Title: MIT Sloan RIOS Research Infrastructure & Operational Support
1MIT SloanRIOS Research Infrastructure
Operational Support
Envisioning Enabling Systematic Empirical
Observation of Effective Leaders,
Transformative Innovations, Global Development
Draft Proposal v.0.1 28 August 2003Joost
Bonsen jpbonsen_at_alum.mit.edu 617.930.0415
2RIOSResearch Leverage
- Maximally Leveraging Faculty Time
- Scaling Training in Research Methods, Integrated
Interview Guides, Unifying Databases - Staff Support, for formal informal activities
- Structural Mechanisms
3Staff Support Personnel
- Research Support Staff
- Central statistics, websurveys
- E.g. Stats software support
- Distributed thematic
- E.g. Microphotonics Roadmapping Project Mgr
- Training Support
- Extracurricular Support
- Clubs
- Branded Events
4Infra-Structural Mechanisms
- Masters Research Seminars
- Coordinated Special Projects
- Team UROPs
- Deans Research Fellows
- Course Connection
- Structured Theses
5Masters Research Seminars (MRS)
- Aligning Masters student professional interest
with Faculty Research Agenda through specific
themed-seminars - E.g. TRM 15.795 Technology Roadmapping, Fall
2002, Professor Charlie Fine, TA Joost Bonsen - Others?
- TVO Tech Venture Observatory
- OSI OpenSource Initiative
- VCI Virtual Customer Initiative
- DA Digital Anthropology
6Coordinated Special Projects (CSP)
- Independent effort by individuals or teams of
students around a sponsor or research theme of
interest. - E.g. Professors Gabriel Bitran, Rebecca Henderson
7Team UROPs
- Undergraduate researchers working in teams on
unifying projects under the supervision of
faculty, graduate students, and select alums - E.g Diane Burton, Jay Forrester
8Deans Research Fellows (DRF)
- Well-paid, full part-time Summer IAP graduate
researchers - Prestigious position, coveted and very selective
- Rich collateral benefits for student and MIT
9Sloan Course-Research Connections
- Weaving faculty research questions deeply into
their academic courses, for example, with
structured assignments and/or final projects. - Typically requiring further work beyond
classroom, after semester - E.g. Professor Ed Roberts, Ely Dahan
10Structured Theses
- Masters theses aligned around over-arching
faculty research themes - Ultimately aggregated into publication
- E.g. Professors Ed Roberts, Arnoldo Hax, Charlie
Fine, Michael Cusumano, Henry Weil
11Masters ThesisWorkshops
- E.g. MIT-style Roadmapping
12Instruments for Social Observation
- Zauri / MIThril
- Reality Mining
- Sociometers
- nTags
- Tech Testbeds
13SocioscopesCapturing Opinion-, Physio-, Psycho-,
Neuro-, Bio-, Anthro-metrics
JPB 2003
14eSurveys via eTablets
- e electronic, environmental, everywhere
15Technology Testbeds Market Microcosms
- Athena
- PlaceLab
- Sloan, Media Kendall
- E.g. CycleScore
- E.g. Shuttletrack
16Online Explorations e.g. Virtual Customer
Initiative (VCI)http//mitsloan.mit.edu/vc/
- Including Professors John Hauser, Drazen Prelec,
Nader Tavassoli, et al - Methods for Accelerating the Customer Feedback ??
Product Development connection. - Live Demos
- http//wow.mit.edu
- http//conjoint.mit.edu
17Technology Venture Observatory (TVO)
- Including Professor Diane Burton
- Inquiring about Business Strategy, Employment
Models, Founder Experiences, Emerging Technology
Businesses, Entrepreneurial Financing
18Live Case Studies Emerging Technology-Business
- For example, Professors Fiona Murray in Biotech,
Joe Jacobson in Nanotech - Inquiring about New Technology arenas, Radical
Research - Seeking Business Implications
- Commercialization Challenges
- Class Connections
- Tech Testbeds
- Experiment Participation
- iTeam Research
- Online Experiments
- Experimental Psychology
- User Innovation Communities
- Innovation Toolkits
21Group Dynamics Observatory
- MBA Teams 60 groups of 6 people each. Equally
heterogeneous demographics. - Design Teams
- Venture Teams
- Social Psychology
22Survey Observation