Case law, the courts and the legal profession - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Case law, the courts and the legal profession


Case law, the courts and the legal profession Main sources of law in Australia Description Type Judge-made law (also known as common law) and equity – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Case law, the courts and the legal profession

Case law, the courts and the legal profession
The nature of judicial method
  • The courts possess the critical double function
    of interpreting and applying legislation and of
    continuing the still important tradition of the
    common law.
  • A controversial aspect of the function of the
    High Court, in particular, in recent years has
    been the emergence of a degree of judicial
    activism demonstrated most significantly in the
    Mabo case.

The common law
  • After the Norman Conquest (1066), English
    monarchs sent travelling judges around the
    country to administer royal justice.
  • The judges initially applied local customs, which
    varied from place to place.
  • Eventually the judges began to follow earlier
    decisions and the rules gradually became
  • These rules came to be known as the common law.

  • Development of the common law was restricted by
    procedural limitations.
  • Petitions for relief from the inadequacies of the
    common law were considered by the Lord
  • Cases were initially decided according to the
    Chancellors ideas of equity and good
  • In time, a complex body of law developed,
    supplementary to the common law, and known as

Fusion of common law and equity
  • At the end of the 19th century, two separate
    judicial systems and structures existed side by
    side in England.
  • The Judicature Acts of 1873 abolished the
    separate court systems and established a High
    Court of Justice, which administered both common
    law and equity.

Some common terms from the doctrine of precedent
  • Stare decisis
  • to stand by things decided
  • Ratio decidendi
  • the reasoning of the decision
  • Obiter dicta
  • things said in passing
  • Res judicata
  • a thing adjudicated

Stare decisis
  • A court is bound to follow decisions of courts
    higher than itself in the same hierarchy of
    courts within the particular jurisdiction.

Ratio decidendi
  • That part of the decision which is binding or
  • It is the reason for the decision, or the
    principle underlying the decision, or that legal
    proposition which the court has applied to the
    material facts of the case in order to arrive at
    its decision.

Obiter dicta
  • Other legal argument and statements of principle
    found in judgements but not forming part of the
    ratio decidendi.
  • The obiter are not binding on other courts, but
    may be persuasive.
  • They can only ever be of persuasive value as they
    do not form part of the matters at issue.

Donoghue v Stevenson 1932 AC 52
  • A famous House of Lords case in the area of the
    common law of tort.
  • It is perhaps most well known for the statement
    of Lord Atkin regarding the existence of a duty
    of care in Anglo-Australian law. 
  • The reasoning in this case has taken root in many

Donoghue v Stevenson
  • The Facts
  • The appellant, May Donoghue, claimed that on 26
    August 1928 she drank some of the contents of a
    bottle of ginger -beer, manufactured by the
    respondent, which a friend had bought for her at
    a cafe in Paisley, Scotland.

Donoghue v Stevenson
  • When her friend poured the remainder of the
    bottle's contents into Mrs Donoghue's tumbler, "a
    snail, which was in a state of decomposition,
    floated out of the bottle".
  • The bottle being opaque, the snail could not have
    been detected until the greater part of the
    contents of the bottle had been poured.

Donoghue v Stevenson
  • As a result Mrs Donoghue alleged that she
    suffered from shock and severe gastroenteritis.
  • What could Mrs Donoghue do?
  • What remedies in law were available to her?

Donoghue v Stevenson
  • Remedies in Contract or Tort Law?
  • Given that her friend had bought the drink, there
    was no contract between Mrs Donoghue and the
  • The friend who did have a contract with the
    retailer was unaffected by the event and could
    not seek damages on her behalf.

Donoghue v Stevenson
  • Donoghue instituted proceedings against the
    manufacturer of the ginger-beer (Stevenson).
  • Liability arose because the manufacturer
    (respondent) owed the consumer (appellant) a duty
    to exercise reasonable care (Lord Atkins
    neighbour principle).

Donoghue v Stevenson
A manufacturer of products, which he sells in
such a form as to show that he intends them to
reach the ultimate consumer in the form in which
they left him with no reasonable possibility of
intermediate examination, and with the knowledge
that the absence of reasonable care in the
preparation or putting up of the products will
result in an injury to the consumers life or
property, owes a duty to the consumer to take
that reasonable care.
Donoghue v Stevenson
Neighbour principle That rule that you are to
love your neighbour becomes, in law, you must not
injure your neighbour, and the lawyers question,
Who is my neighbour? receives a restricted
reply. You must take reasonable care to avoid
acts or omissions which you can reasonably
foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour.
Who, in law, is my neighbour? The answer seems to
be persons who are so closely and directly
affected by my act that I ought reasonably to
have them in contemplation as being so affected
when I am directing my mind to the acts or
omissions which are called in question.
Res judicata
  • The decision reached by the court in determining
    the case before it is, subject to any appeal, a
    final resolution of the issues raised in it,
    insofar as the parties to the proceedings are

The judicial hierarchy
  • Decisions of courts outside the particular
    hierarchy are not binding but may be persuasive
    depending upon the status of the court.
  • A previous decision of a court on the same level
    is generally not binding but will not be departed
    from unless the earlier decision was wrongly

  • Precedent means that a question that was dealt
    with in a certain way continues to be dealt with
    in that way in similar later situations.
  • In summary
  • only courts of record can create precedent
  • every court is bound by the decisions of courts
    which are superior to it in the same hierarchy
  • superior courts are generally bound by their own
    previous decision (an exception is the High
  • individual judges of courts of the same level in
    the same hierarchy will usually follow their own
    earlier decisions

Binding precedent
  • Only the ratio decidendi from a court of record
    can create binding precedent.
  • Binding precedent only binds courts in the same
  • Note the position of the court of record in the
    court hierarchy as this will determine whether
    the ratio is binding or persuasive, e.g. Vic,
    NSW, Qld Court of Appeal decisions bind their
    Supreme Courts.

Persuasive precedent
  • Statements of principle not strictly necessary
    for a decision and not binding as such (obiter)
    by a court of record are of persuasive value
  • Decisions of courts in other court hierarchies
    are only of persuasive value.
  • The persuasive value of obiter or a decision from
    a court in another hierarchy will depend on the
    status of the court (and perhaps the judge).

What can happen to a case?
  • A case may be
  • adopted (i.e. follow or apply it)
  • affirmed (i.e. agree with the earlier decision)
  • overruled (when an appellate court decides a
    similar matter, in a later case, on the basis of
    a different legal principle, the decision in the
    later court is now to be followed)
  • distinguished (when a court finds some material
    difference between the facts of the 2 cases)
  • disapproved (if the court cannot overrule an
    earlier case and considers the earlier case no
    longer to be good law)
  • reversed (if it goes on appeal to an appellate
    court and the order of the lower court is changed)

Distinguishing prior authority
  • Involves the judge finding that the material
    facts of the 2 cases differ so significantly that
    the earlier decision is not binding authority.
  • Provides a mechanism by which earlier legal
    doctrine can be so severely restricted that it is
    virtually abolished.

Rejecting prior authority
  • An appeal court may declare an existing statement
    of common law to be wrong by overruling or
    reversing the prior authority.

The courts
  • Original and appellate jurisdiction of a court
  • A courts jurisdiction is established by its
    enabling Act.
  • Original jurisdiction is the authority to hear a
    case when the case is first brought before a
  • Appellate jurisdiction is the authority of a
    court to hear appeals from decisions of courts of
    a lower level in the same court hierarchy.

The courts
  • Features of the court hierarchy
  • It provides a system of appeals from decisions of
    lower courts to higher courts.
  • It allows for different forms of hearing
    according to the gravity of the case.
  • It is instrumental in building up precedent.

The court system
Full Court of the Federal Court
Appeals Can be Made to the new Magistrates Court
State court system
  • Magistrates Courts
  • The lowest courts in the hierarchy, possessing
    original jurisdiction only.
  • Presided over by a Magistrate.
  • Jurisdiction is established by its enabling Act
  • in criminal matters summary and minor indictable
    offences, committal proceedings
  • in civil matters limited to claims below a
    certain amount (in Victoria currently 100,000).

State court system
  • Intermediate courts
  • Middle court in hierarchy (but do not exist in
    Tas, NT or ACT) with original and limited
    appellate jurisdiction.
  • Presided over by a judge, but not a court of
  • Jurisdiction is established by its enabling Act
  • in criminal matters to all but most serious
    indictable offences
  • in civil matters jurisdiction established by
    money limit.

State court system
  • Supreme Courts
  • The highest court in each State and Territory and
    a court of record, presided over by a judge.
  • Jurisdiction is established by its enabling Act
  • has an unlimited original jurisdiction in both
    civil and criminal matters but hears only most
    serious cases
  • has an appellate jurisdiction (Vic, NSW and Qld
    have established a separate Court of Appeal).

Federal court system
  • Family Court
  • Established by the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth), it
    is presided over by a judge and is a court of
  • Exercises both an original and appellate
    jurisdiction over all matrimonial matters.
  • Appeals only lie on questions of law to Full
    Court of the Family Court.

Federal court system
  • Federal Court
  • Jurisdiction established by Federal Court of
    Australia Act 1976 (Cth), it is presided over by
    a judge and is a court of record.
  • In its original jurisdiction the court is divided
    into 2 divisions a general division and an
    industrial division extending to Commonwealth
  • Appellate jurisdiction, hearing appeals from
    single judges of the Supreme Courts of the
    Territories, as well as appeals from decisions of
    single judges of the Federal Court.

Federal court system
  • Magistrates Courts
  • Established in 2000 to ease the workload on other
    Federal Courts and presided over by a Magistrate.
  • Deals with
  • minor family law, bankruptcy and trade practices
  • applications under the Judicial Review Act
  • appeals from the AAT
  • matters arising under HREOC.

Federal and State court system
  • High Court
  • Established under s 71 of the Constitution, it is
    presided over by a judge and is a court of
  • Limited original jurisdiction in those cases
    authorised by the Commonwealth Constitution.
  • Appellate jurisdiction in both civil and criminal
    matters from the state Supreme Courts and Federal
  • Appeals do not lie as of right. Approval to
    hear an appeal must first be granted by the High
    Court first.
  • Final court of appeal within Australian legal

Alternatives to courts
  • Alternative methods of dispute settlement have
    grown in the last few years because of the
    delays, costs, ignorance and intimidation of the
    traditional court system.
  • Some of the better-known alternatives include
  • commercial arbitration
  • negotiation
  • mediation
  • ADR and
  • quasi-judicial bodies or Tribunals, e.g., ACCC,
    AAT, VCAT, Small Claims Tribunals

Legal profession
  • Solicitors
  • Most of their work is of a non-litigious nature,
    e.g., conveyancing, preparation of wills,
    commercial and family law matters, preparation of
    court documents.
  • Barristers
  • Generally do not deal directly with the public,
    though in most states they now can. Their main
    roles are preparation of legal opinions, and
    court appearances.

Parties in a legal system
  • The parties
  • Plaintiff the person starting a civil action.
  • Defendant the person defending a civil action.
  • Appellant a person appealing against a previous
    decision and who can be either the plaintiff
    or defendant from the first case.
  • Respondent the party who was successful in the
    first action.
  • Crown represents the state in a criminal action
    through a Crown Prosecutor against an accused
  • Accused the person against whom a criminal
    action is brought by the state.

  • Appointed to all courts above the inferior
    courts. Usually appointed from the Bar, although
    solicitors can be appointed to the Bench.
  • Their duties include
  • deciding questions of fact and law if sitting
  • if there is a jury, instructing the jury on
    questions of law, deciding questions of law and
    summing up arguments impartially
  • ensuring rules of evidence are followed
  • passing sentence in criminal cases or determining
    appropriate compensation in civil cases
  • hearing appeals

Justices of the peace and stipendiary magistrates
  • Magistrates
  • Trained, full-time salaried public servants
    selected from among the clerks of the court and
    the legal profession.
  • They preside over inferior courts and are the
    sole determiners of both fact and law.
  • Justices of the Peace
  • Honorary positions, with the bulk of their work
    involved in witnessing of documents.
  • Can still preside in Qld, SA and WA Magistrates

Jury in criminal trials
  • A jury of 12 is used in all cases in intermediate
    and superior courts where the accused pleads not
    guilty to an indictable offence.
  • There is no appeal from a finding of not
    guilty, on the basis that the jury was wrong. An
    appeal can be made on a point of law,
    introduction of new evidence or proof that
    prosecution witnesses were not telling the truth.
  • As in civil trials, the jurors are the sole
    determiners of fact.

Jury in civil trials
  • The jury only determines questions of fact.
  • They sit only in intermediate and supreme courts.
  • A majority verdict is all that is required.
  • Because of cost, they are not used as much as
    they once were.
  • Appeals are rarely made from a civil jury
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