Title: Paraprofessionals Roles, Preparation, and Supervision
1Paraprofessionals Roles, Preparation, and
- Teri Wallace, National Resource Center for
Paraprofessionals (NRCP) and University of MN - Barbara Jo Stahl, Minnesota Department of
Education, Division of Special Education
Paraprofessional Requirements under NCLB and
IDEA Highlights from 1 State Roles of
Teachers and Administrators Questions and
3A little bit about NRCP -
- The purpose of the NRCP is to build partnerships
that address the preparation, management,
supervision, deployment, and career development
of paraprofessionals. - Co-Directors Marilyn Likins (Utah State
University) and Teri Wallace (University of
Minnesota) - Founder Anna Lou Pickett
- National Conference May 1-3, 2003 in San Diego
- Web site nrcpara.org
4 Legislation -
- Special Education -
- Federal - 1997 Amendments to IDEA -
- Title I -
- Federal - No Child Left Behind Act -
5 Legislation -
1997 Amendments to IDEA - A State may allow
paraprofessionals and assistants who are
appropriately trained and supervised, in
accordance with State law, regulations, or
written policy, in meeting the requirements of
this part to be used to assist in the provision
of special education and related services to
children with disabilities under Part B of the
Act. 34 CFR 300.136(f)
6 Legislation -
NCLB, 2002 - New Paraprofessionals Each local
education agency receiving assistance under this
part shall ensure that all paraprofessionals
hired after the date of enactment of the No Child
Left Behind Act of 2001 and working in a program
supported with funds under this part shall have
-- Title I, Section 1119/b
7 Legislation -
- NCLB, 2002 -
- New Paraprofessionals, continued
- Completed at least 2 years of study at an
institution of higher education - Obtained an associates (or higher) degree or
- Met a rigorous standard of quality and can
demonstrate, through a formal State or local
academic assessment - - Knowledge of, and the ability to assist in
instructing reading, writing, and mathematics or
- Knowledge of, and the ability to assist in
instructing reading readiness, writing readiness,
and mathematics readiness, as appropriate.
Title I, Section 1119/b - Existing paraprofessionals must meet requirements
within 4 years after enactment (by January 8,
8 Legislation -
- NCLB, 2002 -
- A little more..
- Paraprofessionals - an individual who performs
instructional support duties and not to an
individual performing only non-instructional
duties - All paraprofessionals must have High School
diploma or equivalent. - Requirements do not apply to those working as
translators (if paraprofessional is proficient in
English and a language other than English) or
paraprofessionals working solely on parental
involvement activities
9 Legislation -
- NCLB, 2002 -
- A little more..
- A paraprofessional works under the direct
supervision of a teacher if the teacher plans the
paraprofessionals instructional activities and
evaluates the achievement of the students with
whom the paraprofessional works - The paraprofessional also would be required to
work in close proximity of the teacher
10 Legislation -
- NCLB, 2002 -
- A little more..
- When Hired?
- Must be newly hired by district
- If in another school in district, not new
- If laid off and recalled every year?
- Not new, if continuous year of employment
- Does it Apply to Preschool Paraprofessionals?
- Yes, if working in program supported with Title I
funds - Not Head Start
11 NCLB -
- What About Special Education?
- If a person working with special education
students does NOT provide any instructional
support (only personal care services), the person
is not considered a paraprofessional and the
requirements to not apply. - If a person works in a Title I targeted
assistance program and has instructional support
duties and is paid with Title I funds, the
requirements apply. - If a person works in a Title I school-wide
program (school) and has instructional support
duties, the requirements apply without regard to
the source of funding that supports the position.
12 NCLB -
- What is included in Courses of Study?
- Paraprofessionals should be able to demonstrate
knowledge and the ability to assist in
instructing in the areas of reading, writing, and
mathParaprofessionals are expected to have a
working knowledge of these academic areas. - Each State may determine what requirements, if
any, it may choose to place on the coursework
taken during the two years of study.
13 More about Two Years of Study
- State definition on full time study
- HEA (Higher Education Act) definition of
institution of higher education - Admits only HS graduates, or equivalent
- Legally authorized by state
- Bachelors or 2 year credit toward
- Public or other non-profit institution
- Accredited
- Course of study?
- Working knowledge of reading, writing, math
- State determines any additional requirements
14 NCLB -
- What is the purpose of the ASSESSMENT?
- The purpose of the academic assessment is to
demonstrate that Title I paraprofessionals have
the appropriate knowledge and ability to assist
in instructing students and are competent in
required instructional techniques and academic
content areas. - The paraprofessional assessment is expected to
evaluate paraprofessional candidates at a level
to the second year of college. Having skills at
this level is the intent of the law.
15 More about Assessment
- State or local assessment
- Knowledge of and ability to assist in instructing
- Reading, writing, math, or readiness
- Need not be paper pencil test
- Must be valid, reliable, documented
- No USDE approval, but SEA approved
- Not just basic competencies
- Rigor second year of college
16 New Professional
Development Set Aside
- LEAs must spend at least 5 of Title I, Part A to
help teachers AND paraprofessionals meet the
requirements - Capped at 10 for 2002 and 2003
- Unless a lesser amount is sufficient to ensure
that the LEAs teachers and paraprofessionals
meet the requirements
17 A little background National Report
In a report to the Office of Special Education
Programs (OSEP), six overarching themes were
identified by a cross-partnership (IDEA
Partnerships, including ASPIIRE, FAPE, ILIAD and
PMP) sponsored forum of thirty-five
representatives of professional associations,
high education, federal, state and local agencies
and special projects, and individual professional
practitioners, paraeducators/assistants, and
18 A little background National
Report to OSEP
- Confusion and misunderstanding about roles,
responsibilities and supervision of
paraprofessionals and assistants by professional
practitioners, administrators, families - Lack of clear federal, state and local policies
and standards - Need for consensus about who/what is a
paraprofessional - Inadequate training for administrators,
professional practitioners, and
paraprofessionals/assistants regarding
appropriate roles, responsibilities, and
supervision - Inadequate opportunities for instructional/related
services teams to plan, collaborate, and support
one another's efforts - Need for systematic infrastructures and
administrative support for training, team
collaboration/planning, and utilizations of
appropriate practice.
19 Paraprofessional Roles -
- The following is cited in NCLB as appropriate
roles for paraprofessionals - - Providing one-on-one tutoring for eligible
students - Assisting with classroom management (such as
- organizing instructional and other
materials) - Providing assistance in a computer laboratory
- Conducting parental involvement activities
- Providing support in a library or media center
- Acting as a translator
- Providing, under the direct supervision of a
teacher, - instructional services
20 Paraprofessional Roles -
- The Study of Personnel Needs in Special Education
(SPeNSE, 2001) found that while there were
differences by region and district regarding the
types of services paraeducators provided, the
majority of special education paraeducators,
nationwide, spend at least 10 of their time on
each of the following activities - Providing one-on-one instruction
- Providing instructional support in small
groups - Modifying materials
- Implementing behavior management plans
- Monitoring hallways, study hall, other
- Meeting with teachers
- Collecting data on students and
- Providing personal care assistance.
21 Paraprofessional Roles -
- Some studies have found that paraeducators
report being - responsible for the instructional program
of a student - when that is the responsibility of the
teacher (Giangreco, - Edelman, Luiselli, MacFarland, 1997
Marks, Schrader, Leving, 1999 - Wallace, Stahl, MacMillan, 2000).
- Paraeducators reported a high level of
responsibility in - their jobs, such as decisions regarding
adaptations, - behavioral support, and interacting with team
members - including parents (Downing, Ryndak, Clark
22 Supply and Demand -
The National Center on Educational Statistics
reported a 48 increase in instructional
paraeducator employment compared to a 13
increase in student enrollment and an 18
increase in teacher employment between the years
1990 and 1998 (NCES, 2000).
23 Training Preparation -
- Studies have found that paraeducators who report
receiving more inservice training or preservice
preparation report feeling better prepared to
fulfill their job responsibilities - Numerous recent studies and opinion pieces
indicate that there is a scarcity of relevant
training available to paraeducators. - Perceptions regarding need for training differ
among administrators, teachers, and
24 Training Preparation -
- Topic listed in the literature for Paraeducator
Training - - Positive behavioral supports
- Specifics about disabilities
- Teaching strategies
- Communication and problem solving strategies
- Transition related information and job coaching
- Early childhood special education and child
development - Special Education Law, confidentiality
- Use of computers and accommodations
- Inclusion
- Health and safety
- Development of independence and mobility
- Observation and data collection strategies
25 Training Preparation -
With rare exceptions, policies, standards, and
systems for improving the performance and
productivity of teacher and paraeducator teams
are almost non-existent. Paraeducator training,
when it is available is usually highly parochial
and sporadic, does not recognize the similarities
in the core skills required by the vast majority
of paraeducators, nor is it competency based, or
linked to systematic opportunities for their
career development. State education agencies
and/or other state agencies responsible for
developing and administering teacher
credentialing systems have not joined forces with
institutions of high education to establish
standards for licensure to ensure that teacher
have the knowledge and skills they require to
supervise paraeducators. Moreover paraeducator
issues have yet to be addressed by various reform
initiatives concerned with empowering teachers
and increasing the accountability and
effectiveness of education systems and
practices. (Pickett, Likins, Wallace, 2002).
26 Standards Infrastructure
- Since the 1997 Amendments to IDEA, a renewed
interest, and requirements for developing
standards and certification, has re-emerged. - Some associations Council for Exceptional
Children (CEC), the American Speech, Language and
Hearing Association (ASHA), American Physical
Therapy Association (APTA), American Occupational
Therapy Association (AOTA) have established
knowledge and skill competencies for
paraprofessionals. CEC has a set for
paraeducators. - ASHA, APTA and AOTA require community college AA
Degrees for certified therapy assistants. - 249 community colleges offer AA degrees to OT
and PT assistants. - In 1997, ASHA recognized an AA degree for SLP
assistants. In response, there are already 10
accredited programs and another 50 in
27 Standards Infrastructure
- Continued -
- Eleven states have identified competencies or
standards for paraeducators. - Thirteen states have credentialing systems,
ranging from multi-level licensure/certification
credentials that define roles, training and
career advancement criteria to one-dimensional
systems that do not specify role or training
requirements. - Approximately, 198 community colleges offer
either two-year AA degrees or one-year
certificate programs to paraeducators working in
inclusive special and general education,
bilingual/ESL, Title I, and early childhood
programs. (NRCP) - Paraeducator-to-Teacher programs - Career
ladders - Ongoing training opportunities.
28 Standards Infrastructure
- Career Ladder -
- Some states have established a career ladder
approach to the recruitment, preparation and
ongoing development of paraeducators. - The idea is to recruit high school students into
2-year programs leading to paraeducator
preparation and/or continued development
ultimately leading to a teaching certificate. - A person might work on a certificate of
competence, a specified diploma, a two-degree,
articulate to a 4-year program and pursue a
teaching certificate. - This approach has been promoted by LeTendre
(1998) as a way to encourage Title I
paraeducators to become teachers.
29 Supervision -
- There is a difference between the person
responsible for hiring and evaluating
performance (an administrator), and the person
directing day-to-day work with students (an
educator or other licensed person). - As early as the 1960s, there was evidence that
supervision was needed for paraprofessionals to
provide instructional services (Esbenson, 1966,
Blessing, 1967). - Teachers must learn strategies for supervising
paraeducators -- beginning in their teacher
preparation programs. And, administrators must
promote effective instructional supervisory
relationships and create infrastructures that
reward teams.
30 Supervision -
- There is a need for administrators and teachers
to find opportunities for licensed staff and
paraprofessionals to be able plan together. - Often reported as reasons why paraeducators leave
their positions - Lack of advancement opportunity
- Poor salary
- Lack of administrative support
- Lack of respect
- Factors affecting self-esteem (Riggs Mueller,
2001) - being involved in team meetings for students
with whom they work - being provided with adequate break time
- having adequate substitute coverage
- being perceived as a team member working
along side of the teacher
31 Supervision -
- Six major themes associated with respect,
appreciation, and acknowledgement of
paraeducators (Giangreco, Edelman, Broer, 2001) - Nonmonetary signs and symbols of appreciation
- Compensation
- Being entrusted with important responsibilities
- Noninstructional responsibilities
- Being listened to
- Orientation and support
- Competencies for Teachers (Wallace, Shin,
Bartholomay, Stahl, 2001) - Communication with Paraprofessionals
- Planning and Scheduling
- Instructional Support
- Modeling for Paraprofessionals
- Public Relations
- Training
- Management of Paraprofessionals
32In the final analysis, schools cannot adequately
function without paraeducators, and paraeducators
cannot adequately function in schools that lack
an infrastructure that supports and respects them
as viable and contributing members of
instructional teams (Daniels McBride, 2001).
33Resources - 1
- National Resource Center for Paraprofessionals
(NRCP) nrcpara.org - No Child Left Behind www.ed.gov/nclb/
- Study of Personnel Needs in Special Education
(SPeNSE) Fact Sheets www.spense.org/Results.html - Minnesota Paraprofessional Consortium
ici2.umn.edu/para - Paraprofessionals In the Education Workforce,
National Education Association (NEA)
www.nea.org/esp/resource/parawork.htm - Center on Personnel Studies in Special Education
(COPSSE) www.coe.ufl.edu/copsse/
34Resources - 2
- Paraeducator Support of Students with
Disabilities in General Education Classrooms,
University of Vermont www.uvm.edu/cdci/parasuppor
t/ - Roles of Educational Paraprofessionals in
Effective Schools, U.S. Department of Education
www.ed.gov/pubs/Paraprofessionals/ - National Clearinghouse for Careers in Special
Education, CEC www.special-ed-careers.org/research
_library/paraeducators.html - Standards for a Profession, American Federation
of Teachers (AFT) www.aft.org/psrp/standards/ - Schools and Staffing Survey, National Center for
Educational Statistics (NCES) nces.ed.gov/surveys/
35Resources - 3
- Paraeducator-to-Teacher Programs, National
Teacher Recruitment Clearinghouse
l - IDEA Practices Home Page - www.ideapractices.org/
- National Clearinghouse for Paraeducators
Resources, Center for Multilingual, Multicultural
Research www.usc.edu/dept/education/CMMR/Clearingh
ouse.html - National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities
www.uvm.edu/cdci/parasupport/ - Paraeducator Resources Northwest Regional
Educational Laboratory /nwrac.org/links/paraed.htm
36Resources - 4
- State Level Initiatives Related to Training and
Supervision of Paraeducators, Project FORUM
National Association of State Directors of
Special Education 1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 320
Alexandria, VA 22314 Tel 703.519.3800, ext.
333 FAX 703.519.3808 Please contact Joy
Markowitz at joy_at_nasdse.org or by calling
703-519-3800 (ext. 335). - Additional copies of the IDEA Partnerships
Department of Education, Office of Special
Education Programs (OSEP) may be obtained from - Council for Exceptional Children, 1110 North
Glebe Road, Suite 300 - Arlington, VA 22201-5704,Voice 1-877-232-4332
(toll free),TTY 866-915-5000 - FAX 703-264-1637, E-mail ideapractices_at_ideapract
ices.org - IMPACT Feature Issue on Paraeducators
Supporting Students with Disabilities and At
Risk. Published by the Institute on Community
Integration (UCEDD) and the Research and Training
Center on Community Living, College of Education
and Human Development, University of Minnesota
Volume 15 Number 2 Fall 2002 -
37 Discussion