Title: Southern Hemisphere Open Cluster Dreams
1Southern Hemisphere Open Cluster
Dreams (Distance, Reddening, Extinction, Age, and
2005 Lucas Award
Brittany Shaw Scott Waitukaitis Kurtis Williams
2The Lucas Award
- Endowed by William F. Betty Lucas
- From Kentucky, served in Army Air Corps
intelligence in WWII - After war moved to San Diego married Betty
- Early member of San Diego Astronomy Association
- Taught telescope design construction at Reuben
Fleet Science Center in Balboa Park - Wanted to go back to school become professional
astronomer - Died in 1970s Betty took ill died shortly
thereafter. - Gave 150k endowments to San Diego State U of A
- U of A award granted annually to postdoc, 5000
for a proposed research project not otherwise
funded -- Watch for email from EdO and Sharon
Bill receives 1st place at 1970 Riverside
Telescope Makers Conference
3A Purely Personal Motivation
- White dwarf initial-final mass relation
- Highest-mass white dwarf progenitor
- AgeCluster-AgeWD?Minit
- Uncertainty dominated by cluster age
uncertainties - Need accurate cluster ages!
4Heading south for the winter (Southern Winter,
that is)
- Southern Milky Way rich in open clusters
- Many poorly studied, some with only photographic
plate or limited photoelectric photometry - Selected sample of 17 open clusters
- 50-200 Myr old (some older)
- dlt1 kpc
- Previous photometry has believable MS
Gemini South SOAR 16 May 2005
5Now Presenting Scott Waitukaitis
From Sierra Vista is a junior majoring in
Astronomy and Physics recipient of a 2005-2006
NASA SpaceGrant (salary half paid by Lucas Award)
6General Method
- Obtain UBVRI optical photometry
- Combine with JHK photometry from 2MASS to help
determine reddening - Use Hipparcos TYCHO catalog to determine proper
motion membership probabilities for each star
(Dias, et. al. 2002) - Use Bayesian statistics program to determine
cluster parameters (age, metallicity, distance,
7Bayesian Statistics
- Regular statistics assumes we know a parent
distribution and asks What is the probability
of getting a certain data set from that
- Bayesian statistics assumes we have a certain
data set, and then asks Given the data set we
have, what is the most probable parent
Bayes Theorem
8Our Bayesian Analysis
- We will analyze our UBVRI photometry and the
2MASS JHK photometry with a Bayesian Algorithm
(Ted Von Hippel and Graduate students, University
of Texas) - We will provide algorithm with appropriate parent
distributions (e.g. stellar isochrones, reddening
law, etc.) and associated data - Given the UBVRIJHK photometry, Hipparcos data and
our guess, the algorithm will determine a most
probable parent distribution and associated
parameters. - The algorithm can then use this new most probable
parent distribution and associated parameters as
a new guess and iterate the process in attempt
of finding an even more accurate parent
- Dias, et. Al. 2002
- Ted Von Hippell and Graduate Students, UT
- Arizona Space Grant Consortium
10Now Presenting Brittany Shaw
A senior undergraduate from Phoenix majoring in
Astronomy Physics with a Mathematics
minor. Brittany worked this summer on this as an
independent study project and completed a
phenomenal amount of data reduction
11Data and Reduction
- Data was taken May 4th, 5th, and 6th of 2004 at
CTIO using the 0.9 meter telescope. This
telescope has a 13.5 FOV. - The second night was photometric, while the other
two nights had some cloud cover. - Basic aperture photometry was done using DAOPHOT
and calibrated with Landolt (1992) standard
fields. - Padova isochrones were fitted to the CMDs using
previous measurements for the distance, age and
metallicity. This was done as a check to ensure
no systematic errors were introduced during
12Previous Measurements
- NGC 2516
- Age 158 ?36 Myr
- Distance 409 pc
- E(B-V) 0.112 ?0.024 mag
- Reference Sung et al 2002
- NGC 6494
- Age 302 Myr
- Distance 655 pc
- E(B-V) 0.36 mag
- Reference Meynet et al 1993
13Color Magnitude Diagrams
V-I color magnitude diagram of NGC 2516 with
isochrone corresponding to Z0.019 and an age
of112 Myr
V-I color magnitude diagram of NGC 2516 with
isochrone corresponding to Z0.019 and an age of
282 Myr
- We present a project to obtain distances,
extinction, ages and metallicities to 17 southern
hemisphere open clusters - Will use these data primarily for studies of
white dwarfs the initial-final mass relation and
the upper mass limit of white dwarf progenitors - Obtained UBVRI photometry with CTIO 0.9m, match
with TYCHO catalog proper motion memberships and
2MASS JHK data - Reduced data will be fed into Bayesian analysis
program to get cluster parameters - Vast majority of the work being done by two
great undergraduates - We are indebted to Williams Betty Lucas for
their generosity