CES 510 Intelligent System Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CES 510 Intelligent System Design


CES 510 Intelligent System Design B. Ravikumar Department of Engg Science 116 I Darwin Hall 664 3335 ravi93_at_gmail.com Textbook Chris Manning and Hinrich Shutze ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CES 510 Intelligent System Design

CES 510 Intelligent System Design
B. Ravikumar Department of Engg Science 116 I
Darwin Hall 664 3335 ravi93_at_gmail.com
  • Chris Manning and Hinrich Shutze, Foundations of
    Statistical Natural Language Processing, MIT
    Press, 1999.
  • Various supplementary readings.
  • Other Useful Books
  • Jurafsky Martin, SPEECH and LANGUAGE
    PROCESSING An Introduction to Natural Language
    Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech

  • Overview of Artificial Intelligence
  • major applications
  • image processing and vision
  • robotics
  • game playing
  • speech recognition
  • natural language understanding
  • etc.

What is Artificial Intelligence(John McCarthy ,
Basic Questions)
  • What is artificial intelligence?
  • It is the science and engineering of making
    intelligent machines, especially intelligent
    computer programs. It is related to the similar
    task of using computers to understand human
    intelligence, but AI does not have to confine
    itself to methods that are biologically
  • Yes, but what is intelligence?
  • Intelligence is the computational part of the
    ability to achieve goals in the world. Varying
    kinds and degrees of intelligence occur in
    people, many animals and some machines.
  • Isn't there a solid definition of intelligence
    that doesn't depend on relating it to human
  • Not yet. The problem is that we cannot yet
    characterize in general what kinds of
    computational procedures we want to call
    intelligent. We understand some of the mechanisms
    of intelligence and not others.
  • More in http//www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/whatis

What is Artificial Intelligence?
  • Human-like (How to simulate humans intellect and
    behavior on by a machine.)
  • Mathematical problems (puzzles, games, theorems)
  • Common-sense reasoning (if there is
    parking-space, probably illegal to park)
  • Expert knowledge lawyers, medicine, diagnosis
  • Social behavior
  • Rational-like
  • achieve goals, have performance measure

What is Artificial Intelligence
  • Thought processes
  • The exciting new effort to make computers think
    .. Machines with minds, in the full and literal
    sense (Haugeland, 1985)
  • Behavior
  • The study of how to make computers do things at
    which, at the moment, people are better. (Rich,
    and Knight, 1991)

The automation of activities that we associate
with human thinking, activities such as
decision-making, problem solving, learning
The Turing Test(Can Machine think? A. M. Turing,
  • Requires
  • Natural language
  • Knowledge representation
  • Automated reasoning
  • Machine learning
  • (vision, robotics) for full test

What is AI?
  • Turing test (1950)
  • Requires
  • Natural language
  • Knowledge representation
  • automated reasoning
  • machine learning
  • (vision, robotics.) for full test
  • Thinking humanly
  • Introspection, the general problem solver (Newell
    and Simon 1961)
  • Cognitive sciences
  • Thinking rationally
  • Logic
  • Problems how to represent and reason in a domain
  • Acting rationally
  • Agents Perceive and act

History of AI
  • McCulloch and Pitts (1943)
  • Neural networks that learn
  • Minsky (1951)
  • Built a neural net computer
  • Darmouth conference (1956)
  • McCarthy, Minsky, Newell, Simon met,
  • Logic theorist (LT)- proves a theorem in
    Principia Mathematica-Russel.
  • The name Artficial Intelligence was coined.
  • 1952-1969
  • GPS- Newell and Simon
  • Geometry theorem prover - Gelernter (1959)
  • Samuel Checkers that learns (1952)
  • McCarthy - Lisp (1958), Advice Taker, Robinsons
  • Microworlds Integration, block-worlds.
  • 1962- the perceptron convergence (Rosenblatt)

The Birthplace of Artificial Intelligence, 1956
  • Darmouth workshop, 1956 historical meeting of
    the perceived founders of AI met John McCarthy,
    Marvin Minsky, Alan Newell, and Herbert Simon.
  • A Proposal for the Dartmouth Summer Research
    Project on Artificial Intelligence. J. McCarthy,
    M. L. Minsky, N. Rochester, and C.E. Shannon.
    August 31, 1955. "We propose that a 2 month, 10
    man study of artificial intelligence be carried
    out during the summer of 1956 at Dartmouth
    College in Hanover, New Hampshire. The study is
    to proceed on the basis of the conjecture that
    every aspect of learning or any other feature of
    intelligence can in principle be so precisely
    described that a machine can be made to simulate
    it." And this marks the debut of the term
    "artificial intelligence.

History, continued
  • 1966-1974 a dose of reality
  • Problems with computation
  • 1969-1979 Knowledge-based system
  • Expert systems
  • DendralInferring molecular structures
  • Mycin diagnosing blood infections
  • Prospector recomending exploratory drilling
  • 1986-present return to neural networks
  • Machine learning theory
  • Genetic algorithms, genetic programming
  • Statistical approaches and data mining

State of the art
  • Deep Blue defeated the reigning world chess
    champion Garry Kasparov in 1997
  • Proved a mathematical conjecture (Robbins
    conjecture) unsolved for decades
  • No hands across America (driving autonomously 98
    of the time from Pittsburgh to San Diego)
  • During the 1991 Gulf War, US forces deployed an
    AI logistics planning and scheduling program that
    involved up to 50,000 vehicles, cargo, and people
  • NASA's on-board autonomous planning program
    controlled the scheduling of operations for a
  • Proverb solves crossword puzzles better than most
  • DARPA grand challenge 2003-2005, Robocup

Whats involved in Intelligence?Intelligent
  • Ability to interact with the real world
  • to perceive, understand, and act
  • e.g., speech recognition and understanding and
  • e.g., image understanding
  • e.g., ability to take actions, have an effect
  • Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Planning
  • modeling the external world, given input
  • solving new problems, planning and making
  • ability to deal with unexpected problems,
  • Learning and Adaptation
  • we are continuously learning and adapting
  • our internal models are always being updated
  • e.g. a baby learning to categorize and recognize

Course overview
  • Intelligent systems are autonomous systems
    (hardware / software or a combination) that
    behaves as if it exhibits some form of
  • Concept goes back to Alan Turing who thought
    about machine intelligence and devised Turing
    test to distinguish a machine from a human
    through interaction.
  • Some major areas
  • Symbolic information processing deductive
  • Game playing chess, backgammon etc.
  • natural language understanding answering
    queries, translation, text classification etc.
  • Machine learning - adaptive behavior through
  • Neural networks
  • Statistical modeling
  • Fuzzy logic, genetic programming etc.

Course overview
  • In this course we will introduce statistical
    techniques for inferring structure from text. The
    aim of the course is to introduce existing
    techniques in statistical NLP and to stimulate
    thought into bettering these.
  • Applications of NLP
  • Information Retrieval
  • Information Extraction
  • Natural language interface to database
  • Statistical Machine Translation

  • Probability Theory
  • Information Theory
  • Algorithms
  • Data Structures
  • Probabilistic AI
  • Grammars and automata

The Steps in NLP
The steps in NLP (Cont.)
  • Morphology Concerns the way words are built up
    from smaller meaning bearing units.
  • Syntax concerns how words are put together to
    form correct sentences and what structural role
    each word has.
  • Semantics concerns what words mean and how these
    meanings combine in sentences to form sentence
  • Pragmatics concerns how sentences are used in
    different situations and how use affects the
    interpretation of the sentence.
  • Discourse concerns how the immediately preceding
    sentences affect the interpretation of the next

Parsing (Syntactic Analysis)
  • Assigning a syntactic and logical form to an
    input sentence
  • uses knowledge about word and word meanings
  • uses a set of rules defining legal structures
  • (S (NP (NAME Sam))
  • (VP (V ate)
  • (NP (ART the)
  • (N apple))))
  • I made her duck.

Word Sense Resolution
  • Many words have many meanings or senses.
  • We need to resolve which of the senses of an
    ambiguous word is invoked in a particular use of
    the word.
  • I made her duck. (made her a bird for lunch or
    made her move her head quickly downwards?)

Reference Resolution
  • Domain Knowledge (banking transaction)
  • Discourse Knowledge
  • World Knowledge
  • U I would like to open a fixed deposit account.
  • S For what amount?
  • U Make it for 800 dollars.
  • S For what duration?
  • U What is the interest rate for 3 months?
  • S Six percent.
  • U Oh good then make it for that duration.

Why NLP is difficult?
  • Different ways of Parsing a sentence
  • Word category ambiguity
  • Word sense ambiguity
  • Words can mean more than their sum of parts (The
    Times of India)
  • Imparting world knowledge is difficult ("the blue
    pen ate the ice-cream")
  • Fictitious worlds ("people on mars can fly")
  • Defining scope ("people like ice-cream," does
    this mean all people like ice cream?)
  • Language is changing and evolving
  • Complex ways of interaction between the kinds of
  • exponential complexity at each point in using the

Inferring Knowledge from text
  • Words
  • word frequencies
  • collocations
  • word sense
  • n-grams (words appear in certain order)
  • Grammar
  • word categories
  • syntactic structure
  • Discourse
  • Sentence meanings
  • Applications
  • Information Retrieval
  • Information Extraction
  • Natural language interface
  • Statistical Machine Translation

Simple Applications
  • Word counters (wc in UNIX)
  • Spell Checkers, grammar checkers
  • Predictive Text on mobile handsets

More significant Applications
  • Intelligent computer systems
  • NLU interfaces to databases
  • Computer aided instruction, automatic graders
  • Information retrieval
  • Intelligent Web searching
  • Data mining
  • Machine translation
  • Speech recognition
  • Natural language generation
  • Question answering

Spoken Dialogue System
Us e r
Parts of the Spoken Dialogue System
  • Signal Processing
  • Convert the audio wave into a sequence of feature
  • Speech Recognition
  • Decode the sequence of feature vectors into a
    sequence of words.
  • Semantic Interpretation
  • Determine the meaning of the words.
  • Discourse Interpretation
  • Understand what the user intends by interpreting
    utterances in context.
  • Dialogue Management
  • Determine system goals in response to user
    utterances based on user intention.
  • Speech Synthesis
  • Generate synthetic speech as a response.

Levels of Sophistication in a Dialogue System
  • Touch-tone replacement
  • System Prompt "For checking information, press
    or say one."
  • Caller Response "One."
  • Directed dialogue
  • System Prompt "Would you like checking account
    information or rate information?"

    Caller Response "Checking", or
    "checking account," or "rates."
  • Natural language
  • System Prompt "What transaction would you like
    to perform?"
  • Caller Response "Transfer Rs. 500 from
    checking to savings."
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