Title: Macrosomia and IUGR for undergraduate
1Macrosomia and Intrauterine Growth
- DR Manal Behery
- Zagazig University, 2013
- A fetal weight of more than 4.5 kg at term or
- fetal birth weight gt 90
- percentile for the gestational age..
- Genetic or constitutional
- obese women tend to give
- birth to macrosomic babies.
- Diabetes and prediabetes.
- Post-date (postmaturity).
- Multiparity The first baby is about 100 gm
smaller than the next. - Hydrops foetalis.
5Macrosomia and diabetes
- ΒΌ th of insulin dependent mothers have Macrosomic
infants - Excess growth happens in 3rd trimester.
- GDM mothers have same incidence of Macrosomic
infants as other diabetics
6Risk factors
- Excessive maternal weight gain during pregnancy.
- Advanced maternal age.
- Male fetus than female.
- Previous macrosomic infant.
- Clinical palpation can give a rough idea.
Ultrasonography can calculate the fetal weight
- Prolonged pregnancy
- Cephalopelvic disproportion
- Obstructed labour.
- Shoulder dystocia.
- Meconium aspiration syndrome.
- Nerve and bone injuries.
- Proper antenatal care to prevent macrosomia
and diagnose it before labour commences. - Cesarean section is the safest for both mother
and fetus.
11Definition !
- IUGR is defined as a fetus that has an estimated
weight that is less than the 10th percentile for
its gestational age -
- At term, the cutoff birth weight for IUGR is
2,500 g (5 lb, 8 oz) -
12Growth percentiles for fetal weight versus
gestational age
13Correlation of birth weight percentile to
perinatal morbdity and mortalility
14Is small for gestational age (SGA) the same as
- IUGR is used synonymously with small for
gestational age (SGA) but implies a pathologic
condition. - EFW at or below 10th percentile is used to
identify fetuses at risk - However a certain number of fetuses at or below
the 10th percentile just may be constitutionally
small and not growth restricted - About one third of all infants weighing less than
2500 grams at birth have IUGR
- IUGR fetus with birth weight lt10th percentile
for gestational age due to pathologic process. - SGA fetus with birth weight lt10th percentile for
gestational age in the absence of pathologic
161. Symmetrical growth restriction
- 20 of IUGR Infants
- proportional decrease in all organs
- HC/AC ratio is normal
- Occurs in early pregnancy Cellular hyperplasia
- Increase risk for long term neurodevelopmental
dysfunction - Due to Intrinsic factor
- Chromosomal abnormalities
- Congenital anomalies
- Intrauterine infection
172.Asymmetrical growth restriction
- 80 of IUGR Infants
- Increase HC/AC ratio decrease in abdominal
size - Brain sparing effects
- Occurs in late pregnancy cellular hypertrophy
- Risk for perinatal hypoxia, neonatal
hypoglycemia - Good prognosis
- Due to extrinsic factors Uteroplacental
insufficiency - Maternal
vascular disease hypertension - Multiple
gestations -
Placental disease
183. Combined type
- Asymmetrical symmetrical
- Symmetrical asymmetrical
- More morbidities and mortalities
- More long term effects
19Ponderal Index
- Ultrasound criteria for diagnosis of fetal
malnutrition - Gestation age independent
- Way of characterizing the relationship of height
to mass for an individual. - PI 1000 x
- Typical values are 20 to 25.
- PI is normal in symmetric IUGR.
- PI is low in asymmetric IUGR.
Mass (kgs) Height (cms)
20 Etiology- Overlapping
21Fetal causes
- Infection
- CMV, Rubella, Toxoplasma gondii severe IUGR
- Syphilis, Tuberculosis, Malaria, listeriosis
- Herpes simplex, chicken pox
- Chromosomal abnormality
- Trisomy 18,13 severe IUGR
- Trisomy 21
- Turner syndrome (45,XO), Klinefelter syndrome
(47,XXY) - Congenital anomalies
- Congenital Heart diseases
- Anencephaly
22Case 1
- A baby is delivered at 36 WGA via repeat C-
section - BW- 2 kg
- HC- lt 10th tile
- Lt- lt 10th tile
23Case 2- What if?
24Case 3- What if?
Trisomy 18
Turner syndrome
25Maternal causes
- Maternal malnutrition
- Poor maternal weight gain
- Severe anemia
- Chronic hypoxemia
- Cardiovascular disease
- Drugs and teratogens
- Multiple pregnancy
- Antiphospholipid antibodies syndrome
26Case 4
- Infant is delivered at 38 weeks to mom who
presents with headaches and epigastric pain - BW 2.1 kg
- HC 50thtile
- Lt 30thtile
Pre-eclampsia/ HELLP
27Case 5- What if?
- Mom with no prenatal care delivers undiagnosed
twins at EGA 34 weeks
Discordant twins
28Case 6- What if?
- An infant is delivered at 42 weeks via c- section
due to NRHTs after induction - Post dates
- decreased subcutaneous fat - skin
desquamation - wizened facies - large
AF(diminished membranous bone formation) -
meconium staining
29Placental causes
- Placental infarction
- Placental abruption
- Chorioangioma
- Placenta previa , circumvallate placenta
- Marginal or velamentous insertion of umbilical
- Fetal causes (intrinsic factors)
- Symmetrical IUGR
- Maternal causes Plcental causes
- (extrinsic factors)
- Asymmetrical IUGR
Symmetric IUGR Asmmetric IUGR
Small symmetrically. Head is larger than abdomen.
Ponderal index is normal. Ponderal index is low.
Normal head-abdomen ratio. High head-abdomen ratio.
Genetic, infections. Placental vascular insufficiency.
Complicated neonatal course. Benign neonatal course if complications are treated adequately.
- Clinical assessment
- Ultrasonic measurement
- Doppler velocity
33 History for risk factor
- Teen age
- High altitude
- Socioeconomic factor
- Smoking , Alcohol , Drugs
- Previous IUGR pregnancy history
- previous IUGR in family
- Seldom elicited before 28 weeks of gestation
- Failure of fetus and uterus to grow at the normal
rate over a 4 week period - Uterine fundal height should be at least 2cm less
than expected for the length of gestation - Poor maternal weight gain
- Diminished fetal movements.
35Physical examination
- Uterine fundal height
- Uterine fundus ? Pubic symphysis
- Simple, Safe, Inexpensive for screening
- Between 18 and 30 weeks,
- the uterine fundal height in centimeters
coincides with weeks of gestation. - If the measurement is more than 2 to 3 cm from
the expected height or lt 1oth percentile from
normal curve, inappropriate fetal growth may be
36Errors in Fundal Height Estimation
- Inter-observer variations
- Obese patients
- Transverse lie
- Multiple gestation
- Polyhydramnios / Oligohydramnios
- Uterine fibroids
37Ultrasonic measurement
- Initial U/S at 16 to 20 weeks to establish
gestational age and identify anomalies and
repeated at 32 to 34 weeks to evaluate fetal
38- Ultrasonography BiometryThe measurements most
commonly used to measure and follow fetal growth
are -
Biparietal Diameter
Head circumference
Head Circumference
Femur Length
Abdominal Circumference
Clic here
Ratio - Head circumference to the abdominal
circumference (HC/AC) .
39Amniotic Fluid Index
- Mild IUGR Normal amniotic fluid
- Severe IUGR Oligohydramnios (AFI is 5)
Incidence 40 - On ultrasonography - a pocket of fluid lt 1cm is
diagnosed as oligohydramnios. -
40- The amniotic fluid index is obtained by summing
the largest cord-free vertical pocket in each of
the four quadrants of an equally divided uterus.
41Abnormal umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry
- characterized by absent or reversed end-diastolic
flow - associated with fetal growth restriction
- Normal velocimetry pattern with an S/D ratio of
lt30. - The diastolic velocity approaching zero reflects
increased placental vascular resistance. - During diastole, arterial flow is reversed
(negative S/D ratio), which is an ominous sign
that may precede fetal demise
42(No Transcript)
43An IUGR infant is at risk for
- Hypothermia?
- Hypoglycemia?
- Or
- Hypocalcemia?
- decreased subcutaneous fat, increased surface-
volume ratio, decreased heat production - decreased glycogen stores/ glycogenolysis/
gluconeogenesis - increased metabolic rate
- deficient catecholamine release
- Associated with perinatal stress, asphyxia,
- Prepregnancy to prevent it by identifying risk
factors and treat as necessary (e.g. improve
nutrition intake, stop smoking or alcohol, ASA in
APA syndrome, and Heparin in thrombophilias) - Antepartum identify risk factors that can be
changed. Fetal surveillance by ultrasound (BPP)
and fetal heart monitoring (Non-Stress Test). To
decide on timing and mode of delivery.
45Growth restriction near term
- Prompt delivery
- Recommend delivery at 34 weeks or beyond if there
is clinically significant oligohydramnios
46Growth restriction remote from term
- No specific treatment
- If diagnosed in prior to 34 weeks, and amnionic
fluid volume and fetal surveillance are normal - ? Observation is recommended
- screening for toxoplasmosis,herpes,rubella,CMV
and others - ? Specific treatment(causes of IUGR) and
supportive care - If severe IUGR or bad obstetric conditions
- ? Terminate pregnancy should be considered
47IUGR- Outcome
- Neurodevelopment
- etiology and adverse event dependent
- lower intelligence, learning/ behavioral
disorders, neurologic handicaps - symmetric, chromosomal disorders, congenital
infections--- poorer outcome - school performance influenced by social class
48Case study
- SW a16 years old G1 P00 presented early for
prenatal care - PMH None
- PSH None
- Allergies None
- Medications Prenatal vitamins
- Social Hx Tobacco 1ppd x gt 5 years, No illicit
drug use - B average in high school and good support system
- Lives in Denver, HIGH ALTITUDE
- Poor nutrition
50- She followed up regularly and had an
uncomplicated 1st trimester.. - At 18 weeks fundal height measured 17 cm
- At 22 weeks fundal height measured 20 cm
- At 24 weeks fundal height measured 21 cm
- At this point I am worried about IUGR with this
sluggish growth. - Although we do not use fundal height to diagnose
IUGR, it can be a clue to a developing problem.
- A fundal height that lags by more than 3 cm or is
increasing in disparity with the gestational age
may signal IUGR. - A lag of 4 cm or more certainly suggests growth
restriction. - The size of the uterus should be assessed at
each prenatal visit.
51- So now we have increasing concern over her poor
fundal height. What other risk factors for IUGR
does AMY have?
A) Teen B) Poor nutrition C) Poor abdominal girth
growth D) High altitude E) Smoker F)All of the
above ANSWER F
52Maternal weight Gain
- Decreased maternal weight gain is a relatively
insensitive sign of IUGR baby
53Risk Factors of IUGR
- With all these risk factors, poor weight gain,
and an inadequate fundal height - What would you do to further evaluate for
potential IUGR? - 1)Consult OB now
- 2) Get an ultrasound
- 3) Do an NST
- 4) Continue to watch one more week
54The result of 32 wks US
- Commentsa single intrauterine pregnancy. No
obvious fetal anatomic abnormalities were seen.
Not all malformations of the above mentioned
organ systems can be detected by ultrasound. - There is an overall growth lag of two weeks, with
the head and abdomen lagging three weeks. - Amniotic fluid is lower limits of normal
measuring 8.5 cm . S/D ratio is slightly
elevated. She declined amniocentesis.Recommend
follow up growth in three weeks. This appointment
was scheduled today
55History of Present Illness
- That was her ultrasound at 24 weeks. You repeat
it at 27 weeks 3 week growth lag and AFI 8.5 - Repeat US at 30 weeks normal growth since last
US 15 day lag AFI 10.5 - Repeat US at 32 weeks EFW 9 AFI 5.9
Is this IUGR? What do you do now?
56She has an overall 3 week lag and an EGW 12 at
32 weeks. Is this IUGR?
- A) Yes ,any growth lag is IUGR
- B)Yes any EFWltl15 is IUGR
- C)No ,too early to diagnose IUGR
- D) No, IUGR is EGW overall lag 4 weeks
57IUGR is usually not detectable before 32-34
weeks (maximal fetal growth). But it must be
suspected earlier
Signs rarely occur before 28 weeks of gestation
58What is Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)?
- A fetus with IUGR often has an estimated fetal
weight associated with which of the following? - A) Abdominal circumference is below 5th
percentile - B) Abdominal circumference is below the 2.5th
percentile - C) Less than the 5th percentile for its
gestational age - D) Less than the 10th percentile for its
gestational age - ANSWER D
59- What is one of the pathologic Maternal/Placental
causes for IUGR?
- Gestational Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Obesity
- Hyperemesis Gravidarum
60Which of the following is not a pathologic FETAL
cause for IUGR?
B)Cleft lip/palate
A)Trisomy 21
D)CMV infection
C)Congenital heart disease
61Does SW have symmetrical or asymmetrical IUGR?
B) Symmetrical
Answer B
62Comments of the ultrasound at 32 weeks. It
- A complete detailed scan of a single intrauterine
pregnancy was performed. Noobvious fetal
anatomic abnormalities were seen. Not all
malformations of theabove mentioned organ
systems can be detected by ultrasound. There is
an overallgrowth lag of two weeks, with the head
and abdomen lagging three weeks. Amnioticfluid
is lower limits of normal measuring 5.9 cm . S/D
ratio is slightlyelevated.
63How else can IUGR be diagnosed in addition to a
lt10 weight for gestational age?
- A) US
- B) Inadequate Maternal Weight gain
- C) Non-reassuring NST
- D) Fundal Height
64So SW has had a 32 wk US with EFW 10 and AFI
6.9. What is your next step?
B)No further US needed
A)Repeat US in 8 weeks
C)Repeat US in 4 weeks
D)Transfer to OB
65Yes! Correct Answer Repeat US in 3-4 weeks
- Repeat US at 35 weeks
- Comments
- A repeat ultrasound of this single intrauterine
pregnancy was performed. EFW is in the less than
10th percentile in growth. -
- Amniotic fluid is within normal limits for this
gestation. - Umbilical artery dopplers performed and S/D
ratio is - normal.
- Recommendations include
- 1. follow up ultrasound in 1 week for AFI and
dopplers - 2. follow-up ultrasound in 2 weeks for growth
- 3. NST testing twice weekly.
66SW is in your office to review the results. You
explain the results and schedule her for an
ultrasound next week and the week after. Any
other advice for her?
Click for advice
1. Rest as much as possible- she does not work
and is out of school.
2. Perform daily kick counts.
3. She will need weekly visits with biweekly
She asks you Why so many ultrasounds? What do
you tell her?
67- You tell herUltrasound measurement of the
fetus is the gold standard for assessing fetal
growth. - AND
- We need to follow the amount of fluid around the
baby as well. If it is too low, we will need to
deliver your baby early.
Click here.
Click here next
68When should we (Family Practice) Transfer care to
the Obstetricians?
- A)Whenever you are unsure or uncomfortable with
the situation - B)Definite need for C-Section
- C)Worsening fetal status
- D)Severe/worsening Maternal Disease
- E)Unsure of IUGR etiology
- F)All of the above
Answer F
69Which of the following may we see after the birth
of a baby with IUGR?
- Decreased oxygen levels
- Meconium aspiration
- Hypoglycemia
- Difficulty maintaining normal body temperature
- Polycythemia
- Stillbirth
- All of the Above
70Case Close
- SW remained on the family practice service
because she remained stable and her biweekly BPP
and NST were reassuring. - In the 36th week, she was found to have
oligohydramnios by US ? AFI 3.2 along with IUGR
EFW lt 10 - Pt was at this time transferred to OB for care.
- She was already known to them because we
consulted them at the first signs of IUGR. - Amniocentesis was done to ensure fetal lung
maturity and she was induced soon there after. - Patient vaginally delivered a baby with Downs
Syndrome - No other complications at birth
71Thank you