Title: Computer Architecture and Organization
1Computer Architecture and OrganizationMiles
Murdocca and Vincent Heuring
Appendix A Digital Logic
2Chapter Contents
A.11 Sequential Logic A.12 Design of Finite State
Machines A.13 Mealy vs. Moore Machines A.14
Registers A.15 Counters A.16 Reduction of
Combinational Logic and Sequential Logic A.17
Reduction of Two-Level Expressions A.18 State
- A.1 Introduction
- A.2 Combinational Logic
- A.3 Truth Tables
- A.4 Logic Gates
- A.5 Properties of Boolean Algebra
- A.6 The Sum-of-Products Form and Logic Diagrams
- A.7 The Product-of-Sums Form
- A.8 Positive vs. Negative Logic
- A.9 The Data Sheet
- A.10 Digital Components
3Some Definitions
- Combinational logic a digital logic circuit in
which logical decisions are made based only on
combinations of the inputs. e.g. an adder. - Sequential logic a circuit in which decisions
are made based on combinations of the current
inputs as well as the past history of inputs.
e.g. a memory unit. - Finite state machine a circuit which has an
internal state, and whose outputs are functions
of both current inputs and its internal state.
e.g. a vending machine controller.
4The Combinational Logic Unit
- Translates a set of inputs into a set of outputs
according to one or more mapping functions. - Inputs and outputs for a CLU normally have two
distinct (binary) values high and low, 1 and 0,
0 and 1, or 5 V. and 0 V. for example. - The outputs of a CLU are strictly functions of
the inputs, and the outputs are updated
immediately after the inputs change. A set of
inputs i0 in are presented to the CLU, which
produces a set of outputs according to mapping
functions f0 fm.
5Truth Tables
- Developed in 1854 by George Boole
- further developed by Claude Shannon (Bell Labs)
- Outputs are computed for all possible input
combinations (how many input combinations are
Consider a room with two light switches. How
must they work?
Don't show this to your electrician, or wire
your house this way. This circuit definitely
violates the electric code. The practical circuit
never leaves the lines to the light "hot" when
the light is turned off. Can you figure how?
6Alternate Assignments of Outputs to Switch
- Logically identical truth table to the original
(see previous slide), if the switches are
configured up-side down.
7Truth Tables Showing All Possible Functions of
Two Binary Variables
- The more frequently used functions have names
AND, XOR, OR, NOR, XOR, and NAND. (Always use
upper case spelling.)
8Logic Gates and Their Symbols
Logic symbols for AND, OR, buffer, and NOT
Boolean functions
- Note the use of the inversion bubble.
- (Be careful about the nose of the gate when
drawing AND vs. OR.)
9Logic symbols for NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR
Boolean functions
10Variations of Basic Logic Gate Symbols
11The Inverter at the Transistor Level
Power Terminals
Transistor Symbol
A Transistor Used as an Inverter
Inverter Transfer Function
12Allowable Voltages in Transistor-Transistor-Logic
- Assignments of logical 0 and 1 to voltage ranges
(left) at the output of a logic gates, (right) at
the input to a logic gate.
13Transistor-Level Circuits For2-Input NAND and
NOR Gates
14CMOS Configurations
- Schematic symbols for (left) n-channel transistor
and (right) p-channel transistor.
- CMOS configurations for (a) NOT, (b) NOR, and (c)
NAND gates.
15Tri-State Buffers
- Outputs can be 0, 1, or electrically
16The Basic Properties of Boolean Algebra
Principle of duality The dual of a Boolean
function is made by replacing AND with OR and OR
with AND, constant 1s by 0s, and 0s by 1s
A, B, etc. are literals 0 and 1 are constants.
17DeMorgans Theorem
Discuss Applying DeMorgans theorem by pushing
the bubbles, and bubble tricks.
18NAND Gates Can Implement AND and OR Gates
Inverted inputs to a NAND gate are implemented
with NAND gates.
19The Sum-of-Products (SOP) Form
Truth Table for The Majority Function
- Transform the function into a two-level AND-OR
equation - Implement the function with an arrangement of
logic gates from the set AND, OR, NOT - M is true when A0, B1, and C1, or when A1,
B0, and C1, and so on for the remaining cases. - Represent logic equations by using the
sum-of-products (SOP) form
20The SOP Form of the Majority Gate
- The SOP form for the 3-input majority gate is
- M ABC ABC ABC ABC m3 m5 m6 m7
??(3, 5, 6, 7) - Each of the 2n terms are called minterms, running
from 0 to 2n - 1 - Note the relationship between minterm number and
boolean value. - Discuss common-sense interpretation of equation.
21A 2-Level AND-OR Circuit Implements the Majority
The encircled T intersections are electrically
common (see next slide).
22Notation Used at Circuit Intersections
23A 2-Level OR-AND Circuit Implements the Majority
24Positive vs. Negative Logic
- Positive logic truth, or assertion is
represented by logic 1, higher voltage falsity,
de- or unassertion, logic 0, is represented by
lower voltage. - Negative logic truth, or assertion is
represented by logic 0 , lower voltage falsity,
de- or unassertion, logic 1, is represented by
lower voltage
25Positive and Negative Logic (Contd.)
26Bubble Matching
- Active low signals are signified by a prime or
overbar or /. - Active high enable
- Active low enable, enable, enable/
- Ex microwave oven control
- Active high Heat DoorClosed Start
- Active low ? (hint begin with AND gate as
27Bubble Matching (Contd.)
28The Data Sheet
29Digital Components
- High level digital circuit designs are normally
made using collections of logic gates referred to
as components, rather than using individual logic
gates. The majority function can be viewed as a
component. - Levels of integration (numbers of gates) in an
integrated circuit (IC) - Small scale integration (SSI) 10-100 gates.
- Medium scale integration (MSI) 100 to 1000
gates. - Large scale integration (LSI) 1000-10,000 logic
gates. - Very large scale integration (VLSI)
10,000-upward. - These levels are approximate, but the
distinctions are useful in comparing the relative
complexity of circuits. - Let us consider several useful MSI components
30The Multiplexer
31Gate-Level Layout of Multiplexer
32Implementing the Majority Function with an 8-1 Mux
Principle Use the mux select to pick out the
selected minterms of the function.
33Efficiency Using a 4-1 Mux to Implement the
Majority Function
Principle Use the A and B inputs to select a
pair of minterms. The value applied to the MUX
input is selected from 0, 1, C, C to pick the
desired behavior of the minterm pair.
34The Demultiplexer (DEMUX)
35The Demultiplexer is a Decoder with an Enable
36A 2-to-4 Decoder
37Using a 3-to-8 Decoder to Implement the Majority
38The Priority Encoder
- An encoder translates a set of inputs into a
binary encoding, - Can be thought of as the converse of a decoder.
- A priority encoder imposes an order on the
inputs. - Ai has a higher priority than Ai1
39Programmable Logic Arrays (PLAs)
- A PLA is a customizable AND matrix followed by a
customizable OR matrix
40Using a PLA to Implement the Majority Function
41Using PLAs to Implement an Adder
42A Multi-Bit Ripple-Carry Adder
PLA Realization of a Full Adder
43Sequential Logic
- The combinational logic circuits we have been
studying so far have no memory. The outputs
always follow the inputs. - There is a need for circuits with memory,
which behave differently depending upon their
previous state. - An example is a vending machine, which must
remember how many coins and what kinds of coins
have been inserted. The machine should behave
according to not only the current coin inserted,
but also upon how many coins and what kinds of
coins have been inserted previously. - These are referred to as finite state
machines, because they can have at most a finite
number of states.
44Classical Model of a Finite State Machine
An FSM is composed of a combinational logic
unit and delay elements (called flip-flops) in a
feedback path, which maintains state information.
45NOR Gate with Lumped Delay
The delay between input and output (which is
lumped at the output for the purpose of analysis)
is at the basis of the functioning of an
important memory element, the flip-flop.
46S-R Flip-Flop
The S-R flip-flop is an active high (positive
logic) device.
47NAND Implementation of S-R Flip-Flop
A NOR implementation of an S-R flip-flop is
converted into a NAND implementation.
48A Hazard
It is desirable to be able to turn off the
flip-flop so it does not respond to such hazards.
49A Clock Waveform The Clock Paces the System
In a positive logic system, the action
happens when the clock is high, or positive. The
low part of the clock cycle allows propagation
between subcircuits, so that the signals settle
at their correct values when the clock next goes
50Scientific Prefixes
For computer memory, 1K 210 1024. For
everything else, like clock speeds, 1K 1000,
and likewise for 1M, 1G, etc.
51Clocked S-R Flip-Flop
The clock signal, CLK, enables the S and R
inputs to the flip-flop.
52Clocked D Flip-Flop
The clocked D flip-flop, sometimes called a
latch, has a potential problem If D changes
while the clock is high, the output will also
change. The Master-Slave flip-flop (next slide)
addresses this problem.
53Master-Slave Flip-Flop
The rising edge of the clock loads new data
into the master, while the slave continues to
hold previous data. The falling edge of the
clock loads the new master data into the slave.
54Clocked J-K Flip-Flop
The J-K flip-flop eliminates the disallowed
SR1 problem of the S-R flip-flop, because Q
enables J while Q disables K, and vice-versa.
However, there is still a problem. If J goes
momentarily to 1 and then back to 0 while the
flip-flop is active and in the reset state, the
flip-flop will catch the 1. This is referred to
as 1s catching. The J-K Master-Slave
flip-flop (next slide) addresses this problem.
55Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flop
56Clocked T Flip-Flop
The presence of a constant 1 at J and K means
that the flip-flop will change its state from 0
to 1 or 1 to 0 each time it is clocked by the T
(Toggle) input.
57Negative Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flop
When the clock is high, the two input latches
output 0, so the Main latch remains in its
previous state, regardless of changes in D.
When the clock goes high-to-low, values in the
two input latches will affect the state of the
Main latch. While the clock is low, D cannot
affect the Main latch.
58Example Modulo-4 Counter
Counter has a clock input (CLK) and a RESET
input. Counter has two output lines, which
take on values of 00, 01, 10, and 11 on
subsequent clock cycles.
59State Transition Diagram for Mod-4 Counter
60State Table for Mod-4 Counter
61State Assignment for Mod-4 Counter
62Truth Table for Mod-4 Counter
63Logic Design for Mod-4 Counter
64Example A Sequence Detector
Example Design a machine that outputs a 1
when exactly two of the last three inputs are
1. e.g. input sequence of 011011100 produces
an output sequence of 001111010. Assume input
is a 1-bit serial line. Use D flip-flops and
8-to-1 multiplexers. Start by constructing a
state transition diagram (next slide).
65Sequence Detector State Transition Diagram
Design a machine that outputs a 1 when exactly
two of the last three inputs are 1.
66Sequence Detector State Table
67Sequence Detector State Assignment
68Sequence Detector Logic Diagram
69Example A Vending MachineController
Example Design a finite state machine for a
vending machine controller that accepts nickels
(5 cents each), dimes (10 cents each), and
quarters (25 cents each). When the value of the
money inserted equals or exceeds twenty cents,
the machine vends the item and returns change if
any, and waits for next transaction. Implement
with a PLA and D flip-flops.
70Vending Machine State TransitionDiagram
71Vending Machine State Table and State Assignment
72PLA Vending Machine Controller
73Moore Counter
Mealy Model Outputs are functions of Inputs
and Present State. Previous FSM designs were
Mealy Machines, in which next state was computed
from present state and inputs. Moore Model
Outputs are functions of Present State only.
74Four-Bit Register
Makes use of tri-state buffers so that
multiple registers can gang their outputs to
common output lines.
75Left-Right Shift Register with Parallel Read and
76Modulo-8 Counter
Note the use of the T flip-flops, implemented
as J-Ks. They are used to toggle the input of
the next flip-flop when its output is 1.
77Reduction (Simplification) of Boolean Expressions
- It is often possible to simplify the canonical
SOP (or POS) forms. - A smaller Boolean equation generally translates
to a lower gate count in the target circuit. - We cover three methods algebraic reduction,
Karnaugh map reduction, and tabular
(Quine-McCluskey) reduction.
78Reduced Majority Function Circuit
- Compared with the AND-OR circuit for the
unreduced majority function, the inverter for C
has been eliminated, one AND gate has been
eliminated, and one AND gate has only two inputs
instead of three inputs. Can the function by
reduced further? How do we go about it?
79The Algebraic Method
- Consider the majority function, F. We apply
the algebraic method to reduce F to its minimal
two-level form
80The Algebraic Method
- This majority circuit is functionally
equivalent to the previous majority circuit, but
this one is in its minimal two-level form
81Karnaugh Maps Venn Diagram Representation of
Majority Function
- Each distinct region in the Universe
represents a minterm. - This diagram can be transformed into a
Karnaugh Map.
82K-Map for Majority Function
- Place a 1 in each cell that corresponds to
that minterm. - Cells on the outer edge of the map wrap
83Adjacency Groupings for Majority Function
84Minimized AND-OR Majority Circuit
- The K-map approach yields the same minimal
two-level form as the algebraic approach.
85K-Map Groupings
- Minimal grouping is on the left, non-minimal
(but logically equivalent) grouping is on the
right. - To obtain minimal grouping, create smallest
groups first.
86K-Map Corners are Logically Adjacent
87K-Maps and Dont Cares
- There can be more than one minimal grouping, as
a result of dont cares.
883-Level Majority Circuit
- K-Kap Reduction results in a reduced two-level
circuit (that is, AND followed by OR. Inverters
are not included in the two-level count).
Algebraic reduction can result in multi-level
circuits with even fewer logic gates and fewer
inputs to the logic gates.
89Truth Table with Dont Cares
- A truth table representation of a single
function with dont cares.
90Tabular (Quine-McCluskey) Reduction
- Tabular reduction begins by grouping minterms
for which F is nonzero according to the number of
1s in each minterm. Dont cares are considered
to be nonzero. - The next step forms a consensus (the logical
form of a cross product) between each pair of
adjacent groups for all terms that differ in only
one variable.
91Table of Choice
The prime implicants form a set that completely
covers the function, although not necessarily
minimally. A table of choice is used to obtain
a minimal cover set.
92Reduced Table of Choice
In a reduced table of choice, the essential
prime implicants and the minterms they cover are
removed, producing the eligible set. F ABC
93Multiple Output Truth Table
The power of tabular reduction comes into play
for multiple functions, in which minterms can be
shared among the functions.
94Multiple Output Table of Choice
BC F2(A,B,C) B
95Speed and Performance
- The speed of a digital system is governed by
- the propagation delay through the logic gates,
and - the propagation delay across interconnections.
- We will look at characterizing the delay for a
logic gate, and a method of reducing circuit
depth using function decomposition.
96Propagation Delay for a NOT Gate
(Adapted from Hamacher et. al. 2001)
97MUX Decomposition
98OR-Gate Decomposition
Fanin affects circuit depth.
99State Reduction
Description of state machine M0 to be reduced.
100Distinguishing Tree
A next state tree for M0.
101Reduced State Table
A reduced state table for machine M1.
102Sequence Detector State Transition Diagram
103Sequence Detector State Table
104Sequence Detector Reduced State Table
105Sequence Detector State Assignment
106Sequence Detector K-Maps
K-map reduction of next state and output
functions for sequence detector.
107Sequence Detector Circuit