate the time
    for payment of the price.

Stipulations as to time of performance of other
  • As the Act deals with all kinds of contracts of
    sale, and not only with commercial contracts, the
    enactment as to stipulations as to time, other
    than as to payment of the price, is necessarily
    put in somewhat general language. If a man
    orders a suit of clothes, a promise by the tailor
    that he shall have it by a certain date would
    not, generally speaking, be of the essence of the
    contract, though it might be if he was ordering
    court dress for the purpose of attending a court
    on a particular day. But in the case of
    commercial contracts, although occasionally
    stipulations as to time may not be of the
    essence, the usual rule is that they are.
  • In contracts of sales of goods, the computation
    of the time of performance from a particular
    date, act or event is prima facie exclusive of
    the day, act or event and inclusive of the day of
    performance, although this presumption may be
    displaced by a contrary intention appearing from
    the contract and its surrounding circumstances.

Waiver of the stipulations
  • Stipulations as to time may be waived by the
    party in whose favour they are inserted either
    expressly or by implication, and if he does so he
    cannot afterwards treat the failure to comply
    with them by other party as giving a right to
    rescind the contract. Where, however, an initial
    stipulation making time of the essence of the
    contract is waived, reasonable notice to make
    time again of the essence would give rise to the
    right to rescind. There can, strictly speaking,
    be no waiver after breach, but to accept goods,
    though delivered late, is often spoken of as a
    waiver of the right of action which the breach
    has given.

Section 12. Condition and Warranty
  • A stipulation in a contract of sale with
    reference to goods which are subject thereof may
    be a condition or a warranty.
  • A condition is a stipulation essential to the
    main purpose of the contract, the breach of which
    gives rise to a right to treat the contract as
  • A warranty is a stipulation collateral to the
    main purpose of the contract, the breach of which
    gives rise to a claim for damages but not to a
    right to reject the goods and treat the contract
    as repudiated.
  • Whether a stipulation in a contract of sale is a
    condition or a warranty depends in each case on
    the construction of the contract. A stipulation
    may be a condition, though called a warranty in
    the contract.
  • Synopsis
  • 1. Conditions and warranties 2. Express
  • 3. Express Warranties 4. Representations
  • 5. Implied conditions and warranties 6. Puffs

1. Conditions and Warranties
  • This section is in effect an additional
    definition or interpretation section and supplies
    a want long felt in India. At the time when the
    Contract Act was passed the phrase warranty had
    been and used with several different meanings and
    shades of meaning, and the difficulty had been
    increased by some of those meanings overlapping
    some of the meanings of the word condition.
    The Contract Act used the word warranty in this
    ambiguous sense and did not define it. The result
    was that the courts had to decide on the
    construction of each section whether the word
    warranty was used in the strict sense of the
    English Law, as it was . The present Act avoids
    this confusion and uses the words condition,
    and warranty and draws a distinction between
    the two.

2. Express Conditions
  • The parties if they wish, may put the contents of
    any particular statement or promise which passes
    between them on the same footing as the
    description of the thing contracted for, so that
    if it is not made good by the party undertaking
    it, the failure is deemed to be a total failure
    of the performance, and the other is at least
    wholly discharged, and may in addition recover
    damages for such failure of performance. This is
    a condition in the proper sense, as defined in
    sub-s (2). In the usual sense, the condition
    means an essential undertaking in the contract
    which one party promises will be made good. If
    it is not made good, not only will the other
    party be entitled to repudiate the contract, but
    also to sue for damages for breach.

3. Express Warranties
  • There may also be, and there occur in common
    practice, auxiliary promises or undertakings of
    which the breach is not intended to avoid the
    contract, but only to give a remedy in damages.
    These are warranties in the proper sense, as
    defined in sub-s (3). A condition of sale,
    protecting a seller in respect of misdescription,
    may be overridden by a warranty given before the
    sale takes place and damages may be recovered for
    breach of the warranty. Whether a statement is to
    be regarded as warranty must be objectively
    ascertained by asking whether adopting the
    standard of a reasonable man, the other party
    assumed that the representor was to be regarded
    as undertaking legal liability for his
    assertions. The importance of the statement, the
    relative knowledge and means of knowledge of the
    parties, and the possibility of verification are
    the relevant factors which would indicate whether
    the statement is a warranty. Thus, statements
    may be warranties when made by dealers, though
    they would not be warranties if made by private
    sellers for the dealers may be in possession of
    special knowledge, expertise and means of
    information not available to ordinary persons.

4. Representations
  • An affirmation as regards the goods, if it is to
    have contractual effect, must be part of the
    contract if it is not, it is only a
    representation, the untruth of which will not, in
    the absence of fraud, give rise to an action an
    for damages, though it may enable the other party
    to rescind the contract and sometimes a
    representation may amount to a condition
    precedent to the formation of the contract, so
    that if be untrue, the other party is discharged
    from all liability. It depends upon the intention
    of the parties whether an affirmation made at the
    time of, or during the negotiations for sale, is
    to be treated as a condition, a warranty or a
    mere representation and although an assertion
    made by the seller of a fact unknown to the
    purchaser may be strong evidence that it was
    intended as a warranty, it is not necessary so in
    law. If the representation does not form part of
    the contract, that is, if it is neither a
    condition nor a warranty, it amounts to an
    expression of opinion not intended to enter the
    bargain and its no fulfilment does not give rise
    to any right to a legal action.

5. Implied Conditions and Warranty
  • Although the parties may have used no expressed
    words that would create such a stipulation, the
    law annexes too many contracts, conditions, the
    breach of which may be treated by the buyer as
    avoiding the contract or given a right to
    damages. These are called as implied conditions
    and are enforced on the grounds that the law
    infers from all the circumstances of the case,
    that the parties intended to add such a
    stipulation to their contract, but did not put it
    into expressed words.
  • Most of the statutory implied terms as to sellers
    duties as to title, confirmative with description
    and quality, terms designated a conditions by the
    contract itself, terms similar to those or
    already treated as conditions in another case,
    time clauses in mercantile contracts and residual
    category where breached of term is to be treated
    as giving right to treat the contract as
    discharged are considered as terms likely to be
    treated as conditions.
  • The existence of an employed condition or
    warranty may be rebutted by proof of facts, which
    show a contrary intention

6. Puffs
  • A mere puff is a vague and extravagant statement
    so preposterous in its nature that nobody could
    believe that anyone was misled by it. The extent
    to which a statement may be so categorised
    depends on the degree or obviousness of its
    untruth. The circumstances of its making and in
    particular on the expertise and knowledge
    attributable to the person whom it is made.

Section 13 When condition to be treated as
  • Where a contract of sale is subject to any
    condition to be fulfilled by the seller, the
    buyer may waive the condition or elect to treat
    the breach of the condition as a breach of
    warranty an not as a ground for treating the
    contract as repudiate.
  • Where a contract of sale is not severable and the
    buyer has accepted a goods or part thereof, or
    where the contract is for specific goods, the
    property in which has passed to the buyer, the
    breach of any condition to be fulfilled by the
    seller can only be treated as s breach of
    warranty and not as ground for rejecting the
    goods and treating the contract as repudiated
    unless, there is a term of a contract, expressed
    or implied to that effect
  • Nothing in this section shall affect the case of
    any condition or warranty fulfilment of which is
    excused by law, by reason of impossibility or

Transfer of Property as Between Seller and
BuyerSection 18 Goods must be ascertained
  • Goods must be ascertained where there is
    contract for the sale of unascertained goods, no
    property in the goods is transferred to the buyer
    unless and until the goods are ascertained
  • Synopsis
  • Transfer of property
  • Property cannot pass until the goods are
  • Part of a specific whole
  • Property and risk
  • Identification of goods

Transfer of property
  • This and the five following sections of the Act
    deal with the question foreshadowed by section 4
    of the Act and lay down rules which assist in
    deciding the question when the object of the
    contract of sale, namely, the transfer of the
    property in the goods to the buyer has been

Property cannot pass until the goods are
  • It is a condition precedent to the passing of the
    property in every case that, the individuality
    of the thing to be delivered should be
    established. In any given case, there may be
    question whether this condition is fulfilled or
    not, and it may be that the property will not
    pass even if it is fulfilled, but until it is,
    there is no possibility of the property passing.
    It is essential that the article should be
    specific and ascertained in a manner binding on
    both the parties, for unless that be so, the
    contract cannot be construed as contract to pas
    the property in that category.
  • Where according to the terms of the contract, the
    seller was to supply waste coal ash as and when
    it was discharged from the bunkers of the
    powerhouse, it was held that the contract was for
    the sale of unascertained goods and, therefore no
    property passed to the buyer till the goods were
    ascertained. (Tej Singh Vs State of Uttar Pradesh
    and others 1981)

3. Part of a specific whole
  • It is obvious that if the contract is merely for
    the sale of goods by description, such as a
    contract for sale of a certain quantity of
    malting barley, or future goods, the necessary
    condition is not fulfilled. Nor is it fulfilled
    even if the goods are so far ascertained that the
    parties have agreed that they shall be taken from
    some specified larger stock. The parties did
    not intend to transfer the property in one
    portion of the stock more than in another, and
    the law which only gives effect to their
    intention does not transfer the property in any
    individual portion(White Vs. Wilks 1813). And
    the mere fact that an order for the delivery is
    given by the seller to the buyer, and is lodged
    by the buyer with a warehouseman, who holds the
    specified larger stock out of which the goods
    sold are to be taken, is not sufficient to
    transfer the property to the buyer.(Laurie
    Morewood Vs. Dudin sons 1926) Thus, where
    the ascertainment of the goods depends upon their
    being separated from the bulk by the seller or a
    third party or the buyer, by their being severed,
    weighed or measured or some other process, no
    property can pass until this is done (National
    Coal Board Vs. Gamble 1959)

4. Property and Risk
  • In this class of case, it is necessary to
    distinguish the passing of the property from the
    transfer of the risk the risk usually passes
    with the property, but may pass independently of
    it Thus, acceptance of the delivery warrant for
    a certain quantity of spirit out of a larger bulk
    which was liable to deteriorate in storage was
    held to put the risk of deterioration on the
    buyer, although he had acquired, not property but
    only undivided interest in the whole bulk.
    Equally, it would seem that there can be none in
    an individual part of a chattel, such as a tree
    which has been felled, of which a marked portion
    was sold, and of which the other portion is to be
    retained by the seller. In such a case, it is
    conceived, the whole tree remains the property of
    the seller until the marked portion is severed,
    even if the severance is to be done by the buyer.

5. Identification of the goods
  • The contract itself may provide that the property
    shall pass on the happening of some specified
    event, sufficient to identify the goods, and
    occasionally they may become identified by other
    means. Thus, in a case where the seller sold 250
    quarters of wheat out of a larger bulk belonging
    to him in a warehouse, and the buyer took
    delivery of 400 quarters and pledged the
    remaining 850 quarters to a bank, and in the
    meantime the seller sold the remainder of the
    bulk in the warehouse, of which delivery was
    taken, so that 850 quarters only were left in the
    warehouse, it was held that by this process of
    exhaustion the 850 quarters became ascertained
    goods and property therein passed to the buyer,
    so that the pledgee acquired a title thereto
    against the seller.(Wait Midland Bank 1926)
    In State of karnataka Vs. The West Coast Paper
    Mills Ltd. AIR 1986 it was held that where under
    a contract a company was permitted to remove
    bamboos from the forest area at Rs.10 /- per ton,
    and the government by a subsequent order enhanced
    the price to Rs.20/- per ton, it was held that
    the enhanced rate was no applicable to the
    bamboos cut although not removed prior to the
    date of the government order, because on the
    bamboos being cut and extricated, the goods being
    ascertained and in a deliverable state, the
    property had passed to the company.

Section 19. Property passes when intended to
  • 1. Where there is a contract for the sale of
    specific or ascertained goods the property in
    them is transferred to the buyer at such time as
    the parties to the contract intend it to be
  • 2. For the purpose of ascertaining the intention
    of the parties regard shall be had to the terms
    of the contract, the conduct of the parties and
    circumstances of the case.
  • 3. Unless a different intention appears, the
    roles contained in section 20 to 24 are rules for
    ascertaining the intention of the parties as to
    the time at which the property in the goods is to
    pass to the buyer.
  • Synopsis
  • Principles for determining whether the property
    is transferred
  • Intention of the parties
  • Ascertained goods

1. Principles for determining whether the
property is transferred
  • When it appears that the goods -- the subject of
    the contractare specific or ascertained, so that
    it is possible for the property to pass to the
    buyer, it becomes necessary to determine whether
    it has actually passed
  • This section reproduces this statement in
    statutory form, and the rules of construction
    adopted by courts are those set out in Ss 20 to

2. Intention of the parties
  • The governing principle which should determine as
    to the passing of the property in the goods must
    be to find out what is the intention of the
    parties. It is open to the parties to agree that
    the property shall pass ipso facto immediately
    the goods become ascertained or even that it
    shall pass at some time after the delivery is
    effected. The desirability of making express
    provisions to this effect is demonstrated by the
    consequences of its omission from the Contract
    Act. It might have been thought that, even in the
    absence of such a provision, the courts would be
    free to give effect to the intention of the
    parties to a lawful contract of sale on such an
    important element of the contract as the transfer
    of the property, and that view has on some
    occasions been acted upon.

2. Intention of the parties
  • Where a company had transferred its plant and
    machinery to the finance corporation and the only
    right the company had was to redeem and it was
    clear that the company could not sell the same
    without the concurrence of the finance
    corporation it was held that the intention of the
    parties notwithstanding the language of the
    document between the company and M/s Ranga
    Engineering Company was to transfer the property
    only after obtaining the consent of the finance
    corporation and there was no sale until
    then.(PPLooke Vs. NJ Mathew others 1967) Sale
    of shares becomes complete as soon as property in
    the shares is intended to be transferred to the
    buyer. Such intention does not depend on any
    particular form or mode of transfer and has to be
    gathered from the facts of each particular case.
    Unity Company Pvt. Ltd. Vs. Diamond Sugar Mills
    others AIR 1971

3. Ascertained goods
  • Then term ascertained goods, which also occurs
    in Section 58, is not defined by the Act. It is,
    however, clear that the words specific goods
    bear the meaning assigned to them in the
    definition clause, goods identified and agreed
    upon at the time a contract of sale is made.
    Ascertained probably means identified in
    accordance with the agreement after the time a
    contract of sale is made. Sections 23 and 25,
    therefore, must also be read subject to the
    provisions of this section, and regard must be
    had to the intention of the parties when
    considering whether the property has or has not
    passed in the circumstances dealt with by those
    sections. Where teak trees to be cut were of
    more than 12 inches girth, it was held that till
    it was ascertained as to which trees fell within
    the description they were not ascertained goods.
    Badri Prasad Vs. The State of Madhya Pradesh
    AIR 1970 SC.

Section 20 Specific goods in a deliverable state
  • Where there is an unconditional contract for the
    sale of specific goods in a deliverable state,
    the property in the goods passes to the buyer
    when the contract is made, and it is immaterial
    whether the time of payment of or the time of
    delivery of goods, or both, is postponed.
  • Examples
  • This section may be illustrated by the following
  • 1. Sale on the 4th January of a haystack on the
    sellers land at the price of 145 to the paid on
    the 4th February, the hay to be allowed to remain
    on the sellers land until the 1st May no hay to
    be cut until the price was paid. The property in
    the haystack passed on the making of the contract
    and on the stack being destroyed by fire, the
    buyer must bear the loss Tarling Vs. Baxter

Section 20 Specific goods in a deliverable state
  • Examples
  • 2. Sale of a specified number of bushels of oats,
    the contents of a bin in a warehouse. The seller
    gives a delivery order to the buyer, addressed to
    the warehouseman, authorising delivery of the
    oats tio the buyer, and asking the warehouseman
    to weigh them,. The warehouseman accepts the
    order and enters it in his books. The property
    has passed to the buyer, as the weighing was not
    necessary to identify the oats or to ascertain
    the price, but was merely for the satisfaction of
    the buyer. Swanwik Vs. Sothern (1839)

Section 21 Specific goods to be put into a
deliverable state
  • Where there is a contract for the sale of
    specific goods and the seller is bound to do
    something to the goods for the purpose of putting
    them into a deliverable state, the property does
    not pass until such thing is done and the buyer
    has notice thereof.
  • Example
  • This section may be illustrated by the following
    example Sale of the whole contents of a cistern
    of oil, the oil to be put into casks by the
    seller and then taken away by the buyer. Some of
    the casks are filled in the presence of the
    buyer, buy before any are removed, or the
    remainder are filled, filled, fire destroys the
    whole of the oil. The buyer must bear the loss
    of the oil which had been put into the casks, the
    seller that of the remainder .Rugg Vs. Minett

Section 22 Specific goods in a deliverable
state , when the seller has to do anything
thereto in order to ascertain price
  • Where there is a contract for the sale of
    specific goods in a deliverable state, but the
    seller is bound to weigh, measure, test or do
    some other act or thing with reference to the
    goods for the purpose of ascertaining the price,
    the property does not pass until such act or
    thing is done and the buyer has notice thereof.

Section 22
  • Examples
  • This section may be illustrated by the following
  • 1. Sale of a stack of bark at a certain price per
    ton, the bark to be weighed by the sellers and
    buyers agents. Part was weighed and taken away,
    but before anything more was done a flood carried
    away the remainder. The loss of this fell on the
    seller. Simmons Vs Swift (1826)
  • 2. Sale of 289 specified bales of goatskin,
    containing 5 dozen in each bale, at a certain
    price per dozen. By the usage of the trade, it
    was the sellers duty to see whether the bales
    contain the number specified in the contract.
    Before the seller had done this the bales were
    destroyed by fire. The loss fell on the seller.
    Zagury vs Furnell(1809)

Section 23 Sale of unascertained goods and
  • Where there is a contract for the sale of
    unascertained or future goods by description and
    goods of that description and in a deliverable
    state are unconditionally appropriated to the
    contract assent of the buyer or by the buyer with
    the assent of the seller, the property in the
    goods there upon passed to the buyer. Such assent
    may be expressed or implied, and may be given
    either before or after the appropriation made.
  • Delivery to the carrier - Where in pursuance of
    the contract the seller delivers the goods to the
    buyer or to the carrier or other bailee (whether
    named by the buyer or not) for the purpose of
    transmission to the buyer, and does not reserve
    the right of disposal, he is deemed to have
    unconditionally appropriated the goods to the

Section 23 Sale of unascertained goods and
  • Example
  • This section may be illustrated by the following
  • Sale of 20 hogsheads of sugar out sugar out of a
    larger quantity. The seller fills four hogsheads
    which the buyer takes away. Subsequently the
    seller fills sixteen more hogsheads, and informs
    the buyer of this asking him to come and take
    them away. The buyer promises to do so. The
    property has passed to the buyer.
  • Mr A contracts to sell to Mr B a certain quantity
    of liquor out of a big cask containing a much
    larger quantity. The required quantity is not
    separated or bottled. The property in the liquor
    does not pass to the purchaser.

Section 24 Goods sent on approval or on sale or
  • When goods are delivered to the buyer on approval
    or on sale or return or other similar terms,
    the property therein passes to the buyer
  • (a) when he signifies his approval or acceptance
    to the seller or does any other act adopting the
  • (b) if he does not signify his approval or
    acceptance to the seller but retains the goods
    without giving notice of rejection, then, if a
    time has been fixed for the return of the goods,
    on the expiration of such time, and, if no time
    has been fixed, on the expiration of a reasonable

Section 24 Goods sent on approval or on sale or
  • Examples
  • The section may be illustrated by the following
  • 1.Goods delivered on sale or return are pledged
    by the deliveree. He thereby becomes the buyer of
    the goods, and the original owner cannot recover
    the goods from the pledgee.
  • 2. Goods delivered on sale or return to the
    defendant are delivered by him on similar terms
    to another. The latter in turn hands them to a
    fourth person, who loses them. The defendant,
    being unable to return the goods, must pay for
    them as if he had actually agreed to become the

Section 26 Risk prima facie passes with property
  • unless otherwise agreed, the goods remain at the
    sellers risk until the property therein is
    transferred to the buyer, but when the property
    therein is transferred to the buyer, but when the
    property therein is transferred to the buyer, the
    goods are at the buyers risk whether delivery
    has been made or not.
  • Provided also that nothing in this section shall
    affect the duties or liabilities of either seller
    or buyer as a bailee of the goods of the other

Section 26 Risk prima facie passes with property
  • Examples
  • This section may be illustrated by the following
  • 1. Goods in a house held on lease and belonging
    to the tenant were sold by auction under
    conditions expressly providing that all lots
    should be taken to be delivered at the fall of
    the hammer, after which time they should remain
    at the exclusive risk of the purchaser. The rent
    of the house was in arrear, and after the sale
    the landlord threatened to distress on these
    goods to prevent distress, the auctioneer paid
    the rent and handed the net proceeds of the sale
    to the original owner of the goods, the tenant.
    It was held that the auctioneer had no right to
    make this deduction, as the property in the goods
    had passe0d to the respective buyers and the
    seller, therefore, had no further interest in
    them the auctioneer, in consequence, had no
    implied authority from him to pay the rent in
    order to save the goods from distress. Sweeting
    Vs. Turner (1871)

Section 26 Risk prima facie passes with property
  • 2. The defendant purchased 975 bales of rice,
    being the whole contents of a gola, paid earnest
    money, and took part delivery of the rice. The
    rest was afterwards destroyed by fire. The
    property in the whole had passed to him and he
    was held liable to pay the balance of the price.
    The Union of India Vs. The West Punjab
    Factories Ltd. AIR 1966 SC
  • 3. The defendant contracted to purchase 30 tons
    of apple juice. The plaintiff crushed the
    apples, put the juice in casks and kept it
    pending d3elivery. The defendant delayed taking
    delivery and the juice went putrid and had to be
    thrown away. The defendant was liable to pay the
    price the seller had been in a position to sell
    the goods elsewhere and acquire other goods for
    the postponed time of delivery and he had not
    done so and there was some loss in the meanwhile,
    the responsibility for the loss would have fallen
    on him, but in the present case the seller had to
    keep the goods ready for delivery as and when the
    buyer proposed to take them. Demby Hammilton
    Co. Ltd. Vs. Barden (Endeavour Wines Ltd) 1949

  • Section 31. Duties of the seller and buyer It
    shall be the duty of the seller to deliver the
    goods and of the buyer to accept and pay for
    them, in accordance with the terms of the
    contract of sale.
  • The general rule enunciated in this section
    follows from the nature of the contract of sale,
    by which the property in the goods is
    transferred, or agreed to be transferred, from
    the seller to the buyer in return for the price.
  • There would be breach of the duty to accept
    when the buyer unjustifiably rejects the goods.
    Taking of delivery of the goods is an important
    aspect of the duty to accept and refusal to do
    so will constitute rejection of the goods and
    therefore , would amount to a non-acceptance of
    the goods. There is however a distinction between
    acceptance of goods and taking delivery of them.
    The buyer signifying his approval of the goods
    accepts them though he may not have taken
    delivery of the goods. It will be noticed that
    the Act does not expressly impose any duty to
    take delivery although it prescribes sanctions
    when there is delay in taking delivery.

Section 32 Payment and delivery are concurrent
  • Unless otherwise agreed, delivery of the goods
    and payment of the price are concurrent
    conditions, that is to say, the seller shall be
    ready and willing to give possession of the goods
    to the buyer in exchange for the price, and the
    buyer shall be ready and willing to pay the price
    in exchange for the possession of the goods.
  • A contract of sale is an example of a contract
    consisting of reciprocal promises to be
    simultaneously performed. In accordance, thereof,
    with the general principle laid down in s.51 of
    the contract Act, the seller is not bound to
    deliver, and commits no breach of contract in
    failing to deliver, if the buyer is not ready and
    willing to pay the price, and is not liable to an
    action for failure to accept the goods, if the
    seller was not ready and willing to let the buyer
    have goods on demand. The owes to the buyer as
    onerous a duty to deliver the goods, as the buyer
    owes to the seller the duty to accept and pay for

Section 34. Effect of part delivery
  • A delivery of part goods, in progress of the
    delivery of the whole, has the same effect, for
    the purpose of passing the property in such
    goods, as a delivery of the whole but a delivery
    of the part of the goods with an intention of
    severing it from the whole, does not operate as a
    delivery of the remainder.
  •  Examples
  • The section may be illustrated by the following
  • 1. Sale of a quantity of goods lying at a
    wharf. The seller left an order with the
    wharfinger to deliver the goods to the buyer, who
    had paid for them by a bill. The buyer
    subsequently weighed the goods and took away part
    of them. This was held to amount to a delivery of
    the whole of the goods.

Section 34. Effect of part delivery
  • 2. A ship arrived in port with a cargo of
    wheat. The master reported her at the Customs
    House and made an oath that the cargo was for
    A., the indorsee of the bill of lading. Next
    day, A made entry of the wheat in his name at
    the Customs House. Part of the cargo was
               then delivered to A. This constituted
    a deliver of the whole.
  • 3. Sale of a stack of hay. The buyer asked
    the permission of the seller           to cut and
    remove part of the stack, which was granted. The
    clear           intention of the parties being to
    separate the part delivered of the

Section 35 Buyer to apply for delivery
  • Apart from any express contract, the seller of
    the goods is not bound to deliver them until the
    buyer applies for the delivery
  • This section reproduces s93 of the contract Act
    except that for the words in the absence of any
    specific promise, the words apart from any
    express contract have been substituted. The
    words in the absence of any special promise
    have been construed to mean an express
    stipulation as to delivery6 which relieves the
    buyer from the obligation to apply for delivery
    or the necessary implication of such a
    stipulation from the nature of the contract as
    expressed. It might also arise out of usage or
  • Even if there is an obligation on the part of the
    seller to inform the buyer when the goods are in
    a deliverable state, it is not a special
    promise, though it may postpone the obligation
    of the buyer to apply for delivery, and after the
    lapse of a reasonable time, to enable the goods
    to be procured by the seller, the buyer would be
    entitled and bound to apply for delivery.
  • When the applies for delivery and the seller then
    fails to deliver, the seller is guilty of a
    breach of contract. So where the contract
    provided for delivery in all November on seven
    days notice from the buyer, and the buyer gave
    the notice early in November, it was held that by
    the terms of the contract the buyer had the right
    to fix the date in November on which the delivery
    should be made, and the seller having failed to
    deliver as required by the notice, was guilty of
    a breach of contract. Juggernath Khan Vs.
    Machlachar (1881)

Section 36. Rules as to delivery
  • 1. Whether it is for the buyer to take
    possession of the goods or for the seller to send
    the goods to the buyer is a question depending in
    each case on the contract, express or implied,
    between the parties. Apart from any such
    contract, goods sold are to be delivered at the
    place at which they are at the time of the sale,
    and goods agreed to be sold are to be delivered
    at the place at which they are at the time of the
    agreement to sell., if not then in existence, at
    the place at which they are manufactured or
  • 2. Where under the contract of sale the seller
    is bound to send the goods to he buyer, but no
    time for sending is fixed, the seller is bound to
    send them within a reasonable time.
  • 3. Where the goods at the time of sale are in
    the possession of a third person, there is no
    delivery by seller to buyer unless and until such
    third person acknowledges to the buyer that he
    holds the goods on his behalf
  • Provided that nothing in this section shall
    affect the operation of the issue or transfer of
    any document of title to goods.
  • 4. Demand or tender of delivery may be treated
    as ineffectual unless made at a reasonable hour.
    What is reasonable hour is a question of fact.
  • 5. Unless otherwise agreed, the expenses of and
    incidental to putting the goods into a
    deliverable state shall be borne by the seller

Section 36. Rules as to delivery
  • Examples
  • The section may be illustrated by the following
  • 1. Sale of 12 puncheons of rum, made from
    molasses, of which 4 were delivered. The buyer
    pressed for delivery of the remainder, but the
    seller delayed and in the meanwhile an Act of
    Parliament was passed prohibiting the
    distillation of spirits from molasses, and
    annulling all contracts for the sale of such
    spirits. The sellers were held liable in damages
    as having failed to deliver within a reasonable
    time. Phillips Vs. Blair and Martin (1801)
  • 2. Sale of goods to be sold to be delivered in
    the last fortnight of March. Delivery is
    tendered at 9 p.m. on 31 March. It is a question
    of fact whether this is a reasonable hour. If it
    is not, there is no delivery, and the buyer may
    repudiate. Startup Vs. macdonald (1843)
  • 3. Sale of goods for ready money. The seller
    packs them up in the buyers boxes in the buyers
    presence, but they remain in the sellers
    premises. This is not a delivery. Boulter Vs.
    Arnott (1833)

 Section 38. Instalment Deliveries
  • 1. Unless otherwise agreed, the buyer of goods
    is not bound to accept delivery thereof by
  • 2. Where there a contract for the sale of goods
    to be delivered by stated instalments which are
    to be separately paid for, and the seller makes
    no delivery or defective delivery in respect of
    one or more instalments, or the buyer neglects or
    refuses to take delivery of or pay for one or
    more instalments, it is a question in each case
    depending on the terms of the contract and the
    circumstances of the case, whether the breach of
    the contract is a repudiation of the whole
    contract, or whether it is severable breach
    giving rise to a claim for compensation, but not
    to a right to treat the whole contract as

 Section 38. Instalment Deliveries
  • Examples
  • The section may be illustrated by the following
  • 1. Sale of 25 tons of pepper October /November
    shipment. The sellers shipped 20 tons in November
    and 5 tons in December. The buyers were entitled
    to reject the whole 25 tons. Reuter Vs. Sala
  • 2. Sale of 200-300 tons of coal to be shipped
    as early as possible by a named ship or other
    vessel. The named ship was not available and the
    seller shipped 152 tons on another ship,
    informing the buyer that he had done so and that
    he had drawn on him for the price and proposing
    to ship the remainder later. The buyer made no
    reply to this communication. The ship was lost.
    In an action by the seller for the price it was
    held that the buyer had impliedly assented to the
    shipment of the smaller quantity as an instalment
    and was liable to pay for it. Riichardson Vs.
    Dunn (1841)

 Rights of Unpaid Seller against goods
  • Section 45. Unpaid seller defined
  • 1. The seller of goods is deemed to be an
    unpaid seller within the meaning of this Act
  • (a) when the whole of the price has not been
    paid or tendered
  • (b) when a bill of exchange or other negotiable
    instrument has been received as conditional
    payment, and the condition on which it was
    received has not been fulfilled by reason of the
    dishonour of the instrument or otherwise.
  • 2. In this chapter, the term seller includes
    any person who is in the position of a seller,
    as, for instance, an agent of the seller to whom
    the bill of lading has been indorsed, or a
    consignor or agent who has himself paid, or is
    directly responsible for, the price
  • Examples
  • The section may be illustrated by the following
  • The seller draws bills for the price of the goods
    on the buyer, who accepts them, and the seller
    negotiates them. Before the bills arrive at
    maturity the buyer fails. The seller is in
    position of an unpaid seller.

 Section 46. Unpaid Sellers rights
  • 1. Subject to the provisions of this Act and of
    and of any law for the time being in force,
    notwithstanding that the property in the goods
    may have passed to the buyer, the unpaid seller
    of goods, as such, has by implication of law
  • (a) a lien on the goods for the price while he
    is in possession of them
  • (b) in case of the insolvency of the buyer a
    right of stopping the goods in transit after he
    has parted with the possession of them
  • (c) a right of resale as limited by this Act.
  • 2. Where the property in goods has not passed
    to the buyer, the unpaid seller has, in addition
    to his other remedies, a right of withholding
    delivery similar to and co-extensive with his
    rights of lien and stoppage in transit where the
    property has passed to the buyer.

  Section 46. Unpaid Sellers rights
  • Example
  • The section may be illustrated by the following
  • Sale of goods to be delivered by instalments,
    each instalment to be paid for in cash fourteen
    days after delivery. During the currency of the
    contract, the buyer becomes insolvent and the
    price of one instalment is unpaid. The seller
    need not make further deliveries unless the price
    of that instalment is paid and cash is paid
    against delivery of subsequent instalments.

 Section 47. Sellers lien
  • 1. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the
    unpaid seller of goods who is in possession of
    them is entitled to retain possession of them
    until payment or tender of the price in the
    following cases, namely
  • (a) Where the goods have been sold without any
    stipulation as to credit
  • (b) where the goods have been sold on credit,
    but the term of credit has expired
  • (c) where the buyer becomes insolvent.
  • 2. The seller may exercise his right of lien
    notwithstanding that he is in possession of the
    goods as agent or bailee for the buyer.
  • A sellers lien is described as an additional
    security given to a person who has a right to be
    paid, but he has a right to be paid besides and
    independently of his lien. One of the objects of
    S.47 which confers the sellers lien is to
    protect a vendor from incurring an expense in
    manufacturing or acquiring goods for which
    payment remains justly in doubt . The sellers
    lien is a particular lien arising in the precise
    circumstances specified by the Act and not a
    general lien for all his debts due from the buyer
    and he cannot rely on the equitable principle of
    the vendors lien.

  Section 48. Part delivery
  • Where an unpaid seller has made part delivery of
    the goods, he may exercise his right of lien on
    the remainder, unless such part delivery has
    been made under such circumstances as to show an
    agreement to waive the lien.

 Section 49. Termination of lien
  • 1. The unpaid seller of goods loses his lien
  • (a) when he delivers the goods to a carrier or
    other bailee for the purpose of transmission to
    the buyer without reserving the right of disposal
    of goods
  • (b) when the buyer or his agent lawfully obtains
    possession of the goods
  • (c) by waiver thereof.
  • 2. The unpaid seller of goods, having a lien
    thereon, does not lose his lien by reason only
    that he has obtained a decree for the price of
    the goods.

  Section 49. Termination of lien  
  • Examples
  • This section may be illustrated by the following
  • 1. Goods were sold and sent by the sellers at
    the request of the buyer to shipping agents of
    the buyer, and were put on board a ship by those
    agents. Subsequently, they were re-landed and
    sent back to the sellers for the purpose of
    re-packing. While they were still in the
    possession of the sellers for that purpose, the
    buyer became insolvent. Thereupon the sellers
    refused to deliver them to the buyers trustee in
    bankruptcy except upon payment of the price.
    Held, that the sellers had lost their lien by
    delivering the goods to the shipping agents, and
    their refusal to deliver the goods to the trustee
    was wrongful. Valpy Vs. Gibson 1847
  • 2. Sale of a stack of hay for 86, to be paid
    for as it is taken away, the whole to be removed
    by a certain date. Part, but only part, was paid
    for and removed by a certain date, and two months
    after that date the seller cut up and used the
    remainder. By doing so, the seller waived his
    lien, and the buyer successfully maintained an
    action against him. Gurr Vs. Cuthbert 1843

   Section 50 Right of stoppage in transit
  • Subject to the provisions of this Act, when the
    buyer of goods become insolvent, the unpaid
    seller, who has parted with the possession of the
    goods has the right of stopping them in transit,
    that is to say, he may resume possession of the
    goods as long as they are in the course of
    transit, and may retain them until payment or
    tender of the price.
  • In order that the right may be exercised, the
    following conditions must all be satisfiedthe
    seller must be unpaid, the seller must have
    parted with the possession of the goods and the
    buyer must not have acquired it. This last
    condition, as appears from the next section is
    that which is shortly expressed by saying that
    the goods are in transit. Further, the right can
    only be exercised by a seller or a person in a
    position analogous to that of a seller, the right
    to stop in transit is unknown outside the law of
    sale of goods. Lastly, it is a right against the
    goods themselves only.

   Section 52. How stoppage to transit is
  • 1. The unpaid seller may exercise his right of
    stoppage in transit either by taking actual
    possession of the goods, or by giving notice of
    his claim to the carrier or other bailee in whose
    possession the goods are. Such notice may be
    given either to the person in actual possession
    of the goods or to his principal. In the latter
    case the notice, to be effectual, shall be given
    at such time and in such circumstances that the
    principal, by the exercise of reasonable
    diligence, may communicate it to his servant or
    agent in time to prevent a deliver to the buyer.
  • 2. When notice of stoppage in transit is given
    by the seller to the carrier or other bailee in
    possession of the goods, he shall redeliver the
    goods to, or according to the directions of, the
    seller. The expenses of such re-delivery shall be
    borne by the seller.

   Section 52. How stoppage to transit is
  • Examples
  • The section may be illustrated by the following
  • 1. A railway company is in possession of goods
    as carriers when the sellers give notice of
    stoppage in transit. A sum of money is owing by
    the buyers to the railway company. The railway
    company is not entitled to set up in priority to
    the sellers right of stoppage in transit a
    general lien exercisable by the company against
    the buyers as owners of the goods.
  • 2. An unpaid seller stops goods sent by sea at
    a port short of their destination. He is liable
    for the fright, not only to the part where the
    goods were actually landed, but also to the port
    of their ultimate destination. Booth Co. vs.
    Cargo Fleet Iron Co. Ltd. 1916

   Section 64. Auction sale
  • In a case of a sale by auction
  • 1. Where goods are put up for sale in lots, each
    lot is prima facie deemed to be the subject of a
    separate contract of sale
  • 2. the sale is complete when the auctioneer
    announces its completion by the fall of the
    hammer or in other customary manner and, until
    such announcement is made, any bidder may retract
    his bid
  • 3. a right to bid may be reserved expressly by
    or on behalf of the seller and, where such right
    is expressly so reserved, but not otherwise, the
    seller or any one person on his behalf may,
    subject to the provisions hereinafter contained,
    bid at the auction
  • 4. where the sale is not notified to be subject
    to a right to bid on behalf of the seller, it
    shall not be lawful for the seller to bid himself
    or to employ any person to bid at such sale, or
    for the auctioneer knowingly to take any bid from
    the seller or any such person and any sale
    contravening this rule may be treated as
    fraudulent by the buyer
  • 5. the sale may by notified to be subject to a
    reserved or upset price
  • 6. if the seller makes use of pretended bidding
    to raise the price, the sale is voidable at the
    option of the buyer.
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