Title: IEEE 802.11e QoS on WLANs
1IEEE 802.11eQoS on WLANs
- Speaker Min-Hua Yang
- Advisor Ho-Ting Wu
- Date 10/25/05
- 802.11 background information
- Qos limitations of 802.11
- 802.11e (QoS support)
- Simulation result
3IEEE 802.11 background information
- WLAN( Wireless Local Area Network )
- A LAN to which mobile users (clients) can connect
and communicate by means of high-frequency radio
waves rather than wires. - WLAN Standard
- IEEE 802.11 (IEEE)
- HiperLAN (European Telecommunications Standards
Institute, ETSI)
4IEEE 802.11
5IEEE 802.11 Topology
- Basic Service set networks (BSS)
- Independent BSS networks
- Infrastructure BSS
- Extended Service Set (ESS) networks
6The Basic Service Set (BSS)
- The BSS consists of a group of any number of
stations. - The basic building block of IEEE 802.11 LAN
7Independent BSS (IBSS) network
- stations communicate directly
- no connection to a wired network
- Ad hoc network
8Infrastructure BSS (BSS)
- Include an access point (AP)
- The AP may have connection to an wired network
- All stations communicate with the AP
- Communication between stations must go through AP
- consume twice the bandwidth
9The Extended Service Set(ESS)
- Distribution system (DS) provides logical
services necessary to handle address-to-destinatio
n mapping and seamless integration of multiple
BSSs - An AP is a STA that provides access to the DS
10Terminology- Interframe Space
- Time interval between frames.
- SIFS Short Interframe Space
- PIFS PCF Interframe Space
- DIFS DCF Interframe Space
- Fixed for each PHY
- Provide priority levels
11IEEE 802.11
- Two coordination functions are defined
- the mandatory Distributed Coordination Function
( DCF) based on CSMA/CA - optional Point Coordination Function (PCF) based
on poll-and-response mechanism. - Most of todays 802.11 devices operate in the DCF
mode only.
12Distributed Coordination Function ( DCF)
- Possible in both Infrastructure and Ad hoc mode
- Known as Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) - Used During Contention period (CP)
- DCF can support best-effort services , not any
QoS guarantees.
13Basic Access Mechanism-CSMA/CA
- Sense the medium before transmitting.
- If the medium is not busy, the transmission may
proceed. - If the medium is busy, invoke backoff procedure.
- Transmit after the backoff procedure
- If the transmission is not successful, invoke
backoff procedure.
14Virtual Carrier Sense Mechanism
- Network Allocation Vector (NAV)
- Set NAV based on duration information (available
in MAC header, RTS, CTS) - NAV counts down to zero at a uniform rate.
- IF NAV0, medium is idle otherwise, it is busy.
15Basic Access Mechanism-CSMA/CA
16Example of backoff intervals
17IEEE 802.11 DCF (cont.)
- BackoffTime Random() aSlotTime
- where
- Random( ) 0, CW
- CWmin CW CWmax.
- aSlotTime fixed for each PHY
- CWnew (CWold 1) PF 1 (where PF2)
- PF Persistence Factor
18A example of CW
19Other Collision Avoidance Mechanism RTS/CTS
- Hidden Terminal Problem
- Hidden Terminal are STAs that the receiver can
hear but that cannot be detected by other
senders. - In order to solve the problem,a optional RTS/CTS
is introduced. - The source sends a short RTS frame before each
data transmission,and the receiver replies with a
CTS frame if it is ready to receive.
20Basic access scheme v.s RTS/CTS access scheme
21Point Coordination Function (PCF) Optional in
- Used during Contention-Free Period (CFP)
- A single AP controls access to the medium, and a
Point Coordinator (PC) Agent resides in the AP. - AP polls each station for data, and after a given
time interval moves to the next station. - No stations are allowed to transmit unless it is
polled. - AP could have a priority scheme for stations.
- PCF is useful for time-sensitive applications.
23IEEE Legacy 802.11 MAC
- SuperFrame consists of Contention Period (CP) and
Contention Free Period (CFP). - PCF used during CFP and DCF used during CP.
24QoS Limitations of 802.11
- DCF (Distributed Coordination Function)
- Only support best-effort services
- No guarantee in bandwidth, packet delay and
jitter - Throughput degradation in the heavy load
- PCF (Point Coordination Function)
- Inefficient central polling scheme
- Unpredictable beacon frame delay due to
incompatible cooperation between CP and CFP modes - Transmission time of the polled stations is
difficult to control
25IEEE 802.11e Overview
- New terminology
- QAP QoS Access Point
- QSTA QoS Station
- HC Hybrid Coordinator
- In order to support QoS in 802.11 WLAN , 802.11e
has defined a new mechanism , namely, Hybrid
Coordination Function (HCF). - HCF is implemented by all QAPs and QSTAs
- HCF has two access mechanisms
- Contention based
- Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA)
- Controlled channel access
- HCF Controlled Channel Access (HCCA)
26IEEE 802.11e MAC frame format
27IEEE 802.11e Overview - Enhanced distributed
channel access (EDCA)
- EDCA defines four Access Categories (AC)
- Background
- Best Effort
- Voice
- Video
- EDCA supports 8 User Priority (UP) values
- Priority values (0 to 7) identical to the IEEE
802.1D priorities - Rules
- One UP belongs to one AC
- Each AC may contains more than one UP
- Traffic of higher UP will be transmitted first in
one AC
28IEEE 802.11e Overview-User Priority (UP)
- 8 User Priority
- Identical to IEEE 802.1D priority tags.
29Basic concepts Transmission opportunity (TXOP)
- Time interval permitted for a particular STA to
transmit packets. - During the TXOP, there can be a series of frames
transmitted by an STA separated by SIFS. - TXOP types
- EDCA TXOP initiation
- Obtained by winning a successful EDCF contention
- Obtained by receiving a QoS CF-poll frame from
the QAP
30802.11e EDCF Access Category
- EDCF defines access category (AC) mechanism to
support the priority mechanism at the non-AP
QSTAs. - Each QSTA has four ACs.
- An AC is an enhanced variant of the DCF which
contends for transmission opportunity (TXOP)
using the set of parameters such as CWminAC,
CWmaxAC, AIFSAC, etc. - Each AC queue works as an independent DCF STA and
uses its backoff parameter. - In EDCA, the size of Contention-Window (CW) and
Inter-frame space (IFS) is dependent on AC
31EDCA Accessing the medium
- EDCA use different IFSs
- SIFS ACKs, between multiple frames with the
continuation EDCA TXOP - DIFS / AIFS Used by DCF and EDCA for different
access categories
32EDCF - Arbitration Interframe Space (AIFS)
- QSTA use AIFS to defer the contention window or
transmission for each AC - AIFSAC AIFSNACx aSlotTime aSIFTime
- AIFSN for each AC is broadcast via beacon frame
containing EDCA Parameter Setelement - DIFS 2 x aSlotTime aSIFTime
33EDCF Some elements of the Beacon frame
34Default EDCF Parameter Set
35EDCA details
- Each AC has own
- Interframe space AIFS
- Backoff Counter (BO)
- CWmin, CWmax, CW
- TXOP limit
- QSTA listens beacon frames to receive this
information - Each QSTA implements own queues for each AC
traffic - From the queues the frame with the highest
priority is sent if internal collision happens
36Legacy 802.11 station and 802.11e station with
four ACs within one station.
37802.11e HCCA Overview - Hybrid Coordination
- Designed to increase efficiency by reducing the
contention on the medium - Uses polling
- Like PCF
- Thus, HCCA can send polling both under CFP and
CP - PCF Only polling in CP
- Specifically assigned transmit times for every
frame - Enables QoS guarantees
38802.11e HCCA (cont.)
- Has higher priority than EDCA .Under HCCA,
HC(Hybrid Coordinator) has full controll over the
wireless medium - If HC needs it, it could take over the controll
of the medium by sending a QoS CF-Poll
39802.11e HCCA (cont.)
- Differences between hybrid coordinator (HC) and
point coordinator (PC) - HC can poll QSTAs in both CP and CFP
- HC grants a polled TXOP to one QSTA, which
restricts the duration of the QSTAs access to
the medium.
40An example of an 802.11e superframe
41Improve Efficiency 802.11e
- Block Acknowledgment
- Send multiple MSDUs without a bunch of ACKs
- Group ACK
- Direct Link Protocol (LDP)
- No support for DLP in legacy MAC Needs to talk
through the AP - Less use of the channel
- The STAs is enable to talk directly to each other
- Sounds easy, lots of things to think about
- Power saving
- Security
42Simulation-QoS , does it work?
- EDCF Parameters for three queues
43Throughput and delay performance for EDCF
- EDCF maintains the throughput of high-priority
audio and video flows by punishing the background
44Comparison of total throughput between EDCF and
- The total throughput of EDCF is lower than that
of DCF when the traffic load is larger than
48EDCF reduces the throughput of low-priority
flows considerable and therefore results in
decreasing the total throughput.
45Mean delay of audio,CBR video versus channel load
for EDCF and HCF
- The result show that the HCF controlled channel
access mechanism can guarantee the minimum delay
requierment(50ms) for the admitted flows in
different load rate - EDCF works very well under low load conditions
but suffers from delay degradation in high-load
- Qiang Ni, Lamia Romdhani, and Thierry Turletti.
"A Survey of QoS Enhancements for IEEE 802.11
Wireless LAN". Wiley Journal of Wireless
Communication and Mobile Computing (JWCMC), John
Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2004 Volume 4, Issue 5
547-566. - Analysis of IEEE 802.11e for QoS support in
wireless LANsMangold, S. Sunghyun Choi
Hiertz, G.R. Klein, O. Walke, B.Wireless
Communications, IEEE Volume 10, Issue 6, Dec.
2003 Page(s)40 - 50 - Yu-Sun Liu Ph. D. WLAN????
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