Product-driven supply chain selection using AHP - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Product-driven supply chain selection using AHP


Product-driven supply chain selection using AHP 937806 Reference Wang Ge., R., Huang S.H., Dismukes J.P., 2004. product-driven supply chain selection ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Product-driven supply chain selection using AHP

Product-driven supply chain selection using AHP
  • 937806 ???

  • Wang Ge., R., Huang S.H., Dismukes J.P., 2004.
    product-driven supply chain selection using
    integrated multi-criteria decision-making
    methodology, International Journal of Production
    Economics vol.91, pp1-15
  • Korpela, J., Lehmusvaara. A., Tuominen, M.,
    2001.Customer service based design of the supply
    chain, International journal of production
    economics, vol.69, pp193-204
  • Ramanathan. R., Ganesh,L.S.,1995. Using AHP for
    resource allocation problems, European Journal
    of Operation Research vol. 80 pp 410-417
  • Satty, T.L.,1980, The analytic Hierarchy Process,
    New York McGraw-Hill

  • Introduction of AHP
  • Product characteristics and supply chain strategy
  • Problem definition and SCOR model
  • Solution methodology
  • Illustrative example
  • Conclusion

Introduction of AHP(1/2)
  • AHP (Analytic Hierarchical Process)
  • ??????? (AHP) ?Thomas, L. Saaty ?l971
  • AHP???????????
  • 1.???????????
  • 2.?????????????????????
  • 3.???????????

Introduction of AHP(2/2)
  • AHP?ANP (Analytic Network Process) ???
  • ???????(ANP)?1996??Saaty???,??????????
    ?????(Analytic Hierarchy Process,
  • ??AHP????????????,?????????????????????,

Product characteristics and supply chain strategy
  • Generally, product can be categorized into three
  • Functional product
  • accurately forecasted, market share fairly
    constant, enjoy a long life cycle
  • Innovative product
  • new developed product, more adapted to the
    customer requirements
  • Hybrid product
  • mix of functional and innovative product

Product characteristics and supply chain strategy
  • Typically, supply chain can be classified into
    three categories
  • Lean supply chain (LSC)
  • focus on elimination of waste, reduction of
    set-up times, small quantities, achieving cost
    reduction, flexibility, customer requirements
  • Agile supply chain (ASC)
  • focus on achieving a speedier delivery and lead
    time flexibility
  • Hybrid supply chain (HSC)
  • focus on assemble to order, achieving mass
    customization by postponing product

Product characteristics and supply chain strategy
  • Supply chain classification based on product type
    and product life cycle

Problem definition and SCOR model
  • Problem definition
  • Company A produce m products.
  • For each products pi (i1,2,,m), it may consists
    ni components, which need to be outsourced.
  • For each outsource component cij (j1,2ni),
    there are kij potential supplier to choose from.
  • Each supplier Sijx (x1,2,,kij) has a known
    production capacity Rijx.
  • According to the production plan, company A will
    purchase Tij units of components cij form one or
    more suppliers

Problem definition and SCOR model
  • Supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model
  • Supply Chain Council (SCC) constructed a
    descriptive framework called SCOR (SCC, 1999)
  • SCOR is a standard supply chain process reference
    model designed to embrace all industrials.
  • The SCOR model endorses 12 performance metrics,
    which fall into four defining categories
  • Delivery reliability
  • Delivery performance (DR1)
  • Fill rate (DR2)
  • Order fulfillment lead time (DR3)
  • Perfect order fulfillment (DR4)

Problem definition and SCOR model
  • Flexibility and responsiveness
  • Supply chain response time (FR1)
  • Production flexibility (FR2)
  • Cost
  • Total logistics management cost (CT1)
  • Value-added productivity (CT2)
  • Warranty cost or returns processing cost (CT3)
  • Assets
  • Cash-to-cash cycle time (AT1)
  • Inventory days of supply (AT2)
  • Asset turns (AT3)

Solution methodology
  • The developed methodology
  • To choose most favorable suppliers through
    qualitative method (AHP)
  • To order various quantities through quantitative
    method (preemptive goal programming)

Solution methodology
  • An integrated AHP-PGP algorithm for supplier

Solution methodology
  • Step1 Define decision variables for goal
  • Qx purchasing quantity form supplier x
  • Ef Amount of over-achievement for goal f
  • Uf Amount of underachievement for goal f
  • Where
  • X supplier index, x1,2,3,,kij
  • f goal (priority) index, f1,2,3,.,F
  • Step2 Define the parameters
  • Tij customer demand for component j of product
  • TVP total value of purchase
  • TCP total cost of purchase
  • Dx unit purchasing cost of supplier x
  • Rx production capacity of supplier x
  • F number of goals (priorities)
  • Kij total number of potential alternatives for
    component j of product i
  • Wx AHP weight for supplier x

Solution methodology
  • Step3 State the constraints
  • Step4 Determine the preemptive priorities
    incorporating AHP weights
  • Priority 1. Maximize the TVP,
  • Priority 2. Minimize the total cost of purchase

Solution methodology
  • Step5 Determine the detrimental deviation
  • P1 U1
  • P2 E2
  • Step6 State the priority objectives
  • P1 min U1 (6)
  • P2 min E2 (7)
  • Step7 Find the optimal solution
  • By using commercial software tool for goal
    programming, such as WinQSB, Lingo, the optimal
    solution to the goal programming can be obtained.

Illustrative example
  • GW Inc. is a car manufacturer that can produce
    various functional components, such as, engine,
    body, glass components, etc.
  • Only three components need to be outsourced, i.e.
    tires, electronics, and peripherals.
  • Tires focus on reducing costs, while
    flexibility and responsiveness are not so
  • Peripherals focus on rapid changes, while cost
    is not so important.
  • Electronics require mass customization, yet its
    aggregated demand is stable.

Illustrative example
Illustrative example
Illustrative example
  • Result

Illustrative example
  • The decision variables
  • X1,2,3
  • f1,2
  • F2
  • Kij3
  • The constrains are

Illustrative example
  • The priorities are as follows
  • Priority 1. Maximize TVP
  • Priority 2. Minimize total cost of purchase (TCP)
  • Optimal solution can be decided
  • supplier A1 and A3 are chosen with 400 and 600

  • ?????????,??????goal programming??goal
    programming???linear programing?
  • ????
  • ????Word??????????,??????,????

  • The integrated AHP-PGP methodology can select the
    best set of multiple suppliers to satisfy
    capacity constraint.
  • It can be concluded that LSC strategy should be
    deployed for component tires, ASC for peripherals
    and HSC for electronics.
  • The mathematical results from the AHP model
    perfectly match the above theoretical analysis.

  • Which will influence the final quantity?
  • Since PGP uses AHP ratings as input, the
    variations of pairwise comparisons in AHP will
    influence the final order quantity
  • To make sure that the decision maker (managers)
    does not make mistakes that cause conflicting
    rating, a final inconsistency checking (CRlt0.1)
    is applied.

  • Thanks for your listening!!!
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