Title: Development of Abdomen Compression Measurement Sensors
1Development of Abdomen Compression Measurement
- T. Shams, N. Rangarajan, J. Rowe, H. Conner
- GESAC, Inc
- Usefulness of compression as injury measure
- some limitations of current methods
- Exploring alternative measurement methods
- Hall sensors
- packaging, calibration, response
- Shape sensors
- Flex sensors
- packaging, calibration, response
- Discussion
- Current work
3Measuring Abdomen Compression
- Compression measure important in abdomen injury
assessment - Maximum compression, V.C, Vmax.Cmax
- (Cavanaugh, Viano, Rouhana, etc)
- Current measurement methods
- Pressure (Mooney)
- Stringpots (e.g Thor)
- Fluid resistance (Rouhana)
- Limitations of current methods
- relies on measuring deflections at a points
- may miss location of maximum deflection
- reliability under oblique loading may not be
optimum - no reliable method for measuring in children
4Exploring Alternative Methods
- Looked at several alternative methods
- Hall sensors
- They can measure relative rotations of a small
section up to /- 40 deg - Number of sensors can be used to measure
deformation of linear strip - Shape sensor
- Measure displacement at end of flexible beam due
to delay in transmission of light beam - Resistive flex sensors
- Depends on change of resistivity when a flex
sensor is bent - Can be used to measure average curvature of small
5Hall Sensor-Description
- Sensor is small - lt 0.5 cm
- Voltage output proportional to relative distance
between magnet and sensor - high level signal
- function of distance or angle
- Easily available
- Can be programmed
- Sensitivity
- Range
- Temperature coefficients
6Hall Sensor-Mounting Calibration
- Evaluated sensor response for various geometries
- Relative location
- Relative angle
- Decided on hinge mechanism for mounting sensor
magnet - Developed calibration fixture for obtaining
calibration data
7Hall Sensor-Calibration Fit
- Shows good linear fit between 25 deg and 25
deg - Correlation gt 0.99
- Shows excellent cubic fit between 40 deg and
40deg - Correlation gt 0.9999
- Normally, will program best range sensitivity
for individual sensors - Excellent repeatability
- variation lt 0.1
8Hall Sensor-Packaging for Abdomen
- Built bands with 3-7 sensors
- Used flexible strips with low stretchability
- Fit into groove cut into abdomen foam
- Tested with disk and rod impactors
9Hall Sensor-Quasi-Static Response
- In quasi-static loading, voltage output from
sensors at different locations reflected local
curvature - Output lagged behind LVDT but reached peaks at
same time - Calculated deflection using calibration values
similar to LVDT
10Hall Sensor-Dynamic Response
- In dynamic loading, similar situation
- Initial and final lag
- Computed peak below external measurement
- Peak also appears more smoothed out
11Hall Sensor-Limitations
- Problems
- Proper sizing and mounting of hinges
- Found adhesive that would work with PVC material
and Urethane strip - Mounting of strip
- Strip had lag in following foam deformation
- Tends to move away from foam after impact
- Flexibility of strip requires additional
tension-interferes with foam stiffness
12Shape Sensor-Description
- Available from Measurand, Inc (Canada)
- Has processing box attached
- Tested with angular calibration fixture
13Shape Sensor-Calibration Limitations
- Shows reasonable linear fit between 90 deg and
90 deg - Limitations
- Requires multiple sensor array to cover perimeter
of abdomen - Much more expensive
- Requires separate processing box, especially for
high speed applications - Previous user experience indicated special
procedures for using with soft foam substrates
14Flex Sensor-Description
- Resistive flexible sensor
- Resistive layer painted, usually on Mylar backing
- Conductive sections painted on one side
- Resistance proportional to amount of bending
- Obtained from electronic stores
- Used in data gloves
- Inexpensive
- Longer strips can be made
15Flex Sensor-Calibration Procedure
- Calibration
- Using various radii wooden templates
- Get voltage output as function of curvature (or
radius) - End point at location of solder tabs can cause
16Flex Sensor-Calibration Fit-1
- Calibration graph
- Each segment appears fairly linear after initial
low slope - ( 0.1 (1/in) curvature)
- Linearity depends on uniformity of conductive
sections - Better fit over longer segments
17Flex Sensor-Calibration Fit-2
- Multi-segment strips show some variation between
segments - Quadratic (with flat as zero) shows best fit
- R2 0.99
18Flex Sensor-Preliminary Testing
- Tested using small foam components
- Horizontal vertical orientations of sensors
- Quasi-static
- Impact speeds 1 3 m/s
- Impactor mass 3 5 kg
- External displacement measured by LVDT
19Flex Sensor-Preliminary Results
- Preliminary results show
- Peak deflection and peak time predicted within
/- 5 - Unloading occurs more rapidly
- With two strips, the peak deflections show
similar time histories
20Flex Sensor-Testing with Infant Dummy
- Testing with Aprica 3.4 kg infant dummy
- Disk and cylindrical impactors
- Tested in horizontal and vertical configurations
- Tested with two or three strips
21Flex Sensor-Results with Infant Dummy
- Comparison with LVDT
- Small initial lag
- General agreement in time
- Peak underestimated
- Faster unloading
- Two parallel strips show good agreement
22Flex Sensor-Offset Testing
- Offset impacts with rod
- Expected variation with distance
- No internal stringpot to measure deflection
- Both Hall sensors and Flex sensors show promise
as possible instruments for measuring dynamic
compression - end conditions need to be addressed
- Hall sensors
- with proper mounting, show good calibration fit
(cubic fit) and repeatability (R2 gt 0.9999) - problem with maintaining contact with abdomen
surface - still need proper procedure for stringing array
of sensors into linear strip
- Flex sensors
- can be obtained as strip- eliminating
difficulties in construction - calibration fit not as precise as Hall (quadratic
fit) - R2 0.99 - good repeatability
- problems in securely attaching additional wire
contacts along length - ends tend to rebound faster, making unloading
appear faster - smaller strips ( 4.5 in 9 in) are appropriate
size for child abdomens - can be mounted in horizontal and vertical
25Current Work
- Selecting optimum length and number of segments
for use in different abdomen sizes including
infant dummy - Verifying measurements under oblique and offset
impacts - Improving computation procedure with variable end
- We would like to thank
- Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan
- for funding this work